[00:13:44] Not sure if HR’s at Miraheze are aware yet but apparently FANDOM is starting a huge crackdown on mapping and fanon/worldbuilding wikis due to AI page-scraping [00:14:31] HR? [00:14:51] idk what else to refer the staff as :P [00:15:10] volunteers i guess [00:15:15] but that’s beyond the point [00:16:05] Yeah we saw [00:16:26] oh alright [00:16:36] ^-^ [00:17:57] is hr in this meant to be human resources? Curious now [00:18:59] Yea [00:19:32] Do we even have a HR here in Miraheze? [00:21:09] no just high ranks >_< [00:22:01] Yes [00:22:03] me!1!11!1 [00:22:52] I call people silly and trout them when they do stuff and assult them with funny gifs when they’re awesome [00:23:12] ? [00:23:14] also like idk social security [00:23:19] Source for this? [00:26:39] Someone else in the discord mentioned it and had a screenshot of a wiki’s announcement on discord [00:26:50] but fandom wouldn’t publish this kinda stuff [00:28:41] miraheze hr when [00:34:05] WikiTide foundation my mailbox is open [01:18:08] [1/2] @pppery__99225 and @rodejong, questions related to dev wiki and commons wiki respectively; what would you think of dedicated channels for each of these projects in addition to a testwiki project channel, as seems to be a prevailing suggestion on testwiki? [01:18:09] [2/2] https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/TestWiki:Community_portal#Discord_server [01:18:33] channels on this server perhaps in their own category or filed above, below support as the case may be [01:18:46] Fine with me [01:19:04] I would prefer things happen on wiki rather than in discord though [01:19:05] Same for me [01:19:38] On wiki is preferable [01:20:05] I would concur in any case that major discussions are processed on wiki [01:20:25] I think it would be the same principle as meta in that regard, where talks here are ancillary to meta but do not replace on wiki discussion as needed [01:20:55] discussions and decisions, so forth [01:21:50] Any questions regarding Commons that get asked in support I answer anyways, so not really a need for extra channel. [01:22:47] And the other support volunteers know where to find Pppery and me [01:22:52] I guess the main thing would be a space to talk more generally about it, discuss its status, perhaps bring its existence to a wider audience [01:23:11] many users may be partially or completely unaware commons exists, to look at it another way [01:24:14] such was the rationale with testwiki, which was kind of forced into discussing this when a newly appointed consul (long story) popped up a new server on his own initiative [01:26:14] I'll give it some thought. I'll let you know [01:26:25] no rush [01:41:05] I mean, between Stewards, Secretary duties with paperwork mgmt, and T&S, we've got the main arms of HR right there. 😄 [01:47:08] As I just said on-wiki the commons and devwiki channels could also be bridged to their IRC counterparts [01:50:42] (not that #miraheze-commons and #miraheze-dev ever get used) [01:51:02] Yeah, I had no idea #miraheze-dev existed and I've been active on devwiki for years [01:51:38] there are 3 users in there (including me) [01:58:54] feed channels also exist for both (#miraheze-feed-commons and #miraheze-feed-dev) [02:30:48] I'm a little confused on how to do some text formatting. 😦 [02:34:04] [1/22] I have this template: [02:34:05] [2/22] ``` [02:34:05] [3/22] {{{1}}}/span [02:34:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b1 [02:34:08] [12/22] ``` [02:34:08] [13/22] And I have this template: [02:34:09] [14/22] ``` [02:34:09] [15/22] {{{text|}}}/span [02:34:12] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b2 [02:34:12] [21/22] ``` [02:34:13] [22/22] I'd like to put the gradient in place of the "white" in the second template, but I am no good at this. [03:22:03] This may require a visit to the support forum. [04:08:56] someone remind me does a reply with no ping on a topic thread you made notify you? [04:18:25] It should, you're talking about on wiki right? [04:20:05] ja [04:20:30] i also created/left a welcome on their talk so they should see anyways [04:20:45] okay its midnight bye [04:21:15] the main page looks like garbage on citizen dark i learned [04:37:30] <2x2master> can I report shit here [04:37:49] Depends on the flavor [04:38:02] I've been theorizing this is why they're purging mapping wikis, but I've also been hearing Fandom is purging mapping wikis because of supposed associations with countryball wikis even though both are their separate thing [04:38:08] <2x2master> A wiki [04:38:30] @pixldev default behavior is to auto-subscribe the topic creator, so in most cases yes it should auto-notify [04:39:38] [1/3] If you're reporting a wiki for Content Policy violations, two routes you can go: [04:39:38] [2/3] * [[Steward_requests/Wiki_reports]] [04:39:38] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Wiki_reports [04:39:39] [3/3] * Email stewards@miraheze.org [04:39:39] [04:39:46] <2x2master, replying to notaracham> Alr [04:39:49] I can't confirm whether they're removing these wikis over AI, but I wouldn't be surprised if they're cracking down on fanon wikis to kowtow to AI companies like OpenAI scraping gathering their data to train on their AI models and want the data to be as accurate as possible [04:40:10] I... hrm. [04:40:50] I guess that's possible, but I also wouldn't treat community wikis as the 'bright line' source of truth for some things no matter how you slice it. [04:41:27] Right, but Fandom is trying to make that the case at the expense of tightly-knit communities on the site [04:41:49] Not sure if I'm sold on AI specifically as the reason for purge, is I guess what I'm saying. That wouldn't be my first guess, anyway [04:43:26] Who are they owned by now again? I think that might be more informative in trying to glean potential rationale. (Also this is probably veering off-topic) [04:45:02] TPG, a private equity firm [04:45:34] From what I've heard I don't think it's purely AI, perhaps they might have some AI assistance but the final decision I think is still a human [04:45:55] Fandom has acquired a bunch of other websites including GameSpot, GameFAQs, and Cord Cutter News oddly enough [04:47:43] Oh, I'm not denying that. I was just saying whether the reason these wikis are being purged is to cater to the whims of AI companies [04:48:03] I'll explain over in #offtopic [04:48:10] Well, Miraheze doesn't mind if they come to us instead 🙂 [04:48:13] We don't cater to any companies [04:48:19] but sure, let's go to #offtopic [04:49:18] AI-heze when? [04:49:35] Our official chatbot can be named Doug [05:20:10] I have the wrong wiki language can i change it? [05:20:47] My wiki is in arabic i will Chance it to german [05:21:35] yes you can change the wiki language on the wiki's Special:ManageWiki/core [05:30:33] Dort find it [05:30:38] Sorry [05:33:06] you mean language in which pages should be written, or language of interface, things like "Edit", "Delete" [05:33:37] Yes but the Moment all is arabic [05:33:43] which yes [05:33:49] I don't understand you, sorry [05:34:08] I will create my wiki but is complete all arabic [05:34:24] I'm asking different thing [05:34:43] All is in arabic [05:35:03] The Page the buttoms [05:35:32] For example the blue buttom [05:37:25] I did a misstake by creating the wiki [05:38:26] [1/4] try on this page on your wiki first [05:38:26] [2/4] `...miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Preferences` [05:38:26] [3/4] scroll a bit down, there should be personal language settings [05:38:26] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283662987831410730/IMG_20240912_083756.jpg?ex=66e3cfd1&is=66e27e51&hm=6300af631c7641ce262f8f07309444f154d5175d9068c83ce7ed35bbc63e92b5& [05:38:40] then cluck blue button which should be save [05:39:38] after that, try to change language of the wiki in `...miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/core` [05:43:10] [1/2] gosh I'm so sorry for responding so late but,,, uh, it doesn't seem to work [05:43:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283664179819184159/image.png?ex=66e3d0ed&is=66e27f6d&hm=ef8945aa3d56f439fc2c257ad42757753a285d7729d51469a2145fd6c96a57ae& [05:43:17] I did a page purge but nothing else [05:43:31] https://mathquest2.miraheze.org/wiki/Dagger this is the wiki page I'm talking about [05:45:34] `[[{{{2}}}::{{#iferror:{{#expr:1+{{{1}}}}}|varies|{{{1}}}}}]]` is technically the wikitext used to generate that but that's in a deep nested template thingy so it looks more like `[[Damage::{{#iferror:{{#expr:1+2}}|varies|2}}]]` [05:45:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b2 https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Damage::%7b%7b#iferror:%7b%7b#expr:1%2b2%7d%7dhttps://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%7b%7b%7b2%7d%7d%7d::%7b%7b#iferror:%7b%7b#expr:1%2b%7b%7b%7b1%7d%7d%7d%7d%7d https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Damage::%7b%7b#iferror:%7b%7b#expr:1%2b2%7d%7d [05:45:39] maybe I'm doing SMW wrong tho? [06:09:36] [1/2] using {{#set: name=value}} has a similar result [06:09:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23set:Template:_name%3dvalue [06:09:37] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283670834426155019/image.png?ex=66e3d720&is=66e285a0&hm=ade3667b31ff5157d5b7847d7528d2768e790e6413ce9f367e1c6e82276cf11f& [06:09:43] ofc SMW is enabled in extensions [06:09:56] or, at least it's filled in and grayed out? [07:32:05] [1/2] Ah shit [07:32:05] [2/2] I can't edit file comments after the file has been uploaded :p [07:35:16] nope :p [07:36:00] Oh boi, time to go template searching :p [07:43:25] [1/2] Imma import the File Info template from Pikipedia [07:43:25] [2/2] I just hope that I am able to adjust it to fit both wikis [08:17:32] Editing the template is going surprisingly well as someone who doesn't understand it much [08:20:59] I think I did it :p [08:23:23] I did it 🤯 [08:25:24] Time to add to the other wiki now and do the thing I was supposed to do for every image :p [08:26:38] I also need to update a few images from the Usagi Shima Wiki since the ones from the beginning were technically plagiarised from the Fandom wiki [08:26:59] omg I didn't know one day I have to upload a 180MB file to wiki🤯 [08:27:11] Damn [08:31:24] Also MH supports upload FLAC which is nice [08:31:35] ~30MB per file [08:35:22] you think anyone will notice if you upload a gigabyte worth of files? [08:36:37] [1/2] If that was wallpaper or audio, I think it worth for someone [08:36:37] [2/2] Video? Not so much and likely 1 time use [09:42:57] Everyone will notice if you upload a gig straight up, especially if you misuse Miraheze resources as a web host. But if you have a good reason I am pretty sure SRE will be able to accommodate it [12:01:53] Kek [12:10:15] What is the Doug lore? [12:14:18] He is Doug [12:15:30] Oh that's dmehus [12:16:57] Ja [13:05:24] So how do I add an extension to my wiki. I want to add the pageimages extension but idk how to go about that [13:05:58] visit Special:ManageWiki/extensions, in the search bar it should appear as soon as putting in `Page` [13:20:49] [1/2] crying rn. what is this [13:20:49] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283779351837544490/image.png?ex=66e43c30&is=66e2eab0&hm=f4f9800bea0c70dca6e06f71c39e46db4e6da5c1d747f6250edd605bf8ccf281& [13:20:54] why does it cut off the damn tooltip [13:21:21] like, what, is the table somehow underneath the bit of the page outside the table? [13:21:25] oh bc cosmos has a overflow hidden on the content block [13:21:48] can I like, change that? or will bad things happen if I try [13:21:58] yea u can change that [13:22:06] coolio [13:22:37] is that in additional settings? [13:22:43] css probably [13:23:26] ah, right. I have no clue how rip [13:23:30] time for some css experimentation then [13:26:28] inspect elements, fool till it works, try to remember what you did and put that in the skin css [13:26:52] my css bible in a nutshell [13:40:42] I've gone down a css rabbithole and I'm so out of my depth here ngl. what even is a float [13:40:45] [1/2] how should i handle this here [13:40:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283784369785274369/Screenshot_2024-09-12_at_9.40.35_AM.png?ex=66e440dd&is=66e2ef5d&hm=0df960317df30b03fe9cfe5891479f7330cdc3d10f1c7176654e6c92ee8b9c0e& [13:41:22] i got module:message box just not the ombox css one and i dont know where to import it [13:42:41] oh wait i think i can get it off meta [13:43:12] yup got it [13:45:26] [1/4] .tooltip { [13:45:26] [2/4] overflow: visible [13:45:26] [3/4] } [13:45:26] [4/4] Am I going in the right direction here? nothing's changing when I'm in inspect though [13:47:09] tooltip is a template but I can't figure out how to indicate that [13:49:25] okay here's my actual issue: i have the templatedata in and templatewizard claims i dont [13:49:53] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283786666942922806/Screenshot_2024-09-12_at_9.49.34_AM.png?ex=66e44301&is=66e2f181&hm=283a4ce392643191f36c24a7e647ea73306b3e1d66064d9ad3716339c61b5fa7& [13:49:53] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283786667282665612/Screenshot_2024-09-12_at_9.49.49_AM.png?ex=66e44301&is=66e2f181&hm=67df09681b60cc6e52e2b62c984f0beb80ee05592362296be10f5a831335c88c& [13:50:25] [1/3] ```#mw-content #cosmos-pageBody-content { [13:50:25] [2/3] overflow:unset; [13:50:25] [3/3] }``` [13:50:53] [1/2] ohhhh [13:50:53] [2/2] omg thank uuuu [13:59:06] Hey actually how can I edit an already present pre load message of a page? [14:24:52] 09is it me again or the relay is missing something [14:30:33] test [14:32:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283797274136150026/IMG_4953.png?ex=66e44ce1&is=66e2fb61&hm=953ec0117e7e42fb5b7a6dd0c3bd83400dca953927d96e0346ce62ff8f9e06aa& [14:32:36] does this formatting look all good, it seems to be working but I just wanna ensure there aren’t any edge cases I might be missing [14:34:17] A message was posted in discord and then deleted. 04That's what happened. [15:48:51] Congratulations to the new administrators [16:57:27] rip to the relay (netsplit) [17:35:24] [1/4] The thing with the cache and the pages that appear blank or with broken hyperlinks or categories keeps happening. [17:35:25] [2/4] Is being this way for some days. I'm glad people opened an issue-tracker ticket [17:35:25] [3/4] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12587 [17:35:25] [4/4] End-user Report: Transient broken files/templates/category links [19:52:35] @suzuneu you are legally obligated to add a little MH logo to your name now [19:52:41] it must occur [20:24:36] Hi, any progress on the solution for the problems non-English wikis are facing? Cause now I see that all of my templates are screwed up as well. When I edit them, the wiki says that they straight up don't exist, because they use Szablon:X as opposed to Template:X [20:25:07] [1/2] wym 'template doesnt exist' I CREATED IT HALF A YEAR AGO 😭 [20:25:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283886131708039281/obraz.png?ex=66e49fa3&is=66e34e23&hm=816a7e46c5895e22ddc7011b23019de58976699313a00124dcd64a3bbe7f8f2c& [20:51:07] what do I do when there's an element on the page that inspect literally doesn't seem to know exists [20:51:51] [1/2] Also known as, does anyone know wtf the page element is called that is this dark square: [20:51:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283892857555390494/image.png?ex=66e4a5e6&is=66e35466&hm=27ba6c3a7246f929fd3994e200b45ff9dae4d8dd97a6ab7179f1ac763852610e& [20:51:56] the one below the logo [20:51:59] You can try dipping into the load.php section of inspect [20:52:03] it's like that on every page [20:52:15] I've tried, but I can't find it [20:52:23] (the square, not the load.php) [20:53:59] it only shows up on my browser when I make my window smaller, so it's more than likely something to do with the logo [20:54:23] you think it's too small, maybe? If so, how do I make it bigger? [20:54:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283893611922198643/Untitled.png?ex=66e4a69a&is=66e3551a&hm=03fe7cb55de88a534ea3edff8b948404097a49cb11872730c7bbab9cccae9d91& [20:55:11] weird - for me I can only see it when I'm at full screen [20:55:18] Well the skin is resizing the logo, so as the window is smaller it appears to be showing the background [20:55:50] so, can I try using css in cosmos.css to make the logo bigger, maybe? [20:58:07] ooh I think I've got it [20:58:11] it's the padding! [20:58:56] okay yeah, I can fix this! [20:59:01] awesome [21:17:31] okay so that didn't work. I used inspect to figure out how much I needed to increase the padding by and then did that in commons.css, but nothing changed [21:19:00] if you did it directly into commons.css it will be delayed a little [21:19:27] I would suggest doing it in your own custom css for quicker results, which you can find in your preferences [21:19:48] Yep, always a good reminder that Commons.css changes can take several minutes to reflect, changes in personal "custom CSS" under preferences should be near-instant [21:19:55] Oh dang, super delayed send [21:21:23] ... uh oh [21:21:44] I think I made it worse [21:21:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283900387920707594/image.png?ex=66e4acea&is=66e35b6a&hm=20fc59f3f518317995b644724d779cfbe1909d0597db38a25dd81d7ba809c870& [21:22:36] so I have a few different colour schemes across my wiki and changed it in them all, and now in this colour scheme the padding extended wayyy beyond what I wanted [21:22:47] but there is no change on another colour scheme [21:22:49] like. wut [21:23:42] I'll undo what I just did because I somehow made it worse rip [21:24:20] making things worse can usually be good long term, that helps you usually to know if what your editing is correct [21:25:35] I mean, it did change the right area, so I probably was using the right class(if that's the word?), just the wrong place maybe? [21:25:53] [1/2] I'm not seeing any square [21:25:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283901424799060081/o193Mv3.png?ex=66e4ade1&is=66e35c61&hm=dc2f30fc5574d8073c79ed057ebe0f3a5d782c6f26b91e7f21f65fe6121e4b4e& [21:26:11] wtf [21:26:19] undoing the edit somehow fixed the original problem?? [21:26:22] wtf is going on with cosmos [21:26:38] maybe it was a temporary bug in the system [21:27:01] I noticed the square a while ago though - like, at least a few days [21:27:22] I mean, glad it's gone now, but... what [22:06:49] [1/10] yeah this is definitely a side effect of when u set the background color of each individual thing on the header instead of just setting the bg color of the header itself way back when lol [22:06:49] [2/10] the solution if u want to go back into the weeds of the css is: [22:06:49] [3/10] 1. get rid of the ::before of the header (its used for a gradient if a header image is set, but is there even if a header image isnt set, the number 1 problem causer for styling the cosmos header) [22:06:50] [4/10] ``` [22:06:50] [5/10] .cosmos-header::before { [22:06:50] [6/10] display:none; [22:06:50] [7/10] }``` [22:06:51] [8/10] 2. go through and get rid of the background color line on `.cosmos-headerwordmark` `.cosmos-headertop-container` and `#p-cosmos-navigation` for all ur color schemes [22:06:51] [9/10] 3. and instead set the background color of `.cosmos-header` [22:06:51] [10/10] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1283911723262410865/image.png?ex=66e4b778&is=66e365f8&hm=98a2cf1b01b6afe7c1acdd5463ba3b5bee7ad08ba5cab6ea1d8ea6916db2d343&