[00:34:31] tbh the only thing i miss abt fandom is the little checklist they give you [00:35:11] [1/2] this thingy [00:35:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270178322973720636/image.png?ex=66b2c13e&is=66b16fbe&hm=cc90d7b8794e4c1f09d9d8b08fdb541ebf7b35ee0955b5662689ade28e115d29& [00:39:49] Where in the nine hells of avernus was that [00:52:02] Admin Dashboard [00:52:11] there used to be a nice progress wheel but that went bye bye [01:09:23] Runs on PC. can't figure out where the UA is set from looking at my user info .py files [01:29:18] its in config.py I believe https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Pywikibot/User-agent [03:02:33] <.callmeg> Does anybody know how to stop the left-hand text in an infobox (stuff like “born, died, spouses”) from automatically trying to become a hyperlink? [03:12:52] Do the text have link? [03:14:51] Either you have to remove the hyperlink from the text or use RemoveRedlinks extension [03:15:27] Or you can use template detection if you want some specific pages not showing the hyperlink [03:27:00] “reach 3 Facebook likes” [03:27:21] yeah ok I’ll go do that with my Facebook account that I have [04:05:27] <.callmeg, replying to max20091> [1/2] All this is automatically linked but I don’t want it to be [04:05:27] <.callmeg, replying to max20091> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270231238417842197/image0.jpg?ex=66b2f286&is=66b1a106&hm=a41190190838d3b738151ab63152ed63d7f3c34cb4c40c70513b44f47d7b996c& [04:07:18] Your template have hyperlink inserted to the text, you have to edit the template so it won't show hyperlink. [04:07:58] I'm not sure if the hyperlink is hardcoded tho [04:09:26] For example the "Capital" text, when you look at the template code, you should find "[[Captical]]", remove the double bracket. [04:09:26] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Captical [04:09:27] [04:11:08] I mean remove the double brackets in "[[Capital]]" [04:11:08] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Capital [04:11:09] [04:14:44] <.callmeg, replying to max20091> Thanks [04:15:17] <.callmeg> And if I wanted to have it available to hyperlink but not automatically, is that possible? [04:15:54] <.callmeg> Like if I wanted to have “Capital” hyperlinked for a certain infobox, but not others [04:30:58] okay well obviously not all of the tasks LMAO [04:37:03] I believe so yeah [04:37:20] I think you’d have to do some {{#if}} fuckery but yeah [04:37:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%23if [04:43:50] {{#if}} is a bit hard to understand, use switch which is much easier [04:43:50] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%23if [04:45:23] as if can only handle yes or no (and extra complicated for some reason), meanwhile switch has yes, no and default if you don't input anything [04:48:40] *I mean switch compares your input with string so it not just yes no [05:10:02] Please pm me your ip and I'll look [05:50:14] I'm opening my wiki to get to a picture, and takes too much to load the page... [05:51:24] i'm pretty sure they're being ddossed again [05:51:47] #tech-ops currently do not paint a good picture, and several miraheze services are not working for me [05:56:24] the entire site is not loading at all for me [05:57:19] me neither [05:57:25] [06/08/2024 15:49] *.miraheze.org gives me "Error code 520" from cloudflare, non-miraheze domains give me "Error 503 Backend fetch failed" from varnish, grafana is half-502ing and half-not working [05:57:51] i managed to get a wiki page exactly one (1) time, and that was without css [05:59:22] oh and a 502 [05:59:22] not even the fancy 502 page just an nginx error [05:59:22] something definitely ain't right [05:59:43] I like macs and I have one [06:00:04] ||(making him rage)|| [06:00:34] [06/08/2024 15:45] PROBLEM - ping6 on cp41 is CRITICAL: PING CRITICAL - Packet loss = 80%, RTA = 180.15 ms [06:00:38] ya i don't think things are going well [06:01:40] @Discord Moderators [06:02:39] BlankEclair: bloody cache proxies [06:03:13] [06/08/2024 15:48] [Grafana] [!]tech FIRING: The mediawiki job queue has more than 500 unclaimed jobs https://grafana.wikitide.net/d/GtxbP1Xnk?orgId=1[Grafana] [!]tech FIRING: There has been a rise in the MediaWiki exception rate https://grafana.wikitide.net/d/GtxbP1Xnk?orgId=1 [06:03:16] um [06:04:10] idk wth is happening [06:04:16] BlankEclair: I'm not convinced they are true tbh [06:04:19] oh no [06:04:21] It might be prom missing data [06:04:34] If it's still OOMing [06:05:33] Hello guys - I have successfully able to create dump using the wikiteam3 and it created a folder with some files and one is .xmll file of 38MBs - when I try to import via Request Import, select the .xml file and again it didn't show the file name, after clicking on submit it gives the error 'The file you submitted was empty' [06:07:54] wait how does traffic from cloudflare get to mediawiki? does it cross through cache proxies or does it somehow have an in [06:10:00] [1/5] ok, as an outsider to this whole situation who just wants to edit his new wiki, here is my impression [06:10:01] [2/5] - there is a guy named BlankEclair who runs this entire wiki farm [06:10:01] [3/5] - BlankEclair says the wiki farm is being DDOSed [06:10:01] [4/5] - at the moment, we have no way to deal with [06:10:02] [5/5] I am _not_ judging this situation in _any_ way, just curious if I'm basically on target here [06:10:29] why are they doing a ddos attack? What do they win by doing this??? [06:10:32] > there is a guy named BlankEclair who runs this entire wiki farm [06:10:35] 1. i'm a girl (lol) [06:10:40] sorry!!!! [06:10:44] nice to meet you! [06:10:46] it's okay ^_^ [06:10:49] and you too! [06:11:13] 2. no i don't run the entire wiki farm (in fact i have very little privilege on miraheze), i just see that: [06:11:25] 2a. every single wiki (and even services) that miraheze is hosting is down [06:11:42] 2b. the public server logs suggest that the servers are, uh, not having a fun time [06:11:53] 2c. there was a ddos like yesterday (iirc) [06:12:07] 2. so i just concluded a ddos since the patterns seem likely [06:12:48] who is so deranged to DDOS a wiki farm, does Putin think you guys run Ukraine or something??? [06:13:07] lmao [06:13:19] happens every so often [06:13:24] i've heard sites can inadvertently DDOS themselves in weird ways, i have no idea if something like that could be true here but just throwing stuff on the wall [06:13:35] i guess that could happen [06:14:09] i am literally a math nerd who knows nothing about anything so this is about the limits of how helpful i can be [06:14:25] maybe i will have to learn something about software and the internet now, so i can make my wiki work [06:14:46] it's like that thing about the apple pie, first you must invent the universe [06:15:02] anyway, i'll pipe down and listen [06:15:16] anyway, things seem handled now [06:15:22] or at least wikis n stuff load for me [06:15:45] looks good for me too [06:16:19] this was a good experience, i thought it was weirdly slow so i came here and indeed there was a reason [06:16:40] volunteers straining under the occasional DDOS doesn't tank usability of this place for me 🙂 [06:16:48] or my collaborators hopefully [06:16:56] trying to get my first peeps onboard now [06:17:55] [1/2] Getting this error when uploading wiki dump via wikiteam3 [06:17:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270264573886464010/image.png?ex=66b31192&is=66b1c012&hm=fd544cf68a49030ae8463168d9d453c3e634ce80e93615e8460be6982c09d9ae& [06:18:53] It says all time when I upload the file 'No file is selected' how do I can upload the file is there any procedure please or I need to search for another vendor to host my wiki [06:19:31] wait, are you uploading a .xml or .xml.gz? [06:21:10] [1/2] .xml which created via wikiteam3 tool [06:21:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270265391658045562/image.png?ex=66b31255&is=66b1c0d5&hm=ee9ffbc6df30cdf2695fb9a510d2b6b53cc5492cf0eed9850b04a5c3b76b909b& [06:22:11] It never picks the name of the file after selecting it in the 'upload file' option [06:23:21] i can reproduce, will try to debug [06:24:15] So what I need to do now? wait for you or is there any other way to upload the file? [06:24:33] you can request an import through phorge, see https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge for more details [06:35:27] Directly to mw* for traffic from cloudflare, it bypasses the cache proxies [06:36:52] @getnormality from what I have seen, there is some evidence to suggest that some traffic is abnormal and may constitute a ddos [06:37:02] We're struggling to get a grip on it though [06:37:28] I will do some more analysis after work to see if there was anything in cloduflare [06:37:58] cloudflare seems like it should be helping you with this kind of thing right? that's their job? [06:38:04] It is [06:38:08] But not all wikis use it [06:38:32] Also if this is a DDoS then it's fairly sophisticated [06:38:43] I'm not entirely convinced it is yet [06:39:04] Because I'm struggling to find any specific target [06:39:14] Or any common pattern between the requests [06:39:23] that isn't far too broad [06:39:35] Which is why a lot of bots are having trouble accessing us [06:39:52] Our most common reason for a DDoS is annoyed, childish Minecraft users [06:40:09] We've also seen some for banned users retaliating [06:48:16] do minecraft users have a lot of wikis here? [06:49:21] can't say about amount of wikis but miraheze happened to host one about an infamous server [06:50:26] roblox games/servers are also popular subject, to the point wiki/gg decided to ban roblox related wikis lol [06:53:35] [1/2] https://x.com/getnormality/status/1820714233278996675 [06:53:35] [2/2] happy to report i am up and running and ready to start building what this wiki is really for :EpicFaceMH: https://eristicpsych.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [06:53:47] Enough to be known to us [06:54:33] Is your wiki was suffering from DDOS attack? is it hosted on Miraheze? [06:54:54] it was slow an hour ago but everything's fine now [06:55:26] All Miraheze wikis might be [07:31:51] I never expected Roblox games to have such a big presence on miraheze haha [08:16:28] Hi there! Can administrators of a wiki request an extension to be installed on their wiki? [08:28:08] Yes. Note that this is necessary only when you are installing a few special extensions. Most extensions can be installed by bureaucrats vis Special:ManageWiki/extensions [08:29:23] if you can't find extension in WikiSettings it's might be globally enabled or not installed, for the latter you'll have to make a task on [[Phorge]], and after successful review it will be added [08:29:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [08:29:24] [08:31:00] You can check in [[Special:Version]] if your wiki has it enabled by default already, if not you would need to file a Phabricator task. [08:31:00] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Version [08:31:12] note that couple of available in MamageWiki extensions need a steward for enabling, this can be asked on Meta Wiki [08:32:14] I see thanks, im looking to possibly migrating, though most extensions that i might need would likely be found on that special page. [08:32:50] migrating from Fandom or self-host? [08:36:20] From Fandom [08:37:39] First of all, welcome to Miraheze, second, you might want to have a look at dev.miraheze.org and there is a lot of info for crats on meta.miraheze.org [08:38:06] then you'll be fine, we don't have only super trivial Fandom things like discussions, or (up-to-date) other social features [08:38:30] [1/2] I do have experience self hosting and there are some extensions that might want to be used [08:38:30] [2/2] though im looking through and it seems fine [08:39:32] Just be aware that the [[Extensions]] list on Meta is out of date a little bit so your best bet is ManageWiki [08:39:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Extensions [08:42:01] Ah okay [09:23:47] the wiki users have a minecraft server in here [09:26:31] [1/2] note that the miraheze page is not yet created on wikipedia [09:26:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270312037943349328/image.png?ex=66b33dc7&is=66b1ec47&hm=ec8f77425c470aefed3461e4421c8b00b3a3c7f740ab8bd6f069811106a70797& [09:26:35] theres a draft for it but it got declined [09:27:04] Because there's not enough secondary sources [09:27:42] sadly [09:32:15] Mhm [09:34:47] <.labster> I'm going to be interviewed on Behind the Brackets, but I doubt a podcast counts as a reliable source. [09:35:34] Unless a "reputable" publication writes about WikiTide foundation there is really not much sources to work off. [09:36:45] [[w:Draft:Miraheze]] if you look at the references a lion share of them are primaries [09:36:45] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Draft:Miraheze [09:36:46] [09:58:51] it's honestly so silly lol [09:59:54] nearing 10 years of existence, and all wikimedians - and just wiki savvy folks, knows about Miraheze [10:00:17] and yet [10:00:38] We all know that's suck [10:01:42] and btw just for those who are interested - Annie has just asked me to reschedule the interview with the UX team, which will starts tomorrow my time [10:24:46] sorry if this is the wrong channel but i have looked at the miraheze website and still dont know how to make your wiki get connected to a custom domain [10:27:21] presidentbenjaminofbaliga: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [10:30:09] Nice [10:30:14] yw ^_^ [10:34:59] heyo, weird situation over here. the desktop and mobile versions of my Main Page look different on my end. desktop has my edits, mobile still looks like fresh install. [10:35:47] mobile cache being wacky again [10:36:00] alright, so long as it's not something i messed up lol [10:36:12] maybe it'll sync every 24 hours or something?? idk [10:36:42] I personally suggest to get rid of mobile frontend lol [10:37:09] if you're using default skin on desktop, vector 2022, it should look alright on mobile? [10:37:50] is this something i can do with my bureaucrat powers? [10:37:55] and there are several popular mobile adaptive skin which look good on any devices - timeless, cosmos and citizen [10:38:33] yeah, major feature of miraheze is that you can do many stuff via ManageWiki, aka admin menu, see sidebar on desktop version [10:39:38] extensions are like add-ons which can be quickly enabled/disabled by admins [10:39:47] i see it! [10:40:19] ooh, i can add visual editor. i like that feature on WP [10:40:58] it's a tad buggy but might be alright if you don't create much fancy templates [10:41:06] this feels so unfair. i just signed up and waited a few days and i got to be a literal wikipedia admin for free [10:42:20] i see the skins page but i don't think that's what you were pointing me to [10:42:31] > [06/08/2024 20:36] maybe it'll sync every 24 hours or something?? idk [10:42:34] it's five days since i last checked [10:42:57] > [06/08/2024 20:36] I personally suggest to get rid of mobile frontend lol [10:43:02] the caching shenanigans are with cloudflare [10:44:41] > [06/08/2024 20:42] i see the skins page but i don't think that's what you were pointing me to [10:44:54] p sure they meant Special:ManageWIki/settings -> Styling -> Default Mobile Skin ($wgDefaultMobileSkin) [10:45:12] [1/4] skins are a type of extensions, you can click on names to see their mefiawiki.org description and stuff [10:45:12] [2/4] but there are also several hard coded skins which always are enabled - vector and timeless are some of them [10:45:13] [3/4] after either you enabled a non-standard or want to use a core one, you should go to Additional settings menu, Styling tab - the first setting in it default (desktop) skin [10:45:13] [4/4] as for disabling mobile frontend - that's in Extensions [10:45:32] I suggest to get an idea of how wiki gonna look first [10:46:58] i am searching all the Extensions menus right now: API, Editors, Media Handlers... not seeing anything about mobile front end [10:47:04] Timeless is my fave skin layout wise, it's mobile adaptive, a bit stylish, amd can be modified to look like traditional wiki skins [10:47:21] there's a little search bar, you can start typing in there [10:47:24] getnormality: Other -> MobileFrontend [10:47:56] got it thank you ^_^ [10:48:41] i don't see timeless, i see truglass? [10:48:53] i don't see timeless, i see truglass? [10:48:55] oh right, iirc timeless is globaly enabled [10:49:11] timeless is a hardcoded skin, as I said earlier [10:49:36] it's just there in styling settings [10:50:17] so, do i need to do anything, or can i just leave this MinervaNeue box checked, that came with it? [10:51:53] leaving minerva skin enabled just gives it to registered users individual/preferred skin option, so yeah, you can keep it if you want [10:52:03] or don't [10:52:58] you actually can check your user preferences [10:53:14] in appearance tab some hardcoded skins are available by default [10:53:37] ok, so at this point i've unchecked Other > MobileFrontEnd and the mobile page is still behind the desktop page. is that unfixable because of the cloudflare caching thing BlankEclair mentioned? [10:54:09] you'll either have to wait five days, or explicitly ask someone from the tech team to flush the cloudflare cache [10:54:14] yea, mobile cache has nothing to do with what skin the mobile is using, just gotta wait [10:54:22] bug report: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12315 [10:54:39] but mobile mode switch should disappear after disabling extension, isn't? [10:55:04] huh [10:55:16] if you're viewing a cached purge, no? [10:55:21] until the cache expires [10:55:40] ok, so i've fixed the problem, but i have to wait 5 days to see the effects? [10:55:47] unfortunately yeah [10:55:50] at least on mobile [10:55:52] i don't want to hassle your poor tech team ;^_^ [10:56:06] it's time to give you guys some money actually lol [10:56:07] on desktop it should apply... in some period of time (might be instantaneous, but i haven't checked) [10:56:08] but how mobile cache is a thing if there's mobile option? [10:56:17] wdym? [10:56:25] mobile cache is handled by cf (in this case) [10:56:40] and it looks at device? [10:56:43] the cache is just wacky when ur viewing from a phone [10:56:50] ah [10:56:50] yeah and i think it puts it into two baskets [10:56:59] but also if u do the "use desktop view" on a mobile browser it does show the latest [10:57:01] desktop (which is purged when an edit is made), and mobile (which is not purged due to a bug) [10:57:12] /me how always disables mfe/ the more you know [10:57:19] no it's not an mfe thing [10:57:34] it's a Extension:MultiPurge and/or cloudflare cache by device type thing [10:58:05] idk I never had cache problems on my wikis, like I did some big edits on desktop yesterday, and pages are fine on mobile [10:58:13] is it actually a bug ive sort of rationalized it to myself as "makes sense that its that way(?)" [10:58:27] > pages are fine on mobile [10:58:36] were the pages browsed by a mobile user agent before the edits? [10:59:14] yes? if I understand you correctly [10:59:19] huh [10:59:26] github sponsors won't let me pay you 😛 working through their system [10:59:29] i'm gonna chalk it up to magic [10:59:39] actually wait lol [10:59:53] does custom domain plays a role here? [10:59:56] yes [11:00:05] wellp, no I get it [11:00:13] it goes through varnish, which... i forgot how it handles mobile caching [11:00:21] still very very confused [11:00:27] *now [11:00:27] 🌈 magic [11:00:29] dont understand tech jargon [11:01:07] my main wiki isn't on custom domain, I'm yet to make edits on it again, then I'll check how it behaves [11:01:18] how do you add it to a custom domain? [11:01:30] i have been trying to do it for like half a year lol [11:02:06] first you should buy one, give it the right settings on your side, and then you can hit the big request ssl or something button [11:02:26] okie dokie ima tryy [11:08:58] do you guys particularly care if i set up monthly $$ or just give you a chunk upfront [11:09:13] not that i can do either right now but hopefully github fixes in a bit [11:09:20] i filed a tickeat [11:10:28] you're all really really nice 🤩 i want to give you a showy donation out of impulsive gratitude, but i won't do that if it's somehow weird to your budgeting or whatever [11:22:55] Please donate [11:23:09] Monthly is good because regular income makes budgeting easier [11:34:43] will do, as soon as GH does the support ticket [11:43:57] idea https://x.com/getnormality/status/1820787866567336253 [11:44:09] i bet i have to fill out a lot of forms ;^^ [12:01:05] the only weird is when it's like 1 dollar and the fees gobble up the donation or something [12:12:55] Does GitHub charge for donations? [12:12:59] Like take a percetnage [12:13:08] Percentage even jesus [12:17:04] would be nice to know if it's %, fixed, or a mix [12:20:18] not sure how GH handles it, I know patreon is awful with that [12:20:54] I don't remember specifics but I believe some tax related problem comes up when you have enough tiny donations appear too [12:27:18] [1/4] Hi. I wanted to ask why my wiki request is taking so long. [12:27:19] [2/4] As a side note, I think if the "Have you read and agreed to abide by our Content Policy" part is going to be asked of anyone, then it should come by default in the first stage of the wiki request. I think the process of having to make multiple requests and updates just to ask if I've read the rules only slows down this process. [12:27:19] [3/4] Secondly, if I've been administering a wiki for years and have never had a problem with the content policy, why does a second wiki request ask if I've read the content policy page or if I'm going to abide by the rules on a second wiki? I don't understand why an additional round of "need more details" has to be done on a wiki creation when I've been abiding by Miraheze's rules for ye [12:27:19] [4/4] ars. I don't think it makes sense. It's a process that is not intuitive. [12:29:28] well, the process has changed over years [12:29:39] > I think if the "Have you read and agreed to abide by our Content Policy" part is going to be asked of anyone, then it should come by default in the first stage of the wiki request [12:29:53] although I agree about "have your read" bit [12:30:06] it indeed does ask that in Special:RequestWiki: "Before requesting a wiki, please read the Content Policy, Dormancy Policy and Global Conduct Policy. By requesting a wiki, you agree to all our global policies. " [12:30:11] [1/2] the wc team is discussing an amendment of the process to include that checkbox to eliminate the redundant question and go back to the procedure of only pressing if there is a specific concern to raise, unfortunately the latest change in favor of that round of details is something that's been instituted at wc initiative and that initiative happens to be followed by the most active wik [12:30:11] [2/2] i creators who process nearly all of the traffic [12:30:37] i'm guessing the double thing is to doubly make sure that people read the policy (because they might've skimmed it or smth idk) [12:31:12] yeah, that's the logic that's been employed for it - it is a weak point and not everyone agrees to the extent that has become normal, but a huge portion of the group is semi out right now including me [12:33:32] I'm hoping to audit the request process and push amendments to both the form and the procedure everyone uses when I've gotten over the busy hump and can do more than stop in for a few minutes at a time [12:34:15] Thanks. I didn't just want to complain about my case, but I wanted to propose a constructive point of view and comment on what could be improved. And I think that in case someone asks or requests to read something, it would be great to put a link in brackets. That way, it would be much easier to read it in case it hasn't been read already. [12:34:53] or do a simple url in case wikicode is not allowed there [12:34:57] you've basically highlighted an ongoing pain point that has been observed several times but not in the open channel very much, a bit surprising it's taken this long tbh [12:35:17] yeah, the box needs some basic formatting and has needed that for a good while imo [12:35:54] it might not be feasible to do a full revision immediately given how tech is already scattered, but some confirmation boxes until we get more would be a good start [12:36:52] I created orionsarm.miraheze that one is going to be a wiki that is open and public to read, but only editable by the members of the worldbuilding project. So i have to change member permissions [12:39:02] do you have the process for that? not too tricky to cover if not [12:39:49] to this day i still dont really know what a "good" wiki request looks like bc every approved comment ive seen says something to the effect of "description a bit vague" (then again i only skim through a few requests now and then) [12:40:03] https://github.com/miraheze/CreateWiki/blob/4fb0389bb00c6bc8bcedb309b457dd72a5a913ab/extension.json#L380-L384 owo [12:40:05] that is the canned response and frankly it's deceptive [12:40:20] that is what comes out of a "good request" selection [12:40:28] the only one without qualifiers is the "perfect request" [12:41:22] the real borderline where you've been taken a chance on is the 'okay request' which says something to the effect of not quite meeting the requirements but we'll give it a go [12:41:31] true i guess good enough is good enough [12:41:41] indeed, there's no shame to being hit with the 'good enough' input [12:44:36] and I hate to say it but to some extent you need to consider the wiki creator too as the particulars have always differed between them, and every prolific wiki creator has a style and range of what they accept, level of research or scrutiny they put in, etc [12:44:45] here's what that config option looks like: https://files.catbox.moe/fghilw.png [12:45:01] we'll basically just need someone to toggle it and change the system message, and i think we'd be golden [12:45:57] [1/2] ro is one end who is very particular and has normalized explicit consent, this has been adapted by jph and waki particularly; where we started the year was tali who was extremely liberal and I'm not sure there are any wiki creators in that style anymore, in between are your less frequent creators like redmin or me who are more likely to approve if we gut feel that the request is fine [12:45:58] [2/2] and cutting some of the in between [12:47:02] To cover all ducks what I'd do with that interface message is probably a list of all the core policies for a founder to be aware of, being TOS, Content Policy, Dormancy Policy (a lot of people don't seem to realize it exists at first), and indeed Privacy Policy [12:48:02] perhaps opening with, 'I have read, understand and agree to...', if it's not too clunky, a second line to the effect of reaching out if there are any questions or uncertainties. [12:49:35] let me know BlankEclair when that goes live, I can ping the wc team and notify [12:49:57] raidarr: that setting is already in there [12:50:35] was in there the first time i read through createwiki's code, and i was like "huh, neat. did miraheze have that enabled or did another wiki farm request it i (mildly) wonder" [12:50:47] I think i have to go to Special:ManageWiki or to Special:UserRights and change the users * (everyone), and users Member [12:51:29] so I'd reckon that expansion is needed because it's really the four policies that are all essential, not just tos and privacy policy (the priv one being no less important but not as day to day relevant for founders to keep in mind since most of them will never do anything associated with it) [12:53:03] Special:ManageWiki/permissions; strip editing rights from `Users` and `everyone` and apply to the standard group you want members to have, be it `members` or even just using the default `confirmed users` group that you add people to [12:53:21] editors to have I should say [12:53:25] thanks, i was searching in other places [12:54:29] by default I'm not sure administrators have all the editing rights out of the box (it's inherited from everyone and from users), so they may need a few if they aren't also made members, confirmed users or whatever you use for that [12:55:05] I think I saw its discussion when going trough my google console lol [12:55:49] do you mean, the discussion about the wiki request or the science-fiction website? [12:56:21] the website [12:56:59] google provides stats of other web sites having links on yours [12:57:14] I'm trying helping the sci-fi website in creating a wiki since i think using a wiki is more solid that doing it in an older cms they are using [12:58:05] Maybe is because i quoted your wiki as an example of a customized skin or something. In their forums 😄 [12:58:44] Otherwise I don't know why they would link to your website. [13:02:17] [1/2] yeah lol [13:02:17] [2/2] thank you btw [13:05:00] I don't have enough permissions to change the rights on /Special:ManageWiki/permissions/* [13:18:37] [1/2] can i assign myself the bureaucrat group on my wiki and manage permissions or i have to ask on a miraheze ticket? [13:18:38] [2/2] The options to change permissions appear greyed out [13:19:38] If you are the wiki founder then you should have access to ManageWiki. If you are not the founder you will need to "adopt" the wiki via the Stewards Noticeboard if it is abandoned. [13:21:24] I'm the founder, but the permissions appear greyed out [13:23:44] link? [13:24:00] I think i don't have a single role or wikigroup on myself: [13:25:02] wiki creation glitched out and you didn't get the groups [13:25:04] fixing now [13:25:47] And maybe wiki creation glitched on other aspects too? [13:26:05] not usually, the most I've seen with that has been a blank main page [13:26:11] happens from time to time and it's quite annoying [13:26:24] yep, main page is blank too [13:26:36] but I have not observed other symptoms with this error, you should be good to go now [13:26:46] Thanks 👍 [15:35:54] [1/2] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1270112930813448412 [15:35:54] [2/2] got lost in conversation, but if anyone else knows how to go about this, would be appreciated [15:37:47] [1/2] templatestyles doesn't support this, right? :( [15:37:47] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270405469575450684/image.png?ex=66b394ca&is=66b2434a&hm=850323b7658f1f7996c57dbaa57ab72896920d3650d4a13041e87699ff1d5aa6& [15:39:03] even regular unsanitized css (mediawiki:common.css and such) will get mad at it (even tho itll still work), but yeah templatestyles certainly isnt going to let you use it [15:39:28] sad but understandable [15:59:04] as far as I'm aware search like this is controlled by namespace search settings under any search bar [16:00:10] [1/2] under Special:ManageWiki/namespaces in a given namespace it would be controlled by this check [16:00:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270411103783878777/image.png?ex=66b39a0a&is=66b2488a&hm=194da58aa8474b8295330da89c56f928f5aa509f4d256e3e514b361158719003& [16:20:12] Good. I have a doubt. If right Upload files `(upload)` is present on several wiki user groups, why the system ask me for only one group to be able to upload files? [16:24:42] what does the system say specifically on that [16:25:37] [1/3] You do not have permission to edit this page, for the following reason: [16:25:38] [2/3] The action you have requested is limited to users in the group: oa_editors. [16:25:38] [3/3] I created a new group. I don't know if that is a good solution [16:26:38] But the list should contain: Group: User, Sysop, oa_editors. Because there are more groups with that rights [16:27:48] someone authoritative will have to say, that seems wrong to me [16:28:09] checking each group what you say sounds like what should be happening [16:28:32] unless, let me see [16:28:57] only oa_editors have the ability to edit pages [16:29:05] that is where that error is coming from [16:29:21] apparently that also affects uploading [16:29:55] Ok. Thanks. I deleted it from user but i'm going to add it to confirmed user and some more. I think that's better for this type of wiki [16:30:10] if you want select users only to edit that makes sense [16:30:25] unless you add yourself to oa_editors you'll also need to put it in the administrators group [16:31:07] I have this check enabled, yet it doesn't show up- strange [16:34:15] hmm, well, one thing is that managewiki changes can take time to update, but if it's been a few hours then that seems rather long for that idea [16:34:25] [1/3] @rhinosf1 Sorry for the direct ping, I'm having the same problem as this individual and it looks like you were able to help them out. [16:34:25] [2/3] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1269727522044772414 [16:34:25] [3/3] I have a python script that migrates articles from another wiki platform to the corresponding wiki here utilizing the API and a bot account. It worked fine in the past but it sounds like recent "behind the scenes" changes are blocking me from using my script now. Are you able to help me out? [16:36:44] been a day or two since on that end [16:36:57] yeah too long for the typical change [16:37:29] someone more savvy will need to look, perhaps a #support thread as well to avoid losing it including what we've covered so far [16:38:01] alright I'll make one momentarily [17:03:35] Send me a dm with your ip [17:05:17] Should we just make a google form for this at this point [17:05:51] That requires me setting one up [17:46:36] https://forms.gle/jxDaCvhNNsycKcr8A [17:46:46] you can do a #minor-announcements if you wish [17:47:13] [1/2] This form can only be viewed by users in the owner's organization. [17:47:14] [2/2] Try contacting the owner of the form if you think this is a mistake. Learn More. [17:47:26] That channel was my best idea that week [17:47:58] Should I include the gratitude form for a 3 parter [17:48:57] fixed [17:49:05] go for it [18:30:19] is MH being super slow for anyone else? [18:30:50] lemme see [18:30:55] yeah it just started [18:31:06] @rhinosf1 is this your terf [18:31:25] yeah it’s slow [18:31:30] shes chugging along [18:33:21] [1/2] beautiful CSS /lh [18:33:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270449653175029890/image.png?ex=66b3bdf1&is=66b26c71&hm=214a1342cf31ef5f7036c2f70f2a3274279b7385a4c1712d85885ffd0bd1b422& [18:33:35] yes [18:35:00] Is MH slow for you guys too? [18:35:00] yeup [18:35:00] Even a snail is faster at the moment 😦 [18:35:00] icinga isnt screaming [18:35:00] oooh [18:35:01] DDoS [18:35:01] thwre it is [18:35:02] ? [18:35:03] I can confirm shit hit the fan [18:35:03] uh [18:35:04] 7 backends are dead in the water [18:35:04] oop got a CF error [18:35:05] Nothing I can do I don't think [18:35:18] I had a look at this mornings data and I can't see anything useful [18:35:35] mw151 52 61 62 71 81 and 82 are down on cp41 [18:35:37] wait [18:36:01] So all of them? [18:36:05] basically [18:36:44] anything else taking literal ages to load [18:36:47] for any of you [18:36:50] Oh and ns2 is screaming ad well [18:36:52] for good measure [18:36:55] yes [18:37:39] is this only on cp41? [18:37:43] Pix... Kick the servers, so they wake up 😛 [18:37:49] i cant tell what im on bc im only getting CF errors [18:38:06] Can’t [18:38:12] but phightingwiki seems fine and its on cp37 afaik [18:38:16] they wont let me in anymore [18:38:18] its just my personal wiki [18:38:35] Can you check which cache it’s on [18:38:39] how do i do that [18:38:52] Connection lost between Cloudflare Copenhagen and Miraheze [18:38:54] Uh it may be in developer tools [18:39:08] Web server is returning an unknown error Error code 520 [18:39:15] That’s new [18:39:26] ive gotten that twice [18:39:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270451187061231717/image.png?ex=66b3bf5e&is=66b26dde&hm=53a31608103f45c66937a04c4f0ff37b7e60335869a3972a58bbf05043e7bd05& [18:39:37] okay not just 41 [18:39:45] It's definitely not cache related, other requests like submitting edits slow down too [18:39:49] ^^ yeah [18:39:53] took me like 6 tries to submit this edit [18:40:00] cp51 has a 42 percent error rate [18:40:36] would my database be in wiki details/stats/whatever [18:40:37] The cache are probably freaking because the app servers are flaming [18:42:09] let em check [18:42:09] gonna look at grafana [18:42:09] cc @Infrastructure Specialists [18:44:03] i picked the worst time to work on my system wiki LOOOOOOOOOL [18:44:07] why cant phightingwiki be dead instead/s [18:44:55] It always is inconvenient for someone [18:44:58] haha this is true [18:48:28] It seems it's picking up speed again. [18:49:30] seems so yeah [18:51:10] [1/2] i am king of the world haha [18:51:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270454137670340658/image.png?ex=66b3c21e&is=66b2709e&hm=c5e8c8e640e351ba020cfe87b08ff63b1477eede0b5f7eccd51cd95b2ac6be20& [18:52:37] You wish! [18:52:46] King of the hill maybe [18:52:51] ye [18:53:10] king of bump in the road [18:53:32] ah killas here [18:58:59] I spoke too early. Crawling like a snail again [18:59:33] [1/2] > Pointing a subdomain to Miraheze? Add a CNAME record on the subdomain you want (e.g., "wiki."), and point it to "mw-lb.miraheze.org"; [18:59:33] [2/2] is this all i need to do to point a subdomain to miraheze? [19:00:59] [1/2] imma just drop this here [19:01:00] [2/2] [19:01:16] [[Custom domains]] may have more info [19:01:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [19:01:17] [19:01:35] haha yeah thats all that is there [19:01:55] the only thing seems to be i just have to write dns records [19:01:58] which doesnt seem like a problem [19:03:56] absolutely fucking epic [19:04:33] huge kudos to all the editors and admins of the wiki from me, and probably most of is [19:05:07] Basically ye [19:05:08] btw is sitenotice visible? I can't see it after update lol [19:05:12] ok awesome ty [19:05:14] (feel free to relay that to the PTW community if you want) [19:05:17] ja [19:05:27] You use Special:RequestSSL on meta to request we active it [19:05:44] if im just using lets encrypt i dont need to add any extra comments do i? [19:05:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270457813864415252/image.png?ex=66b3c58a&is=66b2740a&hm=e43fa00c322293b35b9829d043846a53f3374da19677cc0c0aea94599aaa644d& [19:05:51] I would have added a bee or or hex LMAO [19:05:53] thamks [19:05:59] oh shi [19:06:59] Nope [19:07:24] i.. might have sent that twice idk how to check [19:08:39] idk how to even see my request actually [19:10:40] Special:RequestSSLQueue [19:11:01] thank you!! augh yes i did send it twice due to the lag [19:11:10] 153 and 154, idk if one could be closed [19:12:08] Well work it out [19:12:15] thanks :'D ill leave a comment [19:13:34] Congrats mate!! [20:18:52] Someone took effort in the CSS [20:19:49] that would be SKL [20:57:59] [1/3] hi everyone. I am the "rogue" admin in question [20:58:00] [2/3] just wanted to say the guy who wrote this actually saves peoples addresses and almost doxed me once. He was banned from the other wiki and without anyones consent moved it to miraheze. [20:58:00] [3/3] I'm very sorry if this sounds drama-ish but I want to protect myself from lies as such. Thank yall! [21:01:54] @Stewards sorry for the ping but tought it would be useful info. [21:02:00] 👍 [21:02:54] [1/2] Damn [21:02:54] [2/2] Personally I would have said this privately and deal with this issue privately but oh well [21:03:04] ohh im so sorry! [21:03:08] i can delete it if needed [21:03:11] i didnt know 😦 [21:03:35] i tought it needed public awareness because the things he does are really scummy [21:04:38] Idk either [21:05:34] I'm a regular user :p [21:05:42] Ohh lmao [21:05:45] Whoopsie [21:06:14] Though hopefully this gets dealt with soon [21:06:27] I hope the same [21:09:17] @eropero64 can you please take this to stewards@miraheze.org ? [21:09:25] This discussion is not for a public forum [21:09:46] If you can evidence him collecting addresses of Miraheze users, please also pass that to ts@miraheze.org [21:10:16] Is there a way i could dm that to someone in here? [21:10:29] It would be much better to email [21:10:48] You can dm @serverlessharej though for ts@ [21:11:11] Stewards just wait around for one to reply and they can start a DM with you [21:11:33] I don't even wanna know what is going on here.... [21:11:36] But given the issues, this needs to be handled outside of a public forum [21:11:53] There seem to be privacy and safety issues [21:12:03] Then don't get involved [21:12:12] It's a steward / T&S matter [21:12:22] [1/2] Ok, Ill dm Harej and send an email to stewards, thank you very much man! [21:12:22] [2/2] I'm sorry for dealing with this in public, just tought I'd need to explain myself because he did lie about me publically but now i understand. [21:12:28] Once again thanks! [21:12:47] Will do. I'm just gonna pretend I didn't see this. [21:12:54] Please do so [21:13:05] @brandon.wm don't even bother finishing that message please [21:13:12] Don't think there's anything too sensitive in here so I won't purge. [21:13:29] I'm giving up for the day [21:14:04] Fair, sorry if i made yall mad, was not my plan at all [21:14:09] have an amazing rest of your day [21:14:32] You're fine [21:14:43] I'm tired cause it's the end of my day here though [21:14:46] I'm off to bed [21:15:37] Fair haha, its 23:15 here [21:16:22] 22:15 here [22:13:44] [1/2] Anyone else experiencing issues with tabber Neue? [22:13:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270505115484426310/IMG_8423.png?ex=66b3f198&is=66b2a018&hm=06f852da0202e8162e911c1533203ec3f7dfd93ddf8352ff5d0175af9f866762& [22:15:44] It’s on the character tab [22:17:17] Nevermind, fixed after refreshing haha [22:53:15] [1/9] Our wiki had a bunch of problems after the update to 1.42 because of the css animation- you can disable it with the following css in either common.css or css inlcuded with the css extension [22:53:16] [2/9] ```css [22:53:16] [3/9] .tabber__section { [22:53:16] [4/9] scroll-behavior: auto !important; [22:53:17] [5/9] } [22:53:17] [6/9] .tabber__panel { [22:53:17] [7/9] overflow-x: unset !important; [22:53:18] [8/9] } [22:53:18] [9/9] ``` [22:53:30] Thank you [22:53:33] That message is quite the mouthful lol [22:53:56] [1/2] you can also disable it directly in the extension's settings [22:53:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1270515230694314096/1722984828503.png?ex=66b3fb04&is=66b2a984&hm=53a24ed281400b6df58ab8b9ad3b1e4fd38bec20c909e4fcbfd146d861e5c77e& [22:54:04] oh I didn't realize that lol [22:54:05] that's much easier [22:56:04] I have a bad habit of brute-forcing my way out of problems with js or css [22:56:19] relatable :) [22:58:14] Where do you see if an Extension has settings ? [22:59:38] Oh nvm [22:59:39] usually in the `Special:ManageWiki/extensions` page, any extension with settings will display `Manage available configuration options for this extension` under the extension's description [23:00:00] Yeah just notice but thx [23:01:00] You can also do Special:ManageWiki/extensions/EXTNAME [23:01:04] To filter by extension [23:10:01] Anyway, I think I'll go to bed, as all the things I wanted to prioritise can't be dealt with at the moment. 👋🏼 [23:29:04] @rhinosf1 gimmi grat form link plz [23:30:14] Pix wasn't it you that was working on the Edit Recovery thing ? Saw a mention in the settings but it went to nowhere [23:31:38] It was [23:32:05] I won’t take any credit in making it but I’ve spent the past two days working to get it running on miraheze [23:32:56] Ah, I assume it being visible but not leading to where it says to look at is normal for now ? [23:35:53] you mean in ManageWiki settings? [23:36:04] Yup [23:36:09] the link thing is a bug yeah i gotta fix or someone else [23:36:19] my concern rn is the fact is dont fucking work [23:36:23] mostly [23:36:30] Understood, preferred to ask just in case 🙂 [23:36:42] if you turn it off and on it works [23:37:01] but the default is busted and im sad [23:37:38] If I may, you should kick its ass even harder, you never know it might work 🙃 [23:38:48] Bloody bloody vengeance [23:39:09] Unless it just wasn’t merged [23:39:18] let me see [23:39:31] Oh [23:39:41] my fix hasn’t been merged [23:40:16] welp may as well commit the fix now [23:40:22] to the text [23:45:38] @aels224 i love remote development environments [23:46:03] thw fix shhould be at the bottom of https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5631 somewhere i think [23:47:03] That’ll be fixed once this is approved by tech [23:48:26] 👍🏼