[00:55:47] @agentisai does special:import direct people to request import anywhere by chance [00:56:04] wondering if we can have it automatically say sorry this is too big try here [00:56:09] only to use Special:RequestImport on Meta if too big [00:56:39] okay works [00:57:20] $wgImportSizeLimit would be fun if it existed [00:57:20] im gona eat some lasagna [00:57:38] core patch time [00:58:21] i mean it sounds pretty damn easy to add <- does not know that codebase at all [01:22:26] I actually don't understand why ImportDump is even that necessary lol. Why isn't Special:Import done with the jobqueue in a way just like how ImportDump does it... [01:22:41] This actually might be a pretty valid addition to core. [01:22:52] I'd actually truly like such a config option. [01:22:55] that’s actually a very good idea [01:25:46] [1/2] I wonder what if we make all imports go through ImportDump to control the username prefix etc... but fully automate it requiring no manual approval except over a certain size that way we actually achieve or sorta $wgImportSizeLimit alternative lol it also would protect against some wrong imports etc... or wrong users making imports things like that. Random idea that may not even [01:25:46] [2/2] be a good idea though lol. [01:28:00] Will respond in a little bit as I'm not 100% sure myself lol [01:37:43] Cus MediaWiki jobqueue sucks [01:39:16] it is [01:39:47] Could ask in the core dev channel for the mediawiki discord if anyone would object to that [01:40:17] I was thinking of making a phab task for it lol [01:40:47] If they decline it then at least there would be a record there why. [01:42:51] Do it [01:43:02] I would be done to try, if I had time [01:43:26] Speaking of gotta go lockin on work to do deving [12:55:02] [1/3] Can someone look at this Help desk topic? [12:55:02] [2/3] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Help_desk#This_user_User:_AABb1221_cannot_log_in_minkewiki [12:55:02] [3/3] A Fandom wiki moved here, and has edits of an account that later joined Miraheze. That user can't login now. (Failed connection between account and attaching to the wiki?) [12:58:51] If they can log in on one wiki they can try Special:MergeAccount to see if that fixes it. [14:57:17] [1/2] how do I change these to be dark in darkmode? [14:57:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1345771955315544086/image.png?ex=67c5c34d&is=67c471cd&hm=188920e45f9c0d12c489830e5a84ecea61f709a27d7a5c14d7ef1cca5c09ceb2& [15:01:54] [1/2] my advice - let it be [15:01:54] [2/2] ooui elements are pain [15:02:15] 💀 [15:02:23] well, at least how can i invert it [15:06:25] [1/2] now this is some nice suffering [15:06:26] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1345774253659656242/image.png?ex=67c5c571&is=67c473f1&hm=e42b7f4538bed42e2cee385c6b5b08e5835dac9b58801fb4ebd4b394d2d6d3de& [15:44:37] this is borderline impossible. what kind of a sick person came up with ooui [15:45:30] WMF [15:45:38] And even they don’t want to touch it [15:45:42] Hence Codex existing [15:45:48] codex? [15:46:51] OOUI’s successor [15:47:09] They decided to say “fuck it we’re using Vue now’ [15:47:27] {{mw:Codex}} [15:47:29] [15:47:54] any way to remove the cancer that is ooui and replace it with that via settings? [15:48:17] In what [15:48:24] monobook [15:48:26] Is this the RC thing? [15:48:30] Oh [15:48:32] yeah [15:48:47] I’d have thought core already moved to codex [15:48:50] Unless it’s by skin [15:48:54] damn [15:49:00] Let me ask [15:49:32] i tried messing with ooui last year and it resulted in complete failure. now im helping a friend on his wiki to do the exact same thing... and it looks like this will also result in failure [15:50:16] I’ve actually recently been messing with OOUI in a user script [15:50:33] Likely going to rewrite in codex [15:51:49] if you can, mind helping my friend out with his OOUI suffering? [15:52:03] I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IM DOING [15:52:08] d'oh [15:52:09] I barely know JavaScript [15:52:29] I spend [15:52:35] Maybe 5 hours or more [15:52:38] Making this https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/783749057160020028/1344884658458071093/B0K5hPs.png?ex=67c52bf1&is=67c3da71&hm=a228dba44c8fcc128b4ba621d13012d228fd278e11448c10592eb86e4afa2676& [15:52:45] And this is just the UI it don’t work yet [15:53:27] admins: "hopefully my wiki's dark mode will look really nice and sleek" [15:53:29] OOUI: [15:53:30] https://media.tenor.com/QHDIaPngRfoAAAAM/no-absolutely.gif [15:54:00] I know people have done it [15:54:41] Is @jdlrobsonwmf_11167 still here? [15:54:45] Idk if it’s by skin [15:54:50] OOUI is his area I think [15:54:52] Indeed [15:55:20] Jon, my dearest condolences [16:06:16] goddamn fuck this shit [16:06:24] this is the only time ive gotten pissed at anything wiki related [16:07:00] I feel ya [16:07:05] I can't help though [16:28:04] have you considered Themes extension, instead of DarkMode? [16:29:38] Recent changes is still OOUI [16:29:44] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1345795221329281105/image0.jpg?ex=67c5d8f8&is=67c48778&hm=35208a10966b7637f10e24f73bc8e6e4bc643f156ffd19c66c915d949ea5ba77& [16:29:58] :nutmoji: [16:30:05] I believe theres wider discussion about updating the layout of recent changes beforenporting [16:30:11] There is [16:30:21] On Phab [16:30:22] Somewhere [16:32:03] For RC porting to OOUI [17:35:24] That's a perfect quip @pixldev [17:36:25] Objectively the one I link to the most [17:37:47] That bug must be older than you too [17:38:12] Oh not quite that bad [17:39:03] HEY [17:41:13] You know I can't miss an opportunity to have a jab at you for being younger than me [17:42:50] Hush you [17:43:05] I’m gonna have Ro do it to you [17:44:15] Ro is older than most people here [17:44:30] Exactly [17:44:32] He's not even close to me [17:45:31] @pixldev you're only a few years younger than me but you're gonna be Ro's age and I'll still call you a baby [17:45:40] Simply for being close in age but younger than me [17:45:42] Old man [17:45:47] And it's an easy way to take the piss [17:46:01] Which I'm from northern England so taking the piss is natural [18:30:25] Error 503 Backend fetch failed via cp37 [18:52:18] [1/3] @rhinosf1 attempting to change email on a project wiki causes an SMTP error, but does change the email address: [18:52:18] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1345831098374033520/R4wiMNFD0c8RTML8v.png?ex=67c5fa62&is=67c4a8e2&hm=2e365ab64d6fbc901dad5fb45df11fe5dc8fd4e296ef71cad56224779ed730e4& [18:52:19] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1006789349498699827/1345831098608783550/aq5ioiqx00Se5fCEz.png?ex=67c5fa62&is=67c4a8e2&hm=5cf96e7182b3f73e68dc706a0048bfc6d4976c4a681e38deebf5817229edbd5e& [18:52:23] occurring on [18:52:42] Oh [18:53:00] Erm @cosmicalpha you up? [18:53:19] oh yeah will fix [18:53:21] Do we need to do something when setting up new mw* on the google side? [18:53:28] Need to add new IPs yeah [18:53:28] And can we document it [18:53:44] I'll add now [18:53:49] Thanks [18:54:12] Thanks for the report @lewisakura [18:54:18] np [18:54:45] oh, it is occurring on meta now as well, it didnt before [18:54:49] not sure if that's because you're tinkering [18:55:36] It will happen in theory on about a third of requests [18:55:56] theory holds true! [18:56:08] did it another two times and it worked haha [18:56:20] That means our cache proxies are distributing requests evenly [18:56:44] mw[15-18] should be fine but not mw[19-20] [18:57:22] ahh [19:00:40] Should be fixed now. [19:03:51] @lewisakura [19:03:57] lemme try [19:04:47] yep that looks like it works, i got both the email change alert and the confirmation email [21:23:29] can someone in tech update the whats new part in https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Tech:Home