[01:10:37] Do you mean something like [this](https://meta.miraheze.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=edit) [01:18:38] Hmm [01:18:50] LOL just noticed your pfp says io uring [01:25:44] Just found a fandom guide on it https://help.fandom.com/wiki/Visual_Studio_Code. Apparently it supports logging in, pulling a page from the wiki, and then saving your edits without leaving VS Code. [01:32:44] Yep. Sometimes I sprinkle *nix references in my profiles (e.g. `posix_memalign`) [01:33:14] Are you a Unix or Linux fun :ferrisballSweat: [01:43:29] I use all 3 OSes personally. I just happen to deal with Linux a lot for work and have never interacted with Windows or macOS at a low level. [01:44:07] Wdym all 3 oses ? Linux, FreeBSD, OpenBSD ? [01:44:19] Linux, DragonflyBSD, HaikuOS? [01:46:04] LOL that's a good one. I've never dealt with BSD myself, though I used to have a PS4, so in some sense I've used a BSD derivative. [01:46:54] Ah [01:47:14] We unfortunately have to only use Linux, though we are trying to learn Windows. We did daily FreeBSD on our achool lappy tho. [01:54:53] Mostly since we are too poor for macOS and too stupid for Windows [02:06:19] That's pretty cool. I wish more schools did that. Apart from Linux being free in both senses of the word, it makes programming a lot easier. We spent so much time helping students set up a proper development environment because they are using Windows and don't have convenient access to `gcc`. [02:06:55] Anyways this is probably not the best channel to talk about OS choices. [02:09:56] did we get any closer to figuring out https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13157? [02:10:13] this bug is getting on my nerves [02:10:33] huuuh, that string is in MirahezeFunctions! [02:10:39] no wonder i couldn't find it in core [02:14:15] hhh if only we had a human shell.php [02:18:30] hmm, i wonder if it's a server-specific thing [02:24:41] seems to be: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13157#263937 [02:39:51] [1/2] Lappy came with Windows, we installed FreeBSD on it ourselves haha [02:39:52] [2/2] Then the dumbass IT technician, when we gave it to them since the laptop broke to fix the hardware, just decided to delete the OS and install Windows on it [02:40:04] Oh? [02:48:20] can't figure out what fucky wucky the cache is experiencing without poking it myself >_> [05:06:19] Interesting blog post i found from the team at Pyro, the company that does hosting for https://modrinth.gg (the server hosting service at the now i think most popular Minecraft mod distribution site, https://modrinth.com) [05:06:27] https://pyro.engineering/posts/january-modrinth-servers-security-transparency-report [05:06:42] Interesting to look at from a security PoV [05:06:50] Some big Ls though [22:16:49] 2 new tickets, I'm ramping up lmao [22:18:08] If any tech team/anyone who does issue triage on Phorge has any issues with my tickets or ways I could improve on writing them let me know. I try to be thorough to hopefully make the bug squashing as easy for you all as possible but if there is some front I can improve on, I'd like to [22:24:35] oh well, I guess one of those issues got fixed, guess its the low space on cp37 that paladox just cleaned [22:28:42] Regarding that recent one, the ticket is good. Just as an FYI we know about that one but don't know whats causing it atm [22:29:17] The url is correct in CF et al but its still going to the wrong place for some people [22:30:37] just for some people? wow [22:30:59] Yeah, goes to the right place for a few of us [22:31:03] Is Cloudflare having some kind of ancient cache for itself or what, strange. [22:31:14] Good to know, thanks for feedback! [22:31:15] Iirc both paladox, i, and @rhinosf1 get the correct link [22:31:35] (Which maybe means its cache cos we are all in the UK and probably hitting the same CF edge) [22:31:46] Ticket is well written btw [22:32:14] The best thing you can do Frisk to be honest is join tech and help solve the issue πŸ™‚ [22:32:26] Otherwise we'll get to it [22:32:31] or break things [22:32:35] Joke πŸ˜‰ [22:32:58] Only half joking [22:33:00] @originalauthority [22:33:12] why did discord change its UI too [22:33:17] You said it not me  [22:33:21] Not changed for me? [22:33:40] When I do @ the list of names that comes up is padded less [22:33:45] It used to be bigger [22:35:12] Well, I'll be honest, I'm trying to get into things in here in part because I want to do more. Been a wiki user for a while on various platforms, I always vibed with Miraheze mission. I honestly wouldn't mind helping out more directly in Miraheze's volunteer tech department, but I feel like to do that I should start contributing and getting recognizable more which is what I'm doing now haha [22:36:51] We'd love to have you [22:37:02] Have you seen Pix's TC 101 guide Frisk ? [22:37:13] Can't say I have [22:38:15] Frisk: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:PixDeVl/TC_101 [22:38:37] nice, I'll start reading then :> [22:38:41] Thanks [22:41:06] would be nice to see more fresh blood in the system [22:45:20] Gotta say, while PHP scares me, I do have experience in breaking things and also not very long 1 year as server admin in professional setting and much more in hobbyist server administration, and seeing every-day issues Miraheze tech does deal with, to me it does feel like I could be of use. [22:47:05] The fact I already requested a lot for the wiki I helped fork doesn't help with my feeling of guilt too hahaha [22:50:59] Oh it’s PHP totally valid [22:51:52] I did some small PHP scripts in technical school, I hated it. => in syntax gives me nightmares. [22:54:04] Frisk: you can like PHP? [22:54:17] Didn't know that was possible [22:56:27] :D I don't know, but I always felt there are PHP enthusiasts ready to defend their clearly best web scripting language in existence from the slander of haters. Or at least I felt my teacher liked it. Who knows. [22:59:11] PHP enthusiast? That is me. [23:01:50] > I advise the latter. Anyways, once you find the right line [23:01:51] (of course the linked line is already outdated) [23:06:07] Hmm, are the changes and PRs done on GitHub and then phorge repos are just mirroring GitHub repos? [23:06:24] Yup [23:06:37] gotcha