[00:00:03] We're co-existing with the Fandom version, so they can go there if they want those. [00:03:26] [1/2] If you do want the Thread namespace (or other new namespaces that you create on top of old Fandom prefixes) to work properly, you can just create a new task on Phorge and ask them to run `NamespaceDupes.php`. Showing them [this section](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Using_custom_namespaces#Dealing_with_existing_pages) should be sufficient in letting them know what you're t [00:03:26] [2/2] rying to accomplish. [00:06:30] hoo boy... assuming then that I delete the task I already have then [00:12:35] How do I block Mobile users from accessing my miraheze wiki? [00:14:43] @brenvilz mark the task as resolved and explain [00:14:52] cant delete tasks in phorge [00:15:13] Guest22; may i ask what for? [00:15:13] So can anyone please tell me explain how I can make it so only Desktop users with Desktop browser access my site [00:15:33] My site is not made for mobile I don't support mobile users [00:15:49] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Analytics [00:16:49] IMO better to have a shitty site then no site on mobile. You could use JS to place a giant banner telling people its for desktop but rendering it unusable is silly personaly [00:17:16] Can anyone tell me how I can make it so only Windows, Linux, and Mac OS [00:17:48] Much better to have a bad mobile website than no mobile website [00:17:48] I don't want no shitty Android and iOS users on the site my site works best with Desktop OSes. [00:18:09] -# platformism? [00:18:26] Your not making any sense obviouslyoctus [00:18:31] This is not raisim [00:19:04] OS racism [00:19:28] This is not OS racism or device racism plus that doesn't exist. [00:20:25] Can anyone help me with putting some script so it tells anyone on Mobile shitty Android and Crapple iOS to use a Desktop OS and no Table that also counts as Mobile [00:25:20] For some reason my wiki still allows IE11 still works under compatibility mode but Matomo Analytics won't pick up on it. [00:26:07] I just want to render it unusable for mobile devices and having a screen that tells you to use a Desktop OS and no shitty Mobile Device. [00:26:41] Besides my site is not catered to shitty mobile users to begin with its mainly Desktop. [00:27:59] [1/2] what about those who use smart devices as their primary (or only) gateway to the internet due to not being able to afford a desktop or notebook computer? [00:27:59] [2/2] are those people just not able to visit your wiki at all until they are rich enough to buy one? do you not even think that this is unfair to them? [00:29:31] as long as anyone who goes off about mobile does not then complain about lack of traffic or care for their project I guess live and let live [00:29:39] Yes, I know it wouldn't be fair, but Desktop users make up the majority of the visitors/user base of my wiki, while mobile users are only a minatory. [00:30:00] There is not a pre-baked way to do what you're asking, as far as I'm aware. [00:30:34] maybe just leave them be tbh? [00:30:38] I want a huge full screen banner than if it picks up on iOS and Android. [00:30:42] But its my site [00:30:48] you don't have to design for it, I've seen plenty of projects neglect it [00:30:56] your site, your quirk, your research [00:31:03] I'm sure there is a js snippet [00:31:11] Show me please [00:31:15] google [00:31:17] it's what I'd use [00:31:25] Google search results are shiity [00:31:30] ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [00:31:31] and flooaded with AI Garbage [00:31:37] DuckDuckGo then [00:31:38] and SEO Spam [00:31:39] That's what we're saying: we don't know of a way to do this thing, it might be possible with JavaScript, you'll need to investigate for yourself. [00:31:39] kagi has a free trial that is halfway effective [00:31:54] if that doesn't do it then it's a search skill issue [00:32:08] which I'd posit may still be the case with google, for all its failures it is still a lead if you know how to search [00:32:11] good skill to pick up [00:32:12] Okay does miraheze have a script on there man page [00:32:26] I don't think such a script is present on the dev wiki, which is where you would find things like that [00:32:29] dev.miraheze.org [00:32:31] Google sucks now a days this ain't the 2000's [00:33:03] I'm among the first to go off about them, but if no effort is put in then idk what to tell ya [00:33:44] you are looking for explicitly anti user scripting which doesn't really have precedence on miraheze, that makes you the trailblazer [00:34:17] What is the trailblazer? [00:35:02] you are, for that sort of script on mira [00:35:13] I already delt enough with Google SEO Spam bullshit that search engine is garbage now a days it's a pain in the butt to do so. [00:35:36] I'm not bothered which search is used, the bottom line is that it must be researched [00:35:38] I just don't want Android users and iOS users being able to use my site. [00:35:57] I can't find anything userful on Google! [00:36:06] then as stated before, use another [00:36:26] nobody on this end has been interested in flipping off leading platforms of reading wikis [00:37:23] It's my wiki I can do whatever I so desire to so I can compeley null mobile if I want. [00:37:33] you can do it if you know how to do it [00:37:34] We don't have a solution for you and one may not exist. If you want this thing to happen, you'll need to create it yourself or find a website or script snippet that does block mobile using JavaScript. [00:37:36] you will have to figure that out [00:37:50] there's not much more that can be said here [00:38:36] It's designed for Design for Desktops there is no mobile UI where do I find my cssJS thingy? [00:39:00] not to be pedantic but without fitting an extremely narrow set of conditions it's probably not 'your' wiki in terms that you can actually eradicate portions of the community at will, not that it matters if you don't have any mobile editors I guess [00:39:39] MediaWiki:Common.js is where you would input new javascript you want to run. [00:39:44] some skins have mobile css, the mobilefrontend extension may actually come in useful if you're looking that way since it has its own skin [00:39:44] Mobile Editors don't use my site [00:39:51] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:SpecialPages [00:40:35] Where do I find MediaWiki:Common.js on my Special Pages [00:40:43] according to your analytics page, you have 36 desktop visitors and 16 mobile visitors [00:40:54] Yes [00:41:02] I want to block Mobile entirely [00:41:03] a large portion of no one tbh [00:41:11] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Interface/JavaScript is where you can probably get the information needed to start, we have no further help for you here. [00:41:22] and I want to block Tablets [00:41:36] rip the 1 tablet in analytics [00:41:45] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Analytics [00:42:09] They too are consrid Mobile users [00:42:28] well everything to say has been said now [00:42:29] good luck [00:42:32] Screw Mobile screw fing iOS and stupid Android only Windows, Mac and Linux [00:42:40] yeah that's enough tbh [00:43:09] What Windows users make up alot of my userbase and can acutally edit wiki editong is noy made for mobile [00:43:35] Going to ask that we drop this topic now, you've been given what advice we can provide. [00:44:28] you can check against `navigator.userAgent` in JS. [00:45:16] How do I get to my JS editing page on my site? [00:45:19] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:SpecialPages [00:46:04] [1/10] ie something like [00:46:04] [2/10] ```js [00:46:04] [3/10] const regex = /android/; [00:46:04] [4/10] const userAgent = navigator.userAgent; [00:46:05] [5/10] const isMobile = regex.test(userAgent) [00:46:05] [6/10] if ( isMobile ) { [00:46:05] [7/10] console.log('Mobile Device'); [00:46:06] [8/10] } [00:46:06] [9/10] ``` [00:46:06] [10/10] Or somehting along those lines [00:46:27] Where do I put that? [00:47:28] well that won't work its a proof of concept to point you in the right direction. But JS goes in MediaWiki:Common.js or MediaWiki:SKIN.js [00:48:01] Okay but where do I find that on here https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:SpecialPages [00:48:20] you won't, manually edit into the address bar [00:48:24] You don't find it there you go to https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.js [00:48:51] Oh why don't they just put it in a place I can find it [00:48:53] MediaWiki pages are like that without a clear cut list unless you look them up in the mediawiki documentation [00:49:06] Or Special:AllPages and filter for the MediaWiki namespace [00:49:08] that would be a nice QoL thing for the Admin Links extension [00:49:18] that extension needs a utility rewrite tbh [00:50:54] So wait how would I put the script you just worte? Do I just copy each p[art line for line? [00:53:37] Here this is what it looks like https://i.imgur.com/WESpgLE.png [00:53:54] I also want no Tablet users too [00:57:23] So did anyone see the image yet? [00:57:34] MediaWiki pages don't appear on SpecialPages because they're not special pages [00:57:37] they're system messages [00:57:42] they appear on Special:AllMessages [00:58:30] Okay also did you see my imgur screenshot [00:58:36] your copy and paste of that code is A) completely wrong and B) without being rude, I did just say that code is a proof of concept and will not work [00:58:58] Oh alright. [01:00:50] Ask me why I hate Mobile OSes so much!? [01:03:50] Anyone know if there's a way to manually refresh the cache of pages like Special:WantedPages, rather than waiting for the automatic refresh? [01:04:04] we have said no to that line of discussion Guest22 [01:04:29] not aware of a manual cache refresh unless tech went into it manually I'm afraid [01:04:35] :pensivecowboy: got it [01:13:14] YES IT WORKS! [01:13:14] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:UpdateSpecialPages.php You could have tech run this script if you really need to. Otherwise yeah you can't refresh special pages manually. [01:13:16] https://i.imgur.com/h8urGvc.png [01:14:31] Aren't you on desktop for that screenshot though? [01:14:47] I changed the user agent [01:14:51] Fair [01:15:01] Nice job [01:15:04] So it works it really works [01:15:15] Have you tried on mobile? [01:15:25] I don't own a Mobile Device [01:15:44] This works for Firefox on Mobile [01:15:46] Since there is a very wide array of possible user agents if that's what your using [01:16:47] https://santorinilonghornazure.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.js [01:16:51] Look [01:17:15] [1/2] How do I make it so files are viewed in this format instead of being automatically redirected to their own file pages? [01:17:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269826523012005918/image.png?ex=66b1799b&is=66b0281b&hm=8b42c410371b6199420403e05d425fe8b364675ca36d385b6bb9bec2983fb936& [01:18:16] I did it no more Mobile I hate Mobile Platforms F*** Google and Crapple I mean Apple I don't care if I'm platformist [01:18:28] I think I may block Opera users too [01:20:04] Do we have a policy against doing this? [01:25:42] tali64 are you trying to pick a fight with me! I just want to gatekeep my site from the mobile users [01:26:01] We do not, and Guest22 you're getting close to a ban. Cool it, please. [01:26:14] The Preview extension is what you're looking for. [01:26:23] 👍 [01:26:55] Is there a specific extension name or is it just preview? [01:27:16] There is an extension called Previews that needs to be enabled, it also requires pageimages and textextracts [01:44:30] works for me very interesting [01:45:16] opera??? [01:45:27] I'm now gonna add Chrome OS users and Opera/Opera GX users to the blacklist regarless if the Opera user is on Windows Mac and Linux [01:45:52] [1/3] Is there any way to quickly import all dependencies of a template on the dev wiki? For example, I imported Template:Citation with the "Include all templates and transcluded pages" option ticked, and it imported most dependencies like Template:Citation/core, but then when I use the template it's missing other templates (like in the attached screenshots) [01:45:52] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269833711256469624/image.png?ex=66b1804d&is=66b02ecd&hm=96502fc2f961bcc79bf3f66960578e97383f07311a787f9d32b3d425d23288d5& [01:45:53] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269833717740994590/image.png?ex=66b1804e&is=66b02ece&hm=5a16280f00070352f5e04b76c4bfc61e61fced54b6e56b4702a08d95a59f4777& [01:46:06] yeah with all due respect screw you [01:46:10] opera?? [01:46:22] I don't think you can say "with all due respect" when saying "screw you" [01:46:46] ok whats the point in that [01:46:50] like opera [01:46:52] chrome os? [01:46:57] wtf?? [01:47:01] clockworky you are just a piece of you know what and simp for Opera [01:47:04] It's their own particular quirk, if they want to be especially particular in who can access it with what browser, it's odd, but their business. [01:47:06] I will show you something [01:47:08] fuck off [01:47:25] Going to ask both of you to cool off [01:47:36] k [01:47:46] Appreciated, thanks. [01:47:47] https://rentry.co/operagx [01:47:57] Fine [01:48:18] I will cool off while I'm doing that I'm gonna edit my site so no Opera users can use it [01:48:30] I don't mind Google Chrome though [01:48:35] or Microsoft Edge [01:48:36] Alright. We don't need to hear further updates, so enjoy your project. [01:49:06] Just bumping this once since that all happened right after :P [01:49:39] re: the template question, did you confirm if the template:link exists already? If so, might just need a purge action to kick the server into regenerating the page that uses it. [01:50:10] Template:Link doesn't exist on my wiki [01:50:27] Interesting, usually it should grab the full downstream dependency chain... [01:51:11] Heh, well, that'd be why. [01:51:14] [1/2] Here's what it said after I re-imported Template:Citation with the "include all templates" option ticked (I had already manually imported most of these) [01:51:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269835076276060270/image.png?ex=66b18192&is=66b03012&hm=05e7b0d2a07dad8b2402cd1e477a32673c7d80b0c021adaa4f22eba1641efbe3& [01:51:15] No such template exists on devwiki [01:51:28] 😐 /lighthearted [01:51:57] Yep. Devwiki is 100% in need of a cleanup for... weirdness. Thanks to the folks who have been putting in the work to fix screwball stuff over there. [01:53:16] I'm not entirely sure what it's meant to refer to tbh? I'm not good enough with templates to understand what's happening in Template:Citation, and on enwiki Template:Link is a dab page [01:54:00] [1/2] This is probably what it was looking for: [01:54:00] [2/2] https://www.mediawiki.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Link&action=edit [01:54:23] I'll try importing that, see what happens [01:55:44] Nice, should just need a purge of the page after that [01:55:49] [1/2] Well, now it's just me misinterpreting the citation template parameters :P It's not an error so it looks like it worked [01:55:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269836226547154954/image.png?ex=66b182a4&is=66b03124&hm=1422392fdea4365a3b3fecd664df07997d2c6c2b9a43f14da6ab92991f88351a& [01:57:04] @clockworky you fuck off you piece of shit I hope you get cancer [01:57:10] Hm, actually, why is it trying to make the title a link? After all, this is- okay then [01:57:13] Banned [01:57:27] After all, I'm using Citation, not Cite web [01:57:31] Relay timed out. [01:57:45] Ah, might need some tweaking then [01:58:16] https://multiverseencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Citation here's the template on my wiki, I have no idea what I'm looking for to make it not make the title a link [02:00:17] Hmmm, unfortunately I've got some RL stuff I need to step away from, but other folks may be able to help. [02:00:21] All good :] [02:00:27] I'll ask again later if I can't figure it out [02:00:51] Feel free to use a #support thread as well, as that tends to remain visible to folks off-hours for some aysnchronous help. [02:01:10] @clockworky thanks for holding your peace re: that real hamburger of a user. [02:02:17] They've been disconnected, though we'll get the k-line folks involved if they decide to make a cheeky return. [02:41:12] Something strange: the citation template also calls Template:Italiclink... which isn't on devwiki, enwiki, or mediawiki.org [02:41:52] Looks like it needs a lot of cleanup tbh, I might look through and see if I can learn anything about templates by trying to fix things like this [02:44:14] Wonder if it maybe got pilfered from Fandom's devwiki then... [02:44:36] Maybe? But there's also a bunch of non-English stuff in there [02:44:50] Interesting... [02:45:08] [1/2] Like this [02:45:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269848640009015296/image.png?ex=66b18e34&is=66b03cb4&hm=71ea8e98aa04f1e70eb9169cfa22376de6c0caab8c2fb9503a45a4ab21afa732& [02:45:16] (This is from the /core subpage) [02:46:44] Wild, It's from swedish wikipedia going by the page history [02:47:32] Or rather, it started on EN, then went to SV, then brought over to dev wiki in March of this year [02:58:10] That might actually explain why italiclink isn't on enwiki then, it was deleted in 2009, and I assume the SV version was imported before that :P [03:31:03] in my wiki doesn't appear embeds [03:31:05] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [03:31:09] see? [03:36:22] help [04:28:08] Hey guys do you know how I could get the Wayback Machine/Achrive.org to take snapshots of my wiki on a weekly basis withou me or anyone else having to mannualy do it? Is there like some script or something that I could use could Achive.org apis or something and just have that in my Mediawiki:common.js? [04:31:08] ... [04:32:57] Do I need to create an account on Achive.org to do this or no? [04:34:19] Sigh [04:34:59] Miraheze makes backups of public wikis, forgot at which rate tho [04:35:11] backups on archive.org I mean [04:35:41] Yeah I just want them on the Wayback Machine [04:35:49] So people can look at it [04:35:50] otherwise, I've never heard of any automation of wayback machine [04:36:06] maybe someone else knows [04:36:23] idk if it's worth to ping Digital :ThinkerMH: [04:36:24] Sigh I need to have consent back up of my wiki [04:36:32] on Wayback Machine [04:38:30] So there is no way of taking aut snap shots and uploading it to achive.org and people being able to vuiew it I have to do that manuualy!? [04:38:49] Its so slow to do it like that I want autmation [04:38:50] the backups on archive.org are for the actual text and image content of the wiki (and also arent done very frequently) if u just want to see the state of ur wiki at some point in the past theres: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TimeMachine [04:39:37] NO I want to back up entire pages with images and text there is nothing but images and text [04:39:52] I wat to see a GUI and not just some CSS file [04:40:31] I'm pretty sure unless you're a full business that can pay for archive.it, you have to just do it manually [04:40:49] Archive.it is the Internet Archive's commercial archiving service [04:41:06] So unless you can do that, you just use the save page now feature [04:41:08] You mean Achrive.org [04:41:11] Yeah [04:41:43] I want automation even if is done once every two months [04:41:45] Archive.org runs Archive.it, which is commercial and can do it automatically. But on Archive.org you can also do Save Page Now, which is free but can't be scheduled [04:42:02] Damn [04:42:02] I don't know of any free service that does it automatically [04:42:23] So no script to tie it into the Wayabck Machine [04:42:23] https://github.com/akamhy/waybackpy [04:43:03] Ooh, I didn't know about that script [04:43:10] Wait. Wrong link https://github.com/agude/wayback-machine-archiver [04:44:22] I had a cron job that archives pages automatically. Forgot which one it was. But there should be some free third-party programs that allow you to save a page. If you have it run once in a week/day it'll archive your site periodically. [04:44:47] also @theoneandonlylegroom updated my personal js to do the only-if-screen-wider-than-500px thing, hopefully it work now :xsob: [04:45:23] Okay thx what about on wikis that you use on 3rd party servers and not slef hosted? [04:45:37] Is their a mEdiaCSS.js file? [04:49:31] All mediawiki wikis have a MediaWiki:Common.js page [04:50:39] Yes I just want a scipt that will allow it to atomate back up to the wayback Machine peridoly of webpages [04:51:44] You can run this script on your own computer. No need to have access to the server running the wiki. [04:53:35] Emmm I just want to shove it on the MediaWiki:Common.js page I don't like running stuff on my pc [04:53:36] Since Miraheze automatically generates sitemaps for you. You could use ```archiver --sitemaps ``` and it'll automatically back up every single page (in the sitemap) for you. If you only want main namespace pages to be backed up, you'll need to find the sitemap for namespace 0. [04:55:37] I'm not familiar with js tools. You may want to look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Help:Using_the_Wayback_Machine [04:55:52] Alright I just want viewable webpages on Way Machine [04:56:59] How do I get that on my wiki? [04:59:32] Do I have to write a script of this and do some wwerid stuff thing? [04:59:51] [1/2] thank you 🙏 [04:59:52] [2/2] I really appreciate you doing this in the first place 🥺 [05:00:09] How do I get this Bot thing in my media.js in the first place? [05:02:38] Okay? [05:02:59] man [05:03:29] most of us aren't that js savvy, we aren't aware of ready solution for such endeavour [05:04:04] okay :( [05:04:11] Bye than [05:04:38] bro I really need to learn js [05:32:56] oh it’s simple [05:35:15] well, idk if guest85 is still there [05:35:39] [1/4] ``` [05:35:39] [2/4] catch (Exception e) { [05:35:39] [3/4] throw e [05:35:40] [4/4] ``` [05:35:53] boom [05:35:54] done [05:36:15] thought you meant his exact case of automating wayback machine lol [05:36:46] sorry I had to do it lmao [05:36:57] error handling™️ [05:37:50] but regarding what I do know about that [05:38:16] POSTing to http://web.archive.org/save/http://www.example.com/ should do the trick [05:38:50] it should return a redirect to the saved page upon completion so don’t expect a 200 [05:38:59] im assuming cloudflare is still dying, right? [05:39:26] when is cloudflare not dying [05:39:48] True [05:40:07] ive been trying to do the worlds smallest import 4 days and im too anxious to edit anyting else before its handled [05:40:20] cloudflare . my greatest enemy since 2013 [05:40:37] cloudflare, my greatest enemy since 2020(?) [05:41:10] though it does send indexnow requests to Bing so that’s useful ig [05:42:06] IndexNow is Bing’s newest strategy to get more pages indexed than google [05:42:10] only issue is [05:42:20] you gotta care about Bing as a site owner [05:43:18] in 2014 bing andgoogle will merge to form bingle (True) [05:44:00] quandale bingle [05:48:06] anyways is there a breezewiki interwiki available on Miraheze (and if not, maybe it could be added) [05:48:34] would def be useful when people wanna link to fandom content but like [05:48:39] don’t wanna link to fandom [05:59:05] oh speaking of cloudflare [05:59:45] say I wanted to register a domain for a wiki hosted on Miraheze with them, how would I go about doing that and ensuring the .miraheze.org domain redirected to it [06:01:56] What's the best extension to allow embed youtube video galleries? [06:11:22] there's none, but I may offer you my flexbox and YT embed templates in these trying times [06:12:22] [1/2] that's honestly great idea [06:12:23] [2/2] you might try by yourself btw since interwiki isn't limited to a global group anymore? [06:13:39] Custom domains page has nothing on that? [06:17:41] I just submitted a custom domain request a few days ago. The main page (http://strinova.miraheze.org/) redirects to the custom domain, but a lot of content pages do not. [06:22:36] I was told redirect has to be requested on phorge [06:22:54] idk why it's not default [06:28:03] > [05/08/2024 16:22] idk why it's not default [06:28:05] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12004#240460 [06:38:33] there’s a page for that [06:38:36] f u c k [06:39:42] [1/2] Google also has a domain change request feature, which can help with SEO. Unfortunately, as a side effect of all the DDoS countermeasures, it seems that Google Bot is unable to retrieve Miraheze pages. [06:39:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269907663567720529/image.png?ex=66b1c52c&is=66b073ac&hm=d917b198908f9680f5fe37a02b5ed6a74708281cb981720cdd58a043133ef4a6& [06:44:27] 301 has to be requested on phorge, I've done that for another wiki recently [06:47:30] Thanks. I'll do that then. [06:48:08] man I'm so eepy [06:51:00] I'll see if I can find GoogleBot tonight [06:52:53] still don't understand how we dropped from 8k shows up in Google to 1k after switching to custom domain and doing all things console Google required :ThinkerMH: [06:54:27] ✨ google ✨ [07:00:46] bot is unable to fetch a page properly, the screenshot shows me broken images and half-assed css [07:01:02] I deployed a fix that might help some good search engine bots [07:01:08] @theoneandonlylegroom try now? [07:03:40] Guys, [07:03:41] . [07:03:48] It's an urgency [07:04:25] Say it quick then before I go into work [07:04:31] ahaha yeah [07:05:32] [1/2] Been checking a template page which has almost no text and this background just appeared... [07:05:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269914167868129332/image.png?ex=66b1cb3b&is=66b079bb&hm=d2afe4848206fae9eb6ec10f137e8506d31cd5ee66e09488c6c93a9057098dfa& [07:05:55] The ghost cat water mark... Why is it there??? [07:06:10] oh it's a part of the timeless skin [07:06:21] ??? [07:06:25] What does it mean?? [07:06:54] it's a neat lil easter egg of [Timeless](https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:Timeless) [07:06:58] ah i butchered the url [07:07:08] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Skin:Timeless [07:07:20] here's the file: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/skins/Timeless/+/refs/heads/master/resources/images/cat.svg [07:07:43] seems creepy. I thought MH just got a DDos attack, and the hackers just placed their mark... [07:08:26] hmm i suppose they did get a ddos like yesterday [07:08:49] if someone did breach into the system, i'd applaud them for being this subtle yet overt [07:09:00] wow, didn't know, and what was the reason of the attack? [07:09:10] That would be impossible [07:09:21] A DDoS attack doesn't comprise the servers [07:09:32] Oh, I see. [07:09:42] But we are currently seeing indicators of a possible denial of service attack [07:09:54] uh, bytedance went hard on miraheze servers? [07:10:04] I'm not at all convinced either way or to exactly what the pattern is [07:10:15] Plus we had bytedance's AI spider going crazy [07:10:22] damn, got scared. And why it has to be a creepy cat with his mouth open?? Just place a flower with a face, instead... [07:10:29] or at least that's what i could infer from the (public) server access log [07:10:34] > 19:10 RhinosF1: mitigate traffic from byteplus [07:10:37] Yes [07:10:46] But there's also another ongoing attack [07:10:51] ah okay [07:10:52] One that's much less clear [07:11:00] That I think might be why we are slow [07:11:33] If you've noticed better performance since 3pm on Saturday, it was the 2nd incident [07:11:45] which timezone? [07:11:51] UK [07:11:59] uh, what utc offset? [07:12:09] It's 08:12 am now [07:12:29] UTC+1 i think... if i can math right [07:12:56] i really should stop calculating time offsets with my brain, but i still keep doing it anyway lol [09:07:07] > [05/08/2024 15:48] anyways is there a breezewiki interwiki available on Miraheze (and if not, maybe it could be added) [09:07:18] groupnebula563_0765: missed this until i went back to check chat history, but currently no [09:07:40] for now, you can do a normal interwiki prefix (e.g. [[bw:community/wiki/Help:Infoboxes]]), though that's kinda hacky [09:07:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/bw:community/wiki/Help:Infoboxes [09:08:17] you can do per-wiki multi-level interwikis in LocalSettings.php though [09:08:33] but you also gotta consider which mirror/instance you want to link to, unless if you're gonna use something like farside.link [09:10:51] ah [09:10:56] got it [09:14:50] Hey guys I'm trying to help my friend write ode for a banner that shows your OS and browser but unforently its is not going well [09:15:22] https://pastebin.com/YEyf081b this is version 1 it works pretty well but it doesn't show the images of the OS or browser [09:15:51] ok i hate "why do you want this" responses so i'm not gonna do that [09:16:50] what i am gonna say is you forgot iOs [09:16:53] *iOS [09:17:07] I'm not gonna do that right now [09:17:26] i don't see much issue with it [09:17:30] what exactly is going south [09:18:06] https://i.postimg.cc/FFZ1BMm7/OS-browser-banner.png [09:18:13] Look at this image [09:18:33] The icons for the OSes and browser doesn't apper its broken [09:18:57] hmm ok hold on a sec [09:19:09] can you link to the wiki where it's occurring [09:19:19] the images wont show if theyre not images that are uploaded to the wiki [09:19:22] I have the mediawiki file here [09:19:41] I ment pastbin [09:20:16] yeah i wanna see it running on an actual wiki [09:20:19] https://pastebin.com/YEyf081b [09:20:52] Its a WikiMedia:Common.js [09:21:00] that might not be the issue as it appears to be inserting img tags [09:21:31] How would I do that? Cn anyone make a modified version of it [09:21:31] yeah i understand that but can you please link to the wiki where the issue is happening [09:22:00] so i think i figured it out [09:22:09] the image urls it's generating aren't valid [09:22:21] it's attempting to link to https://postimg.cc/gallery/9CKfXZ9/342670e9/chrome.png on chrome for instance [09:22:24] Oh so how would I fox that? [09:22:32] which serves an html page [09:23:04] lemme try and see if there's just a drop in solution [09:23:34] well chrome would be at https://i.postimg.cc/DfKg5gNZ/chrome.png [09:23:46] Okay and it doesn't show the OS images either we need another way to show the OS icons and browser icons [09:23:52] firefox would be at https://i.postimg.cc/JmbK0fyB/firefox.png [09:24:17] so you'll need to specify the full url of a direct link to the image [09:24:35] instead of just converting it to lowercase and then appending it to some existing text [09:25:05] That would mean I would have to fix the enetire mediawiki:common.js that is on pastebin right now [09:25:16] that should™ work [09:26:05] unless you can find a place that hosts images at static urls that are all the same except the file name there's sadly no drop in solution [09:26:07] You can copy my thing from pastebin and just modify it [09:26:29] well i'm not gonna fix your code for you [09:26:36] but i have told you how to fix it [09:27:24] I'm already feeling super streesed Coploit wrote that btw [09:27:50] It works but its just the images that are are issues that are not showing [09:27:54] til that miraheze allows images from *.postimg.cc (i checked the csp) [09:28:25] I don't know how to even code this was all done but Copoilt [09:29:38] It works the banner shows but not the images they don't apper instead it shows that icon you know when you try to look at an image but it shows a broen papper icon [09:30:38] yeah because the actual image urls are different [09:31:19] I just want someone to fix the code so the images can show than just link me to the pastebin with the code that is fixed [09:31:47] Yeah that is a big problem [09:31:51] you could prompt copilot again [09:32:07] Its kinda a hassle [09:32:40] you'll have to copy ~10 image urls yeah [09:32:54] I just want the OS and Browser Icons [09:33:21] I even tried getting copit to put them indevaully but that was all for nothing and made things worse [09:34:19] so unless someone wants to Ctrl C Ctrl V the pastebin code and modify it and give me a link of the modfied version that I will be happy to look at it. [09:35:59] ... [09:36:33] yes i saw it, no i'm not really in the mood to fix it [09:37:10] >:( damn than how can I get it working for a friend than? [09:37:27] uh, edit the code? [09:37:31] or find another friend to edit the code [09:37:55] Can't [09:37:56] was there some update that changed how tabbers work? [09:38:05] there's a super ugly looking animation when swapping tabs now [09:38:35] i think that's like the third time someone asked about tabber animations (i have never used tabber so idk what it looks like) [09:38:47] Did anyone else look at the code [09:38:49] its horrible [09:38:58] it snaps your screen upwards [09:39:57] > [Wednesday, 17 July 2024] [22.49.42 GMT+10] [1/6] hello there folks, is tabberneue broken? [09:39:58] > [Wednesday, 17 July 2024] [22.49.43 GMT+10] [2/6] every page i have it on no longer shows the selection header of the tabber group and seems to be permanently stuck in this loading animation [09:40:03] different issue though [09:40:07] yeah diff issue [09:40:26] they load in fine, its just the janky forced position and weird looking slide on tab change [09:40:57] Come on I just want people to fix the image problem. [09:40:58] mmm yeah i have no idea [09:41:09] i would check it out, but i'm already procrastinating on too much [09:41:21] I'll just wait and see if a fix appears [09:41:26] it can't just be an issue for me [09:41:43] last words before looking up an issue: ^ [09:42:12] The user agent banner still is broken [09:44:58] [1/2] guest40 - we are mostly just users hanging there together, usually working on our own wikis, and nobody is getting paid here [09:44:58] [2/2] you've been told possible solutions, if you intend to use unusual js you might be better off start actually learning js [09:46:16] But JS is hard though and coding is hard [09:46:34] I mostly use existing/ready js solutions, and usually when css isn't working [09:46:51] I just wanted a part of the code to work correctly for the images. [09:46:54] *isn't resolving the problem [09:48:13] ... [09:53:30] Right but isn't JS superhard if you don't know it [09:53:48] i guess that's programming in general [09:54:10] sure but if you want to use it a lot and fancily you won't cut constantly asking others to write for you [09:54:32] if you learn enough programming, then you can more or less parse simple pieces of logic in any (reasonable) language [09:54:34] unless paid, perhaps [09:54:44] (why am i getting all abstract with this, we're steering offtopic) [09:55:33] Right, but right now though I'm in no place to start lreaning how to code [09:55:43] not that hard, just takes a bit of time and reading [09:56:00] Okay? [09:57:13] So no help from anyone I guess? [09:57:36] All I needed was a single modified pastbin link [09:58:03] ways of resolve been suggested earlier [09:58:07] doesn't look like anyone is gonna modify the script for you, no [09:58:38] groupnebula563_0765 has given the reason why it doesn't work though [09:59:24] Sigh its not like I know how to code. [10:00:27] we know... but (at least) i personally would kinda expect someone to know some basics on how to code if one were to modify code [10:34:29] Uh little issue when trying to reply to my request, it duplicated the responces for no apparent reason, any way to fix that on my side or should it just appologies for the mess ? [10:38:13] replication is a bug [10:38:18] no worries [10:38:32] Understood, thx. [10:49:48] [1/2] hello! I'd like to ask some help for collapsible elements for my wiki; i've been scouring as many help pages as i could and cant seem to find the specific solution. for some reason i cant collapse tables on mobile on my own wiki but i'm able to on something like [the Manual page in mediawiki [10:49:49] [2/2] i've been scratching my head for hours and trying to look for an answer but i keep coming up empty [10:54:29] https://m.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Collapsible_elements this? [10:55:49] Could you also #verify so u can send a link to ur wiki? [10:57:03] here's one of my wiki pages with collapsible tables: https://pokemonunbound.miraheze.org/wiki/Icicle_Cave [10:57:08] yes [10:59:40] Is there a specific table? [11:00:10] Cause on the first one, you haven't put mw-collapsible in the class [11:01:25] hello, just wanted to say the rogue admins that took over the wiki I then forked now want my wiki gone (which I will not do because that’s the whole point of forking the wiki) [11:01:55] they are planning to file a DMCA takedown request for properly credited content released under the CC-BY-SA [11:02:02] so I’m sure that’ll go wonderfully [11:03:03] anyways any DMCA takedown requests you may receive regarding chinafake.mirahaze.org are malicious in nature and should be ignored. don’t think it’s too much of a problem but just wanted to let you know just in case [11:03:28] Does anyone use and like StructedDiscussions / Flow? [11:04:43] It seems like there isn't a visible button for your wiki when adding mw-collapsible [11:05:03] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269974445032865913/Screenshot_20240805_120450_Chrome.png?ex=66b2035e&is=66b0b1de&hm=ca1956eaa200773dd87707175ac26aa9751688e1e0bf433bc8a836a0cd4dcc16& [11:05:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269974445418614794/Screenshot_20240805_120453_Chrome.png?ex=66b2035e&is=66b0b1de&hm=c31b036e5c4bcc26ab611cab799dbbbc7c8403aea0b8887a8d7f7eb39580e2d4& [11:05:19] Oh good it's already restricted [11:05:55] [1/2] I remember one user asking about flow recently in #tech [11:05:55] [2/2] and I think allthetropes do? [11:06:28] table too wide? [11:06:52] [1/5] its a known thing (https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T111565), adding this to mobile.js might work? [11:06:52] [2/5] ``` [11:06:53] [3/5] mw.loader.using('jquery.makeCollapsible').then(() => $('.mw-collapsible').makeCollapsible()); [11:06:53] [4/5] ``` [11:06:53] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269974903809904641/image.png?ex=66b203cc&is=66b0b24c&hm=495fc2cac5a09b8c9424dbc3d7d14c45562e924fea956ebed67f29924a241a38& [11:07:09] does mobilefrontend load mobile.js thats what its called right [11:07:19] [1/2] you better drop an email at stewards or ping one [11:07:19] [2/2] idk if post on stewards requests/misc is applicable [11:07:31] [1/2] Other visual stuff is missing [11:07:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1269975067509395456/image0.png?ex=66b203f3&is=66b0b273&hm=d38a33939941d3e2f22307c22eae8930c0c3c24d8a7cb80dd259adf6e1ba478d& [11:07:42] ah [11:07:57] Collapsible does work [11:08:00] I'll just repeat my mantra - minerva sucks [11:08:36] it works If youre not using mobilefrontend :moonch: [11:08:52] mobilefrontend sucka too lol [11:09:06] i think it purposely doesnt work on minerva for mobile ergonomic reasons [11:09:11] i see [11:09:41] Want us to put that on your grave? [11:10:12] :ThinkingHardMH: [11:10:12] what exactly can i do fix it? im still relatively new to the wiki backend (if its not obvious enough lol) [11:10:34] @Stewards yo [11:10:50] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1269973533958738020 [11:10:50] ATT is @.labster's mess [11:11:08] But if someone was asking about it, we have to start thinking about undeploying it soon [11:11:21] [1/2] add this to Mediawiki:mobile.js [11:11:21] [2/2] ```mw.loader.using('jquery.makeCollapsible').then(() => $('.mw-collapsible').makeCollapsible());``` [11:13:35] should i remove minerva and mobilefrontend too? [11:14:35] no, this fix is exactly for mobilefrontend [11:15:11] [1/2] minerva is just a skin tied mfe [11:15:12] [2/2] mfe is an extension which provides mobile/desktop switch [11:15:43] minerva's problem is that it nerfs a lot of stuff like sidebar [11:15:55] mfe is a bit finicky w/ styling and stuff [11:16:36] <.labster> I'm following the WMF tickets on Flow undeployment [11:17:23] Nah DMCA is T&S terf [11:17:28] CC @serverlessharej [11:17:44] oop [11:17:56] <.labster> There is a maintenance script to convert Flow content to wikitext but I think people are improving it. [11:18:17] Ye im kinda suspecting they might try and get it in next MW release [11:18:32] So we'll want to do it just after that comes out [11:18:40] But make sure ATT are ready [11:19:28] i see, thank you [11:20:12] Do ATT use it a lot [11:20:13] i was able to add this but it hasnt remedied itself yet; though caveat i did edit it from my phone since im away from my laptop atm [11:20:15] Or is it legacy? [11:20:23] Cause they are one of the bigger wikis [11:20:33] it takes some time for js to start working [11:20:35] <.labster, replying to rhinosf1> The main thing we'd want is some sort of new template for Reviews subpages (technically moving the namespace back to subpages). The good thing is that there aren't really that many pages there, only two dozen. [11:20:50] i see; i'll report back after some time then [11:20:59] thank you everyone :> [11:21:01] That's cool [11:21:07] I'd start making it [11:21:16] <.labster, replying to rhinosf1> We use it for talk pages as well, will probably want to switch to DiscussionTools [11:21:19] You got at least 5 months [11:21:27] Ye DiscussionTools is the natural alt [11:21:33] I'm not sure if that's global tbh [11:21:42] It could be a global or default extension [11:21:46] Cause parsoid is [11:22:10] thing is, mobile support is really import, so there's this solution w/ mfe, and lets you to set different mobile friendly skin instead of minerva, or one might use a mobile adaptive skin on the wiki altogether w/o mfe and mode switching [11:22:41] *important lol [11:22:47] <.labster> honestly phones are so big now that mobile support is not very important at all. [11:23:12] Thanks for reaching out. Both stewards and T&S thoroughly investigate all deletion requests to ensure fair decisions are made, so you can rest assured there won't be any incorrect judgments [11:23:18] have you tried to use a legacy Vector only wiki on a phone? [11:23:34] <.labster> yes, still better than Minerva [11:23:41] like, for me it's not a big deal too [11:23:49] it's sure better than minerva [11:23:55] i think we should abolish phones [11:23:59] go back to caveman times [11:24:02] but Timeless is better than both of them on phone lol [11:24:24] <.labster, replying to canyada> We're starting with TikTok, is that okay? [11:24:48] yes please pronto [11:27:39] be careful of what you wish for [11:28:19] Launch the air strike [11:29:15] <.labster, replying to rhinosf1> `{{NUMBEROFWIKISUSINGEXTENSION:flow}}` returns 371 [11:29:15] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/NUMBEROFWIKISUSINGEXTENSION:Template:flow [11:31:31] <.labster, replying to pixldev> give war a chance [11:32:54] war or something idk i'm not italian [11:32:56] https://static.miraheze.org/pizzatowerwiki/b/b8/Spr_titlecards_10.png [11:33:42] Mama Mia [11:34:16] https://youtube.com/watch?v=tF_4kmMgKoQ [11:37:52] it works! thank you again everyone [11:41:17] You may be able to use a cron on a Linux machine with the wiki archive script on theory maybe [11:41:45] yeah, that was proposed to the guy but he refused lol [11:41:58] i.e. run a script from computer [11:42:12] what's the question? couldn't find it [11:42:43] make wayback machine archiving of wiki pages automatic, weekly [11:43:23] hmm... if you do it via save page now then the internet archive might want to kill you [11:43:56] fr? [11:44:13] or you mean automatic part lol [11:44:33] depends on how many pages of course [11:44:49] true [11:44:57] strange idea anyway [11:44:57] there's a bulk email interface (spn@archive.org or some other alias that i forgot (savepage@? savepagenow@?)), but it takes in batches of 150 iirc [11:45:25] i guess you could ask the archiveteam, but idk if they'd do WARCs of wikis, plus idk if they do things weekly [11:46:37] This reminds that I found my wiki (the one on Fandom that I want to depart from) on the wayback machine tho no idea how deep it went, only saw 3 saves of the main page. [11:47:03] you'll probably find better results on archive.org (not web.archive.org) [11:48:08] Could be worse [11:50:45] I need to ask one question - when importing wiki from the link https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestImport - as I select the XML file of my DB which is around 78 MBs but it is not accepting the file and not show name of the file after I press the 'Select File' option. Can anyone please confirm how can I import the xml file? I did try .sql [11:50:46] file and it shows the name of the file after selecting but due to only XML allow the web page give me errors [11:51:15] What error [11:51:43] Let me get the error details and send it over [11:52:55] File extension ".xml" does not match the detected MIME type of the file (text/plain). [11:53:33] interesting error 🤔 [11:55:03] BlankEclair what are the allowed files to import database into Miraheze? [11:55:35] XML should be it [11:56:22] Guest45: .XML files in the same format as what would've been exported from Special:Export or dumpBackup.php [11:56:49] i kinda want the file to just to figure out why it's not being accepted [11:58:26] Can you please let me know how to export dumpBackup.php file as I exported it via 'mysqldump --xml' flag? [11:59:47] Guest45: see [[mw:Special:MyLanguage/Manual:dumpBackup.php]] [11:59:47] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:dumpBackup.php [12:03:44] And where I can send you my previously exported XML file BlankEclair? [12:04:02] Oh yeah that’s it’s [12:04:08] Guest45: i was curious as to why it treated it as a regular text file, but now i know why [12:04:13] The sql export isn’t what we need [12:04:17] it's a sql dump, not a mediawiki dump (if that makes sense) [12:04:32] You can use Special:Export [12:04:53] For wikis where that’s too big, I can make a dump of it here on discord [12:07:51] What you need from myside to create a dump that 'Request Import' link can accept? [12:13:23] Guest45: because it eventually uses [[mw:Manual:importdump.php]] [12:13:23] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:importdump.php [12:13:41] ah whoops... [[mw:Manual:importDump.php]] [12:13:41] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:importDump.php [12:20:04] The link for ImportDump.php is blank [12:20:57] What wiki are you exporting from [12:21:00] Do you have shell access [12:21:06] which one? the first one i typed it wrong, the second one is correct [12:21:29] And the below link for php dump is not creating dump properly as the dump file is [12:21:30] php dumpBackup.php --full --include-files --uploads > page-and-filedump.xml [12:21:48] *file size is 1 KB [12:22:11] MirahezeRelay Yes I do have shell access [12:22:15] how big is the wiki? [12:22:22] 78MB [12:22:27] oh right [12:22:28] approx [12:22:29] weird... [12:22:39] what are the contents of the xml dump [12:23:35] Contents include software's installation guide to the clients etc [12:23:49] wouldn't be easier to run wikiteam3, or the wiki is private? [12:24:10] they appear to have shell access [12:24:27] Wiki hosted on Miraheze and existing wiki both are public [12:24:44] wait... what? [12:24:52] If you want I can try to just make a dump here [12:25:06] Sorry BlankEclair let me clear my sentence [12:25:41] wait a sec [12:26:26] Wiki which is just approved and it is currently blank and hosted on Miraheze is public and the wiki from where I need to import data both are public [12:27:00] ah [12:27:04] MirahezeRelay What you need from my side to create the dump? [12:27:15] URL [12:28:46] How would you login to the wiki to create the dump? [12:29:17] there's an external tool (https://github.com/saveweb/wikiteam3) that also lets you dump wikis in the compatible format [12:29:26] If it’s not private I don’t need to login [12:29:36] We have a bot on discord for this as well [12:32:24] MirahezeRelay I didn't know the complete difference between public and private - so my existing wiki has username and passwords to login to the wiki so it means it is private wiki [12:36:15] Guest45: it is public if you can read it without having to log in [12:36:24] if you have to log in to read it, then it's private [12:37:12] Yes but we need to login to edit the pages [12:37:51] it is still considered public [12:39:02] So are you able to directly export into XML without logging in? [12:40:18] Are you guys don't have any command to export the data via shell that in the supported version that can easily import? [12:40:48] > [05/08/2024 22:39] So are you able to directly export into XML without logging in? [12:40:49] yes [12:42:00] Guide me as well please so I can able to do that from my side [12:42:54] you'd want to install wikiteam3 (https://github.com/saveweb/wikiteam3, either from pypi or from git) [12:43:07] Also confirm me one thing - are there any limitations while importing the DB XML file? because it is quite large 78MBs [12:43:23] if it's too big (i don't know how much) then Special:ImportDump will reject it [12:43:31] if so, you'll need to request it on [[Phorge]] instead [12:43:31] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [12:43:55] after installing wikiteam3, run something like wikiteam3dumpgenerator https://rainverse.wiki --xml --images --delay 0 (replace the url with the one of your wiki) [12:44:08] Or I can do it from here [12:45:49] Let me first request on Phorge and see if I it accept my request, if not I will try wikistream [12:46:35] That’s not how it works [12:46:43] wiki team generates the dump [12:46:47] Phorge is to import it [12:46:50] If it’s too large [12:46:57] requesting it on phorge is a more manual way of asking "hey can you import this for me" [12:47:05] we can't import sql dumps [12:48:26] OK that's fine -  I will install wikistream and then generate the dump [13:08:11] I installed the tool using the command git clone https://github.com/saveweb/wikiteam3.git and then run the command wikiteam3dumpgenerator http://IP\mediawiki --xml --images --delay 0, then it says wikiteam3dumpgenerator command not found [13:08:47] you didn't do `pip install .` (while in the wikiteam3 directory) [13:08:56] alternatively, you could do `pip install wikiteam3` [13:08:57] There are install directions [13:09:03] Nope [13:09:06] Will do it now [13:09:46] So I just go into the wikiteam directory and then run pip install . right? [13:10:04] yes [13:12:40] [1/2] Hey so there's this goofy safe image I used for the story that's just like "What could be inside" and I picked a image off of Google to show the absurdity of it. But do I have to credit them or am I not allowed to use the image? If I can't use it I'll just make my own drawing of one. Here's the website the image is from [13:12:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270006564148740130/Screenshot_20240805_201105_Chrome.jpg?ex=66b22148&is=66b0cfc8&hm=2b0787d28f43dc8cf889d634e5eb35ac751c6ccc16f8011ef7c32d23bd26bdf4& [13:13:05] yes you'll have to give credit [13:13:47] Ah alr [13:14:23] Ok so wikiteam3dumpgenerator command is run now - where it generates the dump file as I can't see in the directory where I am present [13:15:05] Is it possible to add the image by link rather then adding it by file? [13:15:12] I'm pretty sure there is a way [13:15:44] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Help:Maintenance_template_removal [13:15:52] Guest45: it should be saved in ./__wikidump [13:16:13] and again not embed this time [13:27:38] [1/2] there's a setting which allows that but I personally haven't tried that [13:27:38] [2/2] there's also a setting which lets your wiki to use images from Wikimedia Commons (where Wikipedia keeps files), without re-upload, it's enabled by default [13:43:16] Hi. Is it possible for Miraheze to host wikis about Discord-server communities? Or they are not important enough for that? [13:45:31] cc pixldev: ^ [13:45:43] is there such a thing as "too niche" for a wiki creator to accept? [13:46:30] Hmmmmmm. Can you elaborate? What is the community about, what will be covered [13:46:34] Are you involved with the pizza tower wiki? Or am I thinking of someone else [13:46:35] [1/2] there's no "importance" criteria? but as long as the wiki works under [[Terms of Use]] and [[Content Policy]] it's acceptable [13:46:35] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Terms_of_Use https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Content_Policy [13:46:36] [2/2] however the topic of discord communities sounds like something walking a thin line [13:46:37] [1/2] [13:46:37] [2/2] [13:46:45] I am [13:47:07] I'm like backup admin/Miraheze consiltant lol [13:47:18] Fun job title [13:47:34] i feel like miraheze consultant also fits for what i do on the rainverse wiki :p [13:47:37] actually drafting a celebratory post rn [13:48:06] i suppose i handle like 95% of the tech-related tasks on there [13:48:38] I noticed you guys have discussion tools enabled which depends on visual editor, but there’s no visual editor button? I was wondering how it was done [13:49:04] CSS ofc :pupCoffeeMH: [13:49:18] Ol reliable haha [13:49:24] The community is centered around television and radio. The server is quite big, it has a big history and lots of various things to cover, like channels, users, memes, roles, server features, events and all the related things [13:49:32] It would definitely fit for me if my wiki was activ [13:50:08] actually, a wiki was approved about a single minecraft server, so i suppose there can't be a thing as too niche? [13:50:14] I wouldn’t call myself a consultant but I do help round phighting wiki sometimes although mainly here when their crat asks questions s [13:50:27] Eh not a 1-1 comparison [13:50:43] What would the average page look like [13:51:23] I say open wiki creation to everyone [13:51:30] No more long wait times! [13:51:34] a:sillydance: [13:51:39] Chaos! [13:51:54] send messages with wiki subdomains [13:52:06] Has there been a wiki on a Discord server before? [13:52:14] He rebels against the state! [13:52:21] Call the French [13:52:22] hey.miraheze.org how.miraheze.org are.miraheze.org you.miraheze.org [13:52:40] Believe so, but if I recall it was RP and lore focused [13:52:44] someone's gonna end up doxing someone else with subdomains aren't they [13:53:55] We can suppress Wiki requests [13:54:16] talking about the free-for-all situation [13:54:22] [1/2] That makes more sense [13:54:22] [2/2] Though I can kiiiinda see how you can document stuff on a regular Discord server [13:54:47] Haha you live at 308negraarroyolane.miraheze.org [13:54:53] I'd say send request, the reviewers will see and might ask for more details [13:55:28] I see no possible way opening wiki creation to everyone could ever backfire in a million years [13:55:36] :EpicFaceMH: [13:55:40] Be optimistic [13:57:19] The world can only be sunshine and rainbows if you let it [13:57:45] [1/2] well, it depends on what the average page is about. but for the most part they will have an infobox, a short description of a subject in the beginning, and then a chapter with history of a subject, that will contain some memorable events related to it, it will have information about current state, that will describe what the subject is known for, what do [13:57:46] [2/2] es it represent, there may also be some stats and interesting facts [13:57:59] Hm [13:58:01] Only users trusted to do an action should be allowed to do an action. This is why, for example, the "translation" right has been moved to a dedicated "translaters" group. [13:58:28] [1/2] Geoff, it's sarcasm [13:58:29] [2/2] I think..? [13:58:30] @kiju1108 can I get your opinion? [13:58:37] It is [13:59:15] I mean, we already have a farm w/ unmoderated wiki creation, its name starts w/ f lol [13:59:44] I think they do a grand total of two checks for wiki creation [14:00:02] One for a set list of banned words and one for duplicate wikis [14:03:12] [1/2] Why this error is happening. Any solution? [14:03:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270019279848476775/Screenshot_2024-08-05-19-41-06-51.jpg?ex=66b22d20&is=66b0dba0&hm=87b8473284d01c06c28b87692e1ffff7db085b176d52c8b17d0533b0153e5eee& [14:05:03] something with bengali apparently... [14:08:40] [1/2] The cut off is so funny [14:08:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270020655420539065/IMG_8409.png?ex=66b22e68&is=66b0dce8&hm=b68edd8e56f705bd6e03d050c55d09182119f2f609f900209b621dae92630c69& [14:08:56] please [14:09:13] pwease [14:09:20] uwu [14:09:27] Said through muffled sobs [14:09:28] 👉👈 [14:12:06] Mediawiki crying for help [14:23:31] Hmm the wiki webhook does not seem to use the avatar set by "Discord Notification Sender Name ($wgDiscordFromName)" lately, instead just using a default discord avatar? (Obviously a minor inconvenience at most, if even that, not noticed anything else wrong with it beside that) [14:26:03] Why it's not saving it actually works in css but not working in wikimedia related project [14:26:36] If I report this issue if something can be done [14:29:11] [1/3] Imo, if you're going to write about a "community" itself, there shouldn't be any particular issues. This includes community management, history, and events. However, you should be extremely cautious when mentioning specific individuals who are not server mods or admins, or troubles. As long as an article isn't biased and there's no concern that it might "create [14:29:11] [2/3] problems for other wikis or for Miraheze" I'd be willing to approve it [14:29:12] [3/3] I'm not sure how other stewards or WC would feel about it, though [14:30:03] tbf 2b2t wikis fits here too, they document history of the server etc [14:32:47] Yeah, that's about Minecraft server but if it's allowed, should be allowed for Discord server as well [14:34:06] mmmmmm [14:34:21] [1/2] Quick Question : [14:34:22] [2/2] The Request page still says in review but got a mail saying it was created, I assume it's all good ? [14:36:02] if you can visit your wiki it was approved [14:38:32] [1/2] That's the thing, I can't seem to be able to 😕 [14:38:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270028171101868119/image.png?ex=66b23567&is=66b0e3e7&hm=3faafecb4096e4969615df55cc43394333821af88f7f8d81d4b10297f9dd55e4& [14:38:59] I copied the link directly from the request [14:44:39] hm, what’s your username [14:45:11] Aels224 [14:50:04] It is loading for me. [14:51:21] I'm cursed then 😫 [14:51:51] Try clearing cache and hitting refresh a few times, might get you through. [14:52:01] Will do, thx [14:53:19] RE: wikis about discord communities, we generally have a higher bar for acceptance with something like that as the topic inherently focuses on interpersonal stuff, which has previously led to drama, vandalism, targeted hate campaigns, etc. [14:54:06] [1/2] How do I hide text so that it only shows up in the editor [14:54:06] [2/2] I forgot [14:54:14] One thing that can be helpful to the process - think through what content moderation of the wiki looks like, and what local policies you might need to set to avoid problems up front. [14:54:44] noinclude tags, IIRC [14:54:50] Comments [14:54:51] Thanks [14:54:56] That too [14:55:08] <--like this--> [14:55:18] `` [14:55:22] Oh, right, yes. I was thinking of transclusion, d'oh. [14:55:36] edittools my beloved [14:55:37] What legroom said [15:01:16] [1/2] And it lives ! Don't know what fixed it but it works now 😅 [15:01:16] [2/2] -# Reports of its death were apparently exaggerated [15:11:15] I have discovered tabber and I think I finally figured out how I'm going to document the changes for Kinder World [15:25:30] Why the embeds doesn't appear when I share a link to my wiki? [15:25:42] and other links appears? [15:26:55] Look at documentation for WikiSEO [15:31:34] Also while you're free to get help here, I may recommend testing embed behavior on a topic-relevant/personal discord server, that isn't really the purpose of the Miraheze discord. [15:33:25] it doesn't appear [15:33:39] and it's a bit weird, because after happened [15:35:22] it's a technical problem [15:41:16] Special:ManageWiki/settings/wikiseo >> enable auto description and try clean autodescription [15:46:13] nothing happens [15:46:24] even I enabled it [15:46:47] I might give up [15:46:53] due I messed it up [15:53:56] It's not immediate, you'll need to wait for the maintenance scripts to run to generate text extracts. [17:09:33] hi [17:09:41] How do you do this [17:12:46] do what [17:12:56] make a wiki page [17:13:32] A page or a whole wiki [17:13:45] Both [17:15:20] You can request a wiki on [[Special:RequestWiki]] but I’d recommend getting familiar with using the software on say https://publictestwiki.com first before writing [17:15:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWiki [17:15:21] [17:16:41] Alr thanks [17:25:03] @christinanowell unblock me back [17:25:05] bastard [17:25:40] unblock me [17:25:43] now [17:26:18] Not with that attitude :/ [17:26:27] Excuse me. [17:26:42] dude [17:26:44] Let’s stay respectful in this space, or not be in it at all [17:27:24] I don't give a fuck about attitude. I was nicely to asking to be confirmed user in the DoveArchives wiki shit, and she payed me blocking me off. [17:27:31] no. [17:27:52] stay respectful.... I piss off in [17:28:15] wellp, that's a very mature behaviour /s [17:29:09] How you feel when a wiki doesn't allow your stupid micronation, or even let you edit your article? Pissed, right? [17:29:23] No [17:29:34] no, idgaf lol [17:29:35] Lilac, cool your jets or I will proceed with a timeout. Being annoyed at someone is no reason to throw the basic tenant of civility to to garbage. [17:29:59] + remove your article from MicroWiki and DoveArchives (which wiki which is admin @christinanowell, this mf) [17:30:21] You’re free to vent of course, but not here and at members of our community in a public channel(any channel for that matter) [17:30:46] All I wish is Dragania had it's place [17:30:56] and being respected and liked [17:31:29] (but if no one um, respects my Dragania, I have to lose the respect to others) [17:31:38] tit for tat [17:32:04] mate, that's not how it works [17:32:43] Again, that’s no excuse to violate basic conduct [17:32:56] Take a step back from Discord and vent mate [17:34:25] mimicks "that's not how it works". Get back when you get your work in a wiki went to the 💩, and talk me back [17:34:33] it hurts [17:34:52] buddy I admin wikis since 2016 lol [17:34:57] This is your last warning to cool off before I proceed with a timeout. [17:35:17] Y'know what time out @christinanowell not me [17:36:06] Very funny. [17:36:27] Dm me, I want to give you the space to vent [17:37:28] Hi, I'm the owner of a video game mod wiki, and I'd like to add the main game's wiki as an interwiki prefix. However, the only information I can find on either the Miraheze Meta wiki or the Mediawiki wiki itself says to ask a bureaucrat to do it and doesn't actually mention how a bureaucrat themself can do it. How do I do it? [17:38:03] [[Special:Interwiki]] [17:38:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Interwiki [17:38:04] [17:38:09] on your wiki [17:38:09] Special:Interwiki on your wiki [17:38:12] ah [17:38:35] If it’s an old one you’ll need to give crats the interwiki right as well [17:39:26] I made it maybe a year ago? Anyway, sorry, but I'm on the page in my wiki but I can't see how I edit it [17:40:18] I am definitely logged in [17:40:53] Then you need to grant interwiki in [[Special:ManageWiki/permissions]] [17:40:53] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/permissions [17:40:54] [17:41:02] I think bureau is missing the right as I don't see it on my wikis too [17:41:11] Alright, I'll try that, thank you [17:41:30] why it's not enabled by default again [17:41:49] It was set as default for new wikis following the RFC and the ability to grant it given ti all crates [17:42:01] ah, fair [17:42:03] Technical limitations I assume [17:42:23] Yup, it wasn't enabled, just did so. Thank you guys! [17:43:15] And I can add interwiki prefixes now. Yay! [17:45:49] Hmmm okay one more thing. There's an "API" field I have to fill out. Any hints on how I can find that out for the wiki I want to add a prefix for? [17:46:14] where’s that field? [17:46:45] [1/2] Here. [17:46:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270075536240017419/image.png?ex=66b26184&is=66b11004&hm=1acac408f5a9aff07c64f6ea032dff042297fef1a8ec21f430a5f5dcd69e9b7b& [17:47:03] I’m going to be honest [17:47:07] Never seen that before [17:47:17] I think it's optional [17:47:18] Also, add a $1 to the end of the URL [17:47:27] the API I mean [17:47:30] Okay, thanks. I'll try that. [17:47:57] API is api.php instead of index.php [17:49:07] Hmmmm I see. Well it went through when I added the `$1` to the end of the URL so I think I'm good. I'll add it if I have trouble later on. [17:49:14] Thanks again [18:11:18] API is optional and can be ignored if you don't need it, yes. [18:59:51] [1/2] I'm a bit confused about using Phorge when requesting for technical stuff that stewards don't have access to. It sounds like when setting up a task there seems to apply to all wikis, not just one in specific. [18:59:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270093934328152144/image.png?ex=66b272a7&is=66b12127&hm=766d11b0f29134c1f747f177f5e3a1ef25e851ef0059dc653d792ca00834a2e6& [19:00:43] The description asks you to state which wiki [19:01:04] Also please don't put , there is no justification to redact it [19:02:07] Yeah sorry about that I modified it to make the screenshot, checking the actual task shows the proper URL [19:02:51] Ye that's just pointless [19:03:06] We can look at the order things are loaded [19:03:34] Do we know what the mediawiki bug is [19:03:48] You say because of a bug but not what the bug is @yonic_soseki [19:04:08] It's in the Github discussion but here: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T287622 [19:06:46] Loading skins after extensions sounds a sensible idea [19:06:54] We should be fixing that on all wikis tbh [19:07:47] Thats potentially not very simple [19:08:09] How do we load extensions @originalauthority [19:08:26] We used to do it in one of the local files [19:08:31] Which would have been simple [19:09:14] The extensions are written to a json file. And then the json file is read, and each extension is checked against the extension-list.json file and if its in that list its queued onto the extension registry and then loaded at the end [19:09:46] Yeah.... [19:10:06] Is that deterministic ? [19:10:14] The issue is theres no distinction between an extension and a skin. They're under the same key in the json file because skins and extensions are both loaded the same way [19:10:41] We need to split the skin and the extensions off into their own key in the json and then ensure only the extensions are loaded first. [19:10:51] Probably is quite simple tbf just messy. [19:10:57] Yup [19:11:01] Basically ye [19:11:18] I'm leaving that one to you though [19:11:33] @originalauthority is it a ManageWiki thing or a config thing? [19:11:46] @yonic_soseki congrats, you opened a rabbit hole [19:12:12] Both. Since ManageWiki also doesn't distinguish between skins and extensions. It puts skins in the extension field of the database also [19:12:49] Yikes [19:13:17] So actually it might be a bit messy because we'd have to change the database schema as well -- or we could just keep a list of all the skins and sort them in CreateWikiJson once they're pulled from the database, but that is also messy because it relies on manually updating the list everytime a skin is changed. [19:13:37] @originalauthority you can detect it from extension-list though from the folder name [19:13:52] Do we tag the bug #ManageWiki or #config [19:13:58] MW [19:14:52] I suppose, yeah, but that would mean we need to do a double read of the JSON file for every one -- one to determine if its there, and one to sort it into the correct type. [19:15:00] Or maybe theres another way to do it I haven't thought of yet [19:15:14] Done [19:15:24] There nearly always is [19:15:30] That's why we do this [19:15:42] We talk out loud and sound stupid until we have an idea [19:15:46] That's genius [19:16:01] Its always really annoyed me anyway that wfLoadSkin and wfLoadExtension are two separate things because they both do the same thing [19:16:28] I mean at one point we didn't even have a registry [19:16:45] It's not that long since most extensions were converted [19:17:49] _looks at SocialProfile_ [19:18:05] I forgot that nightmare existed for a second [19:18:40] shutters [19:18:57] That set of extensions is just [19:18:59] Ye [19:19:01] Pain [19:20:11] @originalauthority aren't you trying to unfuck the mess that is social profile [19:20:45] I just made another one just the profile tho [19:20:59] None of that social media shit [19:21:16] I did borrow a bit of the avatar stuff from social profile tho and improved it to use shellbox etc [19:21:25] And hopefully with extension registry? [19:21:30] Yup [19:21:43] 🙂 [19:23:17] Also codex which is nice [19:23:37] Well OOUI atm but its being converted to codex [19:23:44] remind me what shellbox is [19:23:50] Rubber duck debugging at its best! [19:24:15] Well, sort of. [19:24:25] I think @pixldev wins the best stress teddy [19:24:40] Where's the video of you kicking it [19:33:52] It runs shell commands in a container so theres no access to the rest of the systen [19:49:11] Is it possible to somehow access the history/old edit of a page if all contents of it have disappeared during the move between namespaces? [19:53:33] It should've attached to the page it moved with [19:56:05] I know, but for whatever reason, both pages are now blank and all the history is missing [19:56:24] We should be able to recover it [19:56:34] What wiki is it [19:56:39] And an example broken page? [19:57:45] [1/2] This is the edit [19:57:45] [2/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/475350160428498964/1270102896435921109 [19:58:12] Both pages now have only one edit in history [19:59:07] However there should be 11 edits ported from FANDOM dated 2022 [20:03:55] @vladthemountain can you open a task? [20:04:42] I'll try [20:05:30] There's a setting for it in ManageWiki with which you can turn the animation off. I submitted a task on day 1 (https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12350) because I could not stand the animation. [20:11:18] punch or punt? [20:11:49] Both? [20:12:25] [1/2] ? [20:12:25] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270112196042428588/IMG_3955.MOV?ex=66b283a9&is=66b13229&hm=f93483178147562397de49d68e88565f242815f652076dfc4ddd440e9069e31d& [20:12:51] @yonic_soseki [20:12:59] [1/2] punt [20:13:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270112338682581012/IMG_3959.MOV?ex=66b283cb&is=66b1324b&hm=aa15bb670cc2c6f2776f464a68feddf44d60ad278a257ce15643e5e6dfd22d03& [20:13:22] Your punch carries are proper thud [20:14:05] I’m a second degree taekwondo black belt so I’d like to think I at least have the basic chamber technique [20:14:16] gotta flip the fist in a way [20:14:42] pull in palm up and turn during the strike for power [20:14:44] I forgot you did martial arts [20:14:53] You'd be fun to teach [20:14:55] I imagine [20:14:59] I don’t as much and not in Brazil [20:15:01] You'd be one of my story students [20:15:03] I am [20:15:09] I probably am [20:15:16] For my teacher [20:15:20] Probably [20:15:20] [1/2] does legacy vector's search only do main namespace? [20:15:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270112929932382311/image.png?ex=66b28458&is=66b132d8&hm=7bc829b74392a72a1da7c4c0bc84460dafe82f622f015789d7c7fa945676e6d5& [20:15:39] @pixldev we like the kids who make teaching fun and give us stories to laugh about [20:15:58] I imagine you'd be like Alex [20:16:01] I used to have a lot more one on one sessions with my instructor since i was in a lower traffic class before teens and adults [20:17:02] I think my parents have a recording of his speech when I got my black belt, was nice:> [20:17:09] aww [20:17:12] but yeah my instructor is awesome [20:17:27] I didn't teach for long enough to see any of my little kids reach black belt [20:17:31] Covid got in the way [20:17:33] Besides the nonstop dad jokes [20:17:45] I say little kids [20:17:48] part of me considered getting into teaching [20:17:57] They were when I started teaching, not anymore [20:18:08] Do it [20:18:12] Best thing ever mate [20:18:18] Of the group of teenagers who are black belts, some have already reached red color [20:18:23] aka junior instructor [20:18:28] You get all the fun of teaching you [20:18:34] There'll be a little you [20:18:34] note im the oldest ish among the grouo [20:18:39] haha [20:18:40] And a quiet kid [20:18:48] check namespace settings [20:19:00] And two annoying twins who are brilliant apart but a nightmare together [20:19:01] shouldn't depend on skin [20:19:02] main issue is A i dont have much time for legacy/leadership classes and my memory is garbage [20:19:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270113873499918437/image.png?ex=66b28539&is=66b133b9&hm=2710f79c44060add4e3004bcbc09acfe1698a0514d1fe43b937f2a7e0da08b9e& [20:19:14] My memory is garbage [20:19:16] which makes forms techniques and self defense stuff really hard [20:19:20] fun fact [20:19:23] I used kids belts to remember their ages [20:19:26] hmm idk then [20:19:43] Because I could see the progress wall [20:19:47] for my final test as a first degree, to become second [20:20:08] i had to do the entire form. My teacher doesn’t judge memory as much as doing it well [20:20:21] I did the entire form during graduation without missing a single move [20:20:24] that was [20:20:28] THE FIRST TIME [20:20:30] i did that [20:20:40] during the fucking graduation [20:20:45] felt pretty good gotta say [20:20:56] Awesome [20:21:05] I can imagine that was a good feeling [20:21:20] And seriously, teaching will give you memories that will last a life time [20:21:31] Even if you have a crap memory like me [20:21:51] Nothing like making a difference to little ones [20:21:55] My teacher said to me when he told me my results he had already marked me as passed for forms because of how much effort I put into learning it and because i could do what I remembered [20:21:57] I taught 7-12 btw [20:22:34] Back when I was what a brown belt I helped a little bit with the junior classes since a friend was starting [20:22:54] if i can find Time in my hs schedule i do wanna see about doing legacy classes [20:23:42] If you can do it, do it [20:23:57] Plus I’d get a uniform with my name on it [20:37:29] [1/2] I removed MobileFrontend and exclusively use vector-2022 on my wiki because I want more control over the layout and don't want MobileFrontend to mess with it (e.g. remove navboxes for me). Another advantage is that the layout needs be tested on a single skin instead of two. The downside is that I can't expect MobileFrontend to do the handholding and need to a [20:37:30] [2/2] djust the css manually. It works in my use case because I'm already doing a lot of manual tuning. See https://strinova.org/wiki/Michele for an example. [20:38:12] opened [20:40:43] What's the best way to embed a poll on a wiki's home page? Preferably a poll visitors without an account can vote in. [20:42:46] I believe there’s an extension [20:42:50] try searching polls [20:43:05] I recall one of the Wikis I had to review used it [20:43:20] I can’t speak to its quality though [20:43:43] [1/2] There appear to be several extensions: [20:43:43] [2/2] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Category:Poll_extensions [20:44:09] [1/2] Outside of extensions, Super Mario Wiki (not MH) uses a widget [20:44:10] [2/2] https://www.mariowiki.com/widget:Crowdsignal [20:44:25] I was wondering if one or more of them is preferred on Miraheze. [20:46:09] Looks like AjaxPoll and Quiz are both available in ManageWIki. [20:47:56] Widgets have been disabled on Miraheze for a long time, so you won't be able to use them directly. [20:49:41] In AJAXPoll, is there a way to allow users to vote for more than one option in a poll? [20:51:18] No [22:09:22] If you are looking for multiple votes, you might consider using a site like Straw Poll, maybe making an announcement or adding it to the Sidebar. [22:14:56] Doesn't Fandom own Straw Poll? [22:15:17] I don't know [22:19:52] Oh they owned StrawPoll.me which they seem to have shut down in 2023 [22:51:07] hi! our pywikibot script is getting caught in the new cloudflare protections and it's returning a 403 error. is it possible we could similarly get an exemption for running our bots and/or do you know what we need to fix? update the user agent? [23:03:01] What does your bot do, automatic stuff or run on your Pc [23:03:14] also do you have any contact info in the UA [23:08:10] [1/2] how would i go around using vscode to edit wiki pages? [23:08:10] [2/2] ive added the wikitext extension gadget to my local css, however the gadget will not work, as in the button "open in vscode" is not showing [23:09:09] Hm [23:09:25] Can’t say I’m familiar with this gadget or concept [23:09:25] i looked in the console and theres a "Content Security Policy directive" error [23:09:32] Ah, thats it [23:09:46] it just violates miraheze policy? [23:10:08] the CSP is a default deny all system for security [23:10:21] any additions have to be approved by tech [23:10:31] If it requires calling code from a website domain that hasn’t been added, it’s blocked [23:10:46] its calling from github [23:10:47] to help prevent malicious JavaScript stealing credentials or the like [23:10:49] is that not blocked [23:10:51] Hm [23:11:11] [1/2] ? [23:11:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270157183878697071/image.png?ex=66b2ad8f&is=66b15c0f&hm=9111d6bf0e44f145ad5582aa0878af44967d3e820f37d63efe59947c7a0087ce& [23:11:19] whats blocked in that [23:11:23] Frederisk [23:11:26] I don’t believe we’ve ever had a need for it in the CSP [23:11:30] o [23:11:34] The URL [23:11:38] oooooh [23:11:41] unverifed users cant sent links [23:11:49] #verify [23:12:28] so if github gets unblocked, the gadget will work [23:14:57] Unblocked isn’t a great term but yes assuming nothing else [23:15:07] you can request it [23:15:26] but tech is swamped lately so it’ll take a goood while [23:15:39] ah [23:16:04] you’d be better off porting what ever it’s calling [23:16:37] what domains are added [23:19:44] [1/2] hi, kind of a wikipedia question but i thought this would be the best place to get a quick answer [23:19:45] [2/2] how do i respond to user emails on wikipedia? when i press on it in notifications nothing happens [23:21:59] Respond to emails? Well thats more of a mediawiki question [23:22:36] you’d probably just email them back with the provided email or maybe trying replying in your cloent [23:22:55] You email back from your email client. [23:22:57] or just special email [23:31:38] I mean not respond I messed up wording I meant like seeing it in full I can only see a part [23:34:53] its in your email client [23:35:15] The notification is to tell you you have an email so that you check your email client. [23:53:19] I didn’t receive any email [23:53:37] Not in spam or any other folders either