[03:24:03] gawd putting the ssh keypair on a fido2 key was harder than i expected [03:24:15] especially with agent caching everything, i had to get askpass working for it too [03:38:04] notaracham: the docusign document doesn't have a textbox on the email field [03:45:08] It should if you check the box for email [03:45:20] omg ty [03:46:22] Welcome aboard Elaina [03:47:06] ty ^_^ [03:49:18] signed [03:49:19] task made: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13272 [03:56:43] somebody should probably update the extension for https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13251 [03:59:07] why is claire back on IRC [03:59:55] because i'm using irc?? [03:59:59] i use both [04:00:18] ohh [04:00:23] i thought like [04:00:27] nobody uses that [04:00:40] i- [04:00:49] RhinosF1 and MacFan4000 be out here like :(( [04:01:18] i find it funny that i'm logged in to hetzner while using my server as a proxy [04:01:23] so i'm managing my server with my server [04:01:46] i use it [04:02:00] Not here much [04:02:13] but for networks and communities that arent relayed [04:02:14] claire should join the irwa server since it just got public.... [04:02:22] like wikimedia stuff and scoutlink [04:02:32] im gonna update the discord links on the website [04:02:46] goood [04:07:24] updated open an issue if there are any dead links [04:16:05] BlankEclair: just an FYI, you'll also need to complete Data privacy trainings when those get sent out [04:21:04] Oh yeah those exist groan [04:38:31] They aren't that hard to do really. Just a little time consuming (will take about an hour to complete) [04:45:46] It's old hat for those who've been in data roles before, but at least makes sure we're all on the same page [04:46:52] ... Claire's totally gonna find an exploit in the training viewer, isn't she? [04:52:29] (request was approved) Welcome aboard BlankEclair! [04:55:33] what [04:55:40] what I've missed [04:56:19] @theoneandonlylegroom BlankEclair joining the tech team [04:56:29] yay [04:56:50] I thought she was already lmao [04:57:28] they had access to extension repos yes, but nothing more than that [04:57:46] > [25/02/2025 15:46] ... Claire's totally gonna find an exploit in the training viewer, isn't she? [04:57:49] that would be hilarious [05:03:59] claire you should join the uhh roblox wikis server [05:04:04] oh wait this isnt general [05:17:23] til that we have wikitide.com [05:17:42] We have a lot of domains lol [05:18:00] Including Wiki.surf, I think [05:18:11] Which is one of my favorites. [05:18:15] wikitide.com was the original main domain of legacy wikitide IIRC [05:18:19] Yep we do [05:18:35] now i gotta deal with the onslaught of having to get everything properly up and running [05:19:03] blankeclair@wikitide.net joins my ten other email addresses [05:29:50] Better than me lol. I have many more [05:30:03] Like 15-20 lol [05:30:39] impressive??? [05:32:09] Not exactly lol [05:32:25] Perhaps in a bad way. I can never find what I need... [05:32:29] lol [05:33:38] your battery drain would be impressive lol [05:47:50] I thankfully only have 4ish that I actively use, maybe... 8-9 total? [05:52:32] > 10:33 PM <+ BlankEclair> your battery drain would be impressive lol [05:52:33] I turn sync off so have to manually reload lol [05:54:33] ah okay [05:56:46] Hahaha damn it it didn't take long. [05:57:05] "this video player sucks, i wonder if i can use mpv" [05:57:11] "oh yep, it works, without auth even" [05:57:22] "hmm... this url seems awfully easy to guess" [05:57:31] "oh you can see a list of all the files" [12:23:51] 502 Cloudflare [12:23:58] Several cp's down [12:35:54] dont tell me she did it [13:38:44] BlankEclair: I’m actually gonna cry my school make us use a site for some practice certs and it sent me my password in plain text [13:39:06] pixldev: oh no [13:39:29] > [25/02/2025 23:35] dont tell me she did it [13:39:31] be gay do cri- [13:42:16] It sent user and pass in plain text to login too… [13:42:49] This site is so clunky [13:42:54] I want to burn [15:31:17] How did you expect it to be sent? [15:41:22] Hashed? [15:50:08] i thought passwords are usually hashed on server side, not client side [15:52:45] I don’t recall actually [15:53:00] Although the fact it sent me an email with my password is yikes in itself [15:53:21] Preferably the server should never know I think [15:53:47] yes, that is 100% correct [16:00:11] Yeah... this is unfortunately common in a lot of lower budget/private sites where signup is not really a high priority. Especially LMS/training sites [16:00:33] If they're even halfway decent they'll require you to set a new password after using the login once. [16:01:09] This is not exactly a super small site..: [16:01:32] They use Spring Servlets so I think that’s sailed [16:01:49] Hahahaha, oh man, is it college board? [16:02:14] SHOCKINGLY NO [16:02:21] Not thaaaat big [16:02:34] Burn college board burn [16:02:40] They had some godawful security back when I was applying for college/AP exams [16:02:42] It’s NIMS [16:02:51] https://www.nims-skills.org/ [16:03:00] So not super big [16:03:29] College board has only ever had one priority I believe [16:03:34] 🤑 [16:04:43] Oh yeah, I have totally used NIMS for a job trainning thingy [16:04:58] Hope you used a unique password [16:05:17] I complained at the start of class about making a new account and my friend told me to just reuse one [16:05:30] That was a decently satisfying I told you so 30 minutes later [16:07:07] curious what Claire would make of it [16:07:15] Besides carnage [16:44:24] Passwords are sent over https plain text [16:45:31] [1/7] The way it works [16:45:32] [2/7] - create an account [16:45:32] [3/7] - password is hashed, this is a one way function so there is no way to get that password back [16:45:32] [4/7] - you log in [16:45:33] [5/7] - password is sent in plain text to the backend [16:45:33] [6/7] - backend hashes the password again with the same salt etc [16:45:33] [7/7] - compare if the hash that was generated is the same as the one in the database, if it matches exactly, its the same password, if not, its not [23:42:02] https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/6ZRT4V5KA7JVJ6FXLJHAMII3MXVOZGYH/ [23:42:06] Thanks Frisk for this [23:43:01] extended thanks to whoever runs MediaWiki account on Fediverse https://wikis.world/@mediawiki/114066962701191277 [23:43:36] oh right, forgot they have fancy process/script for doing that as a community [23:43:45] lol [23:44:05] https://masto-collab.toolforge.org/ [23:44:06] i suspected Sammy but i also can’t recall anyone else with access [23:44:07] really cool