[00:35:09] For some reason the TOC isn't showing up on a page with definitely more than 3 headings :/ [05:39:30] Can anybody respond to this? [05:54:45] where they even get sre email from [05:55:56] also there's "edit request" tab? [05:56:13] at least I see it on my old approved requests [05:57:33] request | request comments | edit request [06:03:27] replied btw [06:04:26] If they can't see the edit tab then they are probably logged out [06:05:03] yeah, that's what I suggested in reply [06:05:24] on related topic I keep forgetting we have Miraheze reddit [06:06:11] there are 2 "how long requests take" posts almost back to back, maybe worth to make a FAQ post and pin it instead of db141 one [06:07:32] well, on second thought, posting is still pretty rare [10:22:09] damn, dude out there started acting like a brat in their wiki request and continues to push it like nothing happened [10:22:20] amazing [10:26:46] Was it declined? [10:32:08] @kiju1108 Can you give https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BeeBot the confirmed group on Meta? [10:33:55] Thx [10:34:14] done 🐝 [10:34:30] thanks! [10:35:33] Which request? [10:37:59] [1/2] I think I found it [10:37:59] [2/2] Shitpost Universe [10:47:20] yeah [10:47:47] Meta loaded in Minerva for me so I saw all recent requests uncollapsed lol [10:47:52] and took a stroll [10:48:24] weee 🐝🐝🐝 [10:48:47] damn I HATE discords emojis 😩 [10:49:05] my android bees are so cute( [10:49:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1265984353289375795/IMG_20240725_134943.jpg?ex=66a37f4e&is=66a22dce&hm=ac7324604a6a173668377955b4421d208be1eafd8d31d27a4e9ad487bdf818f7& [10:56:27] bot is working now 🐝 [10:56:57] I'll request the bot flag for it and make a global userpage for it [10:57:22] what does it do [10:58:13] It's the technology team's pywikibot install but in another account [10:58:21] see yesterday's #miraheze-tech logs [10:59:44] mmm makes sense (and BeeBot is a cute name) [11:01:50] :3 [11:12:46] also, bee reminds me of beverly from The Prettiest Platypus (another webcomic i read) [11:13:38] https://files.catbox.moe/mq73ko.png [11:21:12] https://login.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BeeBot I made a decent userpage [11:23:07] awwww [11:23:35] wait, does that mean beebot also will technically wikis? [11:23:40] @theoneandonlylegroom would you like to be credited there as the one who came up with it's name? [11:23:40] or make imports [11:23:52] there's leading whitespace, mind if i remove it? [11:24:03] nvm that was just fixed [11:24:05] create wikis, I mean [11:24:20] it _can_ do that, but the people that can also do that can also just use importDump.php [11:24:42] for now it will keep doing the only thing it's been doing for months, archive pages on Meta [11:24:51] it's just imported files appear as uploaded by maintenance script [11:24:59] ah [11:25:01] Ahh [11:25:16] that's because we can specify what account to use to those maintenance scripts [11:25:25] it wasn't actually done by pywikibot [11:25:33] i see [11:50:48] [1/2] I'm working on a private Wiki right now and would like to add a few images, mostly covers of video games, movies or books, but also a rare screenshot from a video game or movie. Would I need to get permission to use these from the right holders (i.e. publishers or maybe YouTubers whose longplay I would take a screenshot from if I can't produce one myself) even in a closed setting lik [11:50:48] [2/2] e my Wiki? [11:52:52] in theory you might be able to use low-resolution images [11:53:04] in practice, it's not like anyone's gonna look, so i don't think it matters too much [11:55:48] That was my initial assessment, too. But I thought it might bring problems with it that I don't see yet as a newbie to the whole Wiki thing [11:56:55] i haven't been in this situation before, but if it's a problem, i feel like stewards would let you know before doing anything destructive [11:57:54] That's good to know, thanks! [11:58:48] low res and fair use is the usual way of handling this stuff [12:05:21] I don't have a firm grip on fair use yet. In my opinion, writing a long article about a podcast episode where they talk about an old movie and then adding an image of the movie poster and maybe a screengrab of a scene should totally fall under fair use, especially because no one makes money off of this. But as my experience with fair use is effectively zero, I might be wrong [12:06:25] i also have zero experience with fair use, but sounds good to me [12:06:55] how long and how will it inform me if the wiki request is approved? [12:08:01] my experience w/ fair use is looked at files of Wikipedia articles I happened to edit [12:08:13] how long: i'm not a wiki creator, but iirc it might take a few days [12:08:27] depends on load and availability of volunteers [12:08:38] how will you be informed: should be through an on-wiki notification and/or email, depends on user settings [12:08:53] see thx [12:09:22] There's a queue you can look at to see how many Wikis are in line before yours [12:09:31] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-echo-echosubscriptions -> Comment added to wiki request and Wiki request declined [12:09:58] no wiki request accepted for some reason, but you get a comment for every action (or at least i think? i don't know if it's enforced) so it doesn't matter much [12:13:16] [1/7] like, I significantly enhanced this article [12:13:16] [2/7] [12:13:16] [3/7] and then couple of years later someone decided to add a photo [12:13:17] [4/7] I know the photo is by Peter Ashworth - amazing talented person, but man, he really doesn't like seeing his photos wander the web freely, an archivist I know tried to ask him for permission and got a very snappy reply. [12:13:17] [5/7] and then I look into file description [12:13:17] [6/7] This photo is extracted from a public domain original. [12:13:17] [7/7] huh [12:15:04] I mean, it's clear that copyright of promotional or record photo rarely stays w/ photographer, it's at the hands of label or artist, but I wasn't expecting public domain here [12:55:40] [1/2] I recently uploaded a movie poster to WP and I initially didn't realize they are "here's a formula to precisely downscale your image" levels of serious about non-free content (which is good...but man they're thorough) [12:55:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266016019474808884/image.png?ex=66a39ccc&is=66a24b4c&hm=9840e6f46bcc7c87f0f2e1d89165b2c70708a60272654fd7481f7a9c659213e8& [12:57:47] I remember stumbling on some movie article, can't remember which, which had a hilariously small and low q video of the entire thing lmao [12:59:45] lmao yeah, i made a tool that helps downscale images to 0.1 MP [12:59:54] https://shrink.rainverse.wiki [14:07:13] also waiting for mine, you CAN watch the log here https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Log/farmer?type=farmer&user=&offset=&limit=50 to see what's going on, but other than looking at some of the requests for information to see if you can make your request clearer, I don't necessarily recommend it. it's a little bit like waiting for a pot to boil. 😉 [14:08:27] omg ty, saving this [14:08:45] you're welcome 💜 [14:25:01] thanks [14:57:46] [1/2] it doesnt exist\ [14:57:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266046742370058321/image.png?ex=66a3b969&is=66a267e9&hm=c51ddbd012758f918488ecb3240687da509fc3d975f37b1d00e457dc91544264& [15:07:40] there's a subreddit for everything, include r/wikia and r/wikigg [15:08:17] they mostly ask technical questions, and if I could help, I answer [15:09:52] [1/2] this person left server long time ago lol [15:09:52] [2/2] if you want an extension to be added you can try to ask on phorge (there's no guarantee it'll get through tho) [15:22:11] Hello, I don't know if this is the ideal place to ask about it, but I plan to include an HTML page on my friend's and my friend's wikis. The idea is to simulate a web page using a simple coded HTML page opened through a link on one of our wiki pages. So, is it possible? If so, how? [15:23:54] [1/2] HTML is possible on wiki, a bit limited [15:23:54] [2/2] not sure what exactly you mean here - an imitation of a web page or an embed of existing page on actual different web site? [15:24:32] more an imitation of a web page [15:25:00] [1/2] yeah, def possible [15:25:00] [2/2] custom wiki wide CSS and JS are a thing too [15:25:27] you might pick a different skin, base layout, from what Miraheze offers [15:26:18] how so? [15:27:34] Miraheze is not your usual wiki host - it has pre installed lots of features aka extensions which you can turn on/off as you need [15:27:40] skins is one of them [15:28:14] for example the current Wikipedia look is called Vector 2022, and we have Cosmos which imitates old Wikia look [15:28:57] my wiki, softcell.miraheze.org, uses Timeless (w/ CSS and a bit of JS mods) [15:30:11] I see now [15:30:14] thanx [15:39:14] it's "DiscordNotifications" without the prefix [15:39:35] ok [15:55:31] Is there a certain amount of headers required for toc to appear? [16:06:16] 3 [16:06:25] You can force its appearance with TOC [16:06:32] Thats  TOC  [16:06:35] Fuck off discord [16:06:52] `TOC` [16:07:17] Which will display wherever you want it [16:07:28] If yoh want it in the default place its `FORCETOC` [16:10:28] Thanks [17:15:31] oh [17:15:46] you can escape formatting by putting a \ in front of it [17:16:17] so `\_\_TOC\_\_` creates \_\_TOC\_\_ [17:16:38] anyways [17:16:59] so i know there's a config option to make textextracts ignore specific classes [17:17:08] i can't seem to edit it in special:managewiki [17:22:30] chances are because it hasn't been added to ManageWiki's config [17:22:39] what config option are you looking for? [17:23:38] need to ask on phorge for setting php, I did for my wiki to include text from div elements [17:24:08] there actually were talks to somehow add that in managewiki but there was some issue, can't remember [17:26:45] $wgExtractsRemoveClasses [17:31:08] yeah that's not in ManageWiki [17:33:14] I think it may be possible to add to ManageWiki [17:33:52] it could work like core's wgFileExtensions (https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/f2db6fe5089e5684fde80e99063c450f57d2ab42/ManageWikiSettings.php#L1599) [17:46:14] [1/2] Why is there no lines next to the Fernsstuff cell? [17:46:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266089141247148093/Screenshot_20240725_184504_Chrome.png?ex=66a3e0e6&is=66a28f66&hm=d66f1de12d54ce2c8398d65bcae6f63eedb7473f98ee9a609ed14c44d8327f27& [18:13:50] might be because of rowspan, I know it can happen but can't remember why or how to fix [18:23:10] Is there a preferred way to make js load for a template ? [18:23:23] I tried to use js event but that's unreliable at best [18:24:14] I've tried adding | after the other 2 rows, but it creates a weird extra space [19:11:57] like template styles? idk [19:12:14] if it's possible [19:14:25] ye [19:16:50] got it [19:17:20] can I just ping a steward or something and ask for it to be changed or do I have to make a phorge ticket [19:23:44] Stewards don't have server access. [19:23:50] ah [19:24:17] well I guess ping a member of the tech team then [19:26:23] Is this the right channel to request a volunteer or tech team member help perform a wiki dump / import? I believe I have all the pieces ready for this now but I'm always wary of doing group pings [19:29:41] [[Special:RequestImport]] [19:29:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestImport [19:29:42] [19:31:07] thank you [19:34:34] I see looking into the search that the fandom export doesn't dump with images, but i may need a script for that. Is there one that people generally use? [19:39:56] open a phabricator ticket please. [19:49:13] yes, https://github.com/WikiTeam/wikiteam [19:50:10] (or https://github.com/saveweb/wikiteam3/ for a python 3 version) [19:52:53] Cheers I should be able to get one of these to run. One more thing, for some reason in no matter what browser I try the Request Import upload xml box displays "No file is selected" even after I've selected a file. Is there any particular reason it would reject a file, such as a filesize limit? [19:55:02] since recently we can ping to use a discord bot for that [19:55:17] ah [19:55:18] got it [19:56:00] trying to find xml or an archive w/ it? [19:58:46] [1/2] if you haven't exported dump yet you can ping someone off sre to run wikibot for you [19:58:46] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407504500136607745/1261469199142883369 [20:05:31] Yeah I just wasnt sure of the etiquette so I ended up going to wiki team IRC. The issue with the page is that it never seems to actually take the XML i try to give it [20:05:40] but i'll try again when i have the dump w/ images [20:06:01] i tried briefly to try to run the script myself before i remembered i am stupid [20:18:47] the xml is likely too big [20:19:03] you probably have to make a phorge task [20:19:20] Thought that might be the case. It'll definitely be the case with images, at least [20:30:48] Just gotta wait for the dump w/ images to get to me then I'm good to go. Thanks for the help! [20:55:12] ..hm this seems to be in a different format than the one i need for the import. So I guess I will need someone from the tech team to run wikibot for me ^^; [21:00:55] So hello @serverlessharej would you be able to assist? [21:01:21] What are you trying to do? [21:01:42] Dump a public mediawiki to give to Phorge, with images [21:07:58] https://archive.org/details/wiki-pokengine.fandom.com-20240725 I got a dump made here but it didnt look like the right format for phorge [21:22:37] Is there a way to add rewards in our wiki such as badges for doing a certain number of edits or a leaderboard? [21:26:04] Like on fandom? [21:27:28] [1/2] Doing a quick Google search, there's this extension [21:27:29] [2/2] https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:AchievementBadges [21:28:16] [1/2] And this one [21:28:16] [2/2] https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OpenBadges [21:29:31] Yes like fandom. Thanks! [21:29:54] Idk if these will act like the ones on Fandom [21:30:18] Best wait for someone with more knowledge to clarify [21:39:29] [1/3] is there any way to customize galleries like you can on fandom? I'm trying to center the caption and remove the borders but it doesn't seem to work [21:39:29] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266147838539071582/image.png?ex=66a41790&is=66a2c610&hm=727bf75cdf2a5b4723707f2538832bb1d14a40631c6fb60dc73f284a50b6edf8& [21:39:29] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266147838870683688/image.png?ex=66a41790&is=66a2c610&hm=1843afc25d6934eb5c633d962804db2c83a8a1d8fd117ee2709f2fc4b918ec5b& [21:41:37] You can! Let me find the guide page [21:43:23] https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Images [21:44:45] You most likely want mode="nolines" [21:46:52] is there anything you can do with the captions like centering them/making them larger? [21:46:58] can't seem to find anything about it on the page [21:47:59] Yea, captions center automatically for me [21:49:27] So idk [22:15:47] Quite a few members of my wiki have been reporting painfully slow loading times (up to 4-5 seconds) even on small pages and non-caching special pages, is this a miraheze issue? [22:25:30] Hey, I tried to import Template:Clarify from Meta MediaWiki, and all it did was create a redirect to Template:Unclear. This isn't what's in the code for the original page, and Template:Unclear doesn't even exist in Meta MediaWiki [22:27:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266159942709153842/image.png?ex=66a422d6&is=66a2d156&hm=adbd137338d0ef2bdfa9a705c0949e728ee209147a13ba1b53cb3d93ea6ca7eb& [22:27:35] Well this sucks. [22:27:55] I cant change the color because its a vector [22:41:24] you can invert the color for a reasonable outcome but I forget the exact css it required [22:41:30] pretty sure it's targeting some sort of background piece [22:43:39] [1/2] does anyone know what might be causing this extra space on the pages [22:43:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1266163990686466149/image.png?ex=66a4269b&is=66a2d51b&hm=957758a63a73684f981e250c31e1339e1dc23b6f39a6b3a51d14d935276cba15& [22:44:33] [22:57:44] like opacity?