[14:44:13] Can someone slap a certain config onto ManageWiki on beta to test something out? [15:06:09] ```If you see any reports of UK based customers being unable to access custom domains registered with GoDaddy and using their dns, this is due to issues with one of the UK's largest ISPs being a twat. For further information, they can contact their ISP.``` - mentioned by @rhinosf1 [16:12:35] @reception123 ^ (the previous list I found was not it after all) [16:12:55] Ah, I'm only mobile today I'm afraid 😦 [16:14:00] https://tenor.com/view/lmfao-lmao-laughing-laughing-hysterically-laughing-and-crying-gif-17366703318476009053 [16:14:17] I guess refactoring prod on mobile has only been unlocked by CA [16:33:17] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5824 [16:42:13] @urbanecm any chance you can help me with a failing CI? [16:49:16] or @originalauthority [16:52:27] Go on [16:53:07] https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/mediawiki/extensions/SocialProfile/+/1119811?tab=checks [16:53:24] [1/14] `16:39:23 There was 1 error: [16:53:24] [2/14] 16:39:23 [16:53:24] [3/14] 16:39:23 1) MediaWiki\CheckUser\Tests\Integration\Investigate\SpecialInvestigateBlockTest::testOnSubmitOneUserTargetWithNotices [16:53:24] [4/14] 16:39:23 Error: Call to a member function getContentOrThrow() on null [16:53:25] [5/14] 16:39:23 [16:53:25] [6/14] 16:39:23 /workspace/src/extensions/CheckUser/tests/phpunit/integration/Investigate/SpecialInvestigateBlockTest.php:144 [16:53:25] [7/14] Logs generated by test [16:53:26] [8/14] 16:39:23 [16:53:26] [9/14] 16:39:23 -- [16:53:26] [10/14] 16:39:23 [16:53:27] [11/14] 16:39:23 There was 1 failure: [16:53:27] [12/14] 16:39:23 [16:53:27] [13/14] 16:39:23 1) PerformanceBudgetTest::testTotalModulesSize [16:53:28] [14/14] 16:39:23 PLEASE DO NOT SKIP THIS TEST. If this is blocking a merge this might signal a potential performance regression with the desktop site.` [16:54:58] I assume SocialProfile is probably not calling that function and something else is? [16:55:08] Which is inadvertently fucking up stuff [16:55:11] CU itself looks fine [16:55:24] CU passes fine [16:56:05] Easy fix [16:56:09] Just remove SP [16:56:18] How bizzare [16:56:25] Idk much about jenkins tho unfortunately [16:56:33] Java is the devil [16:56:34] @originalauthority CI also doesn't I don't think give a full backtrace [16:59:32] hey @paladox, does it make sense to you? [17:00:17] it does [17:00:22] SocialProfile [17:00:45] [1/2] > 16:33:27 The following modules have not declared budgets: [17:00:45] [2/2] > 16:33:27 ext.socialprofile.responsive [17:00:49] what about the CU error too? [17:00:56] there's 1 error and 1 failure [17:00:59] that i think is a transient error [17:01:13] @paladox it's happened multiple times [17:01:30] oh then idk. A bug in the extension? i'm not sure [17:09:24] Someone mind merging this or pulling to beta? [17:26:29] @cosmicalpha went through your review (on mobile lmao) [17:26:38] Resolved everything but https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/pull/605#discussion_r1951864708 [17:26:43] Picky bastard smt [18:33:42] Done [18:33:59] lol everything but the most important one (the syntax error) [18:33:59] Awesome, thanks! [18:34:04] Did puppet run yet [18:34:13] I deployed it to beta [18:34:14] Hey that one actually needed thinking [18:34:25] I could fix the syntax error [18:34:36] The reason I left that was it needed implementation changed [18:34:50] And wasn’t sure how to throw an error and default without looking a bit [18:35:08] I did this on my phone laying on my couch [18:41:19] @pixldev ping when you want me to deploy your config chanhe to prod btw [18:44:56] Kk, if this works it should probably only stay on prod temporarily since this should be upstreamed [18:50:52] This is due to how social profile handles user page logic overrides [18:51:12] Do you know how to fix it [18:51:17] Also how is it 7pm [18:51:22] I should put my pie on [18:51:32] It doesn't have a proper RevisionRecord so when the test in CU calls that on it the revisionrecord is null [18:52:05] Since the CU calls RevisionRecord on a user page in tests [18:52:37] Nope. But I'll look in a bit. I somehow doubt we can though with how SP works right now... [18:52:46] Oh joy [18:52:56] @cosmicalpha fatal on beta [18:53:19] Where [18:53:32] [1/21] >>> [ff8546be3327eb71d47216fa] /wiki/Special:SpecialPages Error: Call to undefined method ValueFormatters\FormatterOptions::withDefaultOption() [18:53:32] [2/21] Backtrace: [18:53:33] [3/21] from /srv/mediawiki/1.44/extensions/Wikibase/lib/includes/Formatters/OutputFormatSnakFormatterFactory.php(92) [18:53:33] [4/21] #0 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/extensions/Wikibase/repo/WikibaseRepo.ServiceWiring.php(1910): Wikibase\Lib\Formatters\OutputFormatSnakFormatterFactory->getSnakFormatter(string, ValueFormatters\FormatterOptions) [18:53:33] [5/21] #1 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/vendor/wikimedia/services/src/ServiceContainer.php(440): Wikimedia\Services\ServiceContainer->{closure}(MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices) [18:53:34] [6/21] #2 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/vendor/wikimedia/services/src/ServiceContainer.php(406): Wikimedia\Services\ServiceContainer->createService(string) [18:53:34] [7/21] #3 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/MediaWikiServices.php(363): Wikimedia\Services\ServiceContainer->getService(string) [18:53:34] [8/21] #4 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/vendor/wikimedia/services/src/ServiceContainer.php(414): MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices->getService(string) [18:53:35] [9/21] #5 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/vendor/wikimedia/object-factory/src/ObjectFactory.php(204): Wikimedia\Services\ServiceContainer->get(string) [18:53:35] [10/21] #6 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/vendor/wikimedia/object-factory/src/ObjectFactory.php(149): Wikimedia\ObjectFactory\ObjectFactory::getObjectFromSpec(array, array) [18:53:35] [11/21] #7 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(1567): Wikimedia\ObjectFactory\ObjectFactory->createObject(array, array) [18:53:36] [12/21] #8 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(1605): MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory->getPage(string) [18:53:36] [13/21] #9 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/specials/SpecialSpecialPages.php(61): MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory->getUsablePages(MediaWiki\User\User) [18:53:37] [14/21] #10 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/specials/SpecialSpecialPages.php(50): MediaWiki\Specials\SpecialSpecialPages->getPageGroups() [18:53:37] [15/21] #11 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/specialpage/SpecialPage.php(729): MediaWiki\Specials\SpecialSpecialPages->execute(null) [18:53:38] [16/21] #12 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/specialpage/SpecialPageFactory.php(1735): MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPage->run(null) [18:53:38] [17/21] #13 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/actions/ActionEntryPoint.php(503): MediaWiki\SpecialPage\SpecialPageFactory->executePath(string, MediaWiki\Context\RequestContext) [18:53:39] [18/21] #14 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/actions/ActionEntryPoint.php(145): MediaWiki\Actions\ActionEntryPoint->performRequest() [18:53:39] [19/21] #15 /srv/mediawiki/1.44/includes/MediaWikiEntryPoint.php(202): MediaWiki\Actions\ActionEntryPoint->execute() [18:53:40] [20/21] #16 /srv/mediawiki/config/initialise/entrypoints/index.php(98): MediaWiki\MediaWikiEntryPoint->run() [18:53:40] [21/21] #17 {main} [18:54:05] ohh MW core likely needs updated on beta [18:54:12] Brilliant [18:54:28] Beta should probably auto update tbh [18:54:31] It's beta [18:54:37] Who cares if it blows up [18:54:52] And there's only one beta VM so php-fpm restarts are fine [18:55:23] Auto complete on Mobile frontend search is also busted but eh [18:55:40] I put my pie in the air fryer too [18:55:47] I definitely didn't forget what time it was [18:55:53] @originalauthority you should eat too [18:57:26] This WAYYYY too early for food time [18:57:45] It's 7pm [18:57:57] Tbh this is normal for a weekday for me [18:58:07] Late for a weekend since I have lunch earlier on a weekend [18:58:10] https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/namespaces/0#mw-section-namespace [18:58:12] Horrifying [18:59:59] @originalauthority what time do you normally eat? [19:00:19] About 9 [19:00:54] That's far too late, I get a shower about 21:30 and then I go lie in bed [19:02:04] I will talk with Ashley and see if they have any idea as well. They know SP much better than me anyway of course... [19:02:17] Ok [19:02:51] IRC is being unresponsive today though... [19:03:09] I don't really go to bed before midnight so idk eating at that time feels right lol [19:03:55] I'm rarely awake at midnight [19:03:58] Does IRC show me connected? [19:04:04] It still says connecting for me [19:04:11] @cosmicalpha yup [19:04:30] Hmm... it's just not working lol [19:04:35] @originalauthority I went to a festival (basically outside my house) and was back in bed for like 00:30 [19:05:13] Probably just me and my beta apps I use whenever possible (like IRCCloud) lol [19:06:06] I can't remember if I'm on IRCCloud beta still [19:06:13] It kept expiring on iOS [19:15:33] @cosmicalpha another error on beta [19:15:35] An error occurred while loading information for API module "main": [438095ec2c0d78855e7dad3e] Exception caught: Call to undefined method ValueFormatters\FormatterOptions::withDefaultOption() [19:15:47] Thats the same cause [19:17:21] Ah [19:17:25] Just needs an update? [19:18:16] I wish we could just give you beta access @pixldev [19:18:50] We never did move forward with finishing separating did we gah [19:19:27] Nope [19:19:35] PS.php needs to be done according to the task [19:19:36] I mean I’d probably have the NDA by the time that’s done anyways, I just wanna get out of my pile of work from school and soon college application hell before giving myself more ways to procrastinate [19:19:56] You're applying to colleges? [19:20:44] Soon™️ there’s stuff to do before, pick out your picks look into scholarships to not go bankrupt or in debt write a biblical essay about your entire life [19:21:04] College applications in the US are not joke [19:21:06] I remember writing a UCAS personal statement [19:21:21] That was at 17 though [19:21:25] How old are you? [19:23:15] Wait [19:23:31] @cosmicalpha did you pull the change into prod already? [19:23:59] Nope [19:26:04] Huh.. [19:26:15] https://phighting.wiki/Sword?ei=idwidnn [19:26:22] okay.. [19:26:30] let me see something [19:28:33] https://test.mirabeta.org/w/api.php?action=query&format=json&prop=extracts&titles=Sword&formatversion=2&exintro=1&explaintext=1&exsectionformat=plain [19:28:38] i hate mediawiki [19:50:22] beta will go completely down in a second when I update it and hope it doesn't completely break when I do. [19:50:51] why do you think we have beta [19:51:03] So you can test things won't break [19:51:23] Therefore hopefully it doesn't break lol [19:51:51] Because then it's more work for me to fix and I will have to go for a bit in about 40 minutes lol [19:52:17] Beta being up is unusual for the wmf tbh [19:52:41] And if you're testing and not finding issues, you ain't testing hard enough [19:55:12] Okay beta is updated. [19:56:46] @pixldev any change to errors you got? [19:57:54] first one is fine [19:57:59] didnt test the second [20:14:57] @cosmicalpha can you update Mask, DuskToDawn and Refreshed pls [20:15:06] On prod? [20:15:07] Ashley has force merged refreshed [20:15:11] @cosmicalpha yup [20:15:14] Sure [20:15:17] Minor i18n change [20:15:21] @cosmicalpha [20:15:33] oh so rebuild i18n also [20:15:39] Ye [20:16:19] added skinname messages for them [20:16:25] Because Ro is using them on wiki [20:19:00] Done [20:19:09] Well i18n is still in progress [20:21:25] [1/2] Also @cosmicalpha 19:53:52 for the public record: it's been doing so for a while and it's a known issue but I have no idea how to fix it since apparently following the on-wiki "this is how you fix it" guide...doesn't help you to actually fix it ":D" if you know how to fix it or know someone who might understand that stuff more, please feel free to point them to the SP repo [20:21:25] [2/2] and my related patch; but I'm not really losing my night's sleep over that stuff, it's just...what CI is: it [20:22:10] Yeah still can't get IRC Cloud to load lol [20:22:45] I saw the patch so I'll take a look later. [20:29:44] Uh https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox [20:29:47] changed? [20:29:55] work [20:29:57] not so much [20:30:31] I don't seem to have an account on beta anymore lmao [20:30:48] What does it do? [20:30:59] Doesn't show anything to me lol [20:32:07] Yea thats the issue [20:32:15] oh lol [20:32:17] [[Special:ApiSandbox]] [20:32:17] [20:33:08] ah https://test.mirabeta.org/w/load.php?lang=en&modules=startup&only=scripts&raw=1&skin=vector-2022 [20:33:32] what the fuck did cirrus do [20:33:54] It looks like Cirrus changed but not growthexperements to support it? [20:34:29] or not lol [20:34:56] https://github.com/wikimedia/mediawiki-extensions-CirrusSearch/blob/master/includes/CirrusSearchServices.php it exists [20:36:21] ohhh [20:37:55] It seems GrowthExperiments now requires CirrusSearch? But doesn't quite seem intentional... [20:39:09] @pixldev I guess either disabling GrowthExperiments or enabling CirrusSearch would fix it... [20:39:52] and that affect ApiSandbox how [20:40:54] Because it's MediaWiki and completely unrelated things randomly break random places because of random changes that make not to much sense why they don't add more validation checks. [20:41:17] Son of a [20:41:30] It just breaks the resourceloader is why in reality lol [20:41:33] https://test.mirabeta.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/extensions buttons work for you? [20:41:45] Same issue i assume [20:41:49] Why does growth hard depend on Cirrus [20:41:51] @urbanecm [20:41:52] its barred itseld in [20:42:03] I don't have an account on beta still lol [20:42:11] no i mean [20:42:13] the tabs [20:42:21] Someone should make you one [20:42:39] Disable browser javascript temporarily [20:42:55] @pixldev make cosmic a beta account [20:43:05] I could make my own if I really needed lol [20:43:07] I read comic [20:43:22] i also dont know his email LMAO [20:43:57] I can just make it with shell in a bit. [20:44:12] Was beta reset? [20:44:19] I know I used to have an account lol [20:44:30] Yup [20:44:43] Sometime in Jan I think [20:44:50] oh lol [20:45:16] I guess I was away at that time. [20:45:17] Im gonna go sent an email to the federal government brb [20:45:38] yeah you were dying around that time iirc [20:46:07] You can email the government ? [20:46:22] Not sit on hold for an hour to be told the queue is too full [20:48:07] Let’s find out! [20:48:31] This is a contact page for a specific independent government agency [20:48:48] It’s their fault for not making their main .gov website a wiki [20:49:52] Oh, found another typo [20:55:56] @pixldev you want to call most public services in the UK and you need to call within about 5 minutes of opening [20:56:00] Or you're screwed [21:02:52] Im finishing writing so I’ll let you know when NARA replies [21:10:13] Ooh national archives [21:10:19] What do you want from them @pixldev [21:13:01] Their website says you must use Adobe Reader to read PDFs [21:13:36] Seemingly unaware that any browser or OS who was updated after I was born has a native reader [21:18:36] Some PDFs genuinely don't work outside of a proper reader [21:19:13] Like special properties? [21:19:22] The one I tested worked fine [21:19:30] and im on a bloody Chromebook [21:20:13] Still shouldn’t be phrased like that, should clarify that only some need it [21:23:20] Fair [21:23:53] I love reading the FOI requests we get sent [21:23:57] Some are really random [21:24:14] At work? [21:24:30] Ye [21:25:20] cool [21:25:26] I do wish we could refuse journalists fishing to create a drama fest though [21:25:54] Anyways im gonna try and see if i go get some bobo tea latwe [21:26:01] Uh huh [21:27:22] Us civil servants get some abuse from journalists over nothing [21:27:33] What area do you work in again (roughly)? If my memory serves, I wouldn’t expect a lot of drama there [21:28:04] I'm a software engineer for a central government agency [21:28:31] The daily mail don't particularly need anything to be controversial tbh [21:30:12] They'll probably write an article about how many cups of tea we have next @pixldev [21:30:21] :huntersigh: [21:30:44] There are a few newspapers that just evidently don't like us [21:31:21] They will also read the civil service Reddit and report on it like it's official gospel [21:47:03] reddit..? [21:50:45] Ye [21:54:57] archives.gov has real bad UX [22:28:37] PDF supports linux uno [22:28:44] Like you can run linux in a pdf [22:28:48] Found that out the other day [22:29:00] (Apparently only implemented in Acrobat though) [22:31:43] How did you discover that? [22:31:49] And why is that feature needed? [22:31:53] Seen it on TikTok [22:32:10] Idk, they also support JS too but most web browsers disable that feature for PDFs [22:32:32] https://www.zdnet.com/article/linux-running-in-a-pdf-this-hack-is-as-bizarre-as-it-is-brilliant/ [22:33:11] I wanna know who thought that was a good idea