[00:01:10] It is in Special:Log/patrol [00:01:17] Thank You [00:08:43] and also minimize the amount of emails you use things on [00:08:55] almost lost my github account because i had no idea what email i used [00:10:19] unless you have a better memory than me [00:14:11] I don't have that problem, everything uses my email that I created when I was like 9 years old [00:14:30] however, I have a different problem in that my inbox is always inundated with junk :3 [00:14:35] i have like ten emails i use 😭 [00:14:49] i dont even know why but i just do [00:15:01] i have two joke ones and like 8 ones i use for everything [00:15:37] i can never see any serious emails because of how many services im signed up to [00:15:48] thinking that recieve promotional emails is required 😭 [00:16:30] at least now i only have 3 accounts i use for emails [00:17:56] ^^^ [01:20:15] [1/3] hi guys, quick question [01:20:15] [2/3] is it possible to make a portable infobox with custom color schemes, like this one on namuwiki? [01:20:15] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265116233431384094/image.png?ex=66a056ce&is=669f054e&hm=d67178f39c9e7286ebe841d180fdfb9eb78b992a68fb9ea7edaad0362bc24cb4& [01:20:55] Absolutely, you can also mash that up with templatestyles to create a unique style per type of infobox if wanted. [01:21:51] It'll require some CSS fiddling to get things exactly so, but https://community.fandom.com/wiki/Help:Infoboxes/CSS is a good starting resource. [01:23:23] big help, thank you so much! [01:24:02] oh but it seems that the solution suggested in that link uses wikiwide CSS? [01:24:02] Our implementation is pretty close to fandom's, but when in doubt you can always use F12 to inspect elements directly [01:24:43] Yeah, if you only want a specific type of infobox template to be affected, then you're looking at using the TemplateStyles extension. [01:25:10] can i edit a specific infobox's CSS directly? [01:25:29] Nope, infobox doesn't accept direct modification of CSS [01:26:07] i see, so i'm guessing the only way around this is to assign a class to the infobox, then modify the CSS of that class elsewhere? [01:26:43] That'd be one route to go [01:40:47] [1/4] just to confirm since this is my first time using portable infoboxes [01:40:47] [2/4] if i go down this route, that means i will need to build a portable infobox, save it as a template, then create a CSS file for that template [01:40:47] [3/4] and then when i use the template, i put `` right before the template [01:40:48] [4/4] does this sound right? [04:24:17] wdym? skin/theme? that's Vector 2022 [04:26:30] [1/2] that's correct [04:26:30] [2/2] portable infobox itself like a block element, you won't need additional wrapping [04:36:56] Perhaps, by Miraheze's 10th anniversary in 2025, there will already be more than ten thousand wikis. [06:36:28] [1/2] i see. [06:36:29] [2/2] in that case, in the separate css file, what is/are the class(es) that i will use to refer to the infobox and its elements (header, title, data row, label, etc.)? [06:40:31] [1/3] NotAcharam dropped a link in earlier message [06:40:31] [2/3] [06:40:32] [3/3] since PI was developed by Wikia/Fandom most of PI specific guides about it are on their hub wiki [06:47:25] [1/2] ah right, thanks for the help! [06:47:25] [2/2] but if i use the portable infobox builder utility, i will have to edit the template afterwards to manually insert the type/theme, i believe? [06:47:33] since i don't see anywhere on the builder to do that [06:49:18] yes, builder provides a very basic, simple infobox, which is alright for those who only start making infoboxes, afterwards you can update template code manually [06:50:24] [[Infoboxes#Portable]] [06:50:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes#Portable [06:50:25] [06:53:17] [1/6] if you need examples here's somewhat simple on one of my wikis [06:53:17] [2/6] [06:53:17] [3/6] [06:53:18] [4/6] and more over the top on Pizza Tower Wiki, it actually uses additional wrapping [06:53:18] [5/6] [06:53:18] [6/6] [07:07:13] [1/2] i see, this is very good reference, thanks! [07:07:14] [2/2] though is it wise to stash all of my different infobox themes in one CSS file? because like on namuwiki i'm trying to have each infobox look slightly different [07:16:23] [1/2] yeah, you can make a whole separate page called just "infobox", both of my examples are like that [07:16:24] [2/2] on my main wiki I use classic table infoboxes so I have like main infobox CSS which has shared styling, and each separate inbox has short individual CSS w/ coloring and small details [07:22:58] [1/2] so an infobox can have properties from two separate stylesheets, i see [07:22:58] [2/2] in that case, regardless of the number of stylesheets in use, do i still need the TemplateStyles extension? i'm a little confused about how that works anyway [07:23:42] I actually explained a bit on TemplateStyles in bottom section of Infoboxes guide [07:24:06] usually, one would put custom CSS in MediaWiki:Common.css [07:24:49] the thing about TemplateStyles it makes a portion of CSS load only if template actually appear on the page, instead of loading everywhere across the wiki [07:25:03] it make main CSS page both lighter and cleaner [07:27:06] [1/2] I'm not discouraging from using Common.css tho, I think it's fine if styling is simple, doesn't have variations, and template in question appear on large majority of articles [07:27:06] [2/2] but otherwise TS is more tidy [07:28:23] also small bonus of TS - it works in mobile mode (MobileFrontend extension) which ignores Common.css and requires filling Mobile.css [07:28:50] [1/5] i actually went to the help page for that extension earlier, and i was left with two question marks: [07:28:51] [2/5] 1. could the use of TemplateStyles accidentally affect other, non-template elements, and [07:28:51] [3/5] 2. if each infobox is different, would that mean i either need to pass in the theme as a parameter to the infobox template, or have different infobox templates for different themes? [07:28:51] [4/5] what i'm a bit confused on for question 2 is, if the former option is the way to go, can the stylesheet generated by TemplateStyles read the theme from the parameter? [07:28:51] [5/5] and for the latter option, i presume TS will generate one styles.css for each infobox? [07:32:30] ok after reading the help page again i think q1 is a non-issue, just q2 [07:41:09] [1/13] the thing about theme parameter is that it creates for PI new class w/ it, as explained in Fandom CSS guide we sent earlier [07:41:09] [2/13] so let's say you have two infobox templates, character and game [07:41:10] [3/13] to character one you give `` and game one would have `` [07:41:10] [4/13] in CSS page, let's say Infobox.css, I'd first make general styling which would be same for both templates, like spacing and fonts [07:41:10] [5/13] but colors would be different, so further I'd type [07:41:11] [6/13] `.portable-infobox.pi-theme-char .pi-secondary-background { [07:41:11] [7/13] background-color: #blue; [07:41:11] [8/13] } [07:41:12] [9/13] .portable-infobox.pi-theme-game .pi-secondary-background { [07:41:12] [10/13] background-color: orange; [07:41:12] [11/13] }` [07:41:13] [12/13] on both templates we'll link that one Infobox.css, but since we separated themes they won't mix up [07:41:13] [13/13] when page has game infobox w/ "game" theme/class, it's use orange color [07:42:43] i understand that part, but what i meant was if i did something like ``, does that work? [07:42:43] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:theme [07:42:57] of course including the theme parameter in a call to the infobox template [07:43:06] triple brackets [07:43:10] oh right [07:43:23] it should actually but I don't remember trying that [07:43:25] but yeah that was my idea to cut down on the number of templates [07:43:27] i see [07:43:59] if that's the case i think so far i have all the information i need, thanks! [07:44:46] np :pupCoffeeMH: [09:21:37] question how do i add a header under the header a picture thats all i know how to add a header but how do to add a picture under the header [09:24:18] ``` [09:24:21] == Text== [09:24:25] [[File:Egg.png]] [09:24:25] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Egg.png [09:24:27] ``` [09:24:42] it's hard to do multiline stuff on irc, but hopefully that helps? (assuming i understood what you meant) [09:31:34] nvm [09:31:36] thanks [09:31:38] size of headers defined by amount of `=` [09:32:17] [1/2] # How does my wiki look with all the stuff [09:32:17] [2/2] https://wiki.giantesselsie.net/ [09:32:30] [1/2] in article text the biggest is `== X ==`, big section header [09:32:31] [2/2] `=== X ===` will be smaller and becomes subsection, and so on [09:32:54] you forgot warning in message [09:33:10] /nsfw themed wiki/ [09:34:13] aside from some grammar, the main page looks okay to me [09:35:07] Question idk if it is possible i want to make a page where the public can post pictures ONLY PICTURES but not text or those stuff of they encounter with giantess dimension but i probably cant [09:35:40] as in you want people to be able to upload images but not edit pages? [09:36:11] ye but only images not add text to the page or delete the other people's images [09:36:14] do u understand [09:36:49] ik u can set the protection [09:37:05] but there is no option to allow the public to do or not able to do on the page [09:37:12] you probably could remove edit rights from users but keep upload [09:37:24] though they can set some text when uploading a file [09:37:33] those are okay [09:37:34] and i don't know if you can upload when you don't have the edit right [09:37:45] see [09:37:56] you can also only allow a certain right (or group?) to edit a namespace [09:38:01] it will be a nice feature if u guys can add a permission system [09:38:22] like the public can only upload but not removed stuff [09:38:25] or edit stuff [09:38:40] normal users can't delete any pages or files so that's already there [09:38:44] only they own stuff they can remove or edit them [09:39:16] you can prevent people from editing all namespaces except for the file namespace [09:39:28] https://files.catbox.moe/gzawct.png [09:39:48] i dont understand [09:40:39] in "Manage this wiki's namespaces", you can set it so that only users with something like editsemiprotected can edit pages [09:40:43] Also question can u check if u can see navigation tab or only explore [09:40:59] oh wait perhaps you could use an abuse filter :thinking: [09:41:11] i'm thinking about this in real time [09:41:15] lets leave it eclair [09:41:17] i only see explore [09:41:18] oh okay [09:41:27] i want that [09:41:33] navigation must be gone [09:41:48] question [09:41:53] idk if i did it right [09:42:05] or wrong but how do i set a favicon for the wiki [09:42:35] the url needs to be in the form of something like https://static.miraheze.org/... [09:43:21] you can copy the link from the "Original file" link on the file description page [09:52:37] won't removing edit right but keeping upload for users mean that only admin would be able to actually add images to articles? [09:53:12] true [09:53:18] though it's an odd thing to request in the first place [10:02:39] what can cause the error ``Le temps allouĂ© pour l’exĂ©cution des scripts a expirĂ©.`` (Allocated time for scripts execution expired) ? im just using an #if and calling directly the lua module behing my template provide expected output so i dont understand where it fails [10:03:29] [1/5] something doesn't add up [10:03:29] [2/5] I thought the og Anime Bath Scenes Wiki, which was shutdown by Fandom, went self-hosting, but Miraheze instance (which got reported) has an admin w/ the same username as og [10:03:30] [3/5] which one is real at this point :ThinkerMH: [10:03:30] [4/5] also one year ago Buzzfan120 tried (unsuccessfully) to take down another wiki under different clause, what a vigilant /s [10:03:30] [5/5] (the wiki still got taken down tho, per different policy) [10:03:54] *violations [10:05:18] I'm not sure what could cause this without more informations on what module and functions it call [10:06:03] [1/4] ``` [10:06:03] [2/4] {{#if: {{{2|}}} | {{#invoke:Declinaison|main|{{{1}}}|{{{2}}}|{{{3}}}|{{{4}}}}} | {{#invoke:Declinaison|main|{{{1|test}}}}} }} [10:06:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23if:Template:_%7b%7b%7b2 [10:06:03] [3/4] ``` [10:06:03] [4/4] is the template code [10:06:17] hmm yeah, the language used in Buzzfan120's three wiki reports is a bit... strong [10:06:35] [1/2] https://languepierrick.miraheze.org/wiki/Module:Declinaison [10:06:35] [2/2] for the module [10:09:07] calling mw.loadData('Module:Declinaison/{is,get}Vowel') for every function call is a bit of a code smell to me, but i think mw.loadData is cached so it shouldn't be a problem [10:10:12] you know, the vibe of a person who "hunts down filthy content"? I feel like even if these wikis will go self-host, they might continue trying to make them do their (largely harmless, considering prohibition of nsfw and compliance w/ copyright reports) thing in peace [10:11:21] misworded lol [10:11:35] won't let them do their thing in peace [10:12:52] Oh i separated files, maybe it was not a good idea ? [10:13:41] awing_ding: you probably could try something like local isVowelData = mw.loadData('Module:Declinaison/isVowel') at the top of the page, and have the function reference from that variable (same for getVowel) [10:14:26] Oh yeah i see the problem now okay [10:21:30] it appears that i have not properly tested my code and some cases make the lua code fail lol [10:22:45] prob the while loop that never matches the end condition for some reason and run until failure [10:42:51] After checking out their reports, I can definitely see this as being what’s going on [10:46:50] how do i check the pics on my wiki [10:47:00] I don’t understand why people go out of their way to do vigilante justice like this though [10:47:57] Especially for something like wiki sites [10:48:04] i wonder how they'd react on my wiki [10:49:06] [1/2] Special:AllFiles page [10:49:06] [2/2] I suggest to check all Special pages list, there must be a link in toolbar at the bottom, it'll show you various statistics/list pages [10:50:31] I saw the file repository clause as large amount of files w/o actual substance in articles/text/presentation [10:51:06] If they want to contribute they could at least try and find more productive ways [10:51:48] I can’t imagine scouring through the wiki list for inappropriate wikis would be very efficient [10:52:12] a wiki should have proper articles, no doubt, if there's a clear attempt/desire by editor for that I wouldn't call it a file repository [10:53:15] [1/2] @theoneandonlylegroom this doesnt work [10:53:15] [2/2] https://wiki.giantesselsie.net/wiki/Special:AllFiles [10:54:05] giantesselsie: i think it's https://wiki.giantesselsie.net/wiki/Special:ListFiles ^^; [10:54:45] yeah, sorry [10:54:57] Special:NewFiles works too [10:56:29] u can check on https://wiki.giantesselsie.net/wiki/Special:SpecialPages for other special pages also [10:57:29] [1/2] I noticed this in managewiki/permissions, is this only useful for private wikis? [10:57:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265261500742762517/IMG_8241.png?ex=66a0de19&is=669f8c99&hm=d7a980f5edeabdb3e69c3922e5c5e2188b9f8d17828dc7538a4836c21a88f7d9& [10:57:44] ot looks funny lol [10:58:31] mooncloud: yeah i believe [10:59:05] the wiki in question is private? [10:59:09] Public [10:59:36] I don't see this right on mine :ThinkerMH: [11:00:06] Hypothetically, would it be possible to make a wiki private and auto-assign the member role to everyone who logs in? [11:00:21] :ThinkerMH: [11:00:27] It doesn’t show up for the everyone user group but it seemingly appears for all others [11:00:44] ah [11:00:52] I noticed it today while setting up our wiki’s patroller user group [11:01:13] i assume everyone can read then [11:01:31] The read permission isn’t given to the everyone user group oddly enough [11:01:31] I guess read is to create an alternative to default Members group [11:01:43] Most likely [11:01:57] I don't feel like poking around it personally lol [11:03:05] \* can read [11:03:23] https://files.catbox.moe/8l8rlj.png [11:03:33] rip [11:03:41] discord shows poop [11:03:46] odd [11:03:51] open the link i guess [11:03:53] question i have made um chatbots which are nsfw from the staff am i allowed to add them to the wiki [11:03:57] to invite them [11:03:58] ah, now I see it lol [11:04:03] discord moment [11:04:09] wdym chatbots? [11:04:23] how can you add them to a wiki? [11:04:26] like if i chat u it automatically responses [11:04:40] in the context of a wiki though? [11:04:42] i add the links to invite them to your discord server [11:04:44] I don't think you can implement that on a wiki [11:04:58] ah, and like - why? [11:05:11] Ah, it just doesn’t let you change that through managewiki lol [11:05:13] if people browse the wiki [11:05:15] I don't think this will fly [11:05:22] I’d say that’s a pretty good thing [11:05:32] like, this very server, for Miraheze [11:05:40] you are an admin of your wiki [11:05:54] you are hanging there for support over your wiki and stuff [11:06:05] what your chatbots would do here [11:06:15] also NSFW is not allowed in this server [11:06:16] i don't think it's not allowed to add chatbot invite links on the wiki [11:06:37] on wiki - sure, you can add invites to your server or whatever [11:06:48] theoneandonlylegroom: i think she wants to add chatbot invite links on her wiki [11:07:04] not adding them on the miraheze discord [11:07:04] I thought inviting here [11:07:11] my bad then [11:07:36] a tad confused today [11:07:43] sleep deprivation my beloved [11:07:46] Do things like the nsfw policy carry over to private wikis? [11:07:53] ofc [11:08:22] interestingly, a steward suggested making a wiki private to comply with the nsfw policy for furrnations [11:08:23] I could’ve sworn I saw a discussion here about it [11:08:40] I mean, you have to have a dismissable sitenotice warning and a warning on page main, which is public on a private wiki [11:08:58] yeah, some weirdo argued about that several months ago9 [11:09:11] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Wiki_reports#c-NotAracham-20240701211300-BlankEclair-20240701054800 [11:09:11] Odd [11:09:32] oh at least for images, mkay [11:09:37] > [23/07/2024 21:08] yeah, some weirdo argued about that several months ago9 [11:09:41] timestamp? [11:10:09] oof, idk [11:10:25] rip my morbid curiosity :( [11:12:06] 26 January in offtopic [11:12:15] ty [11:12:38] I wasn’t around for January [11:12:56] I thought there had been a somewhat recent discussion about it [11:13:00] I remember some other guy joined shortly after w/ very similar attitude [11:13:05] hmm idk [11:13:12] Could just be getting mixed up with this response [11:13:57] My impression was that private wikis didn’t have to follow some sort of policy [11:14:06] Can’t clearly recall which one [11:15:15] every time this was brought up during my time here it was debunked hard like w/ that guy [11:15:58] it's quite a large window for various kinds of abuse [11:16:41] also technically the wiki isn't private, stewards and tech folks still can see them but when there's a reason for that, need for investigation etc [11:17:40] I have no intention of creating a new wiki any time soon anyways haha [11:54:21] [1/2] So the thing is, no exemptions apply from content policy on a private wiki, however some of the asks for nsfw wikis are simply not needed in private ones because they are there for reader discretion. Well that's not such a big deal if anyone there is someone you invite who knows what they are getting into. Importantly the main page (and any whitelist) needs to comply as written becau [11:54:21] [2/2] se it is always public. [13:17:50] https://chinafake.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Search?fulltext=1&search=testquery [13:18:07] my wiki’s search doesn’t work [13:18:09] like [13:18:12] at all [13:21:37] groupnebula563_0765: try filing a report on phorge [13:25:56] ok [13:26:24] just wanted to ask here first in case it’s just me having done something incredibly stupid somewhere and not an actual issue [13:26:36] kk [14:11:14] > [d0e9f6d6839d56f0ea778d1a] 2024-07-23 14:10:49: Fatal exception of type "Error" [14:11:28] Got this when trying to protect a page [14:15:46] is it any page, or a specific one? [14:16:28] [1/2] Hi [14:16:28] [2/2] To create a wiki I need to fill in a "subdomain"... what is that exactly? [14:17:56] all2250: basically the XYZ part in XYZ.miraheze.org [14:18:19] ...so I can just the name of the wiki in that case? [14:18:30] it'd be Nameofthewiki.miraheze.org [14:18:34] not every character goes there [14:18:50] but yeah, it'll generally be something like the name [14:19:15] for example, i help maintain a wiki called the "Rainverse Wiki", and its subdomain is rainverse (which becomes rainverse.miraheze.org) [14:19:33] got it 👍 [14:19:34] rainverse.miraheze.org is shorter to type than rainversewiki.miraheze.org [14:19:38] alright, thank you [14:19:55] with that I have sent the form, I'll wait for it to get reviewed [14:20:24] um actually I didn't pressed the button yet [14:20:29] should I mark it private for now [14:20:38] mark what? [14:20:40] like I could write it all and unprivate it later [14:20:54] "Mark this wiki as private" [14:21:08] oh yeah you can toggle that any time after the wiki is created [14:21:12] oh [14:21:58] aight [14:37:16] [1/2] Sorry for the late response, this happened when trying to protect the main page. I'll check another page. I tested with the faq page and got the same error. [14:37:16] [2/2] > [6ad338182d8a8e95328f4bdd] 2024-07-23 14:36:44: Fatal exception of type "Error" [14:37:52] mmm probably file a task on phorge then [14:38:03] i was kinda hoping that we could determine the cause ourselves, but oh well [15:06:28] I'm curious as to what the error is exactly [15:07:00] I find it mildly annoying that there's no "click to show details" button ngl [15:07:51] Fatal exception of type "Error" is literally the vaguest possible error message [15:09:40] agree [15:09:58] but wgShowExceptionDetails (iirc) may leak secrets, so it's not enabled in production [15:14:05] @Discord Administrators Can MediaWiki Specialists get permission to ping Minor Announcement Pings on #minor-announcements? [15:17:29] bear in mind that the permission will enable them to ping every role, and should therefore be exercised with caution [15:17:43] but I'll go ahead and assign as they should be able to keep a good handle on that [15:18:33] all tech now have that permission [15:18:45] nice [15:27:42] I just discovered the page count is broken on wiki-bot as well [15:28:27] though this does give us a bit more insight [15:28:43] for some reason all the imported pages aren’t marked as articles I guess [15:29:14] It's going to take from the same statistics record, so that makes sense [15:29:35] true [15:29:49] I just don’t know why all the imported articles aren’t defined as such [15:36:26] initSiteStats probably needs to be run [15:41:56] I know the site stats table has been updating when I create new articles [15:42:33] so idk if that would fix it (or perhaps I am just stupid) [15:42:36] has it been updated for the imported pages however? [15:42:50] it’s been updated since the import [15:42:52] i don't know and i'm too immersed in reading atm to check [15:43:18] no idea if it’s been updated for the imported pages though [15:47:32] [1/2] in settings change wgArticleCountMethod to something else, and then back to "link" [15:47:32] [2/2] that should give it a kick to count imported pages [16:00:22] I filed the task [16:00:32] kk [16:00:57] T12379 [16:34:16] also made a task for T12381 bc of an unrelated bug I discovered in the process of testing [16:56:32] Mi potete abilitare l’account (simospartan92) grazie mille [17:10:49] I think I have narrowed this one down to an extension issue, with 12 possible culprits [17:12:52] I did something very stupid and don't know how to fix it - please don't laugh at me for this, but, I didn't realise there was a single-equals thing possible to sue for page titles, and have been using 'heading' ("==") for page titles. does anyone know if there is a way to change them all wihtout having to do it automatically? [17:13:27] Without having to do it automatically? Wouldn't that be preferred? [17:13:54] oh whoops, I meant manually [17:13:59] (Why are your page titles done with headings instead of...the built-in page title?) [17:14:00] changed it [17:14:07] because I didn't know it existed [17:14:12] if I had, I would have used it! [17:14:28] ...what skin are you using that makes it not even appear? [17:14:40] it's not that it didn't appear, I jsut never noticed it before [17:14:54] I told you it was a stupid error! [17:16:19] So, no way to do it automatically/all in one go then? [17:17:33] I think based on the source code of the page I'm looking at (Drax) you're gonna need manual edits to fix...whatever's going on with your code here in general [17:18:14] welp. I know what I'm doing for the next... forever. [17:18:41] wait, are there other bad things with my code? [17:19:54] nowiki-ing out unclosed link tags instead of closing them, different number of = signs at start and end of heading, headings being on the same line as content, for some reason you're using templates to contain large amounts of regular page content? [17:21:07] [1/2] ngl I usually use visual. I know, I shouldn't, but I'm shit with coding. As you can probably tell [17:21:08] [2/2] What's an unclosed link tag? [17:21:22] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265358105953177611/image.png?ex=66a13811&is=669fe691&hm=a639677e370a38701011061c37d327be55bd40b17477b1b188ae7d2dfd8887f0& [17:21:33] not a tag ig [17:21:48] but the link isn't completed and it's nowiki'd out in the source code [17:22:02] that was a mistake [17:22:05] I will fix that [17:22:19] but I didn't put nowiki on purpose! that was a visual edit [17:23:19] I suggest substituting the character template so you have more control over the headings instead of putting mass amounts of page content inside of it [17:23:31] it just makes editing specific sections clunky and weird otherwise [17:24:01] substituting? [17:24:05] u can [[mw:Extension:MassEditRegex]] it out, one sec ill write u the regex [17:24:05] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MassEditRegex [17:24:06] [17:24:58] omg thank you [17:25:07] Not recommended unless you are already familiar with regex. It's very easy to accidentally destroy half the wiki if you don't know what you're doing, and extremely annoying to revert it [17:25:34] you can do this by changing `{{Character` to `{{subst:Character` [17:25:56] but, what is it? What does it do? [17:26:06] I've never heard of it before [17:27:11] It takes the actual code from Template:Character, and puts it on the page. It'll look identical to the reader, and make a lot more sense to the editor. [17:27:48] I do not recommend doing this for most templates, but for a page layout template it makes perfect sense [17:28:08] ooh, that's really helpful - I'll try it! Can I mass-replace, as I use a lot of page layout templates, or will I have to do it manually? [17:28:32] I think AutoWikiBrowser will let you auto-substitute specific templates [17:29:30] it's in Options -> Find and replace -> Template substitution, you put the name of all the templates you want to substitute and then run awb on every page on the wiki [17:29:48] I do not recommend doing this for infoboxes, just templates that add headings and such [17:29:59] ooh, cool! Is that an extension? [17:30:06] Options of what? [17:30:06] no it's an external program [17:30:15] of the autowikibrowser program [17:30:20] ah - I'll search for it, then [17:30:22] thanks sm for the tip! [17:30:32] luckily i have no infoboxes [17:30:33] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:AutoWikiBrowser [17:39:54] searching `/=[^=]+=[\n ]*$/` and replacing with nothing should get rid of `=level 1 headers=` and remove any extra whitespace after that header without touching any other headers (test it on 1 page name and show preview first before running it on all pages in a category or otherwise) [17:41:29] tahnk you so much!!! I'm trying to replace lvl2 headers with lvl1 headers though - is it still simialr? [17:41:35] done [17:42:08] [T12380](https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12380) [17:42:12] huh.....what do u mean exactly [17:42:37] like, I accidentally used lvl2 headers where I meant to use lvl1. On every page. And I want to change them [17:42:51] example? [17:43:56] https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Magnus_is_not_the_Master [17:44:20] I tested every extension and. of course it's semantic mediawiki. again [17:46:58] [1/2] replace `/==([^=]+)==$/` with `=$1=` [17:46:58] [2/2] but like..........why are u using headings for the pagenames anyway................. [17:47:19] I didn't mean to! [17:47:24] I didn't know the 'title' thing existed [17:47:28] what............. [17:47:29] thank you so so much [17:47:43] I know. I am an idiot and I completely missed it and it's a very stupid mistake [17:47:44] wait hold on i still dont get what u want lmao [17:48:16] [1/2] so.......having this is desired???? [17:48:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265364878798094397/image.png?ex=66a13e60&is=669fece0&hm=9ad59827dd451d58e3341cf1bacd9115eb2422a2f12f9a308c218a0accd44dc1& [17:48:49] yeah! Why? Is that bad? [17:48:57] wait, I think [17:49:01] I can't tell [17:49:22] I want it to be the title one [17:49:27] i dunno..... a bit redundant having the page name there twice....... [17:49:33] ????????? [17:49:42] you think I shouldn't have the page title at all? [17:49:46] interesting, hadn't consdiered that [17:49:56] no like that heading i highlighted, that one shouldnt be there [17:50:03] the one that u manually put in the page content itself [17:50:12] why not? [17:50:44] bit weird i dunno [17:51:43] [1/3] Main Page [17:51:43] [2/3] Main Page [17:51:44] [3/3] Kinda funny looking [17:52:06] do you think I should get rid of all of them? I mean, I put those in on purpose (though fcked up the level) because I was thinking there'd be a lot of pages with a lot of space between the in-built one and the heading, if the contents are long enough [17:52:26] .......?? [17:52:43] The viewer would usually know what page they are on, they don't need another title [17:53:33] I mean, I guess - I just thought it looked better, but, if other people think they look weird, maybe I should get rid of them. [17:55:19] [1/3] if u mean the table of contents would take up a lot of space, it only puts in the toc before the first heading [17:55:19] [2/3] so typically you have the leading paragraph of the page, and then the automatic toc, and then the first heading of the page [17:55:20] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265366650589548544/image.png?ex=66a14006&is=669fee86&hm=7652ae7cd261e94c80e2f3e3d57e8c6e2f1234ae6c0ceb9385b9897a17a4a18d& [17:55:51] the only reason the toc is there in your case is bc the first thing on the page is a header [17:56:53] oh. Ohhhh... [17:58:18] it also just genuinely looks strange to have the title listed twice [17:58:27] with nothing in between [17:58:50] Okay, I'll ask around, see if people think I should change it [17:58:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265367542700969994/Screenshot_20240723_195640_Chrome.png?ex=66a140db&is=669fef5b&hm=b5d7f13fa1953da62e1ec978984b3939d93828d1e6c664f29a2c9ac5e0673503& [17:59:32] ^ how it looks without double title [18:00:03] ah, right, gotcha [18:01:14] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265368139214880852/image.png?ex=66a14169&is=669fefe9&hm=3e7531f2ebe2e260b03a5926c1a13bb3131642bb91c7100afeb674561cbd91e1& [18:01:17] Side note, something I wish is that the table of contents could just...act like an infobox or a thumbnail image, allowing text to wrap around it and such [18:01:32] but the closest you can get to that is using vector 2022 (yuck) [18:02:09] [1/2] 1 line of css lmao [18:02:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265368369041772584/image.png?ex=66a141a0&is=669ff020&hm=b3eebc4a5803e8cca191b333f5469a8a480508e486c2d5a38bed420252aaabd5& [18:02:16] o [18:02:38] Can a toc be made vertical? [18:02:44] Wait no [18:02:48] Horizontal [18:02:56] yes also [18:03:51] Yay [18:04:29] [1/2] and then i have a `{{horizontaltoc}}` template thats just `
TOC/div` [18:04:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:horizontaltoc [18:04:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265368957569990837/image.png?ex=66a1422c&is=669ff0ac&hm=47ca0495d8a20cf53b54ce301fdacea0e199c75e03ca61d21daf446dbd9a5892& [18:05:50] [1/3] Did some more digging - the problem is much wider than just these arrows actually. It seems any CSS loaded by the ResourceLoader from MediaWiki or an extension gets incorrectly cached this way. [18:05:50] [2/3] I'm also not sure what happened when I was testing earlier but after testing again logging out no longer fixes it. Additional info though, it only happens on the miraheze domain, wikis that use custom domains don't have the issue. [18:05:50] [3/3] I don't know how the ResourceLoader works so I don't know if the issue is directly fixable, should I make a phab task anyway? [18:06:37] Thank u [18:12:41] [1/2] ok just noticed u have the popups/page previews extension on: a real reason to not have the pagename header - the popups extension uses textextracts, which grabs the first chunk of text before the first heading of the page, so if the first thing on the page is a heading, it's never going to be able to grab any text and the preview popup is always going t [18:12:42] [2/2] o error [18:14:35] and it probably does weird things to the description that shows up in google searches but idk how much u care abt that [18:16:53] I don't really care about that ngl, but, noted. Thanks for telling me. I don't suppose there's an easy way to get rid of all of the second headings? [18:17:46] this would [18:18:45] thank you [18:19:22] [1/2] if there are differences between normal and custom domains then cloudflair is to blaim [18:19:22] [2/2] I haven't touched my laptop yet to poke around my wikis [18:19:25] oh wait, but you said that one is for the lvl1 headings - what about lvl2? [18:20:10] also, what's the point of lvl1 headings if people don't use them as titles? [18:20:26] dunno, i dont see them used very much [18:21:24] sometimes they're used [18:21:49] what for? [18:21:57] Big text [18:22:05] Jk [18:22:41] I've personally don't use em because it's too high of a level since pages already got titles [18:23:38] main page, some one of a kind pages w/ wiki navigation [18:23:50] huh. cool [18:23:59] things that would need huge headers [18:24:41] I decided to use it on a news entries page so I could edit its section instead of the entire page [18:24:56] Ahh true, of course Cloudflare has to be blamed :P [18:30:25] replacing `/^==[^=]+==[\n ]((.|\n))/` with `$1` will get rid of the first `==level 2 header==` in a page if its also the first line on the page, and also ged rid of any extra empty lines after that header (again, can run this through all pages in any category, hope all ur pages are in some category) [18:31:30] thanks so much!!!Yeah, there's no uncategorised pages [19:29:50] 👋 Hello! Is there any setup guide for necessary meta pages (stuff like copyright permission, and anything else that mediawiki might expect to exist that doesn't by default)? [19:38:52] you can check or import from Miraheze Dev Wiki or other established wikis [19:58:40] [1/4] I've been trying to make a map using the Maps extension, but for some reason the page seems to pick randomly between working, getting stuck loading and failing to parse. https://gimkit.wiki/wiki/Template:Farmchain_Map [19:58:40] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265397691849113673/image.png?ex=66a15cef&is=66a00b6f&hm=4dbc22600abf64c15396a912a972d0b0f7c71ea937b48effa9b5087138fb6671& [19:58:40] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265397692121485342/image.png?ex=66a15cef&is=66a00b6f&hm=d58f4ee7ce2aa4ea5466517082ccf86cf18f0f71d422d67f422409dc4036b85e& [19:58:41] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265397692419543071/image.png?ex=66a15cef&is=66a00b6f&hm=d1a62e655d22cf2851db6d2aaaca5380be4f800d294e76b6a3d04ef2d40459df& [19:59:32] I'm completely baffled about the fact it sometimes doesn't even parse properly, without any edits to the page [20:05:34] Thanks 👍 [20:27:11] [1/4] I’ve set an SEO description for my wiki’s main page, yet when posting the link to the actual main page and not the domain root which the main page is at the SEO description messes up [20:27:12] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265404869758550036/IMG_8243.png?ex=66a1639f&is=66a0121f&hm=8cb8e36d18f49681a6a655031597ed5f722839a89125254a8cc78d78f1c02d1c& [20:27:12] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265404870131847229/IMG_8242.png?ex=66a1639f&is=66a0121f&hm=ab9bd8586bebbe8dce88aec973d08bb24f6dc947ac296630238d4ea24379e166& [20:27:12] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265404870446547067/IMG_8244.png?ex=66a1639f&is=66a0121f&hm=8abc91ec9319a87733f74740dbf720878ad9c642509067820522033b97e1a161& [20:28:49] [1/2] The SEO description is on the page, but it refuses to work? [20:28:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265405280980570215/IMG_8245.png?ex=66a16401&is=66a01281&hm=d48d51af05075a43d37d8a694f81a40cda00b6fe0bdfbe25c1db847be532de99& [20:29:16] Could be caching, how long ago> [20:30:14] Less than 5 minutes ago [20:30:28] And the description is accurate to the page right at this moment [20:30:28] Yeah, probably worth giving it a bit. [20:31:01] [1/2] On the main page currently the page count and file count matches [20:31:01] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265405832749650070/IMG_8246.png?ex=66a16484&is=66a01304&hm=ebf0a681d8a3fb01a6d26f6556b024d4e291fa01110b66774b3b53a5a5c555c4& [20:31:10] Alright [20:31:40] Any way I could clear the page’s cache myself? [20:32:55] [1/4] Things off top of mind that can impact how you're served a page: [20:32:55] [2/4] * Logged in vs Logged out [20:32:55] [3/4] * Where you're accessing from (regionally) [20:32:56] [4/4] * How you're accessing (desktop vs mobile, bot scraping, API, etc.) [20:33:49] Not really, the purge action on a page can force the server to re-assess and delivery a copy, but cloudflare/server propagation is a whole thing and beyond my level of technical expertise. [20:43:28] Sorry for all the questions, but what's the Coin.png thingy? [20:43:41] Context [20:44:04] I was trying to add a coin image [20:44:07] but there already was one [20:44:12] I had not added it, I'm not sure what it's doing [20:44:31] https://mathquest2.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Coin.png [20:44:44] the commons images show up by default, just upload ur own version to ur wiki dont worry abt any warnings [20:44:58] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Coin.png [20:45:00] Alrighty, thank you [20:45:05] [heartfl](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/707177585641127976.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=heartfl) [20:46:36] [1/2] Miraheze wikis by default can use images from Wikipedia's file repository, so if wiki can find something w/ that filename in commons it will bring it up, but as Canada said you can override it w/ local file upload [20:46:36] [2/2] if you want to, you can disable commons in wiki's settings [20:47:03] Ahh, that makes sense [20:47:24] I personally keep it for little country flag icon templates [20:47:41] and things like social media icons can be used from there too [20:48:36] some generic UI icons, etc [20:48:48] fair [21:43:48] [1/2] Is there a way to stop the message box from making these wide space before content comes under it? [21:43:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265424150026260561/image.png?ex=66a17593&is=66a02413&hm=cdf290608338fdc29b67c06692681c949804af6e8a6a6791508401c8a72f997c& [21:53:54] https://tno.wiki/wiki/Template:Message_box?action=edit [21:54:02] if anyone wants to check [22:02:19] [1/3] It think smw hates me đŸ˜”â€đŸ’«. How can I impliment an SMW property? I'm using a template, ShowProperty that accepts a property name and a value. It should display the property (working) and set an SMW property (not working). I've tried [[{{{2}}}::{{#iferror:1+{{{1}}}|varies|{{{1}}}}}]] and {{#set:{{{2}}}={{#iferror:1+{{{1}}}|varies|{{{1}}}}}}}, but they both just seem to parse as re [22:02:19] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b2 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%7b%7b%7b2%7d%7d%7d::%7b%7b#iferror:1%2b%7b%7b%7b1%7d%7d%7d [22:02:19] [2/3] gular wikitext ignoring smw [22:02:19] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265428809834827827/RuotBv0.png?ex=66a179ea&is=66a0286a&hm=f4321fe541d7c248aba5ef26eeace559105e5e17f94dd84c8c8d155234047440& [22:02:26] I checked and smw is an extension on the wiki [22:03:53] (SMW = Semantic MediaWiki) [22:04:25] Is there a storage limit for wikis? [22:07:11] its the line breaks of the /divs and /spans at the end getting interpreted as a new (empty) paragraph, ive edited it to remove the linebreaks [22:07:38] Oh, thank you [22:23:36] [1/4] Not a specific upper bound, but some general guidance: [22:23:36] [2/4] * these are shared resources funded by the community, use them wisely. [22:23:37] [3/4] * To avoid falling afoul of the 'don't be a file repository' content policy, uploaded contents should actually have practical use for the wiki [22:23:37] [4/4] * A general best practice is to stay below the 5 GB to 15 GB mark, though practical 'averages' will vary a lot by topic. [22:23:58] e.g. I have two game centric wikis, and their combined totals even with liberal usage of PNGs is still barely scraping 300MB [22:24:16] in the spirit of the community it is a good practice, though again not mandated to have only the file size for images you need [22:24:50] Yeah, I mean, don't be uploading 4k glossy hi-res if a 400px image will do. [22:24:50] there's a big difference between carefully compressed but still perfectly serviceable images which weigh in at a fraction of a megabyte, and a full size sloppy image at a megabyte or more [22:25:23] though for the end user cloudflare already compresses before sending [22:37:09] ? [23:45:11] why does pagebanner not work? [23:45:18] i add it with the image [23:45:21] {{PAGEBANNER:a1b1c1.png}} etc [23:45:21] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/PAGEBANNER:Template:a1b1c1.png [23:45:22] [23:45:34] and it doesnt show or do anything when i save it [23:45:59] weird because I had custom page banners before, then all of a sudden they all got deleted without me doing anything. [23:46:09] and now i cant get them to work again [23:50:17] Where have you seen {{PAGEBANNER}} work before? I suspect there's probably a template or extension missing. [23:50:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:PAGEBANNER [23:50:18] [23:51:33] wikivoyage [23:51:39] also a few other indie wikis [23:51:50] https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Template:Pagebanner [23:52:02] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikidataPageBanner [23:52:41] it doesnt give me any error at all [23:52:44] or red page link thing [23:53:09] it lets me fill in details like any template but when it saves it just does nothing [23:55:24] That's an extension, which I don't believe we have at mirhaeze [23:59:58] Well its in my extension list