[12:55:18] do we know why cp36 has occasional strokes? [13:14:45] BlankEclair: dos maybe? [13:14:51] cp36 is legacy cp [13:14:56] cp37 is cf [13:14:59] legacy- oh [13:15:03] ah could be... [13:15:07] fucking sucks [13:22:21] CLAIR HAS A DISCORD NOW???? [13:22:29] now you know :3c [13:22:47] congrats on discording 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️ [13:23:04] yw [21:52:18] [1/2] * TECH NEWS [21:52:18] [2/2] Developers of tools that run on-wiki should note that mw.Uri is deprecated. Tools requiring mw.Uri must explicitly declare mediawiki.Uri as a ResourceLoader dependency, and should migrate to the browser native URL API soon. [21:52:58] huh [22:12:33] I've never once had to use mediawiki.Uri useless feature [22:14:59] I will also note that it being in Tech News means it's months off affecting us [22:15:27] Grep all of wiki see if anyone does [22:16:29] that makes sense [22:22:39] ImageMagik doesn't work with PHP 8.4 btw heh [22:23:00] Well it does if you compile from source but eh [22:23:26] Random fact of the day [22:23:27] Pretty sure there's a tool for shell users to grep Wikimedia wikis [22:23:46] Go on [22:23:53] Gimmi [22:24:15] You don't have prod [22:24:32] _grumbles_