[00:02:16] Hello I am the funny 339 guy on meta who mostly works on the characterpedia [00:07:45] O [00:08:55] 💤 [00:14:58] Btw how the wiki farm going for you rodejong aka The librarian [00:21:20] No problem, I know you are very busy atm. Just a heads up though, that info would be very useful on the interwiki page - If info was available, I wouldn't have needed to ask in the first place. Small in the grand scheme of things I know, but the little things are important too. [00:36:14] anyways @tedkalashnikov everything working righr mostly? [00:36:21] if not tell me what to fix [00:37:02] im just wondering if theres a way i could allow for both interwiki links and external links? [00:37:26] For the link param? [00:38:08] Yeah should be doable [00:38:12] Will do on Sunday [00:38:18] would i need two seperate link parameters? [00:38:35] if that would be the solution i can probably do that myself :o [00:39:46] nope i could make a function to match for “https://“ and then change the syntax [00:39:49] oooo ok [00:40:22] once you have a full programming language the barriers of typical wikitext logci fall to dust [00:40:25] 🤩 [00:40:47] i might be able to do this myself actually [00:40:55] ill give it a go and if not i will be patient LOOOL [00:41:11] also whats phightings credits page im curious to read the list lol [00:41:21] oh its Meta:Credits, youre not there yet but will be i prommy [00:43:25] look on mediawiki.org for the syntax for either regex matching or starts with for https://, according for http:// if it dont Use secure cause cringe [00:44:43] External is `[https://example.org Link]` and `[[Page|Link]]` [00:44:43] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Page [00:45:50] nod nods [00:47:18] btw on beta there was an extension to preview a page with the unsaved edit which was a life saver when making this cause I didn’t need to save and purge. Would recommend looking into [00:47:36] eh, i have a preview button already? [00:48:04] For modules? Odd, it didn’t show on beta. Maybe an extension screwed it [00:48:10] oh [00:48:19] no haha not for modules oops [00:48:24] Yea lol [00:48:48] previewing the template page shows you what itll look like without saving [01:06:41] mk. so this is the general support channel. chit-chat stuff is more appropriate in #offtopic [01:09:00] Thank you [01:44:50] [1/5] does anyone know what's wrong with this infobox? whenever I try editing the contents of it in visual editor it messes up the infobox and like duplicates it instead of just saving the changes I want to make to it. [01:44:50] [2/5] [01:44:50] [3/5] [01:44:51] [4/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238668104301805568/image.png?ex=66401f11&is=663ecd91&hm=ecf1dd5240d503cafbe1b987f7984dc88a5d51fefcdb9ea78c60dc5dd17ee727& [01:44:51] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238668104624771183/image.png?ex=66401f11&is=663ecd91&hm=534889c67b897114589ad655aea28a8ac82efced06b3918d6452cb6733d46756& [01:45:16] here's also an example of what happens [01:46:55] seems to happen with any portable infobox [01:47:02] visualeditor behaves weirdly [01:47:05] i cant seem to see the duplication [01:47:18] I'll record a video of it [01:48:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238668907867279411/2024-05-10_21-47-29.mp4?ex=66401fd0&is=663ece50&hm=5d5f7ed1fc9e321a12232bbda1707df42107ac6230e0e1ad7b96a2e9094595ab& [01:56:54] This is probably an issue with VE itself [01:57:19] think it might be a recent issue as I remember it working fine in the past [02:03:28] seems VE has a couple known problems on 1.41 from what I have observed in here [02:35:40] everything is loading a bit slower now because of the solar flare a:PeepoSadRain: [02:37:09] Cloudflare's worst enemy [02:44:11] I also just created a 100,000 job backlog in the job queue with importd lol [04:36:42] How do you request username changes again? I was going to request a change to the username of my test account, but I forgot what I had to do. [04:37:51] [[Special:GlobalRenameRequest]] [04:37:51] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:GlobalRenameRequest [04:37:52] [08:08:18] help [08:12:08] whenever i try to input an ambox template [08:12:10] onto an article [08:12:14] it always puts it at the bottom of the page [08:12:19] and it appears as a table on visual editor [08:12:54] visualeditor be having some issues lately i see [08:13:31] I created a new user group and set it to bureaucrats and administrators can add it to others, but I can’t add it to anybody through special:userrights even though I have both roles [08:14:20] how do i make it [08:14:22] where the template [08:14:24] appears at the top of the page [08:14:28] instead of at the bottom of the article [08:15:09] I don't use visualeditor so I'm not very familar with how it works but I've seen other people are also having issues so it would probably be best to add the template in source editor [08:15:09] i enter it in at the top in source editor [08:15:12] and then it goes to the bottom [08:15:16] i did do source editor [08:15:28] Link? [08:15:37] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238766451771576372/image.png?ex=66407aa9&is=663f2929&hm=e6eb252ca3838b31b4054c87f6415f262878af66c943a8071fd77905afc1319d& [08:15:40] see i do it at the top [08:15:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238766498072494100/image.png?ex=66407ab4&is=663f2934&hm=8410c115fbe037c987cb5d67071ac3c38dd315ea7f17d41711f66dbd1147a6ca& [08:15:52] then it shows at the bottom in the preview [08:16:03] Link? [08:16:32] https://embryology.miraheze.org/wiki/Embryology [08:16:49] I see if I can reproduce that [08:18:33] Your template is unfinished [08:18:42] An unclosed table [08:20:07] Try again. I updated the template [08:21:45] oh cool thanks [08:21:50] how do i add backgrounds to the boxes [08:21:58] like a color background [08:22:10] You do that with CSS [08:22:13] whats that [08:22:31] https://en.wikibooks.org/wiki/Cascading_Style_Sheets [08:23:52] i dont understand any of that [08:24:02] also how do i know if i did the importing correctly [08:24:05] @xenareee could you help out? [08:24:13] did i import the templates correctly [08:24:16] idek what im doing [08:24:21] Yes you did [08:24:23] ok [08:24:30] it doesnt give out my personal info does it? [08:24:36] You only left the table open [08:24:38] does any of this stuff give out my personal info [08:24:43] No [08:24:58] ok because i dont want people like hacking or doxxing me [08:25:29] As long as you do not use personal info, there is nothing to hack [08:25:56] ok [08:26:08] i wish there was a way to make templates that could be easy to use [08:26:10] like for example [08:26:13] "neutral point of view" [08:26:17] where u just type in [08:26:18] npov [08:26:21] and it has its own template [08:26:26] or something [08:26:28] like wikipedia has [08:27:37] try not to edit while logged out, that can leak your ip [08:27:54] [1/10] ```{{{!}} style="{{{style|}}}" class="metadata plainlinks ambox {{#switch:{{{type|}}} [08:27:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b! [08:27:54] [2/10] | serious = ambox-serious [08:27:54] [3/10] | content = ambox-content [08:27:55] [4/10] | style = ambox-style [08:27:55] [5/10] | merge = ambox-merge [08:27:55] [6/10] | notice = ambox-notice [08:27:56] [7/10] | #default = ambox-notice [08:27:56] [8/10] }}" [08:27:56] [9/10] ``` [08:27:57] [10/10] You can add them yourself [08:28:08] is there a way for me to disable ip editing [08:28:09] on my wiki [08:28:54] require email confirmation or remove `edit` and related rights from the `everyone` group and ensure they are only in the `users` group [08:28:58] oh shoot i dont even know how to do infoboxes [08:29:11] The second being in Special:ManageWiki/permissions [08:29:28] [[Infoboxes]] [08:29:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [08:29:29] [08:31:18] tysm [08:31:35] [1/8] The template supports adding custom styles via the `style` parameter (and text style via `textstyle` which you already used). You can use CSS properties to change how your box looks like. To find the properties for what you need, simply google "css " and you'll get plenty of resources. [08:31:35] [2/8] For backgrounds, `background-color` is used. For more info read https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_background.asp [08:31:35] [3/8] So, if you add [08:31:36] [4/8] ``` [08:31:36] [5/8] | style = background-color: lightgray; [08:31:36] [6/8] ``` [08:31:36] [7/8] to your test page in the template, you will have a light gray background. :pupCoffeeMH: [08:31:37] [8/8] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238770467620257823/image.png?ex=66407e66&is=663f2ce6&hm=6f08e6689274dc999d813a4936969af1ce4237904ef745f4cd39b6656d1ddffd& [08:33:06] [1/3] yay thx [08:33:07] [2/3] how do i make it fully wide though [08:33:07] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238770849830666302/image.png?ex=66407ec1&is=663f2d41&hm=de42bf37757566364581384c6a7e26d5cee476465e716f08ce4831a701105167& [08:33:54] with `display: block;` [08:34:18] You can add multiple properties one after another, just don't forget the `;` [08:34:22] [1/2] like this for example [08:34:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238771169558007828/image.png?ex=66407f0e&is=663f2d8e&hm=4e31a30dabe80f99d5e7c3cc398daad324648436b49b9545e55d9a19dda109d4& [08:34:28] how do i make the boxes look like that [08:34:32] with the little bar on the left [08:35:41] [1/2] did i do it right [08:35:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238771502258847824/image.png?ex=66407f5d&is=663f2ddd&hm=bf54fbfb97b9d0d0a6574634b6632e7293c30506f68c68a34f4766d2307b498f& [08:35:53] no, in the same line [08:36:04] | is used to separate template parameters [08:36:17] oh yay [08:37:17] [1/2] i like how wikipedia has these but idk how to do that [08:37:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238771905431863366/image.png?ex=66407fbd&is=663f2e3d&hm=790a4dd1eef47da06fe0dd861f9f6d2643a108a758223b4a7606ae993609c3b0& [08:37:23] like the little bars [08:37:29] This can be achieved with a border, and borders can have different widths/colors on different sides of the box. I suggest you google a bit for the styles you need (like "css how to center a box" etc) and get more familiar with the basics of templates to make things a lot easier for you. Then you'll be able to make the box look however you want ^^ [08:37:44] borders are the border property [08:38:01] https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_border.asp <- a good tutorial for these [08:38:49] [1/2] @xenareee i put it in [08:38:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238772291094188052/image.png?ex=66408019&is=663f2e99&hm=1c5456c20406034b2d9cd57b67066cf8f05d33654471d19db1f4ee4012ccc0a4& [08:38:52] but it doesnt show [08:39:08] only take the stuff inside the brackets [08:39:15] these are the properties [08:40:03] Again, please take a look at some resources to know what you can do [08:40:17] oh ok thank u [08:45:34] https://embryology.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Npov [08:45:37] I made you one [08:51:11] yay th [08:51:12] thx* [08:53:58] [1/2] did i do a good job @xenareee @rodejong [08:53:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238776103368392744/image.png?ex=664083a6&is=663f3226&hm=c5d3f9df9137f760b604c32152b29b725d7d162d9350bfe784db80a10d65469d& [08:54:04] does it look ok [08:55:00] yes [08:59:37] I fixed your documentation Template with a simpler version [08:59:43] Lookin' good! [08:59:48] Good job [09:04:09] thx! [09:04:25] are u able to upload infobox thing that i can use [09:04:32] that i can visually edit then [09:04:35] Yeah I can do that [09:04:38] tysm [09:17:43] Please copy https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css to https://embryology.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [12:20:11] Hello all, I need to make sure guest edits can be saved and sent for moderation. I ask for this change because I'll be moving away from China soon and need to make edits on public computers, and later save changes by moderating the contents. [12:20:12] May I know how to do this? [12:27:00] there's Moderation extension [13:08:47] howdy! [13:09:19] May I know how to use this extension? [13:09:44] I haven't used it but each extension has a documentation on mediawiki.org [13:09:55] hi [13:09:59] I enabled this extension and edits from registered members can be moderated [13:10:00] But I need to enable guest edits as well [13:10:15] Okay I know [13:10:32] Do you know the way to enable guest edits? [13:10:50] you mean non registered members? [13:11:02] the wiki is public or private? [13:11:34] Public [13:12:05] Oh that means guests without an account are assumed to be in this user group? [13:12:25] I don't know a guest user group [13:12:36] there's no such by default [13:13:10] there is */everyone, which includes non-registered [13:13:21] and just User which are registered [13:13:21] My need is to enable editing from visitors not having an account [13:13:22] And thn send their edits for moderation [13:13:42] check if */everyone has edit rights [13:13:54] as for moderation, I don't know [13:14:00] But I just realized that at the very beginning guest edits appears to be disabled without further configuration [13:14:07] Okay let me check [13:14:34] would anyone be able to assist in recovering a wiki?  I accidentally let it expire when i had a broken ankle [13:14:46] by default non-registered can edit a wiki, you probably removed the right at some point [13:15:27] [13:15:39] ^ @ Sphinx [13:16:58] @theoneandonlylegroom thank you! [13:23:30] Do you know where to see editing permissions? [13:24:07] Manage this wiki's permissions -> choose everyone (or *) in dropdown [13:24:30] Thanks, let me see [13:24:34] or only viewing: Special:ListGroupRights [13:24:54] Thanks [13:29:06] Also where to add custom variables? [13:32:31] I'm not sure what you mean by “custom variables” [13:32:33] does anyone know why this css isnt working? its supposed to change icons to the PT ones (for testing puroses) and its still not working after 10 minutes [13:32:35] https://tno.wiki/wiki/MediaWiki:Vector.css [13:33:04] For example some extensions requires setting up values for a particular variable [13:33:10] But I can't find the pathway to edit it [13:33:57] Read the documentation on Mediawiki [13:34:00] The manage wiki settings pages allows for editing those predefined variables included in the page, but not the desired ones [13:34:32] I don't think if I'm able to find useful information on there, I asked Copilot and tried using Google but to no avail. [13:35:34] why would you willingly use copilot [13:35:59] If it is not in Special:ManageWiki/settings, you will probably have to create a task in [[Phorge,]] but most likely it is in ManageWiki/settings. Can you tell me the name of the variable? [13:35:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge%2c [13:35:59] [13:36:05] I use Copilot as a search engine like talking with a person [13:36:17] oh linkmiss, [[Phorge]] [13:36:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [13:36:18] [13:36:18] Thanks [13:36:29] I'll check for it later and send it in there [13:37:50] And also I enabled "upload" and "edit" for group "*" but guest users are still not able to edit pages [13:38:03] It kept saying "you don't have permission to create [a page]" [13:38:17] https://liao.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/permissions/*#mw-section-assigned [13:41:00] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238848338074275870/image.png?ex=6640c6ec&is=663f756c&hm=65f711c4a8782a44f18646270a47f30b1630f2320d0fb2db4f02e7013ebc7e80& [13:41:16] With new settings applied creating pages still aren't available for guest users [13:41:24] [1/2] missing [13:41:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238848437751910531/image.png?ex=6640c704&is=663f7584&hm=baf7ae25beca0a716fde606e5f85bcd25db543f33807940a242508d5fed47d65& [13:41:38] Oh thanks [13:42:06] [1/2] and I don't recommend to grant bot for * [13:42:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238848614277713920/image.png?ex=6640c72e&is=663f75ae&hm=ae01a2219129134c19731632c3f90e03630c8c926b468aa69f586a52d024f1bc& [13:42:56] Yes not every users are doing automated actions let me cancel it [13:44:48] Thanks the changes are now applied [13:45:34] Nice, now the edited page was sent to moderation, thanks you all for the help [15:57:28] Also, I use Vector as the default screen for mobile view. Is there a visual editor for this theme indeed, just like what desktop has? [20:06:25] I created a new user group and set it to bureaucrats and administrators can add it to others, but I can’t add it to anybody through special:userrights even though I have both roles, any advice? [20:08:16] If you're using your own user right page for testing, the group will appear grayed-out for you because the "Can add/remove to self" boxes are not set; in any case, a link to the wiki (if public) and/or a screenshot of the relevant ManageWiki configuration page will be useful [20:08:58] Which managewiki pages would that be? [20:09:58] `Special:ManageWiki/permissions/[group name]`, particularly the "Group assignments" tab [20:10:49] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238946435014332547/IMG_6452.png?ex=66412248&is=663fd0c8&hm=34f3eda7b82352e00ff43078b193fa61ebe3690305ea5ef397778732a4f9e0a8& [20:11:45] For the given group [20:12:26] Assigning other users that group should work; try going to another user's rights page and see if you can assign them the group [20:13:45] [1/2] it’s greyed out [20:13:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238947174763597985/IMG_6453.png?ex=664122f8&is=663fd178&hm=b7f6782046ea5ed25642775f3342c3f18222747c1726ba8f720aeff2b345f2bd& [20:14:17] It may be a cache issue then; try purging the cache [20:17:11] They've got it the wrong way around... They've now set it so whatever group they were editing (Trusted_editors) can add/remove crat and andmin [20:17:30] The bureaucrat group needs to be modified to grant add and remove for the new groups. [20:20:56] That makes sense [20:26:54] [1/4] i need a bit of guidance on something [20:26:54] [2/4] so i previously requested an API to be added to the CSP [20:26:54] [3/4] but PixDevl found out that the extension [ExternalData]() would work great for what i needed [20:26:55] [4/4] but i dont know if that extension still needs CSP access to the API im calling, and i dont know how i can cancel a previous request to make a new one [21:03:45] https://embryology.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [21:03:49] Did I do it right?? [21:04:39] Yes [21:04:51] Yes you did [21:05:05] How do i do the infobox though [21:07:32] read [[infoboxes]] on how they work [21:07:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/infoboxes [21:07:34] [21:10:18] I tried but it doesn't work [21:10:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238961528166809642/image.png?ex=66413057&is=663fded7&hm=228d22557648ee93ced506c5ed27bf8f1c713badd7ea79e11109c5a362d2a9c7& [21:10:51] it just has a plain line [21:11:46] is that on template page? [21:12:19] https://embryology.miraheze.org/wiki/Embryology [21:13:45] [1/2] you haven't provided value/parameters for infobox, so it appears empty [21:13:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238962272278286356/2024-05-12_00_13_23.png?ex=66413108&is=663fdf88&hm=12c4359170cc1de9acea2dc9f2c87a543ed39614b96aef6c7f6fa64066710262& [21:14:07] how do i provide parameters [21:14:17] explained in first section of Infoboxes guide [21:14:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238962481230250115/image.png?ex=6641313a&is=663fdfba&hm=87fdabf1bd40f2522bad3ecf9808fab9133880095b649e44526bc5d2531e7d1e& [21:14:37] this is what i want [21:14:54] that's completely different thing [21:15:01] you are using a template [21:15:15] template need parameters, just like you provided to ambox [21:15:21] oh [21:15:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238962733584744458/2024-05-12_00_15_28.png?ex=66413176&is=663fdff6&hm=f114d0b650c22b48d8ac5f3969518d8d2e913f38388b2764921c382f8e8ece4e& [21:16:17] what page do i add the parameters on [21:16:29] https://embryology.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox/doc here? [21:16:38] I'm not sure how you want to use this infobox [21:16:48] I'm not able to check right now [21:17:12] basically i want an easy way (like fandom has) to make infoboxes for different thigns [21:17:14] things* [21:17:34] well, it seems like you gone w/ a hard way [21:17:40] how do i do the easy way [21:39:38] [1/2] https://embryology.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:InfoboxBuilder [21:39:38] [2/2] For me this page isn't loading [21:39:49] Even though I'm following the directions in the infobox essay [21:40:09] @tali64 [21:40:26] Sorry for the ping I just saw that you are very helpful so I thought id ask you [21:40:52] It looks like the InfoboxBuilder doesn't exist locally; do you have PortableInfobox enabled in ManageWiki? [21:41:03] Yeah i just enabled it [21:41:09] [1/2] it keeps showing this [21:41:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238969168611639368/image.png?ex=66413774&is=663fe5f4&hm=500ea527c64eab38308a0fb9f0fa879b5455be3ec64763f4738131211f0a855a& [21:41:37] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238969287461437540/image.png?ex=66413791&is=663fe611&hm=ac0d980940b6696fd63667cefabbf5473253ece907c2b667ae03e04353530a21& [21:43:53] It loads immediately for me on a logged out session [21:44:21] why doesnt it do it when im logged in [21:44:40] You have to reload it a couple times sometimes, especially is is a bit buggy in firefox but I did fix it so it will eventually work on firefox just maybe needs a few reloads and cache purge reloads. [21:45:24] How do i cache purge [21:45:27] on google chrome [21:45:39] im sorry im so dumb idek what im doing lol [21:47:29] nvm i figured it out [21:48:19] Yay it worked thanks [21:48:42] how do i add those divider things [21:48:55] like the headers [21:49:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238971357556113510/image.png?ex=6641397e&is=663fe7fe&hm=9f967938266a7b96030a38445288c2fba364fc34e3f688a6c8ff559d5a9ac775& [21:49:55] like how fandom has these [21:50:06] the ones w/ light blue background [21:51:24] is this possible [21:51:29] to add the header thingies [22:08:17] theyre just
Title/header [22:08:22] in your infobox code [22:11:15] thx [22:11:22] theres a problem tho bcuz [22:11:25] so i did all of that [22:11:30] but now when i try to enter it on a page [22:12:24] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238977035754274826/image.png?ex=66413ec8&is=663fed48&hm=9601cf5acfa5e0a2d8d9bba05145c822443c36e70fd0ae9e8c4f086525e5d04a& [22:12:27] it acts like theres no parameters [22:15:14] this is a problem with visual editor, you need to have the extension templatedata and set it up for visual editor to suggest parameters to you [22:15:18] i do everything in source [22:15:42] but if you add an undocumented parameter you can just add the parameter youd like to fill in [22:16:00] how do i do that [22:16:32] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238978072930160640/image.png?ex=66413fbf&is=663fee3f&hm=716231b61a9a3ff6f795bb89b384bc564a911bc4853ceacb79a8e685ec076616& [22:16:33] enable this? [22:16:36] yes [22:16:37] https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TemplateData [22:16:53] should it work now? [22:17:02] you have to then edit the templatedata of the infobox [22:17:08] which iiii dont know how to do [22:20:08] There’s a visual tool for it [22:20:12] Somewhere™️ [22:20:22] yeah i just have no clue how its accessed LOL [22:20:24] It’s easy to find I think [22:20:31] i dont use visual editor at all so [22:20:32] I found it by accident maybe [22:20:44] 💪 source gang [22:20:56] source gang ! [22:21:37] can u help [22:21:44] i even tried to use source editor for the infobox [22:21:46] but its not working [22:21:53] I’m camping rn and on like 18% so :( [22:21:55] Tmr maybe [22:22:03] @tedkalashnikov how do i do source editor with it [22:22:09] for inboxoes [22:22:11] infoboxes [22:22:17] Check the extension docs [22:22:50] switch to source editor, and you'll the page code like here ^ [22:23:06] [1/6] go to edit source of your page [22:23:06] [2/6] and the format is like this [22:23:06] [3/6] ```{{Infobox [22:23:07] [4/6] |parameter1 = Content [22:23:07] [5/6] |parameter2 = Content [22:23:07] [6/6] }}``` [22:23:23] Infobox is the name of your template, and parameter1 etc refers to your named parameters [22:23:58] oh ok [22:25:09] what about headers [22:25:17] headers are in your infobox template itself [22:25:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238980293826969630/image.png?ex=664141d1&is=663ff051&hm=ecf375251f445c9dcdf53469158650edd69569e24d58d705b9d886a23617100a& [22:25:24] sorry do you want to edit the infobox itself? [22:25:41] [1/2] this is infobox itself [22:25:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238980377939283968/image.png?ex=664141e5&is=663ff065&hm=3153376cee9494f78f1a8851071473c77e105b1dcc16a2e122ff23d1a94574b2& [22:25:46] im trying to make a specific page now [22:25:46] if you make an infobox with the infobox builder, and then go to edit its source, you will see how its laid out ^ yeah [22:26:03] but the current infobox im doing isnt showing the header [22:26:04] you dont put the headers in your call of the template, the template does it automatically [22:26:08] oh [22:26:28] try and fill out an infobox with all your parameters and then we can take a look [22:37:47] im struggling to add the image [22:39:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1238983841025364068/image.png?ex=6641451e&is=663ff39e&hm=303d13ff308c224674da41e67c1b7157009a4dddb4ecd991498a1001570f56d7& [22:39:34] it doesnt let me submit without saying its my own work [22:42:19] nvm figured it out [22:43:28] [1/4] ok i finished it. i have a few questions, [22:43:28] [2/4] 1. is there a way to add a border around the infobox [22:43:28] [3/4] 2. is there a way to change the color of the header background thingy [22:43:29] [4/4] @tedkalashnikov [23:02:45] how do i add short descs [23:02:47] to pages [23:15:33] yes, but this is all done through CSS [23:34:55] Although i18n not completely functional yet I just added support to the InfoboxBuilder for
and just FYI [23:53:21] This is what reminded me headers were not supported in the builder lol... well now they are...