[00:32:27] Question: is there a way to have hidden text and images on the wiki in a similar fashion to spoilers on Discord? [00:33:41] I believe there is [00:33:51] ah, how does it work? [00:33:57] though unless you just want it collapsible youโ€™ll have to rely on a template [00:34:17] how would the collapsible version look? [00:34:27] like a drop down kinda [00:34:58] I sort of meant in code [00:54:04] [1/3] Like for example If I wanted to have a supplemental image on a page I type this. [00:54:04] [2/3] [[File:Image.png|thumb|Description.]] [00:54:04] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Image.png [00:54:05] [3/3] How would the collapsable text and image look? [01:02:50] Ah [01:02:58] I can't recall right now [01:03:05] I'd have to look [01:03:21] I know someone has made a blur css/js thing [01:04:10] Oh! That'd also be useful to know how that would look when adding to a page! [01:12:37] I think canada on the discord may have [01:13:25] i dont recall their username to ping [01:14:02] @canyada [01:14:18] obrigado ellie [02:33:14] how do i change the background for vector (currently) and how do i change the button top right? [03:14:54] Is it possible to make a specific pages editable for a role? [03:33:50] https://furrnations.miraheze.org/wiki/Furry_micronation [03:34:01] I wanna expand this article [03:56:47] If you expand it, it will no longer be a micronation. [04:00:01] ba dum hey [04:00:18] Tee hee [04:00:41] anyways is there anything preventing you from editing? [04:03:03] Ok, I came here for a question... [04:03:24] If common.css is for Desktop, what's the version for the mobile one? [04:17:04] [1/7] `@media screen and (min-width:720px) { [04:17:05] [2/7] / PC and tablet display / [04:17:05] [3/7] } [04:17:06] [4/7] @media screen and (max-width:720px) { [04:17:06] [5/7] / mobile display / [04:17:06] [6/7] }` [04:17:06] [7/7] I use 720px since it's what works for my mobile device. Add CSS inside like you normally would. [04:18:25] idk how to do the syntax highlighting thing here ๐Ÿฅบ [04:30:11] I think the mobile version had their own css link to change their appearance... [04:30:53] in the mobile version, the font is the default Arial, and all white, while the desktop is colorful and has it's own font. [04:39:41] can anyone tell me how [04:46:56] Ah yeah, depends on the skin you're working with, I'm using Cosmos with CosmosTweaks on so that's the CSS I use [04:48:59] which allows for use of the same fonts and colors on both desktop and mobile [05:44:16] [[dev:Template:Spoiler]] [05:44:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev:Template:Spoiler [05:44:17] [05:45:46] Ah, thank you! [05:55:06] [confusedmf_c](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1119846554522624112.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=confusedmf_c) [06:07:14] [1/2] i want this to be default for all users [06:07:15] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1278959196867526716/image.png?ex=66d2b312&is=66d16192&hm=f5c064292a2d1a4cc022936d4e8b51daf683fd0d305a5d58c0f300db8f65c216& [06:07:19] how do i do that [06:08:12] without them pressing the button [06:08:49] pressing what button? [06:12:37] It is main page so it is default? [06:13:29] the main page is white [06:14:06] Maybe some cache problem [06:14:20] for other users [06:14:20] Try purging the page as anon ? [06:16:05] On which devices? [06:16:34] the dark mode button [06:16:45] Ohhh [06:16:53] css? [06:18:14] Do you want it permanently black or allow people to toggle to white? [06:20:06] by default is dark mode but it can be white whenever the user likes to do it [06:23:22] [1/2] like this one [06:23:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1278963256052154430/image.png?ex=66d2b6da&is=66d1655a&hm=6d6180fd0463b96c06544cef9fef3a1d20d3807560d2d7a429411f6931eff1ad& [06:23:39] dark mode by default? [06:23:45] is it possible? [06:29:00] maybe if we modify the extension? [06:30:29] [1/2] which one do i chang? [06:30:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1278965045455486976/image.png?ex=66d2b884&is=66d16704&hm=ac3fce03569d1b53985c392d041f3efdc335269a4a42c3889c18b32fbde654d3& [06:30:31] change* [06:30:50] Dark mode toggle link position ($wgDarkModeTogglePosition) [06:31:42] wait [06:33:49] Which skin are you using ? [06:33:50] That changes where the link is, not the actual dark mode itself [06:33:59] Yes [06:36:17] vector (current) [06:37:01] Mhh [06:37:44] I'm not sure it's possible de make it dark by default [06:39:03] vector old version? [06:43:06] Idk I don't use vector a lot [06:50:35] I don't think it's plausible in any, hence why Claire stated the extension may need to be modified [06:53:03] tbh I've grown a dislike for the darkmode extension [06:53:07] it's so jank [06:55:49] it doesn't preserve color, so i personally would advice against it [06:58:32] found it: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/extensions/DarkMode/+/refs/heads/master/includes/Hooks.php#163 [07:00:19] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Manual:$wgDefaultUserOptions; hmm, this might be doable on the wiki [07:02:07] blpixelbn: it's possible (without editing the source code), but you'll have to request on phorge [07:02:32] aight i'll request on phorge [07:12:38] Hey, bureaucrat of this wiki here [07:12:43] So crazy seeing this in the wild haha [07:12:57] What we did was we just made the light mode css use dark colours and vice versa [07:14:19] And then after that was implemented we switched the system message for the dark toggle from โ€œdark modeโ€ to โ€œlight modeโ€ [07:15:14] Not a very technical fix but it works perfectly [07:17:28] Hope that helps [08:10:26] i mean that works @mooncloud [08:12:42] Is it possible to own a second wiki if it talks about a different series [08:31:04] Ye [08:31:09] I has 2 wikis [08:32:25] Albeit I wasn't the person who originally requested the Usagi Shima Wiki [08:33:52] Awesome, I'll keep that in mind [08:50:40] You can [08:52:03] [1/2] However, we always would like you to finish the first wiki first, before starting the next one. [08:52:03] [2/2] We often see that when a new wiki is started, the interest for the first wiki is lost and becomes dormant. [08:53:08] [1/2] more like, properly developed and maintained than finished, there's not a lot complete wikis [08:53:08] [2/2] wikis most of the time are ongoing projects [08:53:36] That is indeed what I meant. Thanks [09:43:16] Oh trust me I would never [09:43:30] I ain't gonna treat the wiki I have currently like shit [11:03:19] How could I make my wiki "Dark mode"? Like make the specific wiki have a black background and white text [11:09:24] [1/2] by default you mean? [11:09:24] [2/2] in most cases it's skin specific CSS modification, while Cosmos skin lets you to change colors in settings [11:12:22] I'm confused [11:18:26] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/938066082441343037/956597578764537887/resize.gif [11:19:41] [1/4] CSS is a thing responsible for how web site look like, it's a bunch of special code pages/files. [11:19:41] [2/4] by default all wiki skins have their own CSS, usually all white and stuff. [11:19:41] [3/4] if you want to change colors of your wiki, you need to modify that skin CSS, example of my wiki w/ Timeless skin and the CSS code I've made to make it all dark and stuff: [11:19:42] [4/4] [11:20:27] depending on what skin your wiki is using, that code might be very different. [11:21:25] there's however one skin which lets you to change colors in normal admin settings, i.e. you won't have to poke around CSS, that skin is called Cosmos and it looks like old Wikia/Fandom layout [11:21:42] So true me too [11:23:55] [1/2] this what it looks like applied (for timeless skin) [11:23:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1279038885246140416/image.png?ex=66d2fd49&is=66d1abc9&hm=228c55264e5407a1f1d4bb0fa6868a90b317be45a7bf6a53f02a950d0da10b46& [11:23:56] [1/3] Seconding this [11:23:56] [2/3] I'm deep into a really obscure interest and I'm the only person ever working on its Fandom wiki but Fandom is ASS to use and write on so I'm planning to move to Miraheze [11:23:57] [3/3] People with obscure interests are Wikis' strongest soldiers imo [11:25:59] [1/3] on your wiki? [11:26:00] [2/3] that's what you get for copying everything, I strongly suggest to learn and understand how it works, otherwise you'll confuse yourself even more [11:26:00] [3/3] but folks are free to copy some code bits, preferably w/ credits [11:26:08] ik [11:26:24] i am going to do some editing on it [11:27:06] [1/2] I remember seeing discussion around these floating around a bit ago, is there a way to locally change them? [11:27:06] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1279039692540743750/IMG_9231.png?ex=66d2fe0a&is=66d1ac8a&hm=8be1e60e4f2da0c4656ba800455f46178347d2d30739457f3b641399f0206bcd& [11:27:31] I recall it involved a phorge task, not sure [11:27:59] [1/2] try w/ just CSS first? [11:28:00] [2/2] I know some wikis hide them entirely [12:43:23] [1/13] For the license logo: [12:43:24] [2/13] you can set the license in Special:ManageWiki/settings#mw-section-editing to: [12:43:24] [3/13] ๐Ÿ“„ All Rights Reserved [12:43:24] [4/13] ๐Ÿ“„ Creative Commons BY 4.0 [12:43:25] [5/13] ๐Ÿ“„ Creative Commons BY-NC 4.0 [12:43:25] [6/13] ๐Ÿ“„ Creative Commons BY-ND 4.0 [12:43:25] [7/13] ๐Ÿ“„ Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 [12:43:25] [8/13] ๐Ÿ“„ Creative Commons BY-SA-NC 4.0 [12:43:26] [9/13] ๐Ÿ“„ Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 4.0 [12:43:26] [10/13] ๐Ÿ“„ Public Domain [12:43:26] [11/13] ๐Ÿ“„ GNU General Public V3 [12:43:27] [12/13] ๐Ÿ“„ GNU Free Document License 1.3 [12:43:27] [13/13] ๐Ÿ“„ No license provided [12:43:46] After changing, that logo will change accordingly [12:54:37] there is at least one wiki I've seen changing powered and hosted logo to match aesthetics [13:04:02] yep [13:04:09] request on phorge [13:04:57] (that wiki was tno.wiki btw) [13:05:58] [1/2] pretty quick css [13:05:58] [2/2] visibility:hidden the , set the that the image is in to display:inline-block and set the background image [13:18:28] I heard news that by updating robots.txt instructions can expell Apple's AI from training data on the website. Can I request a change of robots.txt on my wiki? [13:19:14] I donโ€™t think we can individually Change it per wiki but I think @rhinosf1 was considering killing it [13:19:35] Thanks to this F1 racer [13:20:41] li.ao: an undocumented feature is to edit mediawiki:robots.txt on your wiki, and it will be appended to /robots.txt on the domain [13:20:46] (subject to 12h max caching) [13:21:09] example: https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/MediaWiki:Robots.txt and https://rainverse.wiki/robots.txt [13:21:18] Holy shit I did not know that [13:21:29] literally had to read the source code, so i don't blame you [13:21:34] (it's mh specific) [13:22:08] In MirahezeMagic? [13:22:18] uhh lemme check [13:22:29] Thanks very much for the info, I'll add a deny list to reject Apple's AI on my wiki. [13:22:48] in puppet [13:22:57] How [13:23:03] I mean [13:23:13] It makes sense mediawiki canโ€™t modify the root domain [13:23:19] But like how does it work [13:23:28] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/23f4f9a618bfabe62a89d8822babd7fc13b7fd29/modules/mediawiki/templates/mediawiki.conf.erb#L143-L145 [13:23:34] Also what in damnation made you look for it there [13:23:45] and here's robots.php: https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/master/modules/mediawiki/files/robots.php [13:23:48] > [30/08/2024 23:23] Also what in damnation made you look for it there [13:23:55] we wanted to also block ai scrapers [13:24:11] (bad sentence phrasing but hopefully understandable) [13:24:13] In puppet? [13:24:20] i was trying my hardest [13:34:56] #minor-announcements - did you mean #tech ? [13:36:09] yes [13:39:03] How long does it take to take effect the changes [13:39:15] a few minutes once I press the button [13:39:26] I'm currently uploading wiki.m* [13:39:32] then all will move once complete [13:39:39] Are you going to update the global robots config? [13:39:46] No thatโ€™s automatic [13:39:47] You're really nice man [13:39:59] Completely different thing [13:40:27] So I just updated my site-specific robots.txt page how long does it take to take effect those changes [13:41:34] a while [13:41:38] it's heavily cached [13:41:46] is it a cloudflare or legacy domain [13:42:04] All will be one soon enough anyways does it matter [13:42:11] if it's mw-lb, it will update when it moves to cloudflare [13:42:42] wiki.t now [13:42:51] I'm using custom domain requested from RequestSSL [13:42:55] Only know that [13:42:59] Alphabetical? [13:43:05] yep [13:43:16] is it using mw-lb or our dns? [13:43:24] Hosted DNS [13:43:34] still varnish then [13:43:40] it will take a while to update [13:43:54] ๐Ÿ†— [14:20:25] Changed another network which can see the updated robots.txt, but with the same network the old one can still be refreshed, even when disabling cache. [14:20:37] Looks like the service is caching resources heavily. [14:22:47] Yes [14:24:08] The design concept is good as it mitigates online attacks, and to preserve server resources, but sometimes important components can't be refreshed timely [14:43:16] [1/3] heyo [14:43:17] [2/3] fielding advice on if there's a better way to code this template; i have to make 24 more of these ๐Ÿ˜… [14:43:17] [3/3] [14:44:52] hey. did u know. {{#switch [14:46:58] o yeah [14:52:31] i take it its going to be a long table of activeswarm/body, one row for every hour? i feel like it makes it easier logically and for organization if the time column is on the left [14:53:18] mmm yeah i see that [15:02:16] [1/12] i think it might make sense to make a sub-template for this, something like this [15:02:17] [2/12] ``` [15:02:17] [3/12] |{{MSP|{{{1}}} }} [15:02:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:MSP [15:02:17] [4/12] |{{{2}}} [15:02:17] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b2 [15:02:18] [5/12] |{{{3}}} [15:02:18] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b3 [15:02:18] [6/12] ``` [15:02:18] [7/12] so u can combine them all into 1 switch block and it looks more like the table itself [15:02:19] [8/12] ``` [15:02:19] [9/12] {{#switch: (day) [15:02:19] [10/12] |01 = {{ActiveSwarm/Row|001|Bulbasaur|Somewhere}} [15:02:19] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:ActiveSwarm/Row [15:02:20] [11/12] |02 = {{ActiveSwarm/Row|001|Bulbasaur|Somewhere}} [15:02:20] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:ActiveSwarm/Row [15:02:20] [12/12] ``` [15:03:49] Not sure if this is related to what you're currently doing, but the main page of my wiki (Bluepages) has been replaced with the front page of another (Blue Archive Wiki). It seemingly only does this when one is logged out, and the rest of the wiki is not affected [15:04:09] @rhinosf1 can you purge? [15:04:44] a subsubtemplate...woa.. [15:04:45] I literally set that to no store [15:04:51] I need the actual domain name [15:05:01] https://www.bluepageswiki.org/wiki/Main_Page [15:05:26] or bluepages.miraheze.org [15:06:51] @reschultzed done [15:07:01] @bluemoon0332 why does cache rule 12 not work [15:07:31] im a little confused how to execute this, since the switch is inside MSP, instead of the other way around [15:08:41] doesnt msp just do the little image? i meant that this should replace that [15:08:47] ohh [15:09:04] okay i think im starting to get it [15:10:04] [1/2] whoa [15:10:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1279095802610057291/image.png?ex=66d3324b&is=66d1e0cb&hm=0ff6f03312cfffe4baaebd99dd9601ca810ac296a05106d7fe71e28777ee45f3& [15:10:35] I just set the root domain on bluepageswiki and was sent this bizarre combination of themanaworldwiki and bluepageswiki [15:12:01] Dark magic [15:15:57] I told cloudflare no store for 3XX replies on non MH domains [15:16:01] But as far as I can tell [15:16:14] This bug has always been caused by the appservers doing something weird [15:16:30] Can you find anything useful as to what the hell it's doing [15:17:45] it works great!! thank you [15:23:01] I'm seeing some weird stuff in the logs [15:23:17] not 100% sure if this is the culprit but it shouldn't be happening I think [15:23:21] I'll DM you [15:24:03] Ok [15:26:23] I'm getting reports of people saying that custom wiki URL:s are redirect them to other random wikis within Miraheze, someone else seeing this? [15:26:59] Yeah [15:27:09] We are moving custom domains to cloudflare today [15:27:12] Soooo [15:27:15] Some kinks [15:27:20] Ah gotcha [15:27:25] @rhinosf1 do we have a way to fix them all? [15:27:36] What domains [15:27:51] Seems to work fine for me but not all geo locations [15:28:36] wiki[.]projectdiablo2[.]com [15:28:46] projectdiablo2 is the miraheze subdomain [15:29:31] Going straight to the projectdiablo2[.]miraheze[.]org seems to work fine for everyone [15:29:40] Yeah it should [15:29:55] We're working on it [15:30:44] ๐Ÿ‘ [15:35:30] https://wiki.projectdiablo2.com [16:02:40] glitchcity.wiki is also affected by this. Somehow it only breaks in Firefox for me but not in Brave [16:03:17] Try purging cache? [16:03:43] @rhinosf1 do you think we could get a global notice up bout this [16:04:28] It may not be necessary [16:04:38] We are working on it [16:04:40] I just made a change to one of our cache rules that may have fixed this [16:05:10] Oh nice [16:05:34] Either that or the purge seems to have fixed it [16:05:55] Bluepages looks totally fixed now fwiw [16:10:45] [1/2] ๐Ÿค” [16:10:45] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1279111073420677222/image.png?ex=66d34084&is=66d1ef04&hm=c29e160f7c8d8af36e5bd49303d298668ccbe2f8c356dc30cfd8e300bb6a2285& [16:11:10] oh nvm [16:11:12] it loaded for me [16:11:13] our entire CF cache just got purged [16:11:20] stuff is going to be slow as it fills up again [16:11:39] oh ok ๐Ÿ˜Š [16:12:20] Thatโ€™s one way to do it [16:12:51] well it's a side effect of https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/808001911868489748/1279108938620600382. [16:35:39] Well, now there's a different problem โ€“ I can't log in. It says "There seems to be a problem with your login session; this action has been canceled as a precaution against session hijacking. Please resubmit the form." [16:40:50] Try fully purging your cookies and cache [16:45:00] hi i am new [16:45:53] @Skynet dms [16:46:46] im hacker [16:46:51] can someone buy my hacking tools [16:47:06] you can also buy my nft [16:48:05] What [16:48:13] goodbye [16:48:47] [1/2] I should be getting my new laptop in a few days, no idea what my dad brought :p [16:48:48] [2/2] I plan to immediately datamine both games for my wikis for images :p [16:48:56] Oh yeah tech had ops [16:49:00] Thanks OS [17:13:29] Nice [17:15:17] [1/2] I have no idea what to expect for Kinder World since I haven't datamined a unity game before :p [17:15:17] [2/2] But boi will I have like 1000 images to replace [17:27:17] Error 502 happening? [17:27:28] Excuse me. If something update happening? [17:27:47] OK, nevermind. [17:28:50] Didn't load in time. [17:33:15] Yeah [17:33:22] although im not sure why its 502ing [17:33:43] ah [17:39:24] [1/3] Sorry for stupid question but: [17:39:24] [2/3] Is Your wiki's main goal commercial activity? [17:39:24] [3/3] Does it mean if MY goal is to sell stuff? What if I write about trading? Not me trading, but let's say I want to do a list of stocks and how much are they worth - is it commercial activity? [17:40:25] Showing how much stocks are worth would not be commercial activity [17:40:53] Commercial activity means your intent is to make a profit for yourself or something you have a vested interest in [17:40:58] Like the company you work for [17:41:14] okay thanks [17:41:27] What about me having commercial activity then? Is it allowed? Like promo my thing on main page? [17:41:46] A promo for what [17:42:30] Let's say I do c_ypto wiki, then c_ypto project for the 'wiki' [17:42:35] If that's not allowed then no problem, just asking [17:43:05] What is your crypto project [17:43:12] You're going to have to be specific [17:43:16] you canโ€™t ask for a wiki just to promote yourself own corporation [17:43:19] Because we asses on a case by case basis [17:43:30] hmm then I would rather just not have anything for it [17:43:33] So, in layman's term, i.e: if an boardgame/toy company ever tries to make a wiki about their games and tries to put links to their shops, that's commercial activities [17:43:46] can I put discord link to the community maybe? [17:43:52] like to communicate with people [17:43:56] Yes [17:44:03] sure [17:44:09] okay thanks for help [17:44:23] #server-invites are there too [17:48:26] Not verified rip [17:48:32] Okay also one more question what is private wiki [17:48:43] Can anyone join with link or i need to invite users [17:49:14] ok nvm i see [17:54:56] private wiki means you should give a member user group to people [18:41:23] [1/2] Thanks. Btw one more question not sure if I didn't ask it before, but can I set my wiki to non-editable by others and only to make changes when I approve? Or atleast set it so I can easy revert troll-changes and remove option to create NEW pages? [18:41:23] [2/2] On Fandom people can create new pages which is very bad imo, is it same here? [18:43:05] you can both make wiki to be editable only by certain people or use moderation extension, which means that user makes an edit and it then waits for admin's approval or cancel [18:44:25] these are permissions settings where you can create a custom user group w/ edit/create/upload rights, while removing these from normal User group [19:18:09] Is it possible for the main page for a wiki to become the domain root? [19:20:18] yea [19:21:00] you have to request it though [19:28:14] [[SR/RC]] specifically [19:28:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR/RC [19:28:15] [19:38:06] Yea I did and it got completed but it still doesnโ€™t work [19:48:02] Should I make a new request [19:50:05] [1/2] it appears the domain root for the main page was not ticked [19:50:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1279166272675905590/lbKj3eF.png?ex=66d373ed&is=66d2226d&hm=063ecf59309e64c739ff130cd96e4a596d65949d0a424838cf1861b9793f1f1c& [19:50:20] happened to me before and what I did is make a new request specifically for that to be enabled [19:57:39] Should I reply to the request or make a new one [19:58:07] reply and remove the mark as done [19:58:27] Alr [20:07:39] Good afternoon, guys. [20:08:12] Is the 'RelatedArticles' extension enabled for Timeless skin? [21:46:25] [1/2] idk if I can remind yall of this task that I sended https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12451 [21:46:26] [2/2] oh yea, is it allowed if I just make another task that is basically the same as this one but it's for another wiki that I am thinking about making, not gonna do it rn but, yknow, maybe later [21:47:07] > [31/08/2024 07:46] [2/2] oh yea, is it allowed if I just make another task that is basically the same as this one but it's for another wiki that I am thinking about making, not gonna do it rn but, yknow, maybe later [21:47:20] if it's the same extension, then it'd be redundant as the extension will be available in managewiki [21:47:45] but I thought the extension will only be there on the 2 wikis I requested earlier? [21:47:52] is it a user-wide thing? [21:48:01] wiki-wide [21:48:09] though the wikis must enable it manually after it's added [21:48:38] how though? [21:48:46] Special:ManageWiki/extensions [21:48:58] oh, mkay, thought I need to make another task to enable it lol