[00:02:04] or that [00:05:04] What cache issues? first i've heard. [00:05:08] is there a phab task? [00:34:30] logged out users, autowikibrowser, and apparently users in israel specifically seeing incorrect/outdated pages and categories unless they're manually purged the hard way [00:34:55] if there is no task then no, we're not aware. [00:35:22] and users visiting a page on mobile causing it to appear mobile for everyone else who visits logged out until the cache is cleared [00:36:53] and we've also had a random page display not refreshing on every reload like it's supposed to but it's probably not related [02:42:34] disgustedorite: are you talking about https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12285? [02:45:18] That does encompass the mobile issue [02:45:51] i came in the middle of the conversation (oldest message i see is "logged out users, autowikibrowser, ...") [02:47:55] There's also the issue of pages missing from categories and old versions of pages bring shown if you're logged out, are autowikibrowser, or are in Israel specifically for some reason [02:49:20] old versions of pages when logged out is also aggressive caching [02:49:28] Only using the special page for purging resources fixes it [02:49:37] Maybe the caching should be less aggressive :/ [02:49:55] i kinda wonder why it's not automatic too [02:50:25] i actually probed and basically mapped out how caching works when a member of our wiki wondered why the main page wasn't updating [02:50:47] autowikibrowser seeing old pages is odd though [02:51:00] It doesn't when editing [02:51:09] It's when trying to get a list of pages [02:51:21] so pages missing from categories? [02:52:06] Yes, as far as logged out users, autowikibrowser, and a user from Israel are concerned [02:52:23] how is the page added to the category? through a template? [02:53:10] Yes, but the weird thing is [02:53:21] It affected semantic mediawiki too [02:53:55] is the categorization done by editing the template only and not the pages? if so, you probably faced another layer of caching: mediawiki [02:53:56] And these were old pages that already should've had the categories and smw properties before the issues began... [02:54:26] what happens when you make a null edit on a page (i.e. go to edit and click save changes immediately w/o editing a thing) [02:54:36] Nothing [02:54:40] okay that's weird [02:54:53] Again this ONLY affects certain users [02:55:03] linkie? [02:55:09] Logged in users who are not in Israel specifically see everything fine [02:55:33] Hold on I purged resources for a bunch for fixes and will need to find examples again-- [02:56:48] Actually I'll grab a screenshot of when it was first discussed in here [02:57:57] [1/2] I THINK this example is now fixed but I'll need to get on PC to check properly [02:57:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259342615292285070/Screenshot_20240706-215709_Trebuchet.png?ex=668b55b4&is=668a0434&hm=451fde9828f7c533ead60adb81f972bad498088e699bd6059c6bf2d75de4a3c3& [02:58:03] a link is probably better [02:58:13] But like a couple hours ago I had the same issue again [02:58:16] for future context [02:58:53] Is it intended for you to be able to set the category of a page through the comments extension using for example, [[Category:Candidate for deletion]]? [02:58:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:Candidate_for_deletion [02:59:17] which comment extension [02:59:34] Commentbox [02:59:46] Lyralici0us: it feels like so? unless if the extension specifically dummies out [[Category:...]] wikitext [02:59:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Category:... [02:59:55] that syntax can go anywhere on a page and it'll categorize it [03:00:10] to actually link to a category, do [[:Category:Candidate for deletion]] [03:00:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/:Category:Candidate_for_deletion [03:00:18] thanks wm-bot, you are very helpful [03:00:18] Hey BlankEclair, you are welcome! [03:00:27] if its that one that adds the comment to the actual wikitext yea [03:00:31] Honestly I'm using it for all the imported pages I have that need to be recategorized for work, so its nothing bothering me, I was just wondering if that was intentional because it seems abuseable lol [03:00:55] I find it hilariorous that neither of the wikibots send links to us on disc [03:01:01] but [[when we do it]] [03:01:01] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/when_we_do_it [03:01:02] [03:01:05] you guys get two [03:01:06] we get two! [03:01:11] Lmao [03:01:19] for context, > [07/07/2024 13:00] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/:Category:Candidate_for_deletion [03:01:21] two!!!!!!! [03:01:45] oh, mediawiki actually ignores the leading colon... did not know that [03:02:01] pardon? [03:02:17] the link is /wiki/:Category:..., but accessing it treats it like /wiki/Category:... [03:02:19] the screenshot was for the irc chat's benefit sine I don't think they can follow discord message links [03:02:23] *since [03:02:36] can confirm, cannot open discord message links [03:03:03] things affecting only a certain region makes me feel like a certain cache proxy (thanks to geodns) is to blame [03:03:40] if someone there knows enough, what happens if you tell them to try `curl -X PURGE ` next time and see if that clears cache [03:03:52] I have to say honestly, it was a bit weird switching from Fandom at first, but I love this website with how much power you have over your wiki. [03:04:16] otherwise you can also hit the cache proxy used there (i //think// it's cp26/cp27) yourself [03:04:24] could also be something fucky on his end, admittedly we don't have a ton of israeli users to interview. But I saw the same thing he saw while logged out so, it felt connected [03:04:35] oooooooh [03:04:36] gotcha gotcha [03:05:04] i haven't edited on other wiki farms before, but i also agree that miraheze gives a surprising amount of control (dunno if that's something conventional for most mw wiki farms though) [03:05:38] Oh miraheze I think offers more extensions than any other farm [03:05:41] i actually wrote an extension for our wiki and it got accepted and half-installed (i goofed up a step and now i'm just waiting for someone with server access to actually fully installed it) [03:06:18] and javascript on miraheze is nice, i've heard that fandom is fuzzy about that [03:07:19] yea [03:07:40] you need to go through a full manual review by staff for common js [03:07:42] well [03:07:48] any non personal js [03:08:00] they have a page to import stuff from dev wiki at least [03:08:07] good [03:08:44] why does my brain already have an idea on how to exfiltrate data with javascript whilst complying with the CSP [03:09:10] say what you will about fandom corperate their community dev wiki is fire [03:09:13] o? [03:09:38] CSP is basically to avoid accessing stuff from other domains, right? [03:09:59] so if you could do XSS, you can only send data to certain domains [03:10:25] i have a theory on a way to send data to somewhere that only an attacker can read, but it involves some setup and honestly i'm not sure how useful it is [03:10:26] yea..? [03:11:19] so a way to bypass CSP in a XSS [03:11:23] [1/2] Active example: the second paragraph of the main page is shown where I'm logged in (left screen) but not where I'm logged out (right screen, private window). Relevant page: [[mh:sagan4beta:Main Page]] [03:11:23] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/sagan4beta:Main_Page [03:11:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259345994206806086/image.png?ex=668b58da&is=668a075a&hm=2bff7a2059045536d26675a08e2e9c07065c9daa7c6bef8c38c33601f56a5d68& [03:11:24] [03:11:27] not bypass, it still complies with it [03:11:39] but the attacker can still send stuff to somewhere they (somewhat) control [03:11:43] huh [03:11:47] so [03:11:50] circumvent? [03:11:56] and if the custom comain has an impact: https://beta.sagan4.org/wiki/Main_Page [03:11:56] the intentions of it i suppose [03:12:20] i'm not sure how useful it is so i haven't filed a sec bug report (and even then, it's kinda unpatchable) [03:12:52] I'll try and get a category example but I've been whack a moling them [03:13:07] and if you already have XSS, you can already (noisily) exfiltrate data by just editing pages on the wiki you're on [03:13:20] (bc they caused problems for regular wiki operations) [03:14:17] disgustedorite: appears to be aggressive caching still [03:14:30] interesting [03:14:33] I'm trying to get a category example gimme a bit [03:14:34] anyways [03:14:45] its late [03:14:48] im sick [03:14:51] im tired [03:14:56] i go to sleep [03:15:00] Go rest, yeah. šŸ™‚ [03:15:02] nini (and i relate) [03:15:10] covid my beloved [03:15:16] beloathed* [03:15:18] oh ouch, nini x2 [03:15:42] anyways uh universe is a lie buy gold check out our [[RfGP]]s byyyyyyyyye [03:15:42] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/RfGP [03:15:43] [03:16:11] a wild request appears! [03:17:42] gasp! [03:18:16] Okay I have a category example now [03:19:08] [1/4] [03:19:08] [2/4] Logged in: You should see "Submitmas" [03:19:09] [3/4] Logged out: "Submitmas" is mysteriously missing [03:19:09] [4/4] Autowikibrowser: Also doesn't know about Submitmas [03:20:07] disgustedorite: (if you understand this sentence), what is the value of the x-cache response header [03:20:26] how do I get that [03:20:49] Whatā€™s the MediaWiki page to increment the number to show the sitenotics? [03:20:50] dev tools -> network -> refresh the page -> look for the entry that reads https://meta.sagan4.org/wiki/Category:Activities [03:21:10] mooncloud: MediaWiki:Sitenotice id [03:21:18] Thank you! :) [03:21:31] quick opening-documentation-fu [03:21:41] (not google-fu because i just went to mediawiki.org/wiki/sitenotice directly) [03:22:08] (my browser is being so slow bc my antivirus decided to start unscheduling and resceduling itself several times a minute for some fucking reason sorry this is taking a bit) [03:22:38] i hate it when your laptop suddenly crawls slower than a snail [03:22:57] (the laptop i have has an oddly high amount of hardware or firmware issues) [03:23:19] I have an oldass desktop that used to be a high end gaming pc [03:23:46] my dad's newer laptop is more powerful than it [03:25:08] it says there were no requests. [03:25:18] disgustedorite: i can reproduce the bug if i connect to the cache proxy in the US [03:25:20] wait [03:25:30] a filter was on for some reason [03:25:35] (cp36.wikitide.net more specifically) [03:26:41] [1/2] > x-cache [03:26:41] [2/2] > cp36 hit/12 [03:26:47] ty [03:26:59] (i already figured it out by just trying all of the servers lmao) [03:27:11] can i clear the cache from that specific server and let you try again? [03:27:29] yeah [03:27:42] try again [03:27:50] (the page should take some time longer than usual to load too) [03:28:05] it loaded instantly and submitmas was there [03:28:09] what the [03:28:53] oh nvm the page being there is expected [03:29:28] i guess i have low standards for speed [03:29:42] but yeah, seems to be the age-old aggressive varnish caching yet again [03:29:47] as for AWB... that's odd [03:30:05] that should use the api instead of scraping the page, right? [03:30:18] It should [03:30:29] which is reason enough to assume it may not [03:30:40] may not what? [03:30:43] in this infernel world of mediawikii [03:30:46] use the API [03:30:53] oh no [03:30:59] Check this out: Now lightning Challenges isn't there when it should be, as it is now in the category too. Maybe this caching is dumb [03:31:35] what happens when you use AWB on that category? does it get that page too? [03:31:48] (could responses be cached under some cirumstances?) [03:31:51] I'll check [03:31:57] they are typically always cached when logged out [03:32:03] varnish cache is bypassed when logged in [03:32:35] Well, awb got it this time [03:33:22] which is odd because earlier when iw as trying to awb some stuff on Sagan4beta, and a monthish ago when awbing on Sagan4alpha under similar circumstances, it would not [03:33:47] is there a debug log for AWB or something that lets you see what urls it's fetching? [03:33:52] (i've only used JWB) [03:34:19] (in the former case it took me forever to sus out bc it only affected like 2 pages, latter was really obvious when it showed about 200 fewer species than there should be) [03:34:25] is it reasonable to ask that miraheze purges cache from all of the cp servers when a page is edited? [03:34:27] maybe it's 2 unrelated issues that just happen to look similar [03:34:59] I don't think so [03:35:07] I do have wireshark on my PC though [03:35:10] well, outdated pages sitting for days is a bit unreasonable I think [03:35:16] If i can replicate the bug [03:35:20] okay several days is weird, it should be 1d at most [03:35:34] i should be able to view all outgoing network traffic from my pc [03:35:41] tls exists [03:35:48] hm? [03:35:49] i prefer mitmproxy or burp suite for HTTP-level stuff [03:36:01] oh you're talking about AWB specifically [03:36:13] yea since its a .NET app [03:36:21] unfortunately for all parties involved [03:36:36] can't believe this is the one time i would prefer javascript over something native [03:36:56] awb should be hitting the server with https so data would be encrypted to wireshark [03:37:05] I personally think maybe ?action=purge should fix this on a page by page basis and it's dumb that it does not [03:37:18] disgustedorite: that purges mediawiki's cache, but not varnish [03:37:39] though honestly, i also agree that it's kinda stupid that it doesn't purge varnish (+ cloudflare?) cache [03:37:53] I wish to placate varnish's aggressive caching [03:37:58] depends on how easy it is to do though, does mediawiki offer hooks for purging? [03:38:12] disgustedorite: solution 1: log in [03:38:15] true [03:38:20] solution 2: purge the page from all servers after you make an edit [03:38:30] well now i wanna try it [03:38:33] AWB! [03:38:43] wake up auto [03:38:50] I's have to convince everyone else to do that which is more annoying [03:38:56] oh true [03:39:11] i have like two things to do, and i don't wanna put three [03:39:20] oh wait i forgot that i literally have a to do list [03:39:32] this is probably the best solution for high importance, high traffic pages tbh [03:39:37] organization! [03:39:55] I just wish I could see what pages are high traffic [03:40:01] (the to do list is literally just a matrix room) [03:40:26] I know we get like a few hundred people lurking the alpha wiki alone daily what are they all reading [03:40:30] looking at wireshark is so interesting [03:40:52] a few days ago i was debugging an email client i was using and i tried to MITM traffic from it to a remote server [03:41:03] i forgot that encryption exists so i saw just unreadable data lmao [03:41:29] it keeps scrolling [03:41:36] (i tried to get the client to give me its tls keys, but eventually gave up and connected to the server myself and typed the imap commands or w/e) [03:41:38] the song im playing compliments that perfectly [03:42:31] looking at the analytics for my wiki, apparently there's 38 people browsing it through HTC Browser [03:43:14] also is it just me, or is the fact that matomo collects screen resolutions kinda creepy [03:43:31] I mean, it's useful for styling purposes [03:44:35] huh, Special:Analytics doesn't give any info on most commonly browsed pages [03:45:27] hmmm [03:45:29] yea [03:45:35] encryption [03:45:38] it exists! [03:45:41] Fandom has a really detailed analytics page [03:45:51] i hate it when i forget that basic things exist [03:46:03] Google search console does tell me what people click when they google sagan 4 at least [03:46:05] yea, if needed SRE I mean tech can give page view info i think [03:46:18] matomo does collect page views by default [03:46:27] (i don't know if miraheze turns that off--i hope so) [03:46:58] I think we collect view metrics? [03:47:02] you'd have to ask an op [03:47:34] okay nooooow sleepy time [03:47:39] sweet jesus [03:48:25] (who do I ping to get the top 10 sagan4alpha wiki pages with the most views lol) [03:48:47] void prob [03:48:48] gg i forgot the password to my test matomo instance [03:49:04] real [03:49:23] anyways try to sleep [03:49:27] take 2! [03:49:35] sleep attempt 2 [03:49:57] two!... hundread sixty seven [03:49:58] @orduin what are the top 10 sagan4alpha wiki pages with the most views [03:50:17] ba ba boom [03:50:28] anyways again universe is a lie buy gold check out our [[RfGP]]s byyyyyyyyye [03:50:28] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/RfGP [03:50:29] [03:50:37] how did i manage to forget what username i used [03:50:49] _dies of eep and sick_ [03:51:10] please don't die [03:51:16] miraheze's first ghost volunteer [03:51:24] šŸ‘» [03:53:11] okay the password combo was root:password [03:55:42] here's what my test install of matomo collected about me from my brief time testing matomoanalytics: https://files.catbox.moe/b8j9qy.png [03:56:01] ē«‹å³č§£å°ęˆ‘ēš„č“¦å·ļ¼ļ¼ļ¼ [03:56:22] 傻逼NotArachamļ¼ŒFuck you!!! [03:56:35] IRC troll [03:56:38] lol? [03:56:40] Who do you ping for these? [03:56:44] Thatā€™s so funny [03:56:47] why do all these irc trolls leave immediately after spamming [03:56:49] yeah [03:56:58] like, at least stay around long enough to get banned or something [03:57:11] They probably just want to speak nonsense then leave [03:57:23] yeah but why leave? why not see their reactions? [03:57:43] also, oops forgot to whois them [03:57:47] probably using webirc though [03:58:05] Ironic username given you're not being the bigger man here [03:58:11] Whatā€™s with these people [03:58:27] Why a wiki of all places šŸ˜­ [03:58:38] there are people who spam on miraheze's phorge [03:58:47] ah, I know who he is now [03:58:55] I've seen children get pretty aggressive about being banned from websites [03:59:06] someone called Bigger also joined irc yesterday to send nonsense here before leaving [03:59:06] [[special:centralauth/Bigger]] [03:59:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/special:centralauth/Bigger [03:59:07] [03:59:26] how funny would it be if i took that nick and used REGAIN [03:59:33] (dunno if that causes them to quit or just change nick though) [04:00:27] People just troll anywhere honestly [04:00:58] Actually I know an adult who got banned from a Discord server so they made an alt account and spent a year getting admin on it so they could nuke the server they got banned from [04:01:13] i don't know if that's childish or something to admire [04:01:22] like, props to dedication i guess? [04:01:31] [1/2] They are a NEET and just generally the stereotype you'd expect for who would do that [04:01:31] [2/2] And yeah I was kinda impressed by the dedication too lol [04:01:44] jia tan: child edition [04:02:03] Lol [04:02:04] trolls be trolls lol [04:02:14] you could say... jia ban [04:03:37] what is that thing next to your username [04:03:54] clan tag! [04:04:11] https://support.discord.com/hc/en-us/articles/23187611406999-Guilds-FAQ [04:04:36] what is this a mobile mmorpg [04:04:58] (Discord, in their infinite wisdom, has called them `guilds`. However, all servers have also been known as guilds since the start of Disvord. The API calls them clans so I'm just going with that...) [04:05:38] as if discord can't be confusing enough [04:05:42] discord is a gaming app again lol, rebrand #2 [04:06:17] BlankEclair: irc ftw :p [04:06:26] I want forums back tbh [04:06:31] cool, REGAINing does kick the user out: https://files.catbox.moe/ilnewg.png [04:06:45] they exist #support [04:07:01] yeah but wouldn't you need an account to read? [04:07:11] I mean forums that can be accessed by anyone on the internet and archived on the wayback machine [04:07:19] oh yea [04:07:21] discord "forums" are cool but 100% not forums [04:07:27] Well there's Reddit [04:07:41] I thought they were saying they missed Discord forums lol [04:08:07] also, someone made a bot for Discord that puts channels/messages online so search engines/etc can index them [04:08:08] I have to add sagan 4 literally has an oldschool forum but everyone insists on doing Important Stuff that we will Absolutely want record of later on discord instead :wah: [04:08:30] yeah that can be annoying, though in our wiki's case it's matrix [04:08:45] i do archive relevant messages onto the wiki though [04:08:49] ugh matrix [04:08:56] mood lmao [04:09:00] I honestly like Matrix quite a bit [04:09:06] It's pretty good [04:09:10] IRC > Matrix [04:09:20] i hate that a single message has two serializations in one [04:09:25] Well to each their own ig [04:09:27] markdown and html, like why?? [04:09:37] If it works it works [04:10:02] I just remembered the existence of extensions that let you use bbcode on mediawiki [04:10:18] oh that's cool lol [04:10:41] they all died because they all ended up with security holes :wah: [04:10:47] There's a markdown one too but you can't embed templates :( [04:10:54] rip [04:11:14] you could do stuff like slap a bit of javascript mid-tag and it would run [04:12:02] very uh oh, very exploitable [04:12:23] "haha javascript injection go brr" [04:21:26] back to ontopic: it appears that the extension for Special:PurgeResources hooks on action=purge: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MultiPurge [04:25:00] i see, it appears that miraheze does not purge varnish cache when using that extension: https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/0efa51f2e8b524e3d04ef19441cd1b446cd97854/LocalSettings.php#L4090-L4095 [04:31:39] How would I go about setting what the Main Page of my wiki is? [04:31:52] edit MediaWiki:Mainpage [04:32:00] I think on fandom straight up they just make Main Page redirect to whatever [04:32:06] Thank you! [04:32:08] the contents of that page is the title for the main page [04:32:19] yw ^_^ [04:32:49] Because for some reason the main page is getting redirected away from my actual main page, and to the old main page of the fandom version [04:32:58] This didn't start after the import either, it only suddenly started [04:35:41] Thank you Disgust, your comment there made me think, and putting a redirect to the actual main page on the old one for some reason fixed it! [04:36:54] it shouldn't be a redirect, it should be properly set MediaWiki:Mainpage, redirects are nerfed by google [04:37:07] our wiki does both :p [04:39:10] Ah, thank you! [04:39:25] Honestly being nerfed by google doesn't matter in this case lol [04:39:50] Its a situation where everybody that would want to see the wiki are either already in the discord, or being sent the wiki by somebody in the discord [04:40:09] I wish our attempts art nerfing links that don't use our custom domain worked [04:41:15] We're trying very hard to keep Sagan 4 search engine optimized ;_; [04:42:33] ? [04:42:37] Clarify, I could try to help [04:43:28] Oh Google just keeps showing people sagan4alpha.miraheze.org instead of alpha.sagan4.org a lot [04:43:59] You need to use the Google Search Console to tell it you migrated sagan4alpha.miraheze.org to alpha.sagan4.org [04:44:06] It's been lessening over time but man, sometimes it just goes like "nope we're picking the miraheze one over you" [04:44:24] You can't do that unless it's a hard redirect. [04:44:30] Which I can't do [04:44:42] Huh why can't it be a hard redirect? [04:45:04] Because if anyone could hard redirect a wiki page to any website it could be used for evil [04:45:24] Yeah but can't SRE set up a hard redirect when a custom domain is used? [04:45:49] I mean at the time they just told me they couldn't do anything about it [04:46:00] hm [04:48:40] Kinda weird they don't have a hard redirect [05:05:31] [1/2] have you made 301 redirect? migration seems to be working so far for pizzatower.miraheze.org > pizzatower.wiki [05:05:31] [2/2] the old miraheze domain works too [05:05:48] I had to make phorge task for that [05:06:30] like, google outright said to me "you gotta set up 301" [05:15:07] The search on The Gimkit Wiki is giving us a database error. How can we fix this? [05:15:24] what does it say? [05:16:13] [1/2] A database query error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the software. [05:16:13] [2/2] [21c8700a2963f7099c055bf8] 2024-07-07 05:11:15: Fatal exception of type "Wikimedia\Rdbms\DBQueryError" [05:18:02] you can report it on phorge [05:18:08] (or i can if you want me to) [05:18:22] That sounds great [05:19:58] Oh yeah I forgot we were having errors like that on smw related special pages because I got too distracted writing new tools to compensate [05:20:41] Don't use SMW [05:21:46] bug reported: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12293 [05:23:25] [1/2] When attempting to use semantic search: `[cbdb5bb3a96c3542f9b86933] 2024-07-07 05:22:20: Fatal exception of type "Error"` [05:23:26] [2/2] When attempting to use semantic drilldown: `[db67ccf5d1e153985d36dbb4] 2024-07-07 05:21:19: Fatal exception of type "Error"` [05:23:59] I wish it was more specific than that tbh [05:23:59] they might go under a separate task [05:24:05] thank you [05:24:16] same, but apparently it's not recommended to give out exception details ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ [05:24:28] Most likely new task yeah [05:25:46] We've been having these errors since we migrated back to miraheze from wikitide but I forgot about them because i was writing a tool to replace semantic drilldown while waiting for a fix and. Well I made a vastly superior search tool [05:26:31] And then got very distracted using what I learned to make 3 more specialized search tools šŸ˜… [05:28:03] (And by the entire rest of the Sagan 4 team gawking in amazement that I had just solved one of the biggest navigation problems on a whim...) [05:35:55] hi, guys. [05:36:27] I think is not possible to chat someone in private about solving wiki problems, right? [05:43:48] Is there any way to improve a wikiā€™s on-wiki search bar aside from just creating redirects for common spellings? [05:45:23] Using timeless skin if that changes anything, I think I noticed a difference from vector modern to timeless? [05:46:15] Domain question, i know miraheze suggests namecheap in the domain page they have, but are there any reasons i should not use Porkbun instead? [05:46:33] What domain page are you referring to. [05:47:48] [[Custom domains]]? [05:47:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [05:47:49] [05:50:13] Yes [05:50:29] I don't know the details but porkbun just seems to be less known [05:51:03] I was recommended porkbun as a bit cheaper alternative to namecheap when I was looking for custom domain [05:52:03] but namecheap recently had discounts on .wiki domains, so SKL managed to buy pizzatower.wiki for 2 years [05:52:45] Thereā€™s no specific reason to not use any domain registration service, namecheap was just the recommendation they provided [05:52:58] As long as itā€™s a trusted source it should be alright [05:53:33] maybe worth to specify if they let do settings and stuff [05:54:21] ^ that as well, make sure they provide access to stuff like the domainā€™s nameservers and cname [05:55:33] Ah okay, might as well just use namecheap then to make sure its trusted [05:55:50] :EpicFaceMH: [05:56:46] Thx thx [05:58:59] While on the topic of custom domains, we've put our custom domain request for The Gimkit Wiki two weeks ago and it's still pending. Is there any way that we could speed up the process of it getting reviewed? [05:59:41] I donā€™t think so? If youā€™ve filled in everything right they should eventually get to your request and complete it [06:00:37] Alright. Thanks [06:01:05] For our wiki I think it was around a few weeks, I could be wrong [07:34:57] Can it take a while for the Sitenotice to appear? [07:44:09] it shouldn't [07:44:51] unless logged out (or maybe javascript disabled? not sure if they load when js is disabled (i haven't tested it, but in my experience, sitenotices don't load without js iirc)) [07:53:19] I did some looking around and you can get most .wiki domains on domain.com for less than three dollars a year [07:53:35] Granted, you need to remove the privacy protection addon [08:05:04] Then I probably done something wrong or missing something [08:34:58] sitenotice can be finicky [10:05:23] [1/2] It's been a while and still nothing [10:05:23] [2/2] The mediawiki page about it doesn't mention anything specific that I needed to do [10:06:16] Is there an example I could look at [10:06:21] [1/2] Can someone approve my draft [10:06:22] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/46366#mw-section-edit [10:07:09] It can take a while [10:07:16] and also, > Please give us some examples as well. Thank you. [10:08:22] sometimes i wonder why i import wikipedia [10:11:52] Oh interesting, looks like Murder Drones is attempting to fork (i hope not by a rouge entity tho) [10:17:10] til that [[w:Template:Template link with link off]] transcludes 198 pages [10:17:10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Template_link_with_link_off [10:23:09] please wait for a wiki creator to review your request, everyone on Miraheze are volunteers and do things whenever they can [10:23:25] Alright [10:28:41] Wikipedia templates are there to import shamelessly [10:29:09] i have to chunk the XML i got into chunks of 50 pages, so that's fun [13:03:21] Likely related to the issue discussed yesterday with sagan wiki, seems when logged out the RfGP page shows an outdated version [13:03:37] Did try purging [13:03:46] On mobile view * [13:27:31] this is too specific its funny for some reason [13:34:06] [1/2] y know how fix this [13:34:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259502708616855632/image.png?ex=668beace&is=668a994e&hm=2d81cbe065e2b58d0f00e87426b6f9f88f6470455fa2b5622f6456f5b986bc22& [13:35:02] The error is pretty clear. The "src" must not he empty. [13:35:18] I dont know what mean is src [13:35:36] Itā€™s a parameter [13:35:56] and where is the place of src [13:45:41] ? [13:46:47] does anyone know any infoboxes for presidents? [13:46:53] infobox officeholder? [13:47:52] https://micronations.wiki/wiki/Abubakar_Ibrahim_I like this one for example [13:54:21] what is an officeholder [13:54:32] oh nvm [13:54:54] you might be able to copy that one idk [13:55:00] its a ported variant of wikipedia from the looks of it [13:55:13] oh that'll be fun [13:55:51] you can make one via mediawiki tables, or spend the entire day importing wikipedias [13:56:19] i didn't spend an entire day doing it [13:56:20] shout from a distance PORTABLE INFOBOXES [13:56:35] hold up lemme check how long it took me to generate the backups [13:56:44] simplify [13:57:28] i took ~18 minutes to write a tool to chunk out a mediawiki xml backup [13:57:44] i had to because Special:Import would timeout if i used it on a file that had 200 pages [13:57:59] why does exporting a template need 200 pages? i don't want to know [13:58:34] [1/3] I know but where the src? [13:58:35] [2/3] i never see that [13:58:35] [3/3] this error suddenly appear [13:58:48] chiogaming2007: it's probably coming from a template somewhere [13:59:18] [1/2] Its come from sidebar [13:59:19] [2/2] https://tampvan.miraheze.org/wiki/Templat:Sidebar [13:59:19] āœØ Wikimedia [13:59:39] where can i access [13:59:48] https://micronations.wiki/wiki/Template:Infobox_officeholder [13:59:50] i swear you need actual programming experience in order to actually import wikipedia templates [13:59:52] be aware of children [13:59:59] ? [14:00:05] [1/4] The module is sidebar [14:00:05] [2/4] https://tampvan.miraheze.org/wiki/Modul:Sidebar [14:00:05] [3/4] i see on sidebar module written this : [14:00:06] [4/4] Lua error in Modul:TNT at line 159: Missing JsonConfig extension; Cannot load https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:I18n/Uses TemplateStyles.tab. [14:00:06] Yeah [14:00:08] because i was unwrangling lua errors [14:00:21] i cant import from microwiki for some reason [14:00:24] Only developers have the experience needed to cope with suffering and torment on this level [14:00:33] It needs to be your day job to endure it [14:00:39] you need to be a developer in order to unlock the suffering [14:00:46] otherwise you can't suffer because you don't know how to fix it [14:01:18] i onwer on my wiki [14:01:21] I donā€™t entirely get it but that sounds right [14:01:41] We are joking about something else not the template styles thing [14:01:54] damn [14:01:59] megaphone PORTABLE INFOBOXES [14:02:07] If it says your missing an extension [14:02:08] so what i can do to fix that? [14:02:12] nah it doesn't [14:02:22] is being used (with no src attribute) [14:02:35] (er, probably ) [14:02:46] [1/5] The message I replied to was [14:02:47] [2/5] >>> The module is sidebar [14:02:47] [3/5] https://tampvan.miraheze.org/wiki/Modul:Sidebar [14:02:47] [4/5] i see on sidebar module written this : [14:02:48] [5/5] Lua error in Modul:TNT at line 159: Missing JsonConfig extension; Cannot load https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:I18n/Uses TemplateStyles.tab. [14:03:00] oops sorry [14:03:11] No worries mate [14:03:29] [1/2] so there is have a missing extension [14:03:30] [2/2] so what the missing extension [14:03:37] JsonConfig [14:03:37] Try enabling JsonConfig in [[Special:ManageWiki/extensions]] on your wiki [14:03:37] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/extensions [14:03:38] [14:03:49] Itā€™s right there in the error message [14:03:53] you will most likely also need to request on phorge that jsonconfig use wikimedia commons instead of miraheze commons [14:04:08] may aswell make an infobox myself [14:04:12] where can i [14:04:27] JsonConfig? [14:04:37] you can either type up the syntax yourself, or use Special:PortableInfoboxBuilder [14:04:37] Ja [14:04:52] syntax option [14:04:58] [[Infoboxes]] [14:04:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [14:05:00] [14:05:34] https://antifandom.com/community/wiki/Help:Infoboxes#How_to_create_an_infobox [14:05:55] would the officeholder infobox be lua? [14:06:18] there are three types of infoboxes: portable infobox (recommended by the miraheze community), tables, and lua [14:06:34] if you're writing stuff like <...>, you're making portable infoboxes [14:06:40] tried making a portable infobox and all the info went missing [14:06:48] so [14:07:10] i just realized that i've never looked at how lua infoboxes work [14:07:16] [1/2] alright in sidebar is already gone [14:07:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259511054765916210/image.png?ex=668bf294&is=668aa114&hm=30eef1265d7c66f245690a48188d3e5ac924fcb0ebf420a74be79f5c98a02da1& [14:07:22] [1/2] but this is still appear [14:07:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259511078946082897/image.png?ex=668bf299&is=668aa119&hm=8c5a714cae9f6585f530f6113632b85eae426a7809877bef8da3bbb1032bf5aa& [14:07:30] random guess: tables, but generated with lua and not wikitext? [14:07:31] on sidebar template [14:11:37] where can i code an infobox [14:11:54] the infobox builder keeps deleting all the info [14:12:30] what do u mean exactly [14:12:32] you just write the infobox tags on the template page [14:13:01] i made an infobox in the infobox builder a few days ago, went to import it to the page and everything was gone. [14:13:34] did you.... not save it by any chance? [14:13:48] i did save it [14:15:04] i mean yeah you can just start writing a infobox on any template page [14:15:59] emirbakar.: can you give an example? [14:16:38] still confused [14:16:56] like, what infobox syntax did you use when using the builder [14:17:14] all of it [14:17:14] i don't think i phrased that right [14:17:20] i meant to send it here [14:17:28] ok [14:17:32] maybe in a file or something since it might be long [14:21:18] unrelated to the president infobox stuff: if the base html of an infobox is done via PortableInfobox but half of its fields are formatted with lua, does it make it a hybrid infobox? [14:24:15] https://dunjakistan.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_Emir [14:24:17] didnt work [14:25:05] template loop? [14:25:43] for portable infoboxes, the syntax inside a template page should be ... [14:25:58] then when you use that template from other pages, the syntax should be {{Infobox Emir | ...}} [14:25:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_Emir_ [14:27:35] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259516167106854923/image.png?ex=668bf756&is=668aa5d6&hm=47aa5e7c3d2e258a6ad4e962fa3febf74e050b517d8394d3906a1531914eccfe& [14:27:45] Lol [14:28:20] uh, no [14:28:23] [1/2] look at your this page this is what portableinfobox syntax looks like [14:28:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259516368416669826/image.png?ex=668bf786&is=668aa606&hm=c98644ed22086477349ccca0e14ec12993c76996d6d654b7360b2e21b0158fc8& [14:29:48] could you send the link? [14:29:50] please [14:30:12] https://dunjakistan.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Office_holder [14:30:35] ah this one [14:30:45] this is the one where the info dissapears [14:30:54] like what do you mean exactly [14:31:27] the rows dont appear? the rows dont appear unless the row is filled in [14:32:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259517283001172083/image.png?ex=668bf860&is=668aa6e0&hm=828e8a5d83a773f59f48f0bfdc59bad1487a774f7f8c4495cacacfc5a2cc0042& [14:32:44] oh templatedata [14:32:48] thats bc ur using visual editor and need to do the templatedata for it to show up there [14:32:53] i thought you meant that the infobox wouldn't show up at all [14:33:07] i use source editor i just went to visual to show this [14:33:16] wat [14:33:31] *what [14:33:41] if ur using source editor u just type in `|data2=some text`?? [14:33:45] it's an especially confused version of what [14:34:04] well right now every data row is data2 data3 data4 etc u probably want to change those to actually represent the rows [14:34:52] wdym? [14:36:22] [1/10] u see all this [14:36:23] [2/10] when u use the template on a page, u type in [14:36:23] [3/10] ``` [14:36:23] [4/10] {{Office holder [14:36:24] [5/10] |data2 = some text [14:36:24] [6/10] |data3 = some more text [14:36:24] [7/10] }} [14:36:25] [8/10] ``` [14:36:25] [9/10] but thats not particularly helpful when filling in the infobox, u probably want to change "data2" to "preceded_by", for example [14:36:25] [10/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259518379799220224/image.png?ex=668bf966&is=668aa7e6&hm=32638a9e18483a48ccd64036380e3945a80a466f5ebcaa696f795ba7982fb1de& [14:38:05] Ah ok [14:38:40] Basically, make your data have descriptive names [14:39:30] These are variables right? [14:39:31] thats the problem w the infobox builder lol, its kinda super unclear on that [14:41:03] so i should i change all the "data" [14:41:22] yeah [14:41:23] yeah, to the thing the label says or something similar [14:41:34] and if you already used the infobox before, you also need to change occurances there too [14:41:59] considering he was talking abt the infobox disappearing, i doubt......... [14:42:34] omg i forgot about that ty [14:43:12] it's like an hour past midnight and i spent an hour watching a tomato betatest a game [14:43:25] i should sleep soon tbh [14:43:45] A tomato? [14:43:50] mato [14:45:29] How did it do? [14:46:06] okay it's clyde mandelin >.> [14:46:11] i felt like saying tomato would be funnier [14:48:23] [1/7] I dont know what TemplateStyles src they mean [14:48:24] [2/7] This? [14:48:24] [3/7] https://tampvan.miraheze.org/wiki/Modul:Uses_TemplateStyles [14:48:24] [4/7] Or this? [14:48:24] [5/7] https://tampvan.miraheze.org/wiki/Modul:Sidebar/styles.css [14:48:25] [6/7] But they seem not empty [14:48:25] [7/7] and i still cand find where the "src" [14:49:11] what page are you seeing that message on [14:50:20] https://tampvan.miraheze.org/wiki/Templat:Sidebar [14:50:22] Sidebar [14:52:16] oh wow that's weird [14:52:21] i am however very sleepy [14:52:38] templatestyles usage: https://tampvan.miraheze.org/wiki/module:Sidebar#L-255 [14:52:50] variable declaration: https://tampvan.miraheze.org/wiki/Modul:Sidebar/configuration#L-12 [14:55:18] [1/2] So this is wrong? [14:55:19] [2/2] name = 'templatestyles', args = { src = cfg.i18n.templatestyles } [14:55:44] probably, i wager that cfg.i18n.templatestyles is somehow nil or an empty string [14:56:07] [1/2] so what should i do? [14:56:07] [2/2] change the text [14:57:10] [1/2] it is getting some templatestyles though if u inspect element [14:57:10] [2/2] seems the navbar module is actually the one throwing the error [14:57:12] yeah i don't know yet [14:57:27] oh i forgot about other templates/modules [14:57:33] i'd need to do some debugging... but eepy [14:59:47] hmm i remember i do something to navbar module in 28 june [15:00:10] lets i try to change [15:01:48] oh nice [15:01:52] now fixed [15:01:57] thank you [15:02:11] hm. weird. lua sure is a mystery [15:03:24] [1/2] Maybe as coding techniques develop, a template becomes more complicated [15:03:25] [2/2] I just discovered "modules" in 2022 when my wiki was moved to miraheze [15:03:45] especially "lua" [15:15:08] Hi [15:15:26] Does anyone know how to make the translation feature in Miraheze more like the one in Wikipedia? [15:21:01] idk [15:39:09] Example? [15:54:43] he mean to the thing that appear in English Wikipedia to translate the article [15:54:54] once in the article means [15:55:09] the suggested languages and that shit [15:55:17] the popup [15:55:25] That's an explanation, not an example [15:55:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259538366584586370/image.png?ex=668c0c03&is=668aba83&hm=8bce21cad03722c9068410b3e6461a9bd014ce5c31be8607f67050b42fb5390d& [15:55:49] That [15:56:10] he means to this [15:56:26] Ah [16:09:14] Give me a bit once I get on pc I will send one [16:09:34] šŸ‘ but also one more thing I will send in a bit [17:39:06] chat how do I change an images size [17:43:10] [1/2] Just add | 100px to the file link [17:43:10] [2/2] You can replace the number to any to fit what you need [17:43:29] So like [[File:image.png|100px]] [17:43:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:image.png [17:59:39] Hey, is it fine to make one huge page which has a copy of a bunch (large percentages, though not more then half) of the information on the wiki, or is that too much for miraheze? [18:13:26] Where do I put my request for help for my wiki? I donā€™t want to get in the way [18:13:39] Itā€™s not technical [18:13:44] Just need some people [18:19:10] There is no such request [18:19:22] You can just post it [18:19:37] Alright [18:20:49] Hello everyone! I started a wiki here at https://conquestelysium2.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page could I have some help [18:21:07] The game it is for is completely free [18:21:14] Iā€™m trying to keep it alive [18:21:21] Thanks for reading, and goodbye [18:21:31] Oh do you want like more editors? [18:22:21] [1/2] Then nah, you most likely will only get more editors by asking the game's community [18:22:22] [2/2] In here, we can help you with small issues that you have [18:24:03] @warenchilada [18:25:12] [1/2] For a start, I would suggest adding some navigation to actual content on the main page [18:25:12] [2/2] Like on here: https://usagishima.miraheze.org/wiki/Usagi_Shima_Wiki [18:28:33] [1/2] yeah, finding editors is a bit tricky thing [18:28:33] [2/2] we are more about helping w/ wiki management such as settings [18:29:27] [1/2] Yea [18:29:27] [2/2] Get ready to contribute roughly 84% to the wiki [18:29:54] There is no community [18:30:06] Thatā€™s why Iā€™m asking [18:30:12] I just want players [18:30:25] Yeah [18:30:36] Noted [18:30:49] I just want players [18:31:18] Is there no reddit/online community yet for it? [18:31:23] Nope [18:31:33] The one official place has been dead for 10 years [18:31:59] I am the sole community for it [18:32:40] [1/2] Oh shucks, I know how that feels [18:32:40] [2/2] At least it sounds like the game is still breathing tho? [18:32:51] Still supported [18:32:54] Just not played [18:33:06] Except by me but you know that anyway [18:33:09] Already* [18:33:22] This is not a joke [18:33:30] Last post was 2014 [18:34:29] What I would suggest for now is to continue trying to document the game, but also try to spread awareness of it by posting about it in chat forums or make a reddit if it doesn't exist [18:34:44] I will [18:34:48] Wonā€™t be able to do much for a while though [18:35:01] On vacation, no WiFi for a while [18:35:09] Makes sense [18:35:27] Just make sure you make an edit monthly [18:35:38] I can do that [18:35:53] Is there a time limit before it closes [18:35:57] It would make sense [18:37:18] A wiki closes automatically after 120 days of inactivity [18:37:30] That long [18:37:36] Good to know [18:39:48] Good bye [18:40:35] Canā€™t talk for a while now [18:40:52] Byeee [18:56:41] Hey, I am wondering on how I could improve on my wiki for users to create on before I release? Since I don't really know much about how much I can do with the wiki on in its state. [18:59:32] So like, does it currently exist? [18:59:55] yeah, but i am wondering more on how i can make it more fitting to it. [19:00:12] im not really the best at CSS and I have been trying to use old vector to make it more [19:00:13] simplified [19:00:18] Link? [19:00:58] https://projectnevada.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [19:04:04] Oh wow what skin is that [19:04:48] its vector 10 [19:04:52] if i am correct [19:05:07] no actually monobook [19:05:20] uhm... any way to see if my domain request went thru?... the site was acting very weird so i have no idea if it eventually got sent or not,,, [19:05:30] i might have spammed them idk xD [19:05:42] [1/2] which is the onlything that i wanna try to go for more on this style [19:05:42] [2/2] https://imgur.com/a/QHqy1V3 [19:09:55] Oh that's neat [19:10:13] I hope you figure it out/get help with it [19:11:09] thanks haha [19:11:17] i have to see because its hard find info about it [19:26:40] hey how do i change the text entirely to something like sans serif or consolas [19:38:58] [1/6] i currently use this rule: [19:38:58] [2/6] ```css [19:38:59] [3/6] body, .mw-body h1, .mw-body-content h1, .mw-body-content h2 { [19:38:59] [4/6] font-family:"Comic Sans MS",sans-serif; [19:38:59] [5/6] }``` [19:39:00] [6/6] reason being is the headers use a different font override - i only styled h1 and h2 here but you can style as many classes as you want [19:39:30] `body` will target all of the normal plaintext that hasnt been overriden by a more specific rule (as CSS works on a hierarchy of specifics) [19:40:07] if you ever want to know what rules you need to change or add to change smth, open the dev console (f12 on chrome and chromium) and you can click on anything to see its css rules [20:37:30] Guys I have a problem... [20:39:13] I was building a page editing option for a template. [20:39:27] [1/2] When I tested on it, it worked fine... [20:39:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259609749318664294/image.png?ex=668c4e7e&is=668afcfe&hm=1c008ff41edd93defef75dff4085d73884e4913fab53e7a82acbf5eb1326ad1f& [20:40:58] [1/2] but when put into the wiki, it breaks: [20:40:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259610133562916946/image.png?ex=668c4eda&is=668afd5a&hm=d9abc7142dc8a729a06f8bc6271a0de3aa4972eced7c9b12fc2d7703e6ae236f& [20:41:16] šŸ˜¢ [20:44:17] [1/2] how do i add another page here [20:44:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259610966040117288/35HHO0r.png?ex=668c4fa0&is=668afe20&hm=5a5670e00e1d004478477dab3eb42816e5cdd118fbfad94b2cb7a2596864237b& [20:50:25] WikiText doesnt accept tags from what i understand - you need to use MediaWiki's link formatting: [20:50:30] (which is those [[Link|Text]] things) [20:50:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Link [20:50:51] But in this case, how would it be? [20:52:05] no idea comes to my mind. the css page i extracted and modified is really confusing... [20:52:29] oh it's for a Navbar options for my documentation pages. [20:52:44] [1/6] so instead of [20:52:44] [2/6] ```html [20:52:45] [3/6] [View/a] [20:52:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:FULLPAGENAME [20:52:45] [4/6] ``` [20:52:45] [5/6] you would want [20:52:45] [6/6] ```[ [[{{FULLPAGENAME/doc|View]] ]``` [20:52:45] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%7b%7bFULLPAGENAME/doc [20:53:00] [1/2] Should look like this when put in a page: [20:53:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259613158931435632/image.png?ex=668c51ab&is=668b002b&hm=8183d3d3c9b4bdeed46a30b9897a316f893904704251d3f97380caa2b1b91bdf& [20:53:09] mediawiki ignores the tag in wikitext, you need to use normal wikilinks [20:53:28] oh, but what about edit, history and purge? [20:53:36] youd do the same thing, just change the link and link text [20:53:45] [1/2] this is how you use links in mediawiki [20:53:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259613351336607755/image.png?ex=668c51d9&is=668b0059&hm=14d2928336105baca13eb1a40363db622907be20454489a6d0bdcafe93ced860& [20:53:59] oh ok. going to test rn. [20:56:32] [1/2] cool, but how i'm going to include the action highlighted in here? [20:56:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259614047666700399/image.png?ex=668c527f&is=668b00ff&hm=692d4718a93b826345ca43160c5d77bd5e076e75fd4a442ee33d64fb6e6af99f& [20:56:50] exactly the same way [20:57:07] ```[[Special:EditPage/{{FULLPAGENAME}}/doc|Edit]]``` [20:57:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:FULLPAGENAME https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:EditPage/%7b%7bFULLPAGENAME%7d%7d/doc [20:57:14] oh. Great [21:02:07] [1/2] Great, it looks fine. [21:02:07] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259615451793854616/image.png?ex=668c53ce&is=668b024e&hm=8e23bab77823c6772350c5406a1e706260e53017cd21e2943963dfcfbacb101d& [21:02:09] thank you. [21:03:45] awesome! youre very welcome [21:10:13] by the way, do you know about the character insert box at the bottom of the page when editing? [21:10:56] i think you have to submit a request over at phorge, im not exactly knowledgeable on the page bar workings [21:13:18] which box, sorry? [21:13:19] i think that can be javascript [21:14:47] [1/2] This one, to be specific. [21:14:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259618639246524416/image.png?ex=668c56c6&is=668b0546&hm=76f8e8b84cf0294307284e04ef876ab5216fb129fda20497e21212688831f346& [21:17:30] oh i dont have that, is it an extension? [21:22:33] oh, well, yes. You can personalize it with no problem. [21:23:53] The thing is, I had a problem attempting to include groups of h2 and h3 for type of page so you can have a guided information structure... [21:25:05] but bc looks like I haven't used enough hexadecimal crypting codes, the result was a broken button result... [21:25:36] But don't worry, I'll wait for someone who knows that kind of stuff. thank you. for your previous help šŸ™‚ [22:55:12] What even is this page: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Sitenotice [22:56:09] its used on its respective wiki for this: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/Sitenotice [22:56:23] here's ours for example [22:57:35] Is that useful as the first thing someone googles with "sitenotice" and "miraheze"? [23:01:11] [1/2] If you google "mediawiki sitenotice" you get these [23:01:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259645419395219526/image.png?ex=668c6fb7&is=668b1e37&hm=d6b64649f7ad9f0e8a6e8f9834a3b088bf6dff41ca67fbf5b3ca446b090d9034& [23:01:20] I dont think Miraheze has control over what Google returns [23:02:39] [1/2] Fair enough [23:02:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1259645788695429200/image.png?ex=668c700f&is=668b1e8f&hm=66441b44c411c1dbc51b8204af763113d9c52853b8ff6b085a55360e26634c85& [23:04:06] Oh, I didn't search for mediawiki because I expect first time users to search for miraheze/ [23:05:09] Yeah, I totally get that, I find that if I need help with the software I'll google MediaWiki, since all the documentation is on MediaWiki's website [23:06:09] Unfortunately, it feels like 80% of the posts on this channel are because that is not common knowledge. [23:06:43] <3 mediawiki.org my beloved