[00:14:47] I’m getting 403s when trying to index pages on google but I can view them just fine [00:14:56] is this maybe a cloudflare issue? [00:18:48] wait never mind found the corresponding forum post [00:19:17] other question: how long on average will my ssl request take to be accepted [01:09:05] Never in my life did I expect to find myself listening to a hard ass metal beat in 144p [03:37:30] Is there a limit to gravedigs in #support? [03:37:59] hm? [03:38:03] no not really [03:38:25] Excellent [03:40:16] Use good judgement, be a good citizen, don't waste our time. These are the golden rules. [03:40:46] in bascially everything yeah [04:03:19] what is gravedigging, anyway? [04:03:42] feel like my definition is vastly different to miraheze's [04:24:57] I guess he meant looking trough closed/resolved threads [04:31:32] That'd be my read as well [04:31:53] And if one was expanding the metaphor, reactivating old threads with new questions [04:34:45] Exactly [04:44:08] 502? [04:50:43] Does anyone know of some sort of program that can read wiki dumps without having to import to a wiki? [04:59:40] The reason I don't want to straight up import the dump is because there is some stuff in the former wiki that the authors of the pages don't want reposted; that being said there is still a bunch of stuff that are not authored [05:00:14] you can edit the xml with a text editor [05:01:08] the 148 MB xml...? 😨 [05:01:30] i've been doing that but it's like, pretty tough to get around [05:16:08] Does anybody knows how userboxes are made? [05:19:44] yeaaah, I haven't heard of an easy way to poke around xml dumps [05:20:12] small div or 2 cells table w/ stuff inside [05:20:54] darn, i see [05:21:15] [1/2] I'm trying to do my best, but it looks really broken... There's not even padding or margin around the text. [05:21:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275686132767522826/image.png?ex=66c6cacb&is=66c5794b&hm=5e0ec00131417d5e9245a0c0de27add73798d061b4da7e7b8cbc0a80d5f52a8a& [05:25:04] I think table would be easier to format [05:25:21] damn lol, userboxes on Meta are on Lua [05:26:15] I'll try to do it on tables... [08:29:48] hi! is there a way to be able to access the user's local date and time? i'm trying to make a template that relies on it [08:45:36] https://pokemonunbound.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:ActiveSwarm/location here's one of them that I'm trying to do [08:47:24] ss_raven: afaik not on the server, but you probably could write a piece of javascript to do so [08:48:12] this might be interesting: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:TimezoneConverter [08:48:30] alternatively, you probably could do it on the server if you made a magic word for it [08:53:50] hmm idt i can do it on server since I'm planning to keep the wiki's time on UTC [08:57:07] i also can't seem to find this as an extension for miraheze :< [08:57:17] huh [08:57:25] i think someone requested that once... lemme check if it went through [08:58:01] the page even says that Miraheze includes it, though im not sure how updated this page is [08:59:13] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12262 [08:59:30] it's half implemented... the code is on the servers, but the code to let crats toggle it is not merged yet [09:00:16] i see; so does that mean I cant use it on my wiki? [09:00:30] nope :( [09:01:15] oh...that is disappointing [09:02:05] i assume though based on the request i can wait it out? [09:07:55] hmm yeah [09:08:23] jesus chrst it's been a month... perhaps i could bump it [09:09:51] thank you! i supposed my dynamically changing table is going to have to wait for now [09:10:21] which thinking about it now, is alright, because i'd have to put over 700 arguments in one of the tables @.@ [09:10:30] oh dear lol [09:11:09] it's depedent on day and hour (31 x 24) so it's...something different for each one [09:11:20] pr bumped ^_^ [09:11:30] thank you so much! [09:11:37] (by that i just pinged a tech team member to pledged to merge overdue patches) [09:11:50] ((replace the first "to" with "who"...)) [10:00:17] ss_raven: TimezoneConverter should now be available on managewiki [10:00:45] Thank you! [10:01:08] I didn't expect it to go so fast [10:11:21] yw ^_^ [10:32:21] I still can't seem to find the configuration for it in my wiki's settings after adding it ^^" how long should i expect to wait for it? [10:36:21] ss_raven: i think it's a parser function, lemme test it out [10:36:55] i've also not yet used parser functions before ^^" so im not entirely sure how to use it [10:39:22] i think the syntax is {{#timezoneconverter: 2024-08-21 20:39:15 UTC+10}}? (at least roughly) [10:39:22] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23timezoneconverter:Template:_2024-08-21_20:39:15_UTC%2b10 [10:41:13] [1/2] well [10:41:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275766655045337181/image.png?ex=66c715c9&is=66c5c449&hm=d8ed72af538466c90c8bac943ced9b6890839a9df4b2813c1fe5842a97d97bc3& [10:41:41] that's... something [10:42:37] it links to a different Parser Function on it's page, differenting it from the regular ones from the extension [10:45:02] having a slightly laggy computer is like watching things in slow mo :3 [10:45:25] true.... [10:48:01] oops, i think the extension doesn't work ^^; [10:48:38] the person who accepted the patch was busy, and i didn't bother to test because i didn't think there'd be any bugs [10:48:56] oh my [10:50:19] is it debuggable? or unsalvageable [10:50:46] it's a simple fix [10:51:02] oh! that's reassuring to hear ^^ [10:53:53] https://github.com/samwilson/TimezoneConverter/pull/2 [10:54:57] (also, the syntax is more like {{#timezoneconverter: datetime = 2024-08-21T20:39:15+10}}; without the datetime=, it'd use the current time) [10:54:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23timezoneconverter:Template:_datetime_%3d_2024-08-21T20:39:15%2b10 [10:57:02] i see [10:59:07] oh wow that really is a super easy fix [10:59:14] ikr? [10:59:49] after that we bully reception into updating the extension on the servers :3 [11:00:07] i see; thank you so much! [11:00:25] assuming the maintainer merges it quick though [11:00:43] otherwise, we might need to wait around until someone else on the tech team could update the extension on the servers [11:00:44] > [21/08/2024 19:39] Do you think the extension is simple enough to avoid beta testing? I don't have too much time todayand unfortunately I'll be mostly away until the beginning of next week [11:12:32] [1/3] Is it allowed to customize the wiki footer badges to make them fit more with the look of a skin? [11:12:32] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275774535672528999/image.png?ex=66c71d20&is=66c5cba0&hm=456455d9c56375c132f47acaf11819fcfa66b458c8087b1478e445c178bd32d4& [11:12:33] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275774536037699604/image.png?ex=66c71d20&is=66c5cba0&hm=bac746c8314b6e8af0729aaeab6871a74afbbda78cc81ecd8b03bd6f369aa346& [11:14:26] yonic_soseki: yep! file a request on phorge [11:15:51] Ok, will do once I'm done setting up the wiki then! [11:17:19] related task: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12147 [11:24:41] I've also heard CirrusSearch is migrating its backend, I guess it wouldn't be wise to have it installed until the transition is complete? [11:37:46] huh? til [11:40:52] https://lists.wikimedia.org/hyperkitty/list/wikitech-l@lists.wikimedia.org/thread/SXK2FODVJP3R3GRSYE2V2ODPUO74YLFO/ [11:45:15] i believe mh already uses opensearch [11:45:41] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/a2763ee90fa84340b8257a9e92ac8f348494a233/manifests/site.pp#L39-L42 [12:02:06] just a question what is the version of opensearch miraheze used? [12:10:25] Mediawiki my friend, it’s either east as hell, or just hell [12:10:38] what's west of hell [12:11:31] Cali? [12:16:46] Is it possible to have a toc on a page with tabber? [12:18:01] suzuneu: appears to be 2.11.0, at least per puppet repo [12:18:09] modules/role/manifests/opensearch.pp in miraheze/puppet [12:18:19] ty BlankEclair [12:18:22] yw [12:18:30] i'm also assuming that the version inside that is accurate [12:25:21] you can `FORCETOC` but it won't recognize tabber's tab names as real headers, I'd suggest to make an imitation of ToC w/ `#` links to tabs [12:25:29] mexico [12:25:39] oh wait thats south [12:26:39] is that header tabs extension is fixed tho? [12:27:18] So basically create a fake toc? [12:27:24] yeah [12:27:27] theoneandonlylegroom: n [12:27:54] I used just `toc` class for mine lol [12:28:02] rip [12:28:09] i'm not working on it [12:28:16] I understand [12:55:16] <_______________________________d> woo miraheze is slow again [12:55:24] <_______________________________d> or maybe its just me [12:59:21] It's been slow for me as well [13:13:29] <_______________________________d> i think its getting better now [13:27:31] [1/2] Chonk [13:27:31] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275808503503650837/Screenshot_20240821_142708_Chrome.png?ex=66c73cc2&is=66c5eb42&hm=a4391bd71ff2c9720dcdf277e90710740aac6427bb81e3ffbcb05c9ebfed8f98& [13:29:18] comic sans v2 [13:29:34] Comical saman a [13:29:40] Sananza * [13:30:13] Now that you mentioned it, it does look similar to comic sans [15:05:43] Is there an equivalent to a wiki adoption system on Miraheze? [15:06:13] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Raidarr/Wiki_adoption [15:06:19] thx [15:06:27] basically comes down to doing a local election in many cases [15:24:24] <_dreamcatcher> [1/2] hey, Is the embed on discord having some issues, or will be perma disabled? [15:24:24] <_dreamcatcher> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275837920464601192/image.png?ex=66c75828&is=66c606a8&hm=42a97f080dc7caa5b2e1880c787cf769caaee806e905d405572d6cc75e016312& [16:15:58] _dreamcatcher: temporary issues [16:45:00] Someone shout at me about cloudflare in the morning [16:51:23] does it count if it's still almost my morning [16:52:56] Rhinos Formula One, get shouted at [16:55:03] british moring? [16:56:33] Yes at like 7am [16:56:38] i mean its morning SOMEWHERE [16:56:44] and definitely 7am somewhere [17:05:25] 15 hours from now? [17:06:15] 13 hours [17:06:43] !remindme 13h bully rhinos to beat the fuck out of cloudflare [17:28:58] How do I get my wiki to update on mobile? I created it yesterday but it is still showing the default view as if I haven't touched the main page when I am on the mobile site. [17:29:25] When I scroll down and request the desktop site, it's fine. [17:30:03] I'll ask in support my bad [17:31:06] Cache probably [17:31:33] Or [17:31:35] if you are not logged in cache would especially apply [17:31:45] Mobile frontend in play [17:31:46] could take a loook given a link [17:32:00] I'll rag on mobile frontend anyday but I haven't heard of it being that bad [17:32:41] https://yepedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [17:33:57] Yes it's probably because I need to be signed in [17:34:21] When I sign in it works fine [17:34:40] mostly thanks cloudflare, I don't remember reports of mobile cache issues before [17:34:49] Interesting. Anyone have any ideas on how I can combat this? [17:34:54] yes, if the lynchpin is being logged in that's going to be cloudflare [17:35:01] wait for update [17:36:45] So it is on miraheze side? Cloudfare has bug which doesnt allow it to update when not logged in? [17:37:57] Purge the page [17:38:02] It will purge it from cloudflare [17:49:55] Yippee [17:49:57] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275874546896867380/image.png?ex=66c77a44&is=66c628c4&hm=3dda68808577917b560389932f3acbe072a8c46aedf9b5fb2db4bdd0f1bdcff0& [17:50:01] Favicons my belovid [17:50:42] nice [20:07:08] Hello [20:07:12] Can global admins intervene on every Miraheze wiki? [20:07:36] Every public Miraheze wiki; only Stewards can view private wikis [20:07:59] Global Administrators will only intervene in the event of global policy violations [20:08:36] I see. Can they also act upon request? [20:10:47] Can they also help local administrators if needed, e.g. on Miraheze Commons? [20:11:10] I'm asking because I'm just curious [20:12:45] You may find [this page](https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Global_Administrators) useful [20:13:03] Thank you [20:21:06] But I can't find the answer to my questions here... [20:26:36] We normally don't act outside of our scope besides CVT work [20:27:50] If we want to help a lot on an official wiki like commons we'd do the normal RfP [20:28:00] On local wikis we don't interfere normally [20:28:09] Although in some minor cases maybe [20:28:29] although anything would be done with explict request/approval of the community [20:28:50] the last thing we want to be seen as is power trippers doing whatever wherever [20:29:15] even stuff like revert and block we don't typically do if theres an active local staff [20:30:40] Okay [20:30:42] Thanks [20:31:42] Local communities could definately ask CVT to help with specific things [20:31:44] so we can but by policy we don't [20:31:46] If you needed help [20:31:47] can vs should [20:32:09] Like you were dealing with a specific bit of vandalism and you wanted help handling it [20:36:27] idk if this is too broad a question but is there any templates for infobox css? i cant remember [20:37:06] Oh wait nvm i remember where it is now [20:41:17] I have one more question [20:41:46] Is there a tool like SMViewer on Miraheze? [20:42:41] Cloudfare, but its not morning so I failed :casper172Cry: [20:42:43] 503? [20:42:45] whats SMViewer [20:42:54] 504/503 again [20:43:00] yeah same [20:43:01] 503 here as well [20:43:11] https://meta.m.wikimedia.org/wiki/SWViewer [20:43:47] A brilliant tool for viewing recent changes across all your projects [20:44:07] no we don't [20:44:28] setting it up locally would also have issues since we dont have event streams currently [20:44:40] im going to work on our CVT tooling at some point [20:45:26] looks really cool though [20:45:30] would love to have it [20:45:51] Me too, this would be great for global admins [20:46:13] To fight vandalism on all wikis [20:47:06] im current project is going to be a global feed to report and score vandalism, kinda like [[wikipedia:User:ClueBotNG]] but logging instead of reverting [20:47:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/wikipedia:User:ClueBotNG [20:47:07] [20:47:56] actually @bluemoon0332 do we have blockers besides man power to set up eventstreams [20:48:12] Interesting [20:48:58] do you know if its open source [20:49:44] I don't see a repo on first glance [20:49:56] Unfortunately, I have no idea [20:51:11] to irc [20:52:50] It was for you [20:52:58] no [20:53:12] This IRC bot i weird [20:53:24] eh so is discord [20:53:32] Why isn't there a separate channel for writing from IRC? [20:53:39] they have an IRC channel and discord server [20:53:46] that defeats the point of a relay [20:54:07] its the same topic, the only difference is where you send it from [20:54:18] a seperate channel would defeat the point [20:55:08] Oh [20:55:12] I see [20:55:50] Good night everyone! [20:56:23] [1/2] what are these uh,, gradient buttons called in css [20:56:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275921460170457198/image.png?ex=66c7a5f5&is=66c65475&hm=09e76c9444342e742753cd21c098981e6d6b866129944e7136a3a97b3f7ee417& [20:59:44] . [21:03:25] `.vector-menu-tabs-legacy li` IIRC [21:03:41] thank u :halo: [21:06:44] PixDeVl: everything wikimedia is open source [21:09:56] (*) most thing tbh [21:15:58] The moderation extension has suddenly stopped working on our wiki after that recent 503 [21:21:36] [1/2] uhh, how to fix the text colors? tried `.vector-menu-tabs .selected a` and `.vector-menu-content a` no dice for either [21:21:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275927813555486862/image.png?ex=66c7abe0&is=66c65a60&hm=1045bfafa24d335802dbb8882ea9133affd104e813ab6389c7c9d7162075a204& [21:25:06] Update, moderation on our wiki has been out for a few hours [21:25:17] Is this a miraheze thing? [21:27:05] does the extension show up on Special:Version? [21:28:35] Yeah [21:30:11] my wiki uses moderation and it's working [21:31:22] For some reason on our wiki [21:31:29] Edits haven’t been going to moderation [21:31:33] No user rights have changed [21:33:32] Moderation is still on our wiki and the special pages are still there [21:46:11] [1/2] Update, it was because of this setting that’s been very poorly labeled [21:46:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275934000417865758/IMG_8809.png?ex=66c7b1a3&is=66c66023&hm=c8d9ac76e436ab30669514d6577b7595d3aba7f5182abc9554d465b5d3142c4b& [21:46:26] $wgModerationOnlyInNamespaces [21:46:55] It sets moderation to only take affect on namespaces set with this setting [21:47:45] wha [21:48:15] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275934518108225626/IMG_8811.png?ex=66c7b21e&is=66c6609e&hm=871d2b2801ab6324a112d5676e00c2a62a17e714b5b1ca4282d06a79d8a6ecc1& [21:48:55] That’s not very good at all [21:50:42] I was also very confused when seeing this [21:51:06] I was under the impression they did the same thing [21:51:18] From that description [21:51:37] Turns out I accidentally disabled moderation for every namespace except talk haha [22:21:31] hi [22:21:54] Hello! [22:22:08] Welcome to Miraheze friend! [22:22:17] thank you [22:24:42] how long does a wiki request usually take [22:26:22] It depends, sometimes hours sometimes a few days. I think our volunteers were clearing it out for yesterday and the day before [22:26:40] But all of our wiki creators are unpaid volunteers so it's up to our free time [22:54:14] [1/2] how to block non-logged in people from editing [22:54:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275951122678419488/image.png?ex=66c7c195&is=66c67015&hm=53050ec4a4ea2b013057ebaed54618eb084d79e92696845af24bf99f49c60336& [22:54:55] nvm