[00:02:15] If you mean like you have "infobox military" in css you can just do "infobox military, infobox military conflict {}" if thats the defined code and it should apply the same aspects to the other infobox [00:02:41] wait can you repeat that [00:02:51] or is it not gna work cause theyre different templates lol [00:03:42] Do you want every infobox to be styled the same? [00:03:46] yes [00:04:07] .portable-infobox is the style given to every infobox, you can target that. [00:04:23] on the css page ? [00:04:42] Yeah, one sec, I'll find your css and provide an example. [00:04:59] [1/2] something like this but portable-infobox instead of just infobox [00:04:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284303848512688128/image.png?ex=66e624aa&is=66e4d32a&hm=301684d653399607d1494602ba85aa0a852e607cc037433fdeffbf44d1232ef1& [00:05:22] yep, just change that style name. [00:05:42] Though I see you have other styles too [00:05:58] yeah, should i do the same with the rest of the code ? [00:06:16] I'd start with just that first [00:06:21] See where you end up [00:08:09] [1/3] Hmm, I'm looking at [00:08:10] [2/3] Template:Infobox political party [00:08:10] [3/3] and I don't see that style applied. Interesting. [00:08:43] elaborate [00:09:21] Oh, no nevermind. Was looking at the wrong page of the 2k tabs I probably have open. šŸ˜† [00:09:45] šŸ˜­ [00:10:46] Give me a sec to look up where to put some user styles and I'll help [00:14:16] K, so revert for now so I can see what was, please. [00:15:33] There's definitely some clashing styles to sort through. [00:16:01] Hi, I run RangerDex ( https://powerrangers.miraheze.org ) and I was wondering - just in theory, I'm not going to do it yet - if we could get a scope & URL change to a wider Toei tokusatsu umbrella. There's a Kamen Rider wiki looking into MH to start up with and I offered a merge [00:16:35] Seems reasonable as a scope change, please post it on Steward Requests board though so we can give official stamp of approval [00:16:53] Working in my user styles allows me to see both versions, one browser with me logged in, and one with me logged out. šŸ˜‰ [00:17:16] Easier to track down the clashes, hehe [00:17:23] Okay, thank you! Again, I'm not sure if that will be what happens but I'll do that if they agree. [00:18:14] [1/2] A fix was deployed for this issue, please let us know on the ticket if it's still ongoing: [00:18:14] [2/2] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12587 [00:20:36] You can go to "view history" and find the edit before the last set of changes, press "edit" and copy all the code from that old version.... [00:20:56] Then return to the page, edit (makes sure you're editing the current version) and paste it back in. [00:32:00] In the absense of that, I'm just changing my own styles slowly... [00:32:01] .portable-infobox [00:32:11] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284310694065475596/image.png?ex=66e62b0a&is=66e4d98a&hm=61360ae410bbc8fca92fc8ada3119e0392aeb3ca3654364c990684515130929d& [00:33:18] By inspecting wikipedia infobox. It doesn't just immediately "work" because more style names are different for portable infobox. It's an easy change, tho. [00:38:55] (it's possible to look up a person's username on meta under global accounts, that shows us what wiki's they're attached to, and how I found it so I could look at code direct--always the way to go). [00:39:54] Though you bullets here need a fix [00:39:56] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284312646513856542/image.png?ex=66e62cdc&is=66e4db5c&hm=414d92ad0858a33c046ef05eb5617d01bda921163e57ba30675aea7afe0b676f& [00:42:39] list-style-position: inside; may fix that [00:58:19] Anyway, a working convert is on my personal css page, which you can see in your recent changes. [01:02:41] Actually, looks like the bullet problem is happening becuse there's no wrapping
    before the
  • [01:03:52] anyone have any idea on why itā€™s doing this? [01:09:42] Did you carefully follow all the steps at [[Custom domains]]? [01:09:42] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [01:09:43] [01:10:54] If I search back through messages you sent, and I see one domain name listed there. If it's the right one, it doesn't appear to be pointed at miraheze? [01:11:24] (If I do a whois search on it, that is) [01:11:32] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> [1/2] Hello [01:11:32] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> [2/2] I fairly recently tried to submit a private wiki that got declined. Is this something that I could use instead? [01:12:04] Was the reason for being declined something fixable? [01:15:56] [[mw:Hosting services]] [01:15:56] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Hosting_services [01:15:57] [01:17:28] Wikis are declined for a number of reasons, often the request can be fixed. If not, ^ there's a list of mediawiki hosting services. Good luck! [01:18:12] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> Not fixable. The wiki type is a problem for the servers because there are too many of them being requested [01:18:21] Ah, gotcha. [01:21:06] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> So could a custom domain mean it uses my own server? [01:22:06] A domain is like a virtual address to something, server hosting is different. [01:22:14] Owning a domain and owning a server are not the same; if you had a domain, you would not gain a free server, and vice versa [01:22:25] <.spacedancer., replying to tali64> How do I get a server [01:22:51] There are a variety of web hosting services available; find one that fits your needs and stick to it [01:23:37] <.spacedancer., replying to tali64> So if I get a server do I still need a domain or does miraheze got me covered? [01:24:02] Yes, you would still need a domain unless your hosting provider includes a free domain [01:24:33] <.spacedancer., replying to tali64> Ok! Any server host suggestions? I have a good plan for a domain [01:26:52] [Hostinger](https://www.hostinger.com/) I've heard is a good choice (only $3 a month and a free domain if you register for an annual term); of course, it is not the only hosting provider (FrozenPlum has linked a list of hosting providers that specialize in accomodating MediaWiki installations some messages back) [01:27:19] Yeah, I was going to say, it depends on your technical proficiency too. Do you know how to configure a server and install MediaWiki? Also, how to backup and upgrade these? [01:27:32] <.spacedancer., replying to tali64> Is it possible that square space has a built in server? [01:27:34] Or do you want someone do those parts for you? [01:28:01] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> I donā€™t really know I just want a wiki because my small audience misses the lore bits [01:29:00] Okay, I asked because I've seen a lot of people figure out how to install MW on a cheap host using one of their auto-installers... except if you don't know how to upgrade, backup, and maintain, then it sounds like you'd need someone to be doing all the back-end administration. [01:29:34] Some folks get that far, and then get marooned because they have no idea how to backup, upgrade, etc. [01:29:47] <.spacedancer.> Where do I even find someone trustworthy to do that [01:30:13] Well, Miraheze is a platform that does that. There are others, more paid than free though. [01:30:27] The list I shared I believe is for folks to manage it for you. [01:30:48] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> Let me find that list real quick [01:30:52] I run my group's own independent, but it's a LOT of work. [01:31:02] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> Oh ok [01:31:13] <.spacedancer.> Is upgrading necessary? [01:31:22] Yes [01:31:30] <.spacedancer.> Oh [01:31:41] And some hosts will force them, because having outdated software is a security risk. [01:31:54] Some allow them to sit for years.. [01:32:11] But yeah, upgrading is pretty important for security reasons. [01:32:55] It sounds like the list is about your speed. [01:32:58] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> But this isnā€™t supposed to be a public thing anyways and I would be able to backup? [01:33:45] I'm unclear what you're asking. [01:34:08] <.spacedancer.> I have an idea on how I can get a wiki on miraheze without causing server problems [01:34:12] <.spacedancer.> I am cooking [01:34:35] <.spacedancer.> Instead of making a wiki for the one show [01:34:45] <.spacedancer.> I make a more broad one for everything I would need [01:34:49] <.spacedancer.> No more issues [01:35:08] Have you checked to see if any existing wikis cover your topic? There's always the opportunity to merge wikis too. [01:35:32] The wider wikis are great [01:35:49] <.spacedancer.> Well itā€™s something I make not a known topic and I donā€™t want it to go outside the people I know [01:35:49] Gives your wiki opportunity for growth, too. [01:36:41] <.spacedancer.> [1/5] So the goal is a private wiki that covers all my stuff [01:36:41] <.spacedancer.> [2/5] Friend group jokes [01:36:42] <.spacedancer.> [3/5] My show [01:36:42] <.spacedancer.> [4/5] Discord stuff [01:36:42] <.spacedancer.> [5/5] Everything [01:37:20] <.spacedancer.> You think it would be approved? [01:37:48] Cool. No idea... I'm not sure of their full criteria. [01:37:54] <.spacedancer.> I know thereā€™s a wiki that is just brain rot jokes made up by a small discord server so this should probably be approved [01:38:47] Well, have fun with it. There's always a cool way to expand a topic, imo. [01:46:00] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> Thanks! I requested it. If I have to, I will look back into buying a server and domain [01:50:46] [1/2] So long as your request is decently well-worded and makes the intent and scope of your wiki clear alongside requesting nothing that contradicts Miraheze's Content Policy or Terms of Use, it should be approved within a few days. There's likely a degree of additional lenience granted towards private wikis as well if nothing illegal is occurring [01:50:46] [2/2] on them. [01:52:27] But I am certainly not an expert on the exact criteria the Wiki Creators follow for private wikis. [01:52:47] <.spacedancer., replying to octavia_of_minrathous> Ok! How many days is it typically? [01:54:20] <.spacedancer.> Can I add categories to a wiki? [01:54:39] Generally 1-3 days at present for public wikis, and around 1-2 for private wikis, depending on the availability of the Wiki Creators. [01:55:25] You can categorize wiki pages as freely as you like; a wiki as a whole may only ever be in one category [01:57:05] According to [[User:Waki285-Bot/RWQ_backlog]] , should be processed in 2 days [01:57:05] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:Waki285-Bot/RWQ_backlog [01:57:06] [01:58:35] <.spacedancer., replying to tali64> So I can make categories to divide my pages? For server purposes I am combining all my stuff but would like a way to divide the pages [01:58:59] Yes; you may also do so with custom namespaces [01:59:15] <.spacedancer., replying to tali64> Ok! Thanks! [01:59:26] <.spacedancer.> This is going in a good direction (: [02:14:38] Iā€™d like to ask what you mean by buying a server and domain? What are you looking to accomplish? [02:15:40] <.spacedancer., replying to mooncloud> Having a wiki [02:25:16] Miraheze is a wiki hosting platform, so they deal with everything related to hosting and server costs and whatnot. If you were to host your own wiki on your own server you wouldnā€™t be using Mirahezeā€™s services, you canā€™t exactly use your own servers for a Miraheze wiki iirc [02:25:29] <.spacedancer., replying to mooncloud> Yeah I know [02:25:44] <.spacedancer.> The point was use my own server and set up mediawiki if it gets declined [02:33:22] @ticket [02:40:06] <.spacedancer., replying to khedivate> What? [02:40:13] <.spacedancer.> @ticket [02:40:15] <.spacedancer.> What is that [03:25:10] [1/2] Setting up a self-hosted wiki and paying for server hosting costs on your own merely for the sake of a private wiki would be ill-advised to say the least. If your Miraheze request is initially declined, you can modify and improve your request, and the Wiki Creators always clarify precisely why a request was declined so that you can update your [03:25:10] [2/2] request accordingly or at least understand why Miraheze cannot host the wiki. [03:25:53] <.spacedancer., replying to octavia_of_minrathous> That is what I did this time, change it up a little bit! [05:18:24] Finally got the motivation to do a bunch of work for my wiki today [05:18:43] Still trying to learn how modules work [06:55:31] Lua error: expandTemplate: template loop detected. [07:19:31] [1/7] Hello. I recently started my wiki on Miraheze. [07:19:32] [2/7] On the pic you can see the CategoryTree on the top (created automatically) and a gallery of all pages in that category with image previews (first image from the page). Is there a way to automate the process of adding a new page/image/link to the gallery, and how would I achieve this? [07:19:32] [3/7] Link to the template from the picture: [07:19:32] [4/7] https://handhelds.miraheze.org/wiki/Budget_Devices [07:19:33] [5/7] https://handhelds.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Famiclone [07:19:33] [6/7] Thanks for any help! [07:19:33] [7/7] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284413205065760840/Screenshot_2024-09-14_at_08-25-54_Template_Famiclone_-_Handheld_Database.png?ex=66e68a83&is=66e53903&hm=e1f5b520a8691028a1b38420a3dcb8da6511a72dc46d5812426656cfb539a8db& [07:26:36] I need to find a solution before I start adding lots of pages. [07:29:24] I would also appreciate any styling or general tips as I am new to web dev/css/mobile/ui design [07:36:46] Create a support thread and tag it css/js [07:36:52] In #support [07:45:36] [1/3] there's a gadget which adds image previews in categories, not sure if it can work w/ category tree [07:45:37] [2/3] [07:45:37] [3/3] but yeah, better to create support thread for such matters, things get lost fast in general chat [08:24:50] [1/2] People told me some file/template/category on tuscriaturas.miraheze.org are still broken. [08:24:51] [2/2] It seems that the fix comes and goes [10:58:46] wait, whatā€™s supposed to be in the ā€œHostā€ field in the CNAME record? [11:00:02] What domain registrar are you using? [11:00:14] I use Namecheap [11:04:38] How do I check how long till take for my wiki request to be accepted again? [11:09:11] [1/2] this is the CNAME record i added [11:09:11] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284471001698140252/IMG_2387.png?ex=66e6c057&is=66e56ed7&hm=6dd05abac763ccdb675fd5e5fa99182a33c5ebaed45c09b97d91ea63fa565c2a& [11:10:10] I donā€™t believe you need to put anything there? The domain seems to be working [11:10:41] https://wiki.townsmp.xyz/ [11:10:55] If this is indeed your wiki [11:12:18] If it doesnā€™t mention anything specifically in the custom domain guide and it seems to be working it should be fine haha [11:18:38] oh yeah it is now working! [11:33:43] Teaching people on how to earn $70k or more within the week, but you will reimburse me 10% of your profit when you receive it. Note: you are not sending any capital to me it's a trade you make yourself, I'm just here to guide you through the process for a perfect trading,only interested people should me a DM! ask me (HOW)? [11:35:18] @Discord Moderators [13:07:24] Is there a way to private specific pages on my wiki? [13:08:35] MediaWiki wasn't developed w/ this in mind, however you can whitelist to public view pages in n otherwise private wiki [13:09:50] ah [13:10:59] Mediawiki and specific view restrictions go together as well as peanut butter and asbestos [13:13:41] šŸ’€ [13:17:40] You can try! Itā€™s not gonna end well! [13:25:15] I advise strongly against storing anything confidential in a wiki with mixed visibility [13:53:05] [1/2] Did I tell you how I managed to dump a "private" namespace? [13:53:05] [2/2] A wiki had a privated namespace but the pages were included in [[Special:AllPages]] so I just transcluded them into a template one by one and then manually changed the sources after dumping [13:53:05] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AllPages [13:53:05] [13:53:34] Holy fuck thatā€™s actually pretty clever [13:53:41] You donā€™t even need to save you can just preview [13:53:57] Asbestos [13:54:14] Exactly. The wrost part is that I could blindly write to there too. [13:55:13] Everything seems like a good idea when you are not supposed to do it but you suddenly can [13:56:45] @felenov can I dm? And can you not talk about that publicly? [13:58:01] Yea sure, but that was ages ago and I am pretty sure that wiki does not exist anymore [13:58:03] not ideal to have it in open channels I agree, even if it's a bad system [13:58:16] it's less that specific instance and more it being reused somewhere more active [13:58:46] Ye I would appreciate if the messages are removed from discord [13:59:15] TL:DR if you want a wiki to stay private put the entire thing behind a login screen. [13:59:22] pretty much [13:59:46] going to clear the nitty gritty discourse now [14:00:26] cleared [14:00:41] inb4 @agentisai 1984 [14:00:59] Actually yes because I was just about to read the beginning of the message and it disappeared [14:01:06] I'm actually disappointed \:( [14:01:07] It's the reason we don't offer lockdown as an extension. I think core was patched from similar issues. [14:01:22] tldr there are hacks that make private namespaces pointless [14:02:02] From a tech perspective, if such an activity was done on Miraheze as described, it would still be deemed as an unauthorised access and may be illegal in many countries. [14:02:33] If you find a security bug, please report it as soon as you find it. Don't go dumping an entire namespace when a page proves the bug exists. Also test on your own wiki. [14:03:11] I forgot that IRC is forever so you can just read the comments on IRC [14:03:19] ye, can't help with that one [14:03:49] This was a long time ago on a .ru wiki so that was the wild west back then. Unfortunately this wiki does no longer exist. [14:04:08] problem is that the principle of it can apply to current wikis [14:04:17] not here necessarily [14:05:19] My take is that if you don't want people reading something, don't put it on a wiki that can be reached from the internet. Probably best bet is to go the way big corpos do and put their wiki behind AnyConnect on the corpo net [14:05:24] and no harm done in any case imo [14:05:33] that's security in a nutshell innit [14:05:43] you can't hack it if you can't reach it from the world wide wibble [14:05:50] It could not that long ago be done here [14:05:51] I can't even log into anything at working without being on the wireguard [14:05:54] the method described reminds me of a security bug MW had a few versions back where something similar could be pulled off, except that the bug was in core [14:06:08] I'm not aware of any current bugs that would still allow it [14:06:37] you mentioned lockdown is rather vulnerable [14:07:00] Lockdown is a walking security nightmare [14:07:11] but yeah I don't trust my network stuff to be secured well enough so I just don't have any home lab available externally [14:07:26] in that circumstance I'll pay for someone else's computer from a reputable business to be the link [14:08:21] [1/2] Lockdown is about as useful as this gate [14:08:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284516087848898675/IMG_8456.jpg?ex=66e6ea54&is=66e598d4&hm=040b0c20fce4d81a5fb1f4baf47f667184c7808344fef4eb3824458bde0ee0bd& [14:08:26] All it takes is one very drunk software engineer to wonder "what if" and poke a stick at it, only for it to come crashing down. [14:10:19] I should seriously consider learning php proper, because what I found was without any knowledge of php, just a web browser and a automation suite [14:10:32] is good to know [14:11:05] I keep tabs over one wiki that's version, oh, let me check [14:11:30] 1.32.0 [14:11:54] isn't and won't be updated anytime in the forseeable future [14:12:07] pairs nicely with a vbulletin 4.6 forum [14:12:34] Oh god forbit, at least it's not a phpbb instance [14:12:50] the wiki is manageable in size [14:13:54] the forum has 14,550,814 posts, 573,170 members, I believe a couple thousand subforums [14:18:58] Mac can remove the comments from the log I think but still on peopleā€™s local [14:19:15] yep [14:20:11] Anyways translation related question [14:20:22] On the pt br page on meta for Steward [14:20:40] It uses the Portuguese direct translation for steward [14:20:44] [1/2] IRC is the forever chat [14:20:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284519206762713261/728f119dc3eb5ccc.png?ex=66e6ed3c&is=66e59bbc&hm=fbb5e6ae1facb7b9205843f1d505ef232b15318769a2a6afb4345d526b36f926& [14:20:53] I donā€™t see that literally anywhere else on meta [14:21:02] And Wikimedia also uses the English word [14:21:18] Should i just switch it to be Steward? [14:21:31] I think so [14:21:42] Actually Felenov does the ru translation use the word steward in the Russian script or directly translate [14:21:43] my general rule of thumb used to be that if WMF uses it then we do too [14:21:45] I mean, a steward is a steward in pretty much every language, and if WMF does it then we can do it [14:22:24] one of the areas I agree just pulling wmf convention wholesale [14:22:47] I would start with a deepl translation to get a general idea and re-write it. In cases where there is no translation possible I check Meta-Wikimedia [14:23:27] The only reason I have an account on WMF's centralauth is to keep the username to myself (and force everything to monobook) [14:23:45] Yeah steward is better then comissĆ”rio anyways [14:23:53] comissario raidarr [14:23:54] I want it [14:23:58] No. [14:24:07] aw [14:24:49] Russian wikis tend to drop the "system" part from opreators. Especially the older projects call their stewards global operators [14:25:56] minecraft long taught me to see 'operators' standalone [14:26:38] /deop raidarr [14:26:45] You know minecraft's terminology is borrowed from IRC, right? The chat format is the way it is because, well, IRC. [14:27:12] Blasphemy [14:27:14] makes enough sense [14:27:16] Itā€™s the other way around [14:27:24] Lmao [14:27:29] my irc thing is that I've simply moved on and see little reason to return [14:27:34] Still waiting for mojang to add /trout [14:27:47] though at this rate I might very well go for irc [14:27:49] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284520988826144798/8b4d11def4c8b19d.png?ex=66e6eee4&is=66e59d64&hm=02c69acdc26b5ff806b39b4f4cf484a24402b3dfa3d88c52a2af5a9ae5d2243e& [14:27:55] discord just needs to annoy me enough [14:28:28] Speaking of the devil, there is a MH block game server paid out of my pocket. [14:28:39] but even then platform lockon comes into play since 90% of the communities I have interest in run with discord [14:28:43] yeah you had a server didn't ya [14:29:05] šŸ¤” [14:29:11] miraheze meeting in bridged minecraft when [14:29:40] [1/2] we are working on it. If you are interested in getting whitelisted, do tell me [14:29:41] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284521455849177118/156cf94dabbb600a.png?ex=66e6ef54&is=66e59dd4&hm=58236bfe557caac60688bd1b1ff4be49e0ea0aa2241c444a6cc5f73ddf80aa3c& [14:30:19] Hell ues [14:30:20] oh yeah, and who'd be tentatively interested in a raidarr mm somewhere between 7am and 12pm est on october 20th [14:30:50] I do t have a schedule that far put but Iā€™d be able to probably join around 8 [14:30:54] essentially a morning sunday meeting [14:31:09] Sunday mornings were always the deadest zone in my experience [14:31:18] oof [14:31:42] Fair [14:31:44] I can give those times because it would piggyback before another event I do [14:31:54] or I can give most of a few midweek days [14:31:55] We should try that when2meet idea [14:32:00] and that's about it consistently [14:32:06] we may as well ye [14:32:36] I am running the server on the cheapest ARM VPS the hosting provider had to offer when I set it up. To my surprise, it performs with coreprotect and http://mh.f2esports.net:8100 (bluemap) plus a MySQL database [14:32:44] or I could do a really late meeting and tell sleep to bug off [14:33:11] ballpark of 8pm to oh, 11pm est [14:33:45] turn around and wake up for work in 4-5 hours after but ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ [14:34:34] Iā€™ll see if I donā€™t log on later today to help build if you need. If my day isnā€™t busy. I need to log onto another server to sort out permissions anyways [14:35:00] Times in UTC, please. Miraheze wikis use that timezone by default. [14:35:08] Maybe could mention the server in #minor-announcements lol [14:35:20] I could translate my times to utc but that's work tbh [14:35:35] I honestly think we need to ditch timezones and stick to Zulu time [14:35:38] so just dropping what I've got [14:35:42] those are usually the best times [14:35:48] I expect it would be [14:35:56] they're my worst times if I want to be functional the next day [14:35:58] that or early morning so that the Europeans also connect [14:36:04] but if I do it on a wedensday that might be minimized [14:36:07] I miss 12 hour meetings [14:36:11] or tuesday [14:36:29] 12 hour meets were a lot of filler space iirc [14:36:40] long held we need to pace them a bit [14:36:47] but now we just need to have them period [14:37:04] Use dynamic timestamps [14:37:14] if it's for an actual meeting then ye [14:37:24] if it's me musing, meh [14:37:31] The filler space always came at the end [14:37:33] I am based in the CET time zone but sleep schedules are not a thing for me. [14:37:38] the key was to figure out when to end it [14:37:43] Also @agentisai would it be possible to use matomo to get a ranked list of the most visited pages on meta [14:37:44] basically need to have better wrapup then [14:37:51] To prioritize translation [14:38:43] Speaking of prios, half of the policy pages are out of date. I do need to watchlist those [14:39:47] I hate how much brain power I need to use to read my native language [14:39:57] The red underline everywhere donā€™t help [14:40:11] * RhinosF1 is +2 atm [14:40:13] Pix, speaking the truth here, and it hurts XD [14:40:47] Is this how scholars feel [14:41:02] Russian ang English have absolutely nothing in common with how grammar works, and words often don't map to their actual meanings. [14:41:02] Huh random question, how can I claim an edit ? Claim might not be the best word, made an edit from my phone unlogged and I would like to make the address disappear but keep the edit šŸ˜… [14:42:01] make a dummy edit on top of that and message me with the old revision or page link [14:42:25] I can get top countries [14:43:00] Would be interesting but donā€™t really matter since I only know one language [14:43:06] aels224: if you are a sysop you can revdelete the edit or request oversight from a steward and then complete your edit again [14:43:18] raidarr over here is a steward [14:44:09] Okay, will be done once back home. Thx [14:44:14] I'm going to have to go on an oversight purge anyway [14:44:21] pixldev: meanwhile me with 6 languages [14:44:32] in that case if you message me the wiki name I'll process it [14:44:35] We can, yes [14:44:41] I need to do a revision purge on meta anyway [14:45:08] @agentisai, what do you remember about lolpasta wiki [14:45:25] [1/19] United States [14:45:25] [2/19] 442.49M [14:45:25] [3/19] Japan [14:45:26] [4/19] 132.72M [14:45:26] [5/19] United Kingdom [14:45:26] [6/19] 50.97M [14:45:26] [7/19] Canada [14:45:27] [8/19] Singapore [14:45:27] [9/19] 46.23M [14:45:27] [10/19] Brazil [14:45:28] [11/19] 44.64M [14:45:28] [12/19] Russian Federation [14:45:28] [13/19] 40.13M [14:45:29] [14/19] Indonesia [14:45:29] [15/19] 38.13M [14:45:30] [16/19] Australia [14:45:30] [17/19] 30.76M [14:45:31] [18/19] China [14:45:31] [19/19] 30.59M [14:45:48] Holy fuck. [14:45:49] interesting [14:45:50] [1/2] lolpasta has been in this limbo for well over a year and was recently reported [14:45:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284525521891233803/image.png?ex=66e6f31d&is=66e5a19d&hm=350b7dfcc95fdb167f58d97e48d4231e43b8fde3243d9139d450a0b1c93c7be8& [14:45:56] I have no idea what this all is on about [14:45:58] That's the edit in question . [14:46:30] ffs, need to log in again [14:46:34] Finally found a way to do the interactive map as I had it, won't be the same but it works. [14:46:41] Show off [14:46:51] ..on meta alone or all of them? [14:46:51] Š“Š° [14:46:57] All [14:47:03] Okay goo [14:47:27] I love how Canada has no value [14:47:50] @raidarr copy + rm [14:48:26] 52 million [14:48:33] They are for the last 30 days btw [14:48:48] Views or unique visitors [14:48:59] I believe it's all set now [14:49:00] wdym no value [14:49:08] Views [14:49:12] I do. I think what happened was that I closed it a few days before the June schism [14:49:15] so no one ever handled [14:49:19] and it got forgotten about [14:49:20] Claire will like Canadians, her wiki is 3rd [14:49:48] Wait [14:49:57] Wow [14:50:07] raidarr: I can confirm now. OS good [14:50:13] Also whatā€™s the website section on matomo on meta [14:50:25] that explains it [14:50:25] Thx, last thing I want is my phone's address or id there šŸ¤£ [14:50:28] I dont think the highest wiki is 831 views [14:50:35] I think I'll just delete the wiki then [14:50:48] especially if it's got no actual activity for a long period which seems to be the case [14:51:24] God matomo is so fucked [14:51:42] Generally if you submitted an edit from a mobile connection then it's likely you are using a IP from a massive pool shared by hundreds of thousands, if not millions of subscribers of that carrier. So it's not a complete disaster. [14:51:56] [1/25] 1d6chan.miraheze.org [14:51:56] [2/25] 20.07M [14:51:57] [3/25] minecraftjapan.miraheze.org [14:51:57] [4/25] 19.62M [14:51:57] [5/25] meta.miraheze.org [14:51:58] [6/25] rainworld.miraheze.org [14:51:58] [7/25] 13.35M [14:51:58] [8/25] degreesoflewdity.miraheze.org [14:51:59] [9/25] 13.03M [14:51:59] [10/25] www.sekaipedia.org [14:51:59] [11/25] 9.36M [14:52:00] [12/25] polcompball.wiki [14:52:00] [13/25] 9.17M [14:52:01] [14/25] bluearchive.wiki [14:52:01] [15/25] 8.91M [14:52:02] [16/25] www.polandballwiki.com [14:52:02] [17/25] 7.44M [14:52:03] [18/25] ranchstory.miraheze.org [14:52:03] [19/25] 7.29M [14:52:04] [20/25] degreesoflewditycn.miraheze.org [14:52:04] [21/25] 7.24M [14:52:05] [22/25] tuscriaturas.miraheze.org [14:52:05] [23/25] 6.05M [14:52:06] [24/25] japolandball.miraheze.org [14:52:06] [25/25] 5.92M [14:52:08] I'm excluding loginwiki from that [14:52:22] [[Special:Analytics#mw-section-search]] lmao [14:52:22] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:Analytics#mw-section-search [14:52:23] [14:52:26] Whatā€™s meta at [14:52:27] No stats for Miraheze Meta? [14:52:41] as felnov mentioned that leak wasn't a huge deal [14:52:46] not good but there are far more compromising ips [14:53:01] 14.6M [14:53:14] I'm copying from my phone and it's shit format [14:53:23] For sure but it's gone now šŸ˜… [14:53:29] 1d6chan is cooking [14:53:32] Especially if you are in the US, some internet providers return the exact client location when doing a lookup, and often the IPs are static and stay for years with that client. [14:53:36] I thought they were more wikis above meta [14:55:27] I wonder what pages (apart from the main page) on Meta see the most views [14:55:32] Well we do load meta on every page [14:55:40] meanwhile there was a vandal from algeria who had massive /16 ranges to pick from [14:55:49] that was a headache to whack down [14:56:04] ? [14:56:08] Same [14:56:17] Nearly half of meta's traffic is a single file [14:56:34] All of /1.42/ is routed to meta [14:56:47] hello. I can't log in. Also, our wikis are in wrong locale so the categories are broken [14:56:58] /1.42/resources/assets/licenses/cc-by-sa.png is too [14:57:01] see: https://tuscriaturas.miraheze.org/wiki/Dammula [14:57:37] My current ISP has pretty much the same thing with /16 blocks and even larger ranges in IPv6 and the DHCP leases are stupid short. You could leave your computer for an hour and come back to a new IP. It might sound good but the way some services are designed you get booted out every hour or so and [14:57:37] e [14:57:37] have to log in with a 2FA code over email every tim [14:58:10] Felnov: yeep, I know exactly what that's about [14:58:10] For sure, tho no idea how it works here in France but that aside it's also for it to be clean on the logs. Last thing I want is to play guess on who that ID is šŸ¤£ [14:58:11] there is the cache issue and also now the locale issue [14:58:21] in those cases using a regular vpn might actually prove more reliable [14:58:29] if you get one with a less likely to be bullied range [14:58:53] [1/2] is not showing because the files are named File:Name, I am using Archivo:Name that is the normal way and should be compatible as my wiki is in spanish [14:58:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284528808854294680/image.png?ex=66e6f62d&is=66e5a4ad&hm=2136caa4d7491e9ec47c0c070a528c260b6c0e8046c87e38e99242b761c5aa00& [14:59:16] wonder if there's a script/mechanism for users to be blocked from editing if they're not logged in [14:59:19] something at device level [14:59:39] a little privacy guard against logged out editing basically [14:59:40] I have a /24 block to myself because of the infrastructure I have so I got a WG set up for that exact reason. [15:00:30] I think there's some wikis that don't allow anonymous and essentially unlogged users to edit. šŸ¤” [15:01:35] for sure, but somewhere like meta you don't have that lean [15:01:53] Also, if you are doing multihoming like me then it's even worse since you could route through one of multiple ISPs. On Quake servers the flag next to my name is Either Switzerland, Germany, Finland or Sweeden. (duh let the user set that instead of GeoIP) [15:01:55] so maybe there's something that can be applied as a browser script that says 'nope' [15:02:27] auto detect a session change/log out message and make it impossible to mindlessly resubmit [15:03:13] I thnk something like that can be done as a firefox extension or a tampermonkey script [15:03:48] a tampermonkey/violentmonkey script is exactly how I was thinking [15:03:55] but it would be useful as a general purpose mediawiki extension too [15:04:06] mediawiki browser extension I mean [15:05:07] So you want something with a name like Logout-Guard that would ask you "You have been logged out. Are you sure you want to submit this edit while logged out. This will reveal your IP or hostname in the edit log" when you submit an edit logged out [15:05:18] sounds about right [15:05:49] now we probably can't do this for all wikis but for meta specifically I wonder if there shouldbe something like that built in: a more aggressive popup to declare you are logged out, are you sure [15:05:50] interesting [15:06:11] it's not unheard of, but rare for people to be editing logged out on meta anyway [15:06:28] I would even add a 5 second countdown on the "Submit" button so you can't mindlessly click through it. [15:06:29] it's matched by incidents of people who don't do it intentionally [15:06:44] I'd parry with maybe 3 seconds, but yes [15:07:36] A lot of the tools we use at work are dialog hell holes so while clicking OK for the 50th time in a row you might end up burning something so we have the OK button disabled for 5 seconds [15:07:58] that's reasonable [15:08:18] speaks to a deeper design issue but still [15:08:38] the smart thing would be to consolidate the dialogs but nobody gives two fucks to do it and complains on slack when they cause something to violently combust [15:10:08] My personal opinion is that everything needs to have a CLI but people are not perfect. [15:10:18] Meta ? You mean miraheze ? [15:10:34] aels224: https://meta.miraheze.org [15:11:03] This meta, not the "We sell your data to the feds and telemarketers" Zuck meta. [15:11:03] šŸ¤” [15:11:17] What [15:12:21] So Mira basically, so yeah the wikis I saw were under Mira and we're blocking anonymous šŸ¤” [15:13:25] A lot of wiki crats don't like anons editing, I am fine with that until the IP vandals become a problem. It's a thing of trust: abuse it and loose it [15:13:26] no expert but it looks it's possible from my pov ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆ [15:14:35] We can't have many nice things for one simple reason: some individual went to fuck around and found out (usually leading to something getting disabled, removed, cut or scrapped) [15:16:36] we had a lot of annoying anons on Meta tbh, I believe unregistered users are allowed to edit community portal and things like steward requests? [15:17:14] the positive side of IP editing is you cannot get accused of [[WP:HATSHOP]] and [[WP:SOCK]] and you are mostly immune from wiki drama since everyone sees the editing IP, and other users can come to your house and help you with your edits /s [15:17:14] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:HATSHOP https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:SOCK [15:20:03] I will refrain from commenting as I lack serious context šŸ¤£ [15:20:23] that's en.wiki canon right there [15:21:01] Yeah [15:22:38] anywiki.miraheze.org/1.42/* will send you to meta in the background [15:23:02] Since when is that a thing and why [15:23:49] Donā€™t seem to do so for me [15:25:14] You can't see it happening, it's magic [15:25:21] Ever and caching [15:28:30] As usual, any large mediawiki project is a colleciton of bodge solutions and when one of them gets knocked out, the whole tower goes crashing down [15:29:04] I was going to say it's not that bad [15:29:06] the one time a sysop on en.wiki decided to fuck around with [[wp:template:infobox]] and found out [15:29:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/wp:template:infobox [15:29:09] But actually it's probably worse [15:32:03] I remember asking for our own version of [[WP:STOCKS]], we need one [15:32:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:STOCKS [15:33:49] We should [15:33:58] Just be fucking bold and make it [15:43:22] Do we have anything to put there? (yet) [15:44:56] I mean I took the entire farm down with a bad alter once [15:45:37] I'm sure you can find some stories [15:45:53] Ask Reception or Lab, they've been around the longest [15:46:26] Owen also been around for ages. [15:49:52] I would say [[STOCKS]] [[AAAARGH]] and [[OHSHIT]] would be the valid shortcut to [[Meta:village stocks]] [15:49:52] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/STOCKS https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/AAAARGH https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/OHSHIT https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Meta:village_stocks [15:50:34] Felenov: Owen really hasn't [15:50:41] John was [15:50:58] But Owen himself joined within my time here [15:51:12] I don't really know much history before the WD green incident [15:51:26] John & Owen are related [15:51:50] John brought Owen on when we became Miraheze Limited cause of his skills is running business operations and regulation [15:52:41] Labster & Reception I think are the only ones that have been around pretty much forever [15:53:18] Cc @.labster @reception123 [15:53:37] Yeah, Miraheze history is pretty fragmented. Whenever I get the effort I do want to consolidate it into one page on meta [15:55:08] I don't think it's ever been properly documented [15:56:19] it's a case of [[WP:DOIT]] but nobody has the effort (yet) [15:56:19] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:DOIT [16:01:30] Is there a way to appeal a wiki request? [16:04:30] If a wiki request is denied, the reason is written in the same page. You can justify your wiki is within what is allowed [16:04:35] Oh I've got stories, definitely! [16:05:15] You'd have to reply to the request and explain why you believe that it should be approved. In exceptional cases you could also appeal under Steward requests [16:05:22] [1/2] I got branded as a country ball wiki, which is the case. [16:05:22] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284545538129395846/image.png?ex=66e705c1&is=66e5b441&hm=c1e37c066f6c43d9cdc5d0d3ba6b9679528801a1329ff149ef3b42f9ef4d7922& [16:05:38] [1/2] This is the request. [16:05:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284545605808689184/image.png?ex=66e705d2&is=66e5b452&hm=59c21b81da5f64933f7ed00f24370f3f301e65b7b7fb42a40cc7c29c88e117dc& [16:06:21] This comes from a massive ban wave that hit us on fandom despite us not doing anything. Because they also branded us under the country ball genre which fandom seems to also be against. But as I said this is not reliant on it. [16:06:33] I left a reply but the request status remains as declined. [16:07:45] I also have experience dealing with another wiki and can ensure policy violations would not encur here. [16:08:08] Is there a way to have a direct conversation of some sorts here to appeal for this. [16:08:17] I'm telling you this so you can keep it in mind. It's easier for me to get to a web address through a link than through an image. šŸ‘ [16:08:25] Can be a language barrier as Waki is Asian. [16:08:30] I'll get it. [16:08:35] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/49097 [16:08:39] Sorry pardon me. [16:08:50] Just explain it a bit more [16:09:28] I explained in the reply, but the request remains as denied. [16:09:52] He might not have read the comment yet? [16:10:04] Absolutely [16:10:06] We're all volunteers. [16:10:10] I thought it would automatically change to "in review" [16:10:13] When you posted a comment [16:10:19] Otherwise the volunteers won't go and check [16:10:22] It should I think [16:10:30] It didn't is my issue here [16:10:34] No, only when you edit your request description [16:10:47] My bad. [16:11:00] Comments only give a notification to the reviewer [16:11:15] @felenov i agree with rhinos be bold and make them stocks [16:11:15] So he'll read it. [16:11:17] I'm not Miraheze staff, but I think if you justify that your community doesn't attract the same kind of hard-to-moderate people that a countryballs wiki might attract, then there's no problem. It's not the topic that's being restricted, but the potential hard-to-control people. šŸ˜Š [16:11:42] I'll add that too [16:12:08] @suzuneu see above convo [16:13:00] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284547457463881839/image.png?ex=66e7078b&is=66e5b60b&hm=d7609f4793bb3bf523ed85cd9063966aa18c45d60a8fe6e6b9b0301fe7905031& [16:13:05] Change the request to reflect the fact [16:14:08] @raidarr ^ perhaps you could have a second look? [16:14:58] i'll check it [16:15:13] I'm also fine with discussing it here if you have any questions. [16:15:30] We have managed a 6 year old wiki in fandom and we're planning on going to a better platform, and we really wouldn't like to remain without a place. [16:16:44] LGTM as far as I can tell from your statement, but I'll await the decision of the other stewards [16:18:23] Look forward to seeing the answer. [16:18:28] Sorry for being annoying and anal about this. [16:20:17] what's up [16:20:40] I have a wiki request that's been sitting in queue for 3 days since I added additional context to it - https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/48947; if a wiki creator has the time to review it, that would be appreciated [16:20:59] I guess the key will be taking a look at the original fandom [16:21:08] good vibe on that = less guesswork and probably easy approval [16:21:33] We'll we'd love to show it if not for the random ban they just got, We can show you guys the archives though. [16:21:39] aaah [16:21:45] Wait a second. [16:21:47] an archive.org url would suffice too [16:21:53] Alright wait a second. [16:22:12] that's another thing soon to appear on the form - links to old or relevant communities or resources to aid in review [16:24:06] https://web.archive.org/web/20221224101229/https://themapping.fandom.com/wiki/The_Mapping_Wiki [16:25:52] almost all wiki requests for 8/12 and 8/13 were handked. I'm off to bed now [16:26:06] Alright I'll wait upon the review of this then. [16:26:35] others may be able to step in [16:26:46] besides the mapping wiki however I will be focused on other areas [16:26:51] I added the link to the review. [16:27:06] Hopefully a wiki creator will check. Again sorry for the issues. [16:27:10] now as for the mapping wiki, that is not the sort of content we're worried about and I will go ahead and approve [16:27:43] Night [16:28:20] Much appreciated. [16:31:29] @raidarr I have a question pertaining country balls. Our wiki is not centered around it, but there are a lot of creators in the genre that identify with them, as in they have it in their name, is it okay if we use their profile pictures and name? [16:31:34] Or are we restricted? [16:31:53] Don't you mean 9/12 and 9/13? Though, good work on that and good night! [16:35:32] I guess my brain thought it was still August šŸ˜… [16:37:22] no issue on this, the only major thing to keep in mind beyond the usual of policies is to keep tabs since the real concern with these is the general rowdiness that the countryball wiki brings [16:37:40] the request process scrutiny thus having a lot to do with confidence in the requestor wrangling that [16:40:03] Alright then. No issue I can assure you there will be no issues. [17:01:53] Btw Where can I check SSL domain tickets [17:01:56] Or is there no such place? [17:02:27] [[Special:RequestSSLQueue]] [17:02:27] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestSSLQueue [17:02:28] [17:03:16] Getting some DBConnectionErrors when trying to load gadgets, is this a know issue? [17:06:18] It looks like it's only intermittent, editing the url makes it work most of the time, but that one is cached for now so I can't get rid of the errors haha. [18:15:10] [1/2] It's ok, to be fair, August went by super fast for me too [18:15:10] [2/2] And it's crazy how we're already halfway through September [18:33:19] [1/5] Our wiki is displaying this error: [18:33:20] [2/5] MediaWiki internal error. [18:33:20] [3/5] Original exception: [c912771db6714cf922def732] 2024-09-14 18:32:04: Fatal exception of type "MediaWiki\Storage\NameTableAccessException" [18:33:20] [4/5] Exception caught inside exception handler. [18:33:21] [5/5] Set $wgShowExceptionDetails = true; at the bottom of LocalSettings.php to show detailed debugging information. [18:33:36] We have no idea why. [18:36:22] Bleh [18:36:48] Can you create a task on [[Phorge]] ? [18:36:48] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [18:36:48] [18:36:57] Will do. [18:37:12] Should be easy for the lovely tech people to fix. Not exactly uncommon. [18:38:16] Alrighty [19:05:17] Uh question, some people familiar with Extension:Maps ? Trying to make it work but the actual Doc is so unhelping, they show stuff in demos but not how to do it... Sucha pain šŸ˜¬ [19:23:11] I've never used it so I'm not sure [19:23:31] Probably best for #support with some links [19:24:22] Yeah I guess, just sad that even their doc isn't useful šŸ˜• [19:27:08] You can improve the docs once you work it out šŸ™‚ [19:27:29] Actually no, they made it admin only XD [19:27:40] They have their own wiki for the Doc [19:31:00] That really sucks [19:31:34] So much for the wiki way [19:32:09] admin protected docs [19:32:15] ehat a weird choice [19:32:29] Even mine isn't that restricted XD [19:58:17] one of those offbrand 'you get what you get' extensions I guess [19:59:00] Okay yeah nope, I think I will just do a simple thing and won't bother with colors or anything else. Even the doc saying "you can use X Tool to make your GeoJSON" isn't actually true since a lot of features don't actually carry on.. [19:59:22] Sad because it was the only one that seemed to allow for custom map image.. šŸ˜• [20:25:10] How to see every page on wiki? [20:27:21] Special:AllPages [20:32:20] Here you go https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_history [20:32:54] oh nice [20:33:00] I'll help edit it and add what I know [20:42:34] Every week I find a new page on meta [20:42:40] yoooo [20:43:58] @reception123 @felenov should i go make a stocks page on meta later today [20:44:06] there's quite a lot of lore to go through [20:44:15] TropicalWikis, Orain, all the incidents [20:44:30] [[WP:DOIT]] [20:44:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:DOIT [20:44:31] [20:45:55] My comedic to do list is getting long lmao [20:46:13] [1/17] - [ ] Yap [20:46:13] [2/17] - [ ] finish my old WIP extension project [20:46:13] [3/17] - [ ] Work on any of the 194739 open features tasks for Miraheze extensions [20:46:14] [4/17] - [ ] Translate to wiki [20:46:14] [5/17] - [ ] Translate ALL the wikis???? [20:46:14] [6/17] - [ ] Asbestos [20:46:15] [7/17] - [ ] Find the vandals [20:46:15] [8/17] - [ ] Eat the vandals [20:46:15] [9/17] - [ ] Profit??? [20:46:15] [10/17] - [ ] Make tool to find the vandals [20:46:16] [11/17] - [ ] Write blog post on tool to find the vandals [20:46:16] [12/17] - [ ] Finish blog post about the idea of tool to find the vandals [20:46:17] [13/17] - [ ] Convince the gadget man to make tool to help eat the vandals [20:46:17] [14/17] - [ ] Save an extension thatā€™s barely younger then me from being broken for the second update in a row [20:46:18] [15/17] - [ ] Camp recent changes and every noticeboard under the sun [20:46:18] [16/17] - [ ] Blackmail the Roblox API for PHIGHTING! Wiki [20:46:19] [17/17] - [ ] Make a village stocks page on Miraheze Meta and bully senior volunteers into filling it. [20:46:31] Wait huh apple notes copying the bullet formatting [20:58:51] Why is ā€œasbestosā€ on your to do list [21:00:47] Listen [21:00:53] Thereā€™s a reason [21:00:59] Iā€™m sure [21:01:48] [1/2] >find the vandals [21:01:49] [2/2] >eat the vandals [21:02:35] What [21:02:37] im hungry [21:09:26] Added a bit about the rebrand incident [21:10:43] oh yeah that [21:11:09] fun times (for the lurkers- no not at all) [21:13:56] [1/2] I support "Mira" as Miraheze's new name [21:13:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284623191762796605/image.png?ex=66e74e14&is=66e5fc94&hm=d906ccb5b200fcab68bec7444466a2004dc833a915315f7ef9eceeb501df4033& [21:15:43] try asking Gemini [21:15:48] or any other ai [21:15:53] curious [21:18:27] [1/2] Except for the last part, Gemini summarized it pretty well [21:18:27] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284624328448671825/image.png?ex=66e74f23&is=66e5fda3&hm=f8d3810f701db21a32951bd198824300183d27503ac7e3fbf5e0d1970359e6f6& [21:20:15] makes me wonder where it got this from [21:20:25] ask it where the info is from [21:22:08] [1/2] I asked it again because I don't have chat history turned on - now it's associating us with Wikimedia [21:22:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284625252663558294/image.png?ex=66e74fff&is=66e5fe7f&hm=4aac51a508e6bdbaf8a78b3b635c79196b0b2027506857f4c3792b9efbab6234& [21:22:25] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284625327330693200/image.png?ex=66e75011&is=66e5fe91&hm=1a0863330849e8871ba309fc7d6c68c8743f0ec450d4af15057351866e26f2a7& [21:22:30] I'm pretty sure that before the farms merged there was a FAQ/answer on WikiTide that the Miraheze name was going to be retained. [21:25:53] ai hallucination is fun isn't it [21:26:21] Cap. If we had news articles we could have managed an enwiki article [21:30:33] one day [21:46:05] unlikely [21:48:58] Is there a way to mass delete every page in a namespace? [21:49:03] special:Nuke isn't working [21:51:36] [[WP:AWB]] or [[WP:JWB]] maybe [21:51:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:AWB https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:JWB [21:51:37] [1/2] [21:51:37] [2/2] [21:56:12] Thanks! [21:56:19] Does exactly what I need. [21:58:03] Awesome :) [22:12:20] [1/2] Is there a way to automate this so I don't have to click it constantly? [22:12:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284637888243564604/image.png?ex=66e75bc3&is=66e60a43&hm=deeb55f487987fc453d8901ad17884417af3c81585c2a4a3a003f1b2589acc9a& [22:13:01] yes [22:13:09] theres a button [22:13:13] somewhere [22:13:19] :Uh: [22:13:25] Dam [22:15:16] Try checking the other menus [22:16:07] got it [22:16:09] LET'S GO [22:16:17] Just had to turn on the bot [22:17:00] Wait hm [22:17:08] It didn't actually delete it [22:17:12] it just removed them from the list [22:17:13] šŸ’€ [22:59:25] No expert for sure, but I don't think you can fully automate with AWB, still a LOT faster than doing a lot of identical edits, or in your case deletions manually via the website [23:00:18] AutoWikiBrowser is semiautomatic but helps a lot [23:00:33] you can have it chug through by itself [23:00:38] deletions, not sure [23:01:09] Mine: xlate meta fully, make ron.miraheze.org acutally useful, figure out template:infobox [23:01:36] [1/2] > figure out template:infobox [23:01:36] [2/2] aight. Cya in 2050 [23:02:28] Remember that [[w:Template:Structural evolution of the European Union]] exists [23:02:28] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Structural_evolution_of_the_European_Union [23:02:29] [23:02:51] [1/2] This is a table [23:02:51] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284650600021360680/d2aee119c4db3f88.png?ex=66e7679a&is=66e6161a&hm=108834c1daade6bcf1060316bd57f07c6c32eac541bff07733d4ff8bdec93a6b& [23:03:45] looking at this makes me wanna WP:KMS [23:03:49] You can do a lot with tables, with a bit of creativity [23:04:47] and a lack of sanity [23:04:55] Fair xD [23:05:06] Making templates like this is a form of online masochism [23:06:18] https://tenor.com/view/table-tennis-fr-gif-27348982 [23:06:53] I wonder how this is done [23:07:35] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Template:Structural_evolution_of_the_European_Union&action=history It's pretty simple [23:13:09] Hey how do I make it where you are required to log in and edit on my Wiki [23:15:30] [[Special:ManageWiki/permissions, go to ā€˜*ā€™ and remove the edit, create page etc right [23:19:00] I want to do that for all of my Wikis Thank you šŸ™ [23:26:11] lol [23:28:05] the fact its CGI did NOT register for a bit [23:28:31] The higher quality clip is even more amazing.