[00:05:34] [1/3] Is there any way to add a line break at the end of a template? I tried with `
` but it ends up rendering it into `

/p`, and wrapping it all into a `

` only makes these "empty" paragraphs that do nothing [00:05:34] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274519522249801778/image.png?ex=66c28c4d&is=66c13acd&hm=15672e1e9de01bf1b17e5eb0a3dc232c544a7ed7332259dc1e6823108924cdff& [00:05:34] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274519522476556299/image.png?ex=66c28c4d&is=66c13acd&hm=43a7f5a8034f414308529900639a49fbb34f84d65e4757ca379dea445e4bc9b0& [00:06:14] hack:

with padding? [00:06:41] Are you looking for something like "
/div" at the end of your template? [00:06:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b1 [00:10:15] Or I guess I could just add CSS margins to the element itself [00:30:13] we love {{-}} :D [00:30:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:- [00:30:14] [00:30:21] true wikibot [00:35:20] Hmm, is there a way to change a sidebar image via variable? ie, if it has ID of 3, it would choose a certain image than its default? [00:37:12] I'm looking to change `#footer, body {background-image: url()}` for certain pages while keeping a defaulted one. [00:51:59] ok to change the sidebar image based on a variable such as a page id, you can utilize a combination of CSS and JavaScript start by assigning unique IDs to each of your pages which allows you to identify them individually. Set a default background image for the sidebar in your CSS. [00:52:31] for example, you might use #sidebar { background-image: url('default-image.jpg'); } to establish a baseline appearance. [00:58:05] [1/6] No need for JavaScript, if your skin adds classes based on the page name you can do this: [00:58:05] [2/6] ```css [00:58:05] [3/6] body.page-Page_name #footer { [00:58:06] [4/6] background-image: url("your-custom-image"); [00:58:06] [5/6] } [00:58:06] [6/6] ``` [01:03:10] [1/7] The only downside is that you'd have to do this with every single page you want to have it customized. Another idea is to have a custom element via a template that generates something like this: `/span` [01:03:10] [2/7] Then on your css you can do this: [01:03:11] [3/7] ```css [01:03:11] [4/7] body:has(.footer-1) #footer { [01:03:11] [5/7] background-image: url("your-custom-image"); [01:03:11] [6/7] } [01:03:12] [7/7] ``` [01:12:00] Yeah actually. [01:24:50] The former would work if it was singular case per side bar (this wiki has over 300 pages planned, im not that psychotic) [01:25:43] [1/7] So if I did [01:25:44] [2/7] ``` [01:25:44] [3/7] body:has(.className) #footer { [01:25:44] [4/7] background-image: url("your-custom-image"); [01:25:45] [5/7] } [01:25:45] [6/7] ``` [01:25:45] [7/7] would this be acceptable? [01:26:16] okay cool [01:33:07] Hi there! Our wiki is looking to clean up our CSS theming. Based on what I've read, is it safe to clear out Common.css and .css if we want to start fresh/back to vanilla? [01:34:31] sure [01:37:11] [1/2] cool! and are there other CSS files associated -- actually a better question may be, is there a resource for this somewhere? Like what all the CSS files are and what you should touch and what not to touch, per skin? I wasnt really sure where to start looking, perhaps I need to dig into the mediawiki documentation more to understand the theming system but I was honestly just conf [01:37:11] [2/2] used. [01:41:31] Does this require quote marks? ie (".footer-1") [01:45:29] CSS declarations should not have quotation marks around them [01:52:49] [1/2] I ask because this returns an error [01:52:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274546513682497596/image.png?ex=66c2a570&is=66c153f0&hm=f4c2ab2d5b4b4c672b2a5234259688d6d69601904a69383925a0517a72fde109& [01:54:38] this feels overkill [01:54:45] what about body.className #footer [01:54:56] wait no i'm stupid [01:55:41] I'm just trying to call for a unique ID/Class for certain pages to change the sidebar/footer when appropriate. [01:55:48] Let me try the individual case rq [02:00:15] Ok [02:00:20] Individual cases works [02:01:45] Oh could `body #IDname, #footer #IDname` work? [02:24:12] hey um [02:24:27] so I need help making this on my wiki [02:26:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274554992191213669/Bio_left_side_of_the_original_characters_page.png?ex=66c2ad56&is=66c15bd6&hm=1349f177878bd1214c4ff1ffdfc4d4dffc0b080474f1f1688015e10efe2faa6a& [02:26:39] uh and idk how [02:47:58] What do you need help makin? [02:49:53] I made a post explaning about drop-down menus. idk if I need a template [02:52:28] I'm a buck fifty with ya [02:52:31] idk what a drop down menu is [02:53:57] `mw-collapsible` is the thing to make tables and stuff open and close, if thats what youre talking about? but idk [02:58:22] idk [02:58:26] maybe? [02:58:35] it's this: [02:58:42] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274563095070773381/Bio_left_side_of_the_original_characters_page.png?ex=66c2b4e2&is=66c16362&hm=5515ed34028d215a1a87101ec08f865b68216ea15ed10c247f1de2f920d3ca72& [02:58:52] but it has the ability to close [02:59:11] to just the "Contents" part [02:59:28] yeah it has a lot of internal links to part of the page. [03:04:13] Oh thats a TOC [03:04:23] `TOC` [03:05:37] You can also use `NOTOC` and `FORCETOC`, to hide and force it to appear [03:05:55] what's a TOC mean?? and how do I format it? [03:06:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274564936890323015/Bio_left_side_of_the_original_characters_page_Example_1.png?ex=66c2b699&is=66c16519&hm=ca0206d2d45f2f7ca94abce499dcf5da9cce67fc9d2c3e6393456f09d1cd8686& [03:06:06] like this? [03:06:39] Table of Content and the formatting is as we showing you, it will automatically pickup the headers done == TITLE == [03:07:01] ah okay thanks [03:07:08] i'll try it out and let you know [03:09:07] The TOC can sometimes appear on big pages with many headers so that's why NOTOC exist for when you don't want it and FORCETOC is when you have too few headers but still want it. The TOC appears in different ways on different skins but you should always have one as part of the a skin. [03:10:13] how do I implent the skin? [03:11:43] It's automatic you don't have to deal with it, you can change of wiki skin but that's another topic (on which I'm not that knowledgeable), for the TOC there's no concerns to have, my point was that it will always be visible and as far I know no skin disables it. [03:13:58] I am getting started onboarding users. I have someone to add to beauracrats. Also when i set the wiki to private (rigth now it is on public) i need to verify the users. I have found list users but i don't see where to add roles to users or users to groups., [03:15:32] oh okay thanks' [03:15:44] Sure πŸ™‚ [03:16:52] oops [03:17:00] I forgot to mention something importany [03:17:29] Uh how to make the table appear on the left? (I have the infobox on the right side?) [03:18:53] Uh if I recall t should work by default, the infobox are usually built with a built-in float meaning that they won't take the space on the left [03:19:04] Tho it's specullation from observations [03:19:11] I want them too [03:20:34] Oh you want the info on the left ? I thought we were still talking about the TOC, not sure, I have played with CSS but haven't figured that part yet. Might be worth waiting for someone more knowledgeable πŸ™‚ [03:20:47] `style="float:right; margin-left: 100px;` [03:20:53] Add that to the wikitable [03:20:56] ah okay. I meant the TOC on left. [03:21:25] Then my point stands, the TOC will take that space by default [03:21:52] that's not showing up as code? [03:21:57] it's not purple [03:24:01] wdym not purple [03:24:14] lemme take a screenshot [03:29:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274570740951421018/Miraheze_Wiki_issue.png?ex=66c2bc01&is=66c16a81&hm=118167bfd24a89617e2b624ddc18cff573a185005a9830daf410b455194657c9& [03:30:30] there [03:40:28] [1/2] this is the issue [03:40:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274573607590170635/image.png?ex=66c2beac&is=66c16d2c&hm=6a31c4b496eff45c657817d9753463c69f24207ece1609fd8753111e4235aa8d& [03:42:38] what are you trying to do? [03:47:30] You need to modify your infobox. [03:47:41] drop-down menu on the left [03:47:57] it's not an infobox. I have infobox on the right [03:48:18] Oh the TOC [03:55:29] style="float:right; margin-left: 100px;' [03:55:40] as you can see [03:55:56] that code is an issue because it's showing up as text]\ [04:03:04] you need to open and close the quotes with the same type of quotes. [04:03:26] this one " or this one '? [04:04:53] to be honest i am not sure which. in html it has to be in a tag attribute and you use double quotes [04:05:10] ah okay [04:05:49] style="float:right; margin-left: 100px;" [04:05:51] i would do it by editing the CSS instead if the target has a class or id [04:07:35] how do you do that? [04:28:34] [1/2] ah I got it [04:28:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274585710367735818/Bio_left_side_of_the_original_characters_page_THingy_actual_page_example.png?ex=66c2c9f2&is=66c17872&hm=1967e9fc74f0be3ec65032f7454f5c6131227425143b03fdafd76446b0524b1c& [04:28:39] it's okay [04:31:18] that's good. i can't remember where i was able to add css right now. i was going to go search through the wiki backup files πŸ˜‚ [04:31:55] lmao. it's okay [04:32:05] I just need help with the minuses [04:32:13] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274586627506700360/Bio_left_side_of_the_original_characters_page_error_1.png?ex=66c2cacc&is=66c1794c&hm=6418923ac727f30bff7bb20a1ca64457a87fe9db12af343844f05b9aa542b263& [04:32:16] this? [04:35:32] looks normal. i don't follow. [04:35:45] if you click they turn to pluses right? [04:35:49] the minuses close it? [04:35:56] here is the example I followed [04:36:05] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274587603324112938/Bio_left_side_of_the_original_characters_page.png?ex=66c2cbb5&is=66c17a35&hm=b5e101a56236f83eecc6e839a417eaae9830efc61c2b19bed19c45c9e0e1375e& [04:36:11] it's just expands the details or hides details [04:36:19] as you can see it, the minuses are not there [04:37:23] maybe someone else knows about that. [04:37:36] how do I bold the text? for the headers too? [04:46:31] @CSS/JS Support Volunteers [05:32:00] ''' Text ''' iirc is bolding text, but idk for headers. [05:34:43] the usual CSS modding procedure - pick something w/ element inspector, poke around the element, add that to MediaWiki:...css page [05:34:57] I figured out the code that's causing the minuses, but idk how to remove it. [05:36:02] where is the button for that? [05:38:52] right click, depends on browser how it's called [05:41:38] i can't figure it out. is there an easier solution? [05:59:27] Hmm.. How would I create an onion skin for an infobox image? :o [06:15:16] wdym? [06:16:10] Github has this thing for comparing images called an Onion Skin. Basically, it's just a slider. [06:16:15] [1/3] no [06:16:16] [2/3] you can try look up on other CSS'd wikis tho but chances are you'll confuse yourself even more [06:16:16] [3/3] learn CSS, not a bad thing for any wiki admin from my experience [06:18:25] [1/4] I loathe github so idk what's that lol [06:18:25] [2/4] if you mean just having several images in infobox tabs can be done in classic, gallery is used for that in portable [06:18:25] [3/4] plus putting two images together next to each other is possible [06:18:26] [4/4] is what you're looking for looks like slider gallery? [06:20:58] One image is overlapped onto another image, and it's transparency is removed as the slider increases; basically. [06:23:12] I think this goes harshly into LUA shit :( [06:29:46] On the plus side, my rendering program is being AWFULLY kind rn woo [06:32:25] [1/2] do u have a link to this github onion skin :0 [06:32:25] [2/2] but also on the other hand why do u need something so complicated for a infobox lol [06:32:42] because [06:32:44] i am fancyℒ️ [06:33:40] [1/2] best i have on hand rn [06:33:40] [2/2] https://github.blog/news-insights/behold-image-view-modes/ [06:33:59] that and i rather not have so many fucking {{IG}}'s called lmao [06:33:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:IG [06:34:01] [06:41:01] uh does this work.. `{{testing}}` [06:41:01] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:testing [06:41:11] okay so just [06:41:13] code that okay [07:00:36] or just type \ before the {{ [07:00:39] \{{test}} [07:00:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:test [07:01:42] Yeah but like [07:01:45] rememmbering [07:01:50] im trying to make an infobox cuz some of them broke when they got imported to miraheze with portable infobox builder but when i try to use a template in a page theres no documented parameters. do i need to add them in manually or sum? [07:03:36] mfw i dont document anything [07:04:34] [1/2] fandom infoboxes shouldnt break when being imported, if they show up as just text you just have to make a small edit somewhere (a space or something) to make it fix itself [07:04:34] [2/2] if youre making a new infobox yeah you have to edit the templatedata to make parameters show up (theres a "edit templatedata" button when editing a template page) [07:26:08] Wait, where is that button ? [07:28:25] Ah it's an extension [07:28:26] TemplateData is an extension too, must be enabled [07:29:48] :squint: [07:30:13] Seems complicated for not much (in my case), I tend to just provide an example of said template on the template page. Β―\_(ツ)_/Β― [07:30:34] Hello [07:30:35] I have a very annoying problem: the notification icon does not appear on the mobile version, as in the photo [07:30:36] it adds the thingys for visual editor [07:30:47] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274631564487168091/Screenshot_2024-08-18-09-29-21-487_com.android.chrome-edit.jpg?ex=66c2f4a6&is=66c1a326&hm=79b0d8696e836bc153c97748776c3c0a40f6492322612237b79f9a13b3382829& [07:31:25] [1/2] that's minerva, nobody likes minerva [07:31:25] [2/2] also perhaps you got logged out [07:32:19] it's more for people who are afraid of source editor [07:32:29] Fair [07:33:07] coulda sworn templatedata is just on by default [07:33:19] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274632202596126731/image.png?ex=66c2f53e&is=66c1a3be&hm=0b14dc9696aa5b07c2e4e188933006afec5072c2da88771c9bbc2fa5e323d4fa& [07:33:43] I don't remember it being enabled by default [07:33:49] It isn't here* [07:33:52] never was on my wikis at least [07:34:17] Also may I suggest a node for HeaderTabs about it not being compatible with 1.42+ ? [07:34:45] It doesn't say anything in the extension menu so if you don't check the page you don't know [07:34:52] > [18/08/2024 17:33] coulda sworn templatedata is just on by default [07:34:53] nope [07:35:13] > [18/08/2024 17:34] Also may I suggest a node for HeaderTabs about it not being compatible with 1.42+ ? [07:35:14] good idea [07:35:35] Note: This extension is currently incompatible with MediaWiki 1.42, and so does nothing at the moment. [07:35:38] phrasing okay? [07:35:44] I tried to use and it just wasn't and it reminded me of someone else here too suffering from that πŸ™‚ [07:35:58] Perfect, in red if possible πŸ˜› [07:36:05] red feels excessive [07:36:42] The Incompatibility too πŸ˜› [07:36:56] Joke aside, the note will help I think πŸ™‚ [07:38:14] You have Uno. It came free with your fucking XBox. [07:39:18] not bold (because the other two notes weren't), but pr: https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/pull/5639 [07:42:39] a task to deva was made yeah [07:42:43] devs [07:43:03] yeah but they didn't seem interested in fixing it :p [07:43:04] and nor am i [07:44:09] I think the reason why I tried was to see if the the tabs were added to the TOC buecause I couldn't find a non fandom way to have tabberneue tabs or even just h2/3s into the TOC πŸ€” [07:45:02] headertabs only operate on level 1 headings tho [07:45:49] True but I saw an option to have a generated TOC so I assume it can understand what's in the tab "page" [07:46:09] But yeah in any case it doesn't work anymore and found nothing for tabberneue [07:46:11] oh okay [07:46:23] I made a custom ToC template using id's once [07:46:53] https://tenor.com/view/to-stunned-to-speak-the-woman-was-to-stunned-to-speak-stargate-stargate-sg1-wow-thats-ambitious-gif-26514369 [07:46:56] tabberneue has a setting for id's, i.e. the # linking [07:47:26] so i need to manually add the parameters right? [07:47:35] yeah [07:47:43] alr thanks [07:47:58] it's not that hard, just a tad tedious [07:48:07] there's visual interface for that [07:48:58] [1/2] wait i wanna see that [07:48:58] [2/2] it works in tabbers? [07:51:01] [1/2] oh wait i worked something out im a genus [07:51:01] [2/2] https://yohaji.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Canadabonk/sandbox2 [07:51:29] [1/2] nah, no tabbers [07:51:29] [2/2] it's combined w/ templates for page's content [07:51:55] πŸ‘€ [07:52:04] [07:52:41] ohhhhhh [07:55:37] [1/3] Meaning while me... [07:55:38] [2/3] I wanted to use tabber to have differently so having the TOC show each would had been crazy for me 🀣 [07:55:38] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274637818232180767/image.png?ex=66c2fa79&is=66c1a8f9&hm=cc213d14a4f787384990e7446a8b0759e28369a81e5c020720f09076ea9a90ba& [07:56:30] I grew tired of inside of tabber lacking syntax highlight lol [07:57:26] Hmm [07:57:35] Uh ? It doesn't ? [07:58:28] [1/2] It does here, unless you mean something else πŸ€” [07:58:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274638534078365706/image.png?ex=66c2fb24&is=66c1a9a4&hm=8516d6a9f74715a14df8d183c4f5529e68501dcaf029dc06018239eb44bfeb82& [08:53:07] I think they mean the `|-|field =` not being highlighted [08:53:12] hence "inside of tabber" [09:28:39] Ah, yeah [09:47:40] This only partially works; due to how the wiki works, I (fsr) need `.mw_footer` instead of `#footer` if I want a changeable one. This also fixed an issue I was having with shit not lining up nicely so woot. [09:50:06] okay nvm i was COMPLETELY wrong lmfao [09:50:12] apparently i just broke it [09:50:17] and it worked [09:53:22] So.. no footer image, only body image. [10:07:34] for my infoboxes, how can i center the title, header, and navigation text as they are all left-aligned. is it through css on the commons.css? [10:09:45] yeap [10:10:17] [1/3] ```.pi-title, .pi-header, .pi-navigation { [10:10:17] [2/3] text-align:center; [10:10:17] [3/3] }``` [10:11:40] okay im actually mcfuckin losing it [10:11:47] what the hell is the drop down arrow called in css [10:12:11] the one that appears in the recent changes thing [10:12:20] i deadass cannot figure this shit out bro ive done [10:13:38] .mw-enhancedchanges-arrow [10:14:22] its supposed to be a mask-image and masks a #222 background color but it doesnt load the image right for mysterious reasons [10:14:50] Oh its broken? [10:14:55] okay [10:14:58] i thiought i was [10:15:03] mc donefor [10:15:52] yeah something abt the 1.42 mediawiki update couple weeks ago borked it [10:32:10] it's cloudflare i believe [10:32:32] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12382 [10:36:37] This is why I lemon [13:11:49] Hi, there. What exactly can TemplatesStyles change on a page? [13:12:11] TemplateStyles is a CSS thingy [13:12:20] I claimed it [13:12:27] I'll check cloudflare [13:12:28] πŸ‘€ [13:13:55] Know this [13:14:20] But I've only managed to modify the infobox and table of contents for the moment. [13:14:39] I wanted to know if he could do anything else, and how. [13:15:10] it can be applied to any template type, and like single pages, for example a main page [13:15:40] basically the main point of TS is to not keep stuff in Common.css [13:15:54] Common.css always loads on any page [13:16:05] Yes, but none of the codes I placed worked. [13:16:21] TS styles pages load only where they're needed [13:16:50] there's a setting in namespaces that should allow TS, if you mean using it outside of templates [13:17:08] also /styles.css page should be in Sanitized CSS page model [13:17:16] Which ones? [13:18:02] [1/2] dude I don't which one you want [13:18:03] [2/2] I made a main page in project namespace -> I had to allow TS in project namespace [13:18:14] It is [13:18:31] theres a pretty wide range of "not working" with templatestyles, would be a lot more useful if u linked the templatestyles page and where you used it on [13:18:40] Sorry, I seem to be getting on your nerves. [13:18:49] It's not my goal. [13:19:09] Of course. [13:19:50] I did a test here: https://lamieprodigieuse.miraheze.org/wiki/Mod%C3%A8le:Avatar.css/styles.css [13:21:25] where are u using the templatestyles on? [13:21:53] Here: https://lamieprodigieuse.miraheze.org/wiki/Link [13:23:07] [1/2] it all looks like its working? [13:23:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274720235601268807/image.png?ex=66c3473b&is=66c1f5bb&hm=74a31dd5ca94b3ad2652dc0e12e6cee3dc5953ae5fbf1a7a93b0dac7b072fd7f& [13:24:13] Yes, but I wanted to know if it could modify anything other than an infobox. I know it's possible for some elements, as I've managed to modify the table of contents. [13:24:57] it can modify anything within the content section of the page (anything inside `.mw-parser-output`, aka the part that changes when u edit a page) but not any of the UI outside of that [13:25:51] [1/2] this part is .mw-parser-output [13:25:52] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1274720923278114936/image.png?ex=66c347df&is=66c1f65f&hm=477d2bc7c0ec3d8f39755fbba6460ec05a901665439eb4ce9ac4d552a5599deb& [13:26:00] So it can modify a background color, for example? [13:27:04] of elements within that block, but not that block itself (unless u do something like putting everything in the content of a page in a
and changing the background of that div) [13:27:40] And what would be the code for that? [13:29:33] [1/5] for what? putting everything in a div? put `
` at the start and /div at the end and then in the css do [13:29:33] [2/5] ``` [13:29:33] [3/5] .bgcolor { [13:29:34] [4/5] background:red [13:29:34] [5/5] }``` [13:29:54] thanks [14:20:20] [1/2] not a technical question but just in general, how do people get people to come edit on their wiki? My subject is pretty niche and I don't have a big platform, so any interest in editing so far has been like. Me telling people about the wiki directly and encouraging them to edit if they're interested. I just feel like there has to be an easier way to tell people about the wiki [14:20:21] [2/2] and get people to come and edit - I mean, I know that there are a lot of people who are involved in the fandom/have read the fic that my wiki's about, so it's not like this is so niche that I can't expect any other editors at all. [14:22:22] [1/2] there's no easier ways [14:22:22] [2/2] even if you think you found game fans as autistic and focused as you're, it's still a gargantuan task to make them actually edit the wiki, I've been struggling w/ this for years [14:23:03] popularity plays a big role too, ofc [14:23:42] I guess I'll just have to keep chipping away at it then. There is one other person who does sometimes come and edit, but not regularly. [14:25:07] yeah, just keep reminding people about it, I suppose [14:28:41] I'm making 'how-to' pages to introduce people to editing if they've never done it before, so hopefully that'll help a bit. [14:35:35] Typically people come to a wiki to find information [14:35:42] Which is because they lack knowledge of the subject [14:35:54] Can't rly contribute to something you dont know of πŸ˜› [14:41:28] Or they are annoyed at the lack of information, and decide to chip in, which is also partly where stubs are helpful. [14:42:11] I've lost count of the number of times with Wikipedia that I can count being annoyed that information wasn't up to date, accurate or sourced that I've then gone and edited. [14:48:07] Me literally making a wiki just because of that reason exactly [14:48:50] Though I will say its a fucking struggle doing it solo. [14:49:17] My brain cannot handle doing just the wiki only cuz i gotsa work on 7 other parts plus my own work bwuh [14:50:03] u have to cultivate a discord server of the ppl who are the most insane abt that thing and maybe a couple will help out 😌 [14:50:48] no [14:51:01] Well [14:51:05] Wiki stuff, yeah maybe [14:51:23] yeah wiki stuff [14:51:26] It's just a pain in the ass because I need to manually adjust the Commons page so often as I grow the wiki [14:51:45] oh wait a minute [14:51:51] lemmie test something quick [14:52:12] . [14:52:20] For my finding ease [14:55:09] Or just be a very hyperactive member in the community so that your presence is extremely recognisable :p [14:55:54] People started wanting to help me because they see me a lot lol [14:56:01] I fucking wish [14:56:06] yeah thats me also lol [14:56:28] I know like [14:56:36] 3 people who code outside of the people from this server [14:56:38] like unironically [14:56:48] bc i translate the manga my wiki is for to english im fairly sure everyone on the english side of the fandom knows me [14:56:50] and only 1 knows CSS/HTML/PHP lmao [15:04:58] For some reason this reminds me to edit every single page i think is a "stub", thanks ig. [15:05:40] anyway what were yall talking about? [15:06:04] Talking about how people come to a wiki to help edit it [15:07:43] oh mkay [15:35:39] The PAGEBANNER extension doesn't work for me, I don't know why. I'm on Timeless. [15:43:06] [1/3] Wonder when they're gonna approve the request I did [15:43:06] [2/3] URL: twistedsiders.miraheze.org [15:43:06] [3/3] Database name: twistedsiderswiki [15:44:43] It can take a few days depending on volunteer availability [16:13:14] How does CirrusSearch interact with Cargo? [16:13:54] I've read that Cargo does support elastic search but CirrusSearch doesn't support Cargo so I'm not sure what's going on [16:16:26] Where have you read this [16:20:04] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Cargo/Cargo_and_Semantic_MediaWiki#Other [16:21:42] Neither elastic nor cirrus come up anywhere on that page [16:23:44] So the full-text search is different from Cirrus? [16:24:25] Yes [16:54:40] I am in a server full of insane people like me!!! But sadly the people who are interested in the thing my wiki is about? There's maybe like. 30 people active on social media who like it rip. It feels like a lot because together we end up doing so much, but there are so few of us 😭 [16:55:07] What is it if I may? [17:14:23] Of course! The wiki is called Decapedia (https://decapedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Decapedia), and it's to document the Deca series (a fanfiction series about the Deca from doctor who), and the surrounding fandom, as well as the source material that the fandom sprung from (so, some parts of Doctor Who). [17:15:10] Oh lordy. [17:15:20] Havent heard about DrW in a hot min [17:17:01] its kinda impressive that a fanfic series has its own fandom [17:19:25] Honestly it's more that the fic is the main thing propping the Academy era/Deca fandom of DW up lol. Most people I've talked to under the age of about 40 seem to have found out about the Deca through the fic! I know I did lol [17:19:50] I'm very much engulfed in the Who fandom, so it's pretty much all I ever hear about! [18:38:04] `hi [18:38:22] w e l c o m e [18:40:45] how are you? [18:40:53] c o o l [19:20:44] Is it possible to become an administrator on Miraheze Login Wiki? [19:20:56] N O [19:21:09] Why? [19:21:25] that wiki's not a normal wiki [19:21:25] its just not [19:21:29] it's for technical stuff regarding CentralAuth [19:21:51] lemon [19:22:01] lemon :o [19:22:26] I know, but who is fighting vandalism there? I guess the administration is handled by global users? [19:22:34] yep [19:22:45] I'm just curious [19:22:46] OK [19:23:23] its me, im secretly the man behind the lemonade stand. [19:23:57] no, i am- πŸ‹ [19:24:08] what the fuck [19:24:15] who the heck are you lil duckie [19:24:41] just joking, don't worry [19:25:12] dont worry :> [19:25:28] ... [19:25:30] okay so [19:25:45] how long would it take me to render over 4 thousand variants of smth? [19:26:32] Is it possible to have all of the templates and infoboxes and css stuff from one wiki you own imported into another [19:29:00] Depends [19:29:07] Check out [[Moving a wiki to Miraheze]], which explains the basics [19:29:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Moving_a_wiki_to_Miraheze [19:29:11] [19:29:42] thanks ill look [19:30:19] But if you want to import large content from one wiki to another, you can submit a request [19:31:25] basically if Special:Import timed out, either [[Special:RequestImport]] or [[Phorge]] can [19:31:25] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestImport https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [19:31:39] [1/2] [19:31:40] [2/2] [19:32:35] ok what is phorge [19:33:06] Ah okay [19:33:07] that makes sense [19:42:53] i kinda just need to have all of that stuff there but not necessarily all of the content, unless then after i import it all, I can mass delete the mages i dont want [19:47:08] or you just have to export everything in an certain namespace- [19:47:25] Just me or is Miraheze ridiculously slow lately? [19:47:57] you aren't alone [19:48:17] Me personally I haven’t seen any issues with editing on my wiki [19:48:42] Is Mira supposed to run faster or smth? [19:48:44] its' so slow https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Popups doesnt even work anymore [19:48:56] h a i y a a [19:49:09] Are they planning on fixing this? [19:49:30] Yea [19:49:53] but most of the time it would just recovered itself [19:50:16] I think we may just have outgrown our mediawiki server cluster tbh [19:50:40] We talked about this internally previously [19:50:53] idk what that means exactly but wouldnt growth-related slowness be gradual in nature? it feels like this happened over night [19:51:55] our monitoring system have been throwing warnings costantly about our mediawiki servers being under high load [19:52:28] It has been throwing warnings for quite a while actually, but stuff's been getting worse lately [19:54:05] But isn't the cluster less than a year old and wasn't it massively future proofed for more than normal growth? At least according to Agent when it was made [19:55:01] @bluemoon0332 we shouldn't of reached capacity [19:55:57] As I said before if more resources are needed to reduce load we can add them. I think we could add 4 more MediaWiki servers one on each cloud server, if we need it to help reduce load on the others. If you think we need more feel free to create a task. [19:56:21] What’s that mean [19:56:30] We have a lot of available resources still [19:56:43] I think we need to see what's using load tbh [19:57:22] Thats preferable first. We need to find the cause before we just reduce the issue by throwing more resources which still wouldn't fix the underlying cause. [19:57:42] It'll be interesting to understand how Tech respond to alerts as if there been a consistent trend of errors for seemingly, why does it take a public perception or actual slowdown to investigate/respond? [19:58:05] You could just exported what you needed and import them just like when you moving your wiki [19:59:45] We did respond [20:00:00] With captcha ing a lot of requests [20:00:12] It seems it might have simply worked around it [20:00:51] Something is eating resources. I don't think traffic is necessarily the reason. But finding out what proves very tricky. [20:01:16] @rhinosf1 which would suggest there's probably something else at play, but also captchaing can be the response to all alerts im sure πŸ˜… [20:01:21] I literally said I'm 100% sure something dodgy is going on with certain traffic but I'm struggling to see a good way to block it [20:02:16] Based on a Quick Look just now, unless someone else can understand the why or see what I'm missing, I can basically suggest captcha all traffic [20:02:20] @cosmicalpha [20:02:34] Oh I know that much but what the hell is it [20:04:20] I would personally suggest if the only mitigation is to treat everyone as bad, it's not a mitigation - rather a spectacle of poor infrastructure unless everyone is genuinely bad [20:05:31] @owenrb it's not exactly poor infra, it's more we have basically one infra security engineer and he can't see it [20:06:49] I spent a good few hours checking everything at the edge [20:07:09] All I could come up with was fairly wide groups look a bit different [20:07:52] I'm almost certain it is not an infra issue. [20:08:26] So the explanation is that there's a lot of traffic that doesn't have any patterns of being bad that's just causing things to not work? [20:08:52] I’ll look into it [20:09:09] Well not exactly just causing things not to work, I just don't understand the why exactly [20:09:30] I do apologise for not being a cyber forensics expert and having a full time job [20:09:47] I mean it's not a criticism of you at all [20:09:55] If anyone can understand why we've got so slow again, I'd love to know [20:10:14] But so far I have very little clue [20:10:38] The best I can see is changes in traffic patterns that look suspicious [20:10:42] It's just a, from an outside perspective looking in, there's an issue that one approach can't determine what the issue is, so im curious what other approaches are being undertaken [20:11:02] But I can't put enough to say exactly why, how or who [20:11:12] I don't understand either as I can't reproduce slowness it works fast for me. I'll try proxing to different locations and see if it makes a difference but it seems to load very fast for me. [20:11:20] Cause there wasn't much of a signature [20:11:33] Look at icinga last few weeks [20:11:37] It's been grumpier [20:11:42] I've seen that. [20:11:46] But also prom kept OOMing [20:11:58] Which makes grafana a bit shit [20:12:03] Its odd. [20:13:59] We could try bring the actual cyber experts that offered free help in [20:14:15] From the ROCU [20:14:21] Sorry @felenov [20:22:29] But they're not allowed to use Discord because ROCU guidelines say Discord is used to discuss _hacking_! [20:24:09] dear pc makers: why the fuck is the Rename and Delete button next to each other on a right-click [20:27:19] πŸ™‚ [20:27:47] Luckily we were east mids not west mids [20:30:22] What I miss [20:32:54] See #offtopic [21:45:18] is miraheze being ultra slow for anyone else [21:45:27] let me see [21:46:50] also just double checking, if a file is deleted theres no way for non-staff to go back and look at the actual image, is there? [21:47:12] uh I don’t thhhiiiinkkk so? [21:47:21] i know not from the frontend [21:47:22] ok good i dont want anyone to accidentally see what was uploaded before LOL [21:47:26] cdn i think so? [21:47:38] if someone goes that far they can see whatever they like i guess [21:47:53] ~~curse global admin rights you’re making me morbidly curious [21:48:03] genuinely dont its not suitable for you or really anyone to look at [21:48:13] πŸ‘ [21:54:38] I'm giving out 10 trading slots to 10 people on how to earn $40k in 3days. But I'll take 10% cut after your first payout. Note!! only interested people should send me a message let’s get started by asking (HOW) via WhatsApp +1Β (369)Β 214‑8477 [21:55:31] Nope [22:13:13] for some reason on one of my wikis, when i've imported an infobox, it says that there are undocumented parameters. how do i fix this? [22:16:03] yo ist da man da legend [22:16:11] pixl [22:17:17] Ola [22:17:38] visual editor? [22:22:07] Im everywhere [22:22:09] for i live in the walls [22:22:21] cause an apartment or house was too expensive [22:22:57] the market is crazy [22:23:15] - a teenager who does not have to worry about that rn [22:24:18] Did you inport from Wikipedia? If so, please do not do that [22:42:33] Where should I import from [22:45:51] [[dev:]] [22:45:51] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev: [22:45:52] [22:45:59] also [[Infobox]] is a good guide [22:45:59] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infobox [22:46:00] [22:54:56] how long should a custom domain request take