[00:00:51] [1/3] better, but still looks like this [00:00:52] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273068785024110613/image.png?ex=66bd4532&is=66bbf3b2&hm=33fb703fa8cb4a994191700dfb813cc7fcaa66b2c61cd97f75b8bb62817eea07& [00:00:52] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273068785594667108/Screen_Shot_2024-08-13_at_21.00.13.png?ex=66bd4532&is=66bbf3b2&hm=d10915d94c547326ca2cf24e86d675bf960acba8577628bb4f2d0d8e3d597ca7& [00:01:09] the table on the right is eating up way too much screen space no matter what [00:01:10] :/ [00:02:08] it should only really take up 1/4 or 2/4 of the screen, not 3/4 or more [00:12:05] [1/2] I don't think the css you added to your `Common.css` has any effect. You are not using the `character-infobox-container` class, and your table does not have the `character-infobox` class either. I made an edit which fixes this issue, but you have bunch more. For example, you hard-coded some css directory at the infobox table, which will conflict with the css [00:12:06] [2/2] you just added in `Common.css` [00:13:01] Also, setting `width:30%;` inside `@media(max-width:500px)` is probably not a good idea. That means when the screen is very small, you assign 30% of the screen width to your infobox. That will squeeze it into a very small area. [00:13:07] [1/2] This is from a Fandom move, so that's probably why :> [00:13:07] [2/2] How would I go about changing it? [00:13:24] Yeah, I did about 12 edits changing random values to see why it was/wasn't changing haha [00:13:37] that one was um... throwing myself against a wall and hoping it worked lol [00:16:07] I made an edit which added the class for you. But it's just the start since many other things need to be tweaked to make it work. [00:17:19] Could you give me a rundown on what and how? [00:17:21] Is anyone having trouble with images on their wiki or is it just me? [00:19:49] Might need to be more specific. What specific problem(s) are you having? [00:23:03] Just images not loading at all on any page [00:23:30] working fine for me [00:23:54] Last time I recall this happening it was server maintenance so I was hoping it wasn't just our wiki [00:23:57] It's slymods.info [00:24:56] A steward did just enable CirrusSearch for us so it might be related [00:25:48] Sorry I guess I shouldve made a thread in #support but I thought it might be server maintenance again [00:31:45] I made another edit to the template. The layout should be acceptable now. In the long term, you probably want to learn more css to adjust the layout of your site independently. [00:35:14] Thank you so much! Yeah, I'll try! Thank you! [00:58:04] hi, someone's offering a custom domain for my wiki. is there anything i should know about how custom wiki domains work? [01:00:59] A fellow editor? [01:03:39] @bentheminer what type of info are you looking for, how to submit one the risks etc? [01:07:40] basically. anything i should know. i know nothing rn, starting to read the custom domain page [01:31:07] <.labster> How useful would it be to have a copy of the Mediawiki help pages to put on a local wiki? Without having to turn on translations, just the one language matching the wiki. [01:33:15] <.labster> A long time ago my wiki copied the help pages from wikimedia meta, and they’re so out of date. I’m trying to decide if it’s worth it to generate useable pages, or just give up and redirect to Mediawiki.org [01:39:51] if someone is offering a custom domain... consider if you want that person to have you by the gonads in the future if you fall out with them or if they dissociate with the project [01:40:37] the holder of the domain must be someone who is inseparably deep with the project and/or an incredibly trusted 'keyholder', otherwise it is ill fated [01:40:59] as for how it works the custom domain page is pretty much it [04:38:49] what does hosting the wiki on their custom domain mean for them? [04:51:44] [1/3] thing that happened w/ me - I knew the guy who bought a custom domain w/ .wiki, but he used it for a github build site, I later approached him w/ the idea I'll fork Fandom wiki and we can use the domain properly [04:51:44] [2/3] I busy and didn't start operation right away, but not long before I did he just fell out w/ everything, lost interest in the game too and gone touch grass, basically [04:51:44] [3/3] and deleted his namecheap account, resulting in domain getting scalped [04:52:33] i wish we can go and murder scalpers <3 [04:58:23] if you mean self hosting - own servers or whatever, install mediawiki by yourself w/ all the stuff, keep the lights on, in short [05:10:30] Personally I couldn't care whether or not the wiki is on a custom domain or not as long as I get to keep the wiki intact and editable [05:10:49] Custom domain would be nice but I just want to make sure I'm not making a mistake by doing so [05:11:21] Also, if I connect the wiki to a custom domain, does that mean the wiki is accessible both under the miraheze link and the custom domain? Is it editable through both? [05:13:12] bentheminer: by default, yes, it is accessible by both (example: https://rainverse.wiki and https://rainverse.miraheze.org) [05:13:43] you can request a redirect on phorge so that the miraheze subdomain points to the custom domain (e.g. https://pandorastale.miraheze.org -> https://pandorastale.wiki) [05:13:59] Got it, thanks! [05:14:19] In the event that the custom domain expires or whatever, what should I do, if anything? [05:14:32] pay for the domain again i suppose [05:14:50] iirc the tech team has checks, so if the custom domain goes completely offline, they'll probably detach the domain from the wiki [05:28:29] [1/2] what Eclair said [05:28:29] [2/2] if domain expires the wiki becomes inaccessible but tech folks can detach it either by themselves or by request [05:29:18] the thing about expired domains is that they quickly scalped, so it's better to buy for years upfront, if you can, or renew before it expires [05:30:01] What does tech team/folks mean? I'm new to this lol [05:30:28] Miraheze sys admins, roughly speaking, they do deeper tech stuff [05:31:38] [1/2] Miraheze offers wikis a list of available extensions which are all installed already and admins can just turn on/off what they want, and some settings are available [05:31:38] [2/2] more complicated stuff goes to tech team [05:32:02] hi! i've uploaded files to help match the syntax that's being detected by templates i imported, but it seems to still not be detecting them: (the field i'm trying to use is `held`) is there a way to fix this? i feel like there's more under the hood i haven't figured out yet [05:33:09] So if the custom domain goes down, the wiki will automatically be disconnected? Or do I still have to do it manually / will it take some time? [05:33:35] it's not automatic, but the tech team will be notified [05:35:41] [1/2] Hi, I just discovered my old friend rp group wikia page still survive and we all would like to migrate (with chunk of new peoject to be added) over to other wiki place and intend to expanding the oc lore stuff and more [05:35:42] [2/2] Do miraheze open for small and unknown creator wiki? [05:36:41] [1/3] seems to be fine? aside from one actually broken (I suspect CF shenanigans) [05:36:41] [2/3] try to Ctrl+F5 or Purge [05:36:42] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273153301017268316/IMG_20240814_083545.jpg?ex=66bd93e9&is=66bc4269&hm=f6d4a391595b8702750627487bf1f8a9adbaca43c034b89376c86af20404396c& [05:36:47] restorer37: yeah, i believe you can basically request any wiki as long as there's a topic and scope (with a few exceptions of course) [05:37:36] see https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Content_Policy for more [05:37:42] Thank you [05:37:54] [1/3] yeah that one broken link is the problem child lol [05:37:54] [2/3] it might be something to do with the core template, since this is the documentation [05:37:55] [3/3] i'll try editing it from there [05:39:17] [1/2] absolutely open, as long as it doesn't violate policies and the request is well written (although in case of decline you update) [05:39:17] [2/2] there's sensible amount of wolrdbuilding/OC wikis on Miraheze, one thing you should keep in mind is Dormancy Policy - at least 1 small edit once in a month or two will reset closure timer [05:40:09] Alright thanks for the help, I'm gonna go ahead with the custom domain and if I have any further questions I'll ask here [05:40:51] [1/2] if file is provided on page but doesn't actually exist on wiki it shows up as red File: link [05:40:51] [2/2] here I see just broken image which is something else [05:41:32] i.e. template understand that there's an image but wiki can't load it [05:42:48] I have uploaded it though :< which is why i dont get why it wouldnt work [05:43:58] yeah, I understand [05:44:29] I can only suspect cloudflaire issues, several wikis now reported broken images [05:47:01] [1/2] @rhinosf1 google bot still fails to get images (note the lack of Timeless icons I replaced w/ CSS too) [05:47:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273155903356534957/IMG_20240814_084603.jpg?ex=66bd9655&is=66bc44d5&hm=0a8c9cf69cf747bdd8fc4694f55c0afe5901ffc560f75b3047cdbfc2abd4af00& [05:47:22] [1/2] Thank you. I plan to use wiki to keep info on older OCs and the main focus would be info for manga project I working on right now that probably don’t made it into the main story [05:47:22] [2/2] Done reading policy and I understand the dormancy policy, I am intend to recruit some friend to help updating too [05:47:54] I have some experience with the wiki and smaller wiki I hope this going well [05:48:16] :nomChocoStrawberry: [05:52:14] [1/3] I'm starting to suspect this is why PTW's SEO nose dived not long after it got custom domain [05:52:15] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273157212516388966/IMG_20240814_085016.jpg?ex=66bd978d&is=66bc460d&hm=843b60c014fcebc80a52e262f39079b1bc0c92a6819d41affca30b1eaeeca000& [05:52:15] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273157212814180417/IMG_20240814_085133.jpg?ex=66bd978d&is=66bc460d&hm=1ede0ed96cce15a5300c5b66a82bdebf2bacaa96d659b3a410a5bdc0adf71368& [06:44:32] [1/2] i figured out what caused it XD turns out i had to add underscores in the template because the file names have underscores [06:44:32] [2/2] its always the small things that getcha [09:19:01] If someone offers me a domain it would be incredibly nice:DoneMH: [09:19:29] But today I come here to ask a question. Does Miraheze allow open wiki editing, just like FANDOM? [09:20:13] that's default state of a public wiki (so yes) [09:20:32] I'm going to start a community. I have a plan to compose treasury of documentation into booklets but is yet to be finished, so I wanted to take this opportunity to gain people helping me to collaborate. [09:20:51] Oh I know. Can I request another wiki? [09:21:06] yeah [09:21:16] I requested 3 so far [09:21:29] So the situation is, I have retired Wikidot which took up my root level of TLD, and I think a new wiki would fit the position. [09:21:35] Oh you're nice bro [09:21:57] But I think this new idea will be practical and this is why I decided to create a new one. [09:22:26] [1/2] I've only requested 1 wiki :p [09:22:26] [2/2] I adopted Usagi Shima [09:22:57] [1/2] you want to transfer from wikidot tho, or start from blank state? [09:22:57] [2/2] since wikidot is a whole different engine/code you'll have to convert to mediawiki [09:23:18] I don't need transitions, I want to start afresh. [09:23:27] The old site doesn't have anything valuable to retain [11:03:48] After serious evaluation, because of the risks of Chinese government for stealing technologies, I will start this new project after moving abroad. [11:03:54] Thank you guys for the help! [11:04:20] I don't think the Chinese government are going to steal your wiki. [11:04:37] I think they maybe have bigger things to worry about. [11:04:59] As I have mentioned my new wiki will be a collective central, organizing a technology working group developing a new technology [11:05:28] They don't have intentions to touch personal belongings as well as digital ones, but they rob technologies from Chinese entities [11:07:46] So if unfortunately mine is affected, my new imagine would be quickly ceased with technologies being stolen, this isn't a nice thing to expect for😂 [11:29:51] [1/3] Despite seemingly successfully enabling this extension, it doesn't actually get installed. Doesn't show up on Special:Version [11:29:51] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273242178453504010/image.png?ex=66bde6af&is=66bc952f&hm=fe54ea643e0e384b274c66d4a76d270144248d449b5376a71bdf1b105449fa81& [11:29:52] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273242178780397648/image.png?ex=66bde6af&is=66bc952f&hm=dc5325c0a72e2e7c7c59cc9a6e79ab0e85910c78a1a914b29a4c53fa7c3440b6& [11:32:10] i pasted in some code into the common.js to make collapsible css elements but it doesnt seem to work; i cant tell if it's broken or im stupid (or if its broken cuz im stupid) https://pokemonunbound.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.js [11:32:10] The MediaWiki page does say that it doesn't come included on Miraheze but I feel like that's inaccurate [11:38:09] do u have a page that has a collapsible table? also broken on desktop or mobile, bc if its broken on mobile thats bc mobile doesnt load common.js and only loads mobile.js [11:38:24] [1/4] You need to mark the tables as collapsible, like this: [11:38:25] [2/4] ```wikitext [11:38:25] [3/4] {| class="wikitable collapsible" [11:38:25] [4/4] ``` [11:39:40] https://pokemonunbound.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Party/Single [11:39:50] also yeah idk why ur not using the collapsible that comes with mediawiki, did this not work? https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1269976030341496956 [11:41:12] [1/2] oh it did! [11:41:12] [2/2] but one of the goals for this wiki is having similar features as bulbapedia, which does use this method :> [11:41:31] also, this method reduces the, uh, visual noise, making a long story short [11:41:54] the mediawiki collapsible can do this too though? [11:41:55] yonic_soseki: interesting... it appears that it's also broken in meta (https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CreateAccount) [11:42:37] also it looks working to me, with the show hide button and it showing and hiding properly [11:43:07] does ur browser have js turned off by some chance [11:43:12] well, we have the answer for which of the two it is [11:44:01] well i reloaded it and it's working now; i think i underestimated how long it took for it to process the js [11:44:32] cache strikes again [11:46:09] how would i go about using the mediawiki collapsible to make the same kinds of tables \:o this one is a compounding of various templates, which i suppose is why the used js instead [11:46:19] [1/2] for context, the tables im trying to translate look like this: [11:46:19] [2/2] https://pokemonunbound.miraheze.org/wiki/Route_2#Mega_Trainers_Vivian_and_Mathis [11:47:25] the most egregious tables are probably these: https://pokemonunbound.miraheze.org/wiki/Crystal_Peak#Team_Light_of_Ruin_Leader_Aklove [11:48:52] [1/2] changing the "expandable" to "mw-collapsible mw-collapsed" does the same thing without needing extra js [11:48:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273246965081313300/image.png?ex=66bdeb24&is=66bc99a4&hm=d4afd94d91060d48f2b20a5f947f603b38ca80355204bc9b07e39359222f2e37& [11:56:39] yonic_soseki: bug report filed: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12470 [12:13:05] What [12:15:24] pixldev: what context [12:15:36] Create account [12:15:44] mediawiki:signupstart [12:15:52] Que [12:16:04] is that short for question? [12:17:38] It’s Portuguese for what [12:19:29] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/mediawiki:signupstart [12:20:58] Oh that’s been fucked for a while [12:23:57] [1/4] Weird... [12:23:58] [2/4] Here's the Url: https://kinderworld-miraheze-org.webpkgcache.com/doc/-/s/kinderworld.miraheze.org/wiki/Kinder_World_Wiki [12:23:58] [3/4] Should I block this url? [12:23:58] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273255793730523146/Screenshot_20240814_132158_Chrome.png?ex=66bdf35d&is=66bca1dd&hm=9680d2ef27a995a55cfa00ee8435d688bb11471d0214100efc7e28eaade9dc95& [12:24:31] p sure i saw someone mention that [12:24:54] libera.chat_#miraheze-tech.log:[Sunday, 28 July 2024] [13.27.30 GMT+10] why am I being redirected to https://meta-miraheze-org.webpkgcache.com/doc/-/s/meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_Meta when clicking any link in google for miraheze [12:25:36] huh [12:26:37] [1/2] Version History page is block :/ [12:26:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273256462944043188/Screenshot_20240814_132600_Chrome.png?ex=66bdf3fc&is=66bca27c&hm=75434f927c1593fc18621caeae0a5c2eb7977c3f5a2b6bd7b3b0ac6591d0e1ae& [12:27:00] nuu :( [12:27:20] i wonder if mh can allow all google ips [12:27:51] if we get a sudden onslaught of traffic from google, at least we can tell that it's a malicious actor [12:31:25] Hi. Our discord webhook that connects Miraheze wiki editing to discord and send messages of editing on a discord channel is not working. We filed a issue tracker ticket some weeks ago but i don't know if volunteer know if fixing discord notifications is slow or have to be done discord-side or Miraheze-side. Any idea? [12:32:35] a well known wiki got nerfed by views [12:33:08] avengium: yeah, hard-to-debug bugs can be really annoying :/ [12:33:33] best thing i could do is ask the wiki to add something like requestcatcher.com to the list of webhook urls to see where the problem lies [12:34:11] [1/2] like, we got nice SEO, didn't overthrew fandom but still good, in 11 months, then we got custom domain and console data transferred pretty well but in 1 month it made a nose dive [12:34:12] [2/2] and google bots still can't see images when I check pages in console [12:34:17] not the optimal way to debug, but the only other alternative i could think of is to edit the extension's source code in production, and that's not very feasible [12:35:26] non of my 3 wikis are positive on images, plus I CSS'd UI elements, and if google fails to load them wiki appears broken [12:35:40] What happened to the wiki that got nerfed? Is nerfed something a developer did to reduce the effectiveness of a game mechanic or are you talking about a different thing? [12:35:55] I'm talking about Google SEO [12:36:05] wait, my brain just processed: google fails to load images from wikis on custom domains? [12:36:16] yes [12:36:26] I posted 2 screenshots earlier here [12:36:34] [1/2] oof yeah google console is real mad (not even custom domain) [12:36:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273258968092770396/image.png?ex=66bdf652&is=66bca4d2&hm=41ef848a10e2b9308afc8912c1fb10395dde8e6007d3c8e13d08f4380fbb35b4& [12:36:35] huh... did you know that it was before strengthened cloudflare? [12:36:56] it definitely started happening after [12:37:27] Same [12:37:37] If Google can't see the images on the custom domain wiki, maybe is because the data structure is not favored by Google [12:37:51] posted screenshots ~7 hours ago [12:38:05] yeah i saw, but my brain didn't quite process what you said until now [12:38:20] > [14/08/2024 22:37] If Google can't see the images on the custom domain wiki, maybe is because the data structure is not favored by Google [12:38:28] yeah, but it apparently only happened after the transition to a custom domain [12:39:29] gogigantic.wiki was registered like that since day one, pizzatower.wiki transitioned w/ 301 redirects [12:40:15] I'm sure Google counts broken images into stats or whatever [12:43:11] what the fuck, I look up my first wiki, w/o custom domain, and bot threw me 403 on check [12:43:28] access denied, can't index [12:45:25] common! [12:46:23] s.wikimedia.org [12:46:52] ok, I can page in results, it opens in incognito fine, but if bot check does that I expect the wiki getting nerfed the same way as the other two [12:46:58] *see [12:47:42] > it opens in incognito fine, but if bot check [12:47:49] yeah, cloudflare gets pissy depending on the context [12:48:14] traits i know include tls fingerprint, ip address, and http headers (including user agent) [12:49:21] getting proper SEO is already weakest point of Miraheze [12:50:16] as much as I hate google and what it has done, it's basically impossible to ask your entire target audience to not use google [12:50:38] more like, persuade [13:00:02] Yeah, that's a way larger fight [13:00:40] The only way to realistically bypass google is reaching the intended audience on their own turf [13:25:38] so are we going to make cf to not bash legit search engine bots? [13:26:32] Rhinos already exempted googlebot so I’m not sure what’s going on [13:26:58] Saw it needs to be updated, welp [13:27:04] Also, I have my wiki indexed on two FANDOM wikis as to use FANDOM'ss SEO [13:27:08] yeah, I saw that, I feel bad about this really [13:27:16] @rhinosf1 [13:27:27] poor rhinosf1 being harassed about cloudflare [13:28:11] When I go to England, remind me to buy him a drink [13:29:32] there are several tech people who need drinks [13:30:21] Rip [13:31:30] If we did a Miraheze volunteer gathering I’d say buy em all a round [13:31:40] yep [13:32:53] [1/3] Simply because Fandom gets more traffic? Because Miraheze by default gets more SEO score from Lighthouse than Fandom does [13:32:53] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273273139152949268/image.png?ex=66be0384&is=66bcb204&hm=b9a13714e7d9c9687871f5044ec1560d613a62df63cd4b99cc23734e89c30a1f& [13:32:53] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273273139421380678/image.png?ex=66be0384&is=66bcb204&hm=908c9ce6842598257934130651cc045402d7abe01b626a5b4d149276c15830d4& [13:33:26] (I am no SEO expert :P) [13:33:31] even w/o fandom [13:33:33] miraheze out of the box seo really lept forward a while back, pretty sure mainly from some changes by CA [13:33:58] cloudflare might be knocking it back a bit given the amount of things that get struck though [13:34:28] I mean, my lastest wiki is busted by Fandom (w/ dead Gamepedia version) AND wiki/gg, jackpot [13:34:47] or like, full house, whatever lol [13:35:01] old and adequate seo sites tend to have a huge advantage [13:35:02] You know, I use FANDOM wiki indexes to index my wiki as to use FANDOM's SEO to my uses [13:38:23] I didn't know you could do that [13:39:00] Why u repeating yourself [13:40:17] You can't [13:40:24] Fandom no-follows all external links [13:40:34] if you mean inserting links on fandom wiki it doesn't help, Fandom slaps no-follow [13:40:47] So the assumption that linking to your wiki from a fandom wiki will increase your SEO is a big L [13:41:15] google console might see links but doesn't count them into your site rep [13:41:23] No, what I mean is "FANDOM's Wiki links to mine, so people may find my wiki via the FANDOM one" [13:41:24] (Also that is a really scummy thing to do to try and game the system like that) [13:41:39] that's a human factor, not SEO [13:41:47] I do that too lol [13:41:54] These wikis are wikis that index wikis, I did not spam on random wikis [13:42:07] that's reasonable [13:42:37] [1/2] i did see someone who had their fandom wiki redirect to their selfhosted wiki somehow [13:42:38] [2/2] like the fandom page shows for a second and then the redirect happens [13:43:02] Probably JS. surprised that made it through the review. [13:43:15] yeah, I'd think they would cut that out but if it's obfuscated... [13:43:15] poked around a bit and couldnt find the js that did it [13:43:41] or maybe it pulls a resource that does it or they somehow got it through html, dunno [13:44:15] I know the FANDOM wiki would not do anything for SEO but I hope peoeple can find the self hosted wiki via the FANDOM one (wiki index wiki) [13:45:23] yeah that's fair [13:46:05] if you get on some other ones you might see tangible actual seo benefits like that independent wikiindex site [13:46:10] if they're still running anyway [13:46:22] Do you have a link [13:48:45] apparently they're rougher than I remember and kind of down at the moment, but here's the link https://wikiindex.org/Main_page [13:50:31] I think I indexed my wiki on there as well [13:50:56] it's a fairly high profile one, hard to miss if you're looking into it [13:51:10] but iirc they have severe inactive management/ownership problems [13:51:55] Why is it down do you think [13:52:35] ye it seems a bit cranky [13:52:47] they've been up and down for a long time, I can't imagine it's the most stable anymore but I also can't be specific because I haven't looked since 2023, or 2022 really [13:55:28] I do not think it is scummy to use wiki index wikis on FANDOm for their purpose (the fact the FANDOM wiki's with the link show first is just handy) [13:55:44] oa did not understand the full context there [13:56:04] I doubt he has any issue with using a dedicated index wiki to list the wiki [13:56:16] but that wasn't immediately obvious when the convo started [13:56:33] Also, my toe is ichy [13:56:45] fascinating [14:06:23] is it possible to reset my wiki [14:06:41] not just like all revs get deleted, I mean the entire mediawiki installation is reinstalled [14:07:23] Um, yes I believe so [14:07:45] it's possible, yes, but it require an Phorge task, and some consensus if there is someone else other than you [14:08:48] ah [14:08:51] i believe a reset basically consitutes the wiki being soft-deleted, then hard-deleted, then recreated via createwiki [14:08:58] [1/2] by the way, what are these options for? [14:08:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273282221536579615/image.png?ex=66be0bfa&is=66bcba7a&hm=01301e23a63c2a79f7b4565b301e0b7d2e2148ce4b98739cff24c74ca9b4302c& [14:09:00] but yeah, wiki resets go on phorge [14:09:21] anpang54: "Use / for articles" -> https://rainverse.wiki/Lynn [14:09:33] "Use /wiki/ for articles" -> https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Lynn [14:09:37] they're grayed out though [14:09:47] editable only by stewards iirc [14:09:51] you have to request it at [[SN]] [14:09:51] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SN [14:09:52] Yes [14:09:52] dunno why actually [14:09:53] [14:09:56] ah [14:09:57] ty [14:10:01] (SR/RC to be more specific) [14:10:12] DNS propangation afaik [14:10:24] how is dns relevant here though [14:10:55] BlankEclair: oh wait, I remember, it's about caches [14:11:01] dns propagation is slow [14:11:09] yeah but dns shouldn't have a bearing on this [14:11:30] caching is interesting though [14:24:05] the phorge backlog doesn't look very good lol [14:24:31] Don’t worry it’s always been like that [14:24:59] We have limited tech people still [14:26:09] I would like to help, if my expertise ripens for that [14:28:20] I don't remember it being that bad in 2021 [14:36:50] I kinda want my wiki reset quickly [14:37:12] Make a task [14:37:21] I did [14:37:31] Gotcha [16:03:38] how can i link my wiki to a custom domain with /wiki/ while the domain without wiki acts as a different part of the website? [16:09:03] it maybe some sorts of redirects or something, but I don't think it would work like that [16:10:18] [1/2] the /wiki/ part of URL is like, part of software, like ...miraheze.org/wiki/... [16:10:18] [2/2] there's a restricted setting to hide it [16:10:36] but yeah, what Pisces said [16:11:30] if you bought something.wiki domain, you submit it to Miraheze, it's always gonna be that - something.wiki/wiki/Page, or something.wiki/Page [16:13:17] [1/3] i want to know if the domain without the wiki part can be used for a separate purpose at the same time [16:13:17] [2/3] example: [16:13:18] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273313504828461066/image.png?ex=66be291c&is=66bcd79c&hm=0e9716ce8a9f720d086b5e5fb06db3f78c4f3d2fdaa9c9db0cc5146e07761ce7& [16:14:30] I don't think so [16:14:56] No [16:15:00] Use a subdomain [16:15:30] all of :ThisBlue: [16:16:15] a subdomain is better practice for other reasons including seo and analytics, iirc [16:17:07] Aw man alright thanks [16:19:36] Since wiki will be in the link, how can I remove the /wiki/ part? [16:20:02] should be editable in Special:ManageWiki but if the option is greyed out/restricted, just link and I'll do it [16:20:15] Okay I'll send it once I get the domain connected [16:21:43] btw, if I'll enable that does that mean pages have to be re indexed? [16:22:22] and I assume posted somewhere long time ago links w/ /wiki/ will work anyway? [16:22:59] 1. unsure, 2. I believe so [16:23:21] if it's still restricted it's because reportedly the no /wiki thing can break/be buggy at times [16:24:24] quite tempted to try lol [16:26:58] [1/2] page went blank [16:26:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273316950680014989/image.png?ex=66be2c52&is=66bcdad2&hm=098be9b554736cfa95a90a784712bdb6c56a956d8d96e539076c554936050eea& [16:27:30] after submitting [16:27:54] oh really? maybe i'll refrain from doing that then [16:29:16] seems like it worked [16:29:29] I can see in recent changes [16:29:39] ah [16:30:00] [1/2] b [16:30:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273317712214491348/image.png?ex=66be2d07&is=66bcdb87&hm=809a0050ebd8c59ddeaa6bf7be7dfa77b71bfd4f2c428f855e2f227b96e45dc0& [16:32:12] I meant your request got tru [16:32:23] not like actually working [16:35:00] do i just wait? [16:45:29] yup [17:00:41] Yes [17:00:50] But you can always go ingo search console and tell google they moved [17:01:21] Since it wont like you having /wiki/Hello and /Hello, it will view the new one as a duplicate [17:32:23] thanks [19:44:19] Hi how do I adding my editor as admin of the wiki I try /Special:UserRights but it can’t find my editor username [19:45:07] Make sure they've visited the wiki beforehand so CentralAuth can create a local account for them [19:46:55] they did try edit it but the name still in red after the editor create user page [19:47:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1273367416986013809/image.png?ex=66be5b52&is=66bd09d2&hm=de3554b9c1403d95fb9e48807f2ce7586a220b7427e113db37def96b24281c00& [19:48:47] that just means they dont have a page for their user [19:50:21] [1/2] Hmm are there a way to check local account? [19:50:21] [2/2] I try the ? Button on permission page but it just explain what rank doing what and permission but not how to add more admin [19:53:30] [1/2] click on that username, then in toolbar there miat something like This user's groups [19:53:31] [2/2] click on that and you should be able to get menu of groups/permission to assign to that user [19:56:37] Hi thank you I find the option and testing if the edit work right now [22:20:47] Hello! im trying to enable "Chameleon" as the default skin on my wiki, it has been selected and saved in skins but it is not showing up in the default skin dropdown?