[00:13:52] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1275971165692629095/IMG_2428.jpg?ex=66c7d440&is=66c682c0&hm=19b44e340ea93ade0bc108a669788806caea921a85d19ad858369bea38390f17& [00:24:09] Hi! [00:24:56] I excuse me for my bad behaviour. I were mad at certain admin and y'all payed the thing what they've not had the fault [00:25:05] (sorry for my bad english) [00:26:23] Another topic, embeds, I mean the square that appears down the link appears be broken/bugged [00:27:22] I've been tried test it out with the dev, sharing on my server and nothing appears [00:27:34] We are aware of the issue yea [00:27:46] It's related to the cloudflare protections we have on because of bot issues [00:27:51] Should be fixed soon [00:27:59] Rhinos should look into it in the morning [00:28:41] Thank you! [03:23:17] hi fellow mirahezens, or whatever the demonym is, but hello all! [03:24:03] hello there! [03:24:27] šŸ‘‹ [03:25:14] and yeah i dont know either [03:25:23] Mirahezian or mirahezen [03:26:03] mirahezian is more fun to pronounce [03:26:16] true [03:26:37] i might ask my wiki friends in person next time i see them to ask what they call us [03:38:57] why am i listening to a song about stirring curry [03:40:45] "you took up my spoon, stirring curry, stirring chili" lmao [03:49:07] I'm proud to be a Mirahezian! [03:51:46] [salute](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/928435055389462559.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=salute) [03:54:42] Mirahezen seems more right tbh. Like Citizen. [04:54:37] Did MIraheze just.. go down? I'm getting Error 502. [04:54:57] Nah, happens [04:55:00] Oh speaking of [04:55:04] Yeah, one off but I can't connect to my wiki at all. [04:55:09] Oh no wait, it just took aaaaaagggeees. [04:55:14] Almost time for you to bug somebody @pixldev i think [04:55:23] yeah it's being really slow [04:55:29] was wondering if it was just me [04:55:35] Okay, it fixed itself. Just seemed to be a bit of a hiccup. [05:36:58] man, I really need to get back on working on my wiki. There's so much to add, I've just been slacking. [05:41:45] Mood [05:42:04] I've been busy rendering (and IRL) to do stuff [07:43:34] relatable [07:43:58] i've been working on mine but i take forever to do things šŸ˜­ [07:44:05] so progress has been pretty slow [09:37:01] Same [09:37:22] And I get distracted with editing other wikis or doing something else lol [09:44:51] I got a bunch of pages to make still [09:45:00] But I just forgor [12:51:53] @rhinosf1 cloudflare [13:02:29] eh? [13:02:48] rhinos wanted a morning message [13:03:08] btw BlankEclair, the checkbox idea may end up modified into a different input after further wc discussion [13:03:18] oh okay, cool [13:03:23] mainly too much experience with people clicking boxes without reading, therefore something more manual is desired [13:03:34] I'll have all that on my related userpage to look at [13:03:46] in fact I'll just publish what I have now and link, I'm just getting text stuff wrangled [13:04:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Raidarr/Wiki_request_process_amendments#Technical_changes [13:13:49] Oi Claire [13:14:58] ello [13:15:12] Good morning [13:15:36] i'll take it [13:15:46] Oh? [13:15:50] Oh yeah [13:16:00] Upside down land [13:16:25] Also questions [13:16:28] timezones? nah, it's because we're upside down xD [13:17:19] Do you think google form extension (not extortion) could be modified to support google calendar embeds [13:17:55] it's basically a glorified iframe extension, so i don't see why not [13:18:55] Someone asked in a support thread here so I thought why not [13:19:04] It may not make sense with the name but hey [13:19:20] Marketingā€™s issue [13:19:49] ah yes xD [13:20:12] send an example url [13:20:12] Just copy paste and change the values and order of url components [13:20:53] i'd probably introduce a new gcal/googlecalendar that takes in an id parameter [13:21:30] Like this I think https://static1.howtogeekimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/EmbedCodeCustomize-GoogleCalendarEmbed.png?q=50&fit=crop&w=480&dpr=1.5 [13:21:33] and have a main but private function that takes in a path format [13:21:51] Different path format I think [13:22:01] yeah [13:22:13] oh wait, a calendar domain? [13:22:22] ID for a wiki that asked is a2Fkb3JhdmVyc2VAZ21haWwuY29t [13:22:24] Yea [13:22:50] is that allowed? [13:23:06] not in csp [13:23:36] Damn [13:24:11] Not *.google.com ja? [13:24:19] nope [13:25:40] I mean the review would probably be quick considering itā€™s google and we have their main domain allowed [13:40:14] Should we just make a task to add It or smt [13:40:17] God I need breakfast [13:40:26] ye task [13:47:40] how the fuck do you write phpunit tests [13:47:44] pissing me off badly grrr [14:29:47] just wanted to say I made a discord server for my wiki and that has actually encouraged people to edit?? which is awesome [14:31:07] this has taught me that Canada is a genius [14:38:38] u have to make ppl think of ur wiki as a little arts and crafts project ppl can pitch in on instead of a site :pupCoffeeMH: [14:41:39] Feel free to post in #server-invites [14:54:26] > [22/08/2024 23:47] how the fuck do you write phpunit tests [14:54:35] how the fuck do you run (mediawiki extension) phpunit tests [15:09:50] cant run them if you can't write them! [15:09:59] winding me up BADLY [15:13:44] Gotta walk them before you can run them [15:14:15] word of advice to not use pixelization to censor things, you're better off with a good ol' black box or scribbles [15:14:40] correct, although this isnt my image [15:14:53] blur is worse though [15:15:17] i do black boxes for actually sensitive information, and blurs/pixels for "doesn't really matter much if you see this" [15:17:30] my issue is I have a class say Wiki, which calls a class, say DatabaseManager which returns a connection to the database, but in the test, I'm not sure how you're supposed to write data to a test database, and even so, if I did that, the DatabaseManager class would still return a connection to the wrong database [15:17:38] _scratches head and hopes someone knows how it works_ [15:26:52] Well I find when putting something together, it's easier to mess something up and see the error, because you can usually see what the output comes up with. [15:27:37] Probably not the best advice for all situations, but hopefully the idea helps [17:05:30] wiki [17:06:13] wiki! [17:10:38] wiki!! [17:12:30] kiwi [17:13:07] wikiwiki! [17:24:02] wikiwiki.jp [17:31:52] wikiwiki.wiki [17:46:28] wiki.wiki.wiki/wiki/Wiki [17:51:15] wikiwikiwiki.wiki.wiki/wikiWiki [17:51:21] Ugh I hate AllTheTropes' moderation [17:51:51] I do not feel very motvaded to edit if it may be rejected - so I just edit mostly on TVtopes [17:54:17] tsk tsk tsk [17:58:44] my wiki is the one 1ļøāƒ£ million [18:07:53] A lot of 502s lately [18:59:06] [1/2] huh [18:59:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1276254331468779610/image.png?ex=66c8dbf8&is=66c78a78&hm=73d860ae7211200ab8adb9e69965560b59566681fd08940eb460a79cb1730b4b& [18:59:25] happens periodically [18:59:37] Never mind it's back again [19:01:11] Also when is the preview feature gonna be fixed for discord With that I mean when you post the site on discord normally it would be able to preview the wiki page but now it's still can't [19:04:48] Why did you reply me? [19:05:26] I'd assume thats to do with your discord settings [19:05:50] Honistly, I would not mind reverting any vandals I see time to time [19:06:11] Because Labster has stuff to do with Miraheze All The Tropes and is entitled to a right of reply [19:06:12] either patience is needed or the wiki needs to accept allowing potential targeted vandalism to stand until mods get there [19:06:30] so I see why they might want to head that off [19:06:37] When I fix it [19:06:45] it requires thinking a bit differently but tbh as long as the edits aren't lost in the void it shouldn't be an issue [19:06:51] It is not [19:07:22] Tbh I may be willing to revet vandals when I see them [19:07:25] Ah ok, I'm probably confusing it with the general discord settings [19:20:10] šŸ‹ade [19:36:02] <.labster, replying to theburningfirethatscorchessouls> So I would notice you complaining about ATT policy. Actually I kind of agree with you, but all of our admins are people with day jobs, and we pretty regularly get copyvio edits. [19:36:28] My "Taerel Setting" page stuff I copied over was written by me [19:38:08] <.labster> Yes, I wasn't talking about you specificially. [19:38:31] What sort of copy vios? [19:39:35] @.labster Could you please apporve my edit and could I have the means to bypass the moderatorion please? [19:39:42] <.labster> Mostly copying from TV Tropes. Honestly I consider the vast majority of content at TV Tropes inherently copyvio: http://blog.brentlaabs.com/2013/12/the-edge-of-creative-commons.html [19:40:18] <.labster> Well, I guess it's been 10 years so maybe not the majority any more. [19:41:01] <.labster> But there was one point when the entire TVT wiki was copyvio. [19:41:17] Could you please apporve my edit and could I have the means to bypass the moderatorion please? [19:42:58] old man brent [19:44:01] <.labster> get off my lawn Pix [19:44:15] lol [19:44:29] https://tenor.com/view/pomni-amazing-digital-circus-digital-circus-pomni-digital-circus-crying-gif-6877417301215952804 [19:45:21] [1/2] thats some distribution [19:45:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1276265977662672946/4rcReJA.png?ex=66c8e6d0&is=66c79550&hm=5a745253cecc8ea37d4bef8d7373995c6d71d14fcfadfbf854cf63205ef44bc0& [19:46:03] @.labster Have I got the "bypass moderation" role? [19:46:33] <.labster, replying to theburningfirethatscorchessouls> I'll have to discuss with the other admins for that. [19:46:37] as someone who semi regularly attends in person wiki meetups its always funny being the youngest i must say [19:47:05] I plan to cross-wick the Taerel artice at some point [19:49:49] You are like 5 [19:52:06] oh fuck off [19:54:09] lol [19:55:54] You'll still be the young one when you're like 50 mate [19:56:03] Assuming Miraheze is still around then [19:57:36] <.labster, replying to theburningfirethatscorchessouls> It would go a long way to approval if you could fix the `{{cleanup}}` tag, and write a more expanded description [19:57:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:cleanup [19:57:54] <.labster, replying to rhinosf1> Miraheze is eternal [19:58:02] yes [19:58:18] [1/2] me [19:58:18] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1276269235433111683/w2QBcaP.png?ex=66c8e9d9&is=66c79859&hm=3b6aaa3c80e36267b19686c72a65be2efc76f24387a470b84e3e2c3c9e018696& [19:58:29] lol [19:59:36] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1276269562790412428/z9dcYQ8.jpg?ex=66c8ea27&is=66c798a7&hm=81838fc50f5abb4e123b978b5669be6a37a6bc890338651a9c089f245b7c6ffe& [19:59:41] I also like taking the piss out of you too. You're fun. [19:59:53] I'll find another way to tease you eventually [20:00:28] lol I love teasing people too, just not on this server [20:01:18] I'll tease people anywhere [20:01:31] amazing [20:02:42] i mostly just bully claire [20:04:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1276270676982104187/0ohO4QC.png?ex=66c8eb31&is=66c799b1&hm=3c59069dac09b91e87bf06200e10663ceb952187c94a67ebf59853daa81e48b8& [20:05:35] poor Claire [20:06:09] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1276271211747475568/IMG_2438.png?ex=66c8ebb0&is=66c79a30&hm=509d0fda7ae4e2741419630a6c884eaf6f1e2ff61f964e5a3e03751f1f3fce87& [20:09:51] For future reference, discussions/images not related to Miraheze go in #offtopic [20:11:00] I am not really sure what I would write for the expanded desc [20:11:34] <.labster> Itā€™s your setting, right? [20:12:07] Yes, but the basic backstory from the wiki I do not weant to post as I do not want to release under CC-BY-SA [20:13:46] <.labster> We donā€™t want the entire backstory, just another paragraph, and an explanation of what kind of writing it is. [20:14:44] <.labster> Though honestly Iā€™m starting to think we missed the whole ā€œsetting buildingā€ trend, attwiki is very biased towards stories [20:20:35] [1/7] '''''Taerel''''' is an original, scifi/horror Worldbuilding project set after (and soon, soon after and before) a vampire outbreak brought the zu'aan empires of Taerel to their knees. ''Taerel'' was started in 2015 as the "Vampyre clans project" and grew from there. It was created by a Wikia (now Fandom) user named "The Burning Princess". [20:20:35] [2/7] It is written by a large number of users together. [20:20:35] [3/7] The world of Taerel is a worldbuilding project written in a Wikipedia like style and its purpose is to make a world for others to read and enjoy. A wiki cataloging the setting can be found [https://taerel.com/taerelwiki/index.php?title=Taerel_Worldbuilding_Wiki here]. [20:20:36] [4/7] Backstory wise, pretty much what happened was zu'aan (human like aliens), back in the Genetic Age (the height of their tech) messed around with genetic engineering trying to make super soldiers, and they ended up making vampires. These vampires (kin'toni is the settings' name for them) got out of the lab and went on a rampage, turning [20:20:36] [5/7] all zu'aan they came across. Their virus soon went global and turned most of the zu'aan. [20:20:36] [6/7] Some zu'aan groups tried to use nukes to stop the outbreak, but that failed and many places became wastelands due to that. By hunting down the zu'aan so they had to form small tribes, they sent the tech of Taerel back to the stone age at worst, iron age at best. The year is 4E 500, after 915 years the world of Taerel, now inhabited by pr [20:20:36] [7/7] imtive tjribal humanoids and the bloodthirsty kin'toni is facing an encroaching ice age. [20:24:27] @.labster added a backstory summary and a menion of Wikipedia style writing [21:05:10] [1/2] Error 502 Bad Gateway [21:05:11] [2/2] again šŸ˜¦ [22:10:02] [1/2] @suzuneu you are my best friend [22:10:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1276302388340457533/IMG_2442.jpg?ex=66c908b9&is=66c7b739&hm=49e029eb08bc94f2af48a81503f42bb77b63a95260cd11b09d85cf847fb37c46& [22:11:10] wakiwakiwaki.waki.waki/waki285 imo [22:22:35] :EpicFaceMH: [22:22:50] We love Waki [22:37:15] BlankEclair yo