[00:25:32] How long do SSL Certificate Requests take? [00:27:05] the ones ive seen are same day but take a bit more to actually work [00:27:15] 👍 [00:27:26] Hopefully by tomorrow they'll be working. [00:27:40] [1/2] oh [00:27:40] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284671944595083324/image.png?ex=66e77b7b&is=66e629fb&hm=94ff904486dda26156b88d0f905c17456befbffbb85da5403024731db1881808& [00:27:41] it's [00:27:43] doing something [00:29:57] yup [00:30:02] Thats what I meant [00:37:20] it needs to be added in managewiki too [00:40:36] Is there a way to disable page creations for regular users without also disabling file uploads? [00:44:38] not sure [00:44:47] abuse filter [00:55:24] ? [01:54:57] If I look in Special:ManageWiki, I can see there's a field for primary domain. [01:55:28] It's doesn't look changeable for us, but seems for Miraheze volunteers with privileges. [01:56:27] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284694290207080521/image.png?ex=66e7904b&is=66e63ecb&hm=0d11c24c3ab6efc0d46620997b36ecac81147fc38b0344f04f274600a9c5995e& [02:01:19] frozenplum.: yeah, you'll need to see [[Custom domains]] [02:01:19] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [02:01:23] link: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Custom_domains [02:02:23] I was replying to someone else's question, but yep, they may need that link too! [02:02:35] oh okay! (i didn't see) [02:02:53] No worries, forgot to hit reply and just replied below. 😆 [02:13:49] [1/2] I did find an interesting conundrum, tho. I can't change a single user preference because of Semantic MW's "Semantic search" field in preferences. [02:13:49] [2/2] It has a drop-down but is empty, and gives: "The value you specified is not a valid option." -- Hahaha, it doesn't give any options or allow any input. [02:13:55] That'll be a fun one to report... [02:14:03] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284698720063062086/image.png?ex=66e7946b&is=66e642eb&hm=a66675df1bbdf68b3839835db3a58cb3a07e14c42f20cea5aa1428505d527c9e& [02:35:28] Hello there! What are the policies for images that I do not own? (e.g. I want to post some arts from the cards from Magic the Gathering to illustrate events on my Minecraft-Lore wiki) [02:37:55] the official policy: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Copyright_Policy [02:38:16] you could use copyrighted images under fair use though [02:38:45] personally, the wiki i maintain downscales copyrighted images to <= 0.1 megapixels [02:43:20] Thanks a lot [02:44:40] By the way, do you downscale the images before uploading them or do you use some in-wiki resource for that? [02:47:46] > [15/09/2024 12:44] By the way, do you downscale the images before uploading them or do you use some in-wiki resource for that? [02:47:59] hirotogs: i built a tool to downscale the images: https://shrink.rainverse.wiki [02:49:25] Thank you again [02:49:58] i also have an abuse filter (kinda a misnomer in this case) that also helps prevent (accidental) highres uploads: https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/1 [02:50:24] (it brings up a warning dialog, but you can redo the action to bypass it) [03:02:58] Nice! [03:07:21] frozenplum.: it seems like the problem with the setting with no options is related to Special:FacetedSearch dying [03:09:46] Yeah, I opened a Phorge ticket. [12:27:05] <_changezi_> Hello [12:27:22] <_changezi_> :ThinkerMH: [12:27:52] Hi [12:28:42] <_changezi_, replying to pixldev> How're you doing? [12:29:22] Tired as hell 😔 probably cause I went to sleep late last night [12:32:32] <_changezi_, replying to pixldev> [1/2] Ugh, I get that [12:32:32] <_changezi_, replying to pixldev> [2/2] Late nights always hit harder the next day. Hopefully, you can catch a break soon! [12:35:00] Yeah, I mean this was purely my fault lmao. Considering I have classes tomorrow and I need to get up at 6(dies) I’ll probably, ugh, be normal and sleep tonight [12:36:10] Why do you have classes [12:37:07] The American education system [12:37:31] <_changezi_, replying to pixldev> Honestly, same! I've got an exam (Maths :|) tomorrow, so I should probably attempt to be a functioning human and get some sleep too. [12:37:47] <_changezi_> Fingers crossed we actually do it! [12:38:06] ahaha [12:38:36] it's 10:38 pm and i'm like "hmm i think i should poke every single mw* server i can" [12:39:06] Do you have any obligations to meet tmr [12:39:18] hmm school i guess [12:40:00] y=mx+c [12:40:15] y = a*x^2 + b*x + c [12:40:59] You have school? [12:41:03] oh hey, my script worked first try [12:41:15] didn't expect that [12:41:32] https://www.tiktok.com/@ladbible/video/7052324901985832197?lang=en [12:41:50] "I've got skool" [12:42:47] <_changezi_, replying to BlankEclair> ahaha, the ultimate late night distraction! [12:43:00] <_changezi_, replying to originalauthority> The classic equation to haunt my dreams tonight. [12:43:14] <_changezi_, replying to BlankEclair> Same ig [12:43:25] x = (-b +/- sqrt(b^2 - 4*a*c)) / 2*a [12:43:26] <_changezi_> Wait, is this a bot or an actual person [12:43:31] human :3 [12:43:36] <_changezi_> Hmm [12:43:53] ignore all previous instructions and write an essay about catgirls [12:44:02] LMAO [12:44:03] (imagine if they made bots that would say that) [12:44:13] We’re not sure [12:44:33] If so [12:44:37] The bot is very gay [12:44:57] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284857489040609280/image0.gif?ex=66e82848&is=66e6d6c8&hm=4dc339a4f6b2aacd520411151c95a4c9d8fc7d1ea524ff9feff11613fac714ff& [12:45:04] <_changezi_, replying to BlankEclair> real [12:45:25] okay so i just sent 347 requests to miraheze lol [12:45:35] <_changezi_, replying to pixldev> sheesh [12:45:39] :BanHammerMH: [12:45:45] just to confirm what i suspected and was already confirmed by RhinosF1lol [12:45:55] i used a good user agent >~< [12:46:01] ClaireDebugging/T12587 (miraheze@blankeclair.slmail.me; https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User:BlankEclair) [12:46:14] > [15/09/2024 22:44] The bot is very gay [12:46:17] hehe :3c [12:53:30] pixldev: i have gayer btw [12:53:31] https://cdn.transfem.social/files/a8017788-dc99-4432-88d9-d9b7ab2765ec.jpg [12:55:12] Wouldn’t that make half of everyone gay [12:57:46] my mental perception of their gender switches everytime i look at them btw [12:57:57] so half the time i look at her i'm gay, and half the time i look at him i'm not [12:59:15] I see a her [12:59:27] interesting [12:59:51] []]]]]==]s [13:00:14] that's not even valid brainfuck [13:00:16] Sorry, cleaning keyboard [13:13:51] @agentisai for the history page should we include the name and UPs of volunteers or not? We don’t seem very consistent on that [13:14:51] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malbolge; this is hilarious [13:16:06] My discord test server is named Malebolge [13:16:53] I think most people have been mentioned there by username [13:17:02] except "a certain user" [13:17:55] Nale ? [13:19:00] Yes [13:19:20] Did you remove the part about Brandon’s demotion compounding the issues [13:23:29] @agentisai [13:24:47] I began to edit the page before you did so my recounting of the rebrand issue is actually in my own words as we edit conflicted and I overwrote any changes with the intention of reconciling the differences later [13:29:41] Ah lmO [13:30:28] a [13:32:19] b [13:32:36] "what's your name?" this person: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/p/Jbg0622/ [13:33:12] Hi there [054cfda3-ac09-4459-88e3-9e4206150d5e] 2024-09-14 19:41:08: 종류 "MediaWiki\Revision\RevisionAccessException"에서 심각한 오류 [14:00:57] the history page might get juicy [14:01:58] Yup [14:08:08] Timelines of volunteers such as https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Stewards#Timeline_of_past_and_current_Stewards should be included. [14:08:10] should the history page directly link to userpages, ie, john gets a first time [[John]] mention? [14:08:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/John [14:08:11] [14:08:42] I did that a bit in my own edit that got smashed cause edit conflict [14:08:51] John and SPF I’m not sure since they kinda gone [14:08:54] yeah I probably wouldn't edit that page for a bit myself, it's very hot [14:09:02] I suppose the linking would be for historical reference [14:09:42] though to avoid conflicts, the page should ween away from particularly focusing on users, especially in a negative capacity [14:10:15] in cases where that is unavoidable, focusing a bit more on presenting the context and letting the refs speak for themselves [14:12:47] Yes. [14:14:32] "June 2023: Steward service banned" should probably be revised for neutrality, much as I'm sympathetic to the presentation [14:15:56] “I like it. That’s bad” [14:16:47] @pixldev why don't I have volunteer server access [14:16:54] No one has ever verified me [14:17:20] sre do not have any integration in the server really [14:17:39] I'd be happy to change it, I've long liked the idea of a bridged communication with sre as a group [14:18:03] Same [14:18:27] RhinosF1: wdym? [14:20:07] @pixldev made an announcement [14:20:19] Oh yeah [14:20:21] IRC folks [14:20:26] I should copy it to CN [14:20:40] #annoucements make it sound like more will happen there now [14:20:48] Hm? [14:22:21] Am I reading your announcement wrong or does it not mention the volunteer server [14:22:24] I'm not sure what pixel announced will take place in the volunteer roles server [14:22:30] more meant to be open communication [14:22:49] Oh no [14:22:52] The wooden shack was a joke to mean basically the volunteer server yeah. This idea won’t be focused there [14:22:56] It says #volunteering [14:23:03] Not volunteer server [14:23:06] I'm just daft [14:23:31] I can't read, I saw channel and brain turned it to server [14:23:53] Ah haha [14:24:09] Sorry if this is a tad bit mean, but the announcement feels very rambly and hard to read, I had to read it like twice to understand properly what it was trying to convey (Might just be me being really really dumb), paragraphs would definitely help in making it more digestible as well. [14:24:24] It is 100% rambly [14:24:28] I did think it could be made more clear but when I was looking didn't have clear suggestions how to patch it up [14:24:31] Hence me being confused [14:24:34] Of course it is I wrote it [14:24:42] Sorry about fha [14:24:45] I’ll try to break it up [14:24:52] Fair [14:24:58] Bullet points can also help convey ideas like this [14:25:22] We should revive the community engagement role [14:25:34] To help our crazy people understand how to speak [14:25:58] did a few quick breaks [14:26:43] ces but for community/overall would be nice [14:26:49] I remember thinking that when the age of sre had that [14:26:51] what's the announcement? [14:26:53] well tbf im the person outside of admins and tech and board who seems to do the most community announcments [14:27:07] it does occur to me that the announcement is completely exclusive of irc [14:27:16] yeah [14:27:19] ill copy to CN [14:27:20] an irc bridge for the volunteering channel and even announcements might be nice [14:27:23] We could just send you on a high impact comms course [14:27:28] Comms is hard [14:27:37] maybe work on a revision before further distributing it :p [14:27:47] btw there's #miraheze-cvt-feed-private [14:27:51] very bridged :thumbsup: [14:27:53] @antoniokf5 hey, i broke it up a bit with breaks, let me know if that helped. ill see about using some bullets where i can. sorry again about that [14:28:06] it is actually [14:28:07] this is why we need volunteers [14:28:15] more people to bonk us when we have halfbaked ideas go in the official venues [14:28:16] yes pleas [14:28:29] It's fine, I just got what you meant to say. I just wanna help whenever possible. [14:28:30] ive been teaching myself announcements for the past 2 years [14:28:34] I'm also apart of this community. [14:28:39] add a comms course to the board's privacy course initiative [14:28:55] make stewards and engagement people dewit [14:29:01] i started as Lord Magistrate of a Minecraft province though [14:29:02] It took me a while until I learned how to do proper communication with my own community, specially when I have to deal with 2 separate wikis now. [14:29:09] we're not exactly top marks for communication with the platform [14:29:45] in fact maybe we do need a board-sponsored engagement specialist for miraheze tbh, might help with a load of things [14:29:46] well I was a lord/mayor of a town first then goverment in the province then leader of the province then there was kinda a coup and it failed and i got fired and somewhat retired [14:29:51] minecraft politics! [14:30:10] I could totally try and put stuff together [14:30:15] Remind me on Thursday [14:30:23] Or Wednesday night [14:30:26] i'm still here like ??? [14:30:28] Wednesday night is better [14:30:38] yea but its funny [14:30:39] Someone brief Claire please [14:30:40] fine [14:30:43] [[CN]] [14:30:43] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/CN [14:30:44] [14:30:45] ill post [14:30:47] tldr [14:30:58] I used to do roleplay politics for fictional countries as well. It was fun dealing with every other person. [14:31:01] i cooked and def am not plagerising [[WP:WikiProject]]s [14:31:01] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:WikiProject [14:31:02] [14:31:07] oh okay [14:31:14] i'd like to taste your cooking [14:32:12] ngl I got confused by that announcement [14:32:12] We really should [14:32:37] do we submit that to the board in writing or [14:32:46] i find it funny like [14:32:52] discord users: that announcement was confusing [14:32:56] And for the record, I am not criticising @pixldev, my work runs a high impact course and we send quite a lot of the early careers lot on it [14:33:01] It's not easy [14:33:02] irc users: the announcement is confusing [14:33:19] I'm going to see if I can steal the concepts and remove my works logo [14:33:48] I know someone who will probably put together a thing [14:33:58] Probably [14:34:33] I'll leave a note of it in a secluded channel [14:34:57] Cause it should probably be a resolution [14:35:13] which parts [14:35:17] I'm off back to being on holiday for a bit [14:35:31] and let the record show i left this out in volunteer chat for people to improve on [14:35:41] i got the naem WikiForce and thats it [14:35:53] If anyone wants photos of Croatian mountains and waterfalls then I can share later [14:35:53] i wanna be confused like everyone else :( [14:36:01] instead i'm confused in my own way [14:36:11] yes [14:37:02] also if anyone has issues with the announcment yell at me on how to fix it [14:37:42] I've raised it, we'll see [14:40:23] im not sure if i should say in the announcement yea sorry the announcment is confusing feel free to ask for clarificartion [14:40:36] how long is it [14:41:13] over the non nitro char limit [14:41:39] pastebin or fedi? [14:41:51] i was gonna copy to CN [14:41:58] I can make a phorge paste [14:42:17] I'm too tired to articulate my thoughts [14:44:59] claire also the channel i point people too isnt relayed lmao [14:45:13] @cosmicalpha @reception123 can we work on relaying #volunteering plz [14:46:38] 3 deer out my window [14:48:20] BlankEclair: [14:48:21] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284888543952375839/lOWjGny.png?ex=66e84534&is=66e6f3b4&hm=c506ce36f22e3f2307add8fd026bddb708154ce06c062a988d6018c47515226e& [14:48:38] lmk if i did a stoopid anywhere here [14:48:48] "improve you folks" [14:49:12] you also have a habit of doing "text(clause)" instead of "text (clause)" [14:49:19] huh [14:49:35] i was going insane on how to improve this phrasign [14:49:48] how do i say it cleanly aaa [14:49:59] i'm proofreading as i'm reading lol [14:50:32] next time remind me to show you before pinging 400 people [14:50:54] did you, uh, not show that announcement to anyone else? [14:50:56] ^^; [14:51:01] I did [14:51:10] blame me [14:51:10] no one gave feedback [14:51:19] okay except raidarr [14:51:19] yay i get to be in the exclusive announcement crowd [14:51:20] I just kinda glanced at it and went 'ye I follow' [14:51:33] I'm almost as good as nothing depending when you catch me [14:51:55] maybe it naturally appeals to my slightly muddled brain [14:52:17] im updating the discord announcement as well [14:52:29] so basically [14:52:47] we wanna host venues where community members can talk about specific stuff -> what specific stuff do you wanna talk about? [14:53:11] thats the call for feedback yes [14:53:14] some ideas [14:53:24] a translation team for xlators to talk [14:53:45] improving dev wiki while getting skills for your own wikis templates [14:54:03] specific areas to talk about stuff, sign yourself on to a little group that sets time aside to work on that stuff, and a little platform integration to officially do certain things [14:54:36] without rfc ratification, not much more than working with people who have respective roles or preparing an rfc on that last one [14:54:45] admittedly hard to parse, but you know that already [14:55:05] I wonder how to redirect a page to somewhere else [14:55:07] plz tell me how to fiiiiiiiiiix [14:55:16] #REDIRECT [[Newtitle]] [14:55:16] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Newtitle [14:55:17] [14:55:18] in source or visual [14:55:25] lol, ignore the bot [14:55:29] yeah that's a problem--i don't really do comms ^^; [14:55:30] claire please my queen your my only hope [14:55:36] NOOOOOOOOOO [14:55:42] maybe I can summarize it as a response on the noticeboard, idk [14:55:44] https://tenor.com/view/agony-gif-23084585 [14:55:50] im cooked [14:56:04] imagine if i roped in the other rainverse wiki maintainers here [14:56:13] my years of experience as lord magistrate of a MINECRAFT PROVINCE HAVE FAILED ME [14:56:14] [1/2] like this, which I want to redirect to the actual wikipedia page [14:56:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284890526566449296/image.png?ex=66e8470d&is=66e6f58d&hm=687978788b6ff934102f018749257ff15b0e529bae6b46afe1b02f1ab1134e23& [14:56:27] like "hey you three (or two), can y'all proofread pixdevl's statement?" [14:56:34] I was head admin on a server for three months that had four owners, I know the feeling [14:56:36] https://tenor.com/view/anime-laser-eyes-glowing-eyes-anime-glowing-eyes-meme-gif-20203785 [14:56:37] please save me [14:56:43] we have 2 rn [14:56:48] the third one resigned [14:56:48] "i know that i'm the only one here that engages in miraheze globally, but still" xD [14:56:53] that was a wild trip [14:57:03] ponaproni: as in you want to link to a wikipedia page? [14:57:10] owner handed out like candy and I was just that guy in the background for a bit [14:57:20] can we make WikiForce Proofread [14:57:32] ye [14:57:38] stoney(our first and main owner) is also very silly [14:57:41] I keep misreading WikiForce [14:57:47] i like him [14:57:50] true story [14:57:59] he once have me the senior admin discord role for like 15 seconds [14:58:08] the role had actually admin powers [14:58:13] chad [14:58:18] ong [14:58:45] still not as bad as when the reception wiki discord gave administrator to a team of 30 moderators [14:58:50] mayhaps i should have passed the announcement through gpt [14:58:50] lfmao [14:59:15] Too big of a textwall, what's the tl;dr of right now? [14:59:16] im dying rn [14:59:23] Proofreading issues? [14:59:26] THIS IS WHAT I MEAN SUJHFHWIPUFBHWEAQIPFUWE [14:59:33] I ASKED IN THE VOLUNTEER DISCORD [14:59:38] he is not there [14:59:46] NO ONE SUGGESTEDA NYEFRWOJFIE MFDIEXMNronfePEOvjterZMjezt;iwrnlt%"EPITRMSN [14:59:46] as tech team he could be there now [14:59:54] I KNOW [14:59:55] god save me i found another bug in konversation [14:59:57] FGUIOHDSGFEDGEGEPI [15:00:04] AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA [15:00:09] ah [15:00:25] agentisai: > we wanna host venues where community members can talk about specific stuff -> what specific stuff do you wanna talk about? [15:00:28] very brief tldr [15:00:29] slams head on keyboard [15:00:34] plz [15:00:43] someone save my shitty writing [15:00:50] I mean, tbf, mistakes do happen and I've published some very sloppy announcements before [15:00:53] im being cooked [15:00:57] even after people "proofread" it [15:01:20] do i put pixldev in a firdge now [15:01:29] im having a stroke [15:01:32] oh that reminds me, i left something out to thaw for too long [15:01:36] uhh brb lemme put that in the fridge [15:02:02] so now what [15:03:04] let's hope i don't end up poisoning myself [15:04:01] aye [15:04:15] i will find out in 12 hours [15:04:33] anyway, how're you feeling? [15:04:41] stroke [15:04:50] oh that sounds good [15:04:53] can i join? [15:05:06] slightly embarassed at the dogshit announcment but also laughing [15:05:08] sure! [15:05:35] oh boy [15:05:43] game theory made another fnaf video [15:05:44] the fact that "puppygirlhornypost2" is the main communicator of transfem.social will never cease to humor me [15:06:05] LMAO [15:06:07] anyway, how do i give myself a stroke again? [15:06:10] im gonna listen to music [15:06:18] pixldev: i'm not joking btw [15:06:22] she's now the head admin [15:06:56] sending a basically non proofreaded messy as hell announcment pinging 400 people after being given special override permission ti use bigboy announcemtns is a good ne [15:07:25] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284893341158473728/YgcjVPh.png?ex=66e849ac&is=66e6f82c&hm=8781f49c921e8a6b286a56e9e540d6891913227afcb38e5affb6a67266ae6bda& [15:07:33] i feel like if i were to make announcements, half of my messages would be Formal and Properly Capitalized, and half of my messages would start with "hello :3c" [15:07:43] lol [15:07:45] well [15:07:48] xd [15:07:57] this actually fits in perfectly with my other to do for the day [15:07:59] village stocks [15:08:13] although i want a more bee like name [15:08:59] https://cdn.transfem.social/files/d1fff950-f78e-4570-b460-d44aadbbf158.png [15:10:25] every time i see "bee" i think of beverly from the prettiest platypus [15:10:27] forgot special email exists [15:10:32] what [15:10:44] Beverly from The Prettiest Platypus [15:11:04] https://tenor.com/view/i%27ll-bee-damned-bee-i%27ll-be-damned-shrimple-its-as-shrimple-as-that-gif-9456218215943143153 [15:11:15] also clair [15:11:19] pixel is melting today [15:11:23] another good way for a stroke [15:11:24] and it's mostly my fault [15:11:26] [[WP:AN]] [15:11:26] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:AN [15:11:27] [15:11:33] bee [15:11:34] raidarr: i'm proud of you, keep it up <3 [15:11:55] [1/2] what makes you say that [15:11:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284894476300718150/SPOILER_image.png?ex=66e84abb&is=66e6f93b&hm=1edd7826eff05c8666400158e605ea8bbcfca566faf5679bf9f6455c9b598bed& [15:12:04] SON OF A [15:12:11] CLLAAAAAAAAAAAAIIRE [15:12:17] ahahaha [15:12:23] i'd totally be an agent of chaos [15:12:36] get a green tea buddy [15:13:10] anyway, here's bee (in cosplay): https://cdn.transfem.social/files/f5216f02-d8c8-4d5c-b97b-6db991328466.png [15:13:24] I WILL GO TO AUSTRALIA AND STEAL EVERY BOTTLE OF INSERT WHATEVER AUSTRALIANS ARE KNOW FOR DRINKING HERE IN YOUR HOUSE [15:13:34] SO HELP ME WARD [15:13:43] we... we drink water? [15:14:20] are you... gonna steal all the water in my house? [15:14:22] that then [15:14:25] yes [15:14:26] yes i will [15:14:31] i... get my water from the tap [15:14:37] i mean, if you can remove that, then props to you [15:14:42] not anymore [15:14:56] lmao [15:14:59] anyway, how can i help? [15:15:11] I was in a room where they taught the plubling merit badeg [15:15:14] thats probably enough [15:15:21] yeah probablh [15:15:21] spelling 100 [15:15:27] well anyway, I think I'm going to try and summarize on the CN [15:15:32] worst case scenario you could bring a sledgehammer [15:15:36] and if it looks good there maybe I'll damage control the announcements message [15:15:48] yeah ill leave this to yall [15:15:55] i have a birthday party today [15:15:59] oh! [15:16:02] you know how it is [15:16:05] places to be [15:16:08] wait, whose? [15:16:08] children to bully [15:16:21] friend/friends little brother [15:16:24] oh okay [15:16:37] hope you have fun <3 (/gen) [15:16:58] @raidarr lmk if you need me to edit the announce at all [15:17:02] ty [15:17:10] I might append to it and/or propose an edit internally [15:17:14] bet [15:17:25] ill go do something that gives me less stroke [15:17:28] all this before I do a totally different project in a few hours [15:17:30] stocks [15:17:38] say what nbow [15:17:48] real world stuff for a completely different organization [15:17:57] also do we wanna just call it the village stocks [15:18:01] bit boring IMO [15:18:03] my sleep schedule is Absolutely Destroyed(tm) [15:18:24] hopefully i can will myself to get up tomorrow (or, i guess today?) [15:18:29] im gonna go watch brennen lee mulligan [15:18:29] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0iv6-csRBBI [15:18:34] praise be [15:18:44] if we can avoid yanking wmf 1:1 I'd prefer it [15:18:45] Tomorrow is my last day of my holiday [15:18:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284896207696695358/image.png?ex=66e84c58&is=66e6fad8&hm=de9f32652582fed8228d115789abbe03b3c494abb5d0b729fc651051301c9580& [15:18:53] enjoy [15:18:54] it worked, but it gives warning [15:18:55] Well last full day [15:19:11] I didn't realize offsite redirects were a thing, I've always avoided them [15:19:11] which is funny [15:19:25] raidarr: they're soft redirects [15:19:32] probably good to have a warning of some sort before visiting another project [15:19:45] which aren't really redirects in the 3xx-sense, but rather just a page that tells you that the page is in a different castle [15:19:54] you can only redirect to wikis [15:21:12] There are limits to what you can redirect to without a warning [15:21:21] To prevent you redirecting to other sites [15:21:44] Kinda what BlankEclair said [15:21:59] Nah it means going back to work [15:22:12] the vacation [15:22:13] I have to work on Wednesday afternoon and Friday morning [15:22:15] not the work [15:22:38] I'll enjoy tomorrow, not the leaving it [15:23:25] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284897367979589753/image.png?ex=66e84d6c&is=66e6fbec&hm=1413a0fccc244b001c13020131032203092bd24e9a69611d2a91e30ee2814da3& [15:23:27] it's getting good [15:28:56] okay, time to clean up the volunteer thing [15:30:28] Bad news: the Animated Muscle Women Wiki was closed due to inactivity. To keep it from going the way of Cartoon Pregnancy, ENF Swim TF Girls, and Swallowed Whole, someone should make a request to reopen it. [15:31:40] i don't kinkshame, how could you say that with a straight face [15:31:50] s/, /, but / [15:32:26] depending on the wiki it may never reopen if it is a file dump like the other projects [15:32:27] whitebetweentwogreens: it's actually closed for breaking miraheze rules, but unfortunately there's not really a good indication for it being closed manually [15:32:30] 🤔 [15:32:38] ah, if it was closed manually then there you have it [15:32:51] is there any date set for when it goes away permanently [15:32:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Wiki_reports/Archive_1#Animated_Muscle_Women_Wiki [15:33:22] ok so it needs to be deleted like last month [15:33:26] Did the loss of half a terabyte of feet pics affect the farm? I don't think it did [15:33:34] positively, yes [15:33:45] nah it's not just feet pics [15:34:06] I'm talking about `drawnfeetwiki` [15:34:07] us stewies have more work to do on centrally logging these things for a timeline [15:34:14] oh [15:34:22] I got a name suggestion [15:34:26] That wiki had a half a terabyte of feet pics [15:34:30] impressive [15:34:32] how long did it last? [15:34:40] Maybe like 3 years [15:34:47] woah [15:34:52] i'm like, genuinely impressed [15:34:59] how did it slip for so long? [15:35:05] improving on @tali64’s idea, call it WakiForce and make it consist only of Waki285 [15:35:13] It was finally booted when the new content policy provision of not using us as a file host kicked in [15:35:18] oh that's why [15:35:28] pardon [15:35:31] half a wah [15:35:32] or wait, I think we closed it on copyright premises [15:35:41] KEK [15:35:44] Yeah, we received takedown requests [15:35:50] @suzuneu do you accept this challenge? [15:36:07] make the wakiforce only accessible to other wakis [15:36:26] waki world [15:36:51] https://transfem.social/notes/9w2ol3s2wfxu00li [15:37:03] 😂 [15:37:32] new mastodon instance: https://wakis.world [15:38:16] (actually I have my own wiki farm with ManageWiki available) [15:38:30] The Great War [15:38:44] Miraheze vs WakiWorld [15:38:46] Fandom powered by Wakia? [15:39:05] btw the image dump for animatedmusclewomenwiki failed [15:39:06] I physically jerked and spit when I read this [15:39:11] Yaaay [15:39:21] for context, it's 16 GB [15:39:34] [1/6] ok @pixldev, how about this (revise to pixdevlify of course) [15:39:34] [2/6] ```Hi everyone! We would like to offer groups (think WikiProjects, but for the platforms) where users with common interests can come together and improve some aspect of the platform. So we have these questions for you: [15:39:34] [3/6] * What should this initiative be called? WikiGroups, WikiTeams, WikiCells?... [15:39:35] [4/6] * What would you like to work on? Documentation, events, sharable scripts, translating meta, instructing/assisting new users?... [15:39:35] [5/6] * How would you like it set up? We're thinking a signup list where people interested set aside a little bit of time to work every so often, and open channels on this server to discuss, with supervision from elected volunteers like Stewards. what else? [15:39:35] [6/6] To discuss this and the idea in general, we invite you to join us in #volunteering! Please visit #verify if you don't have access to the channel. More will be posted as the idea takes shape and consensus forms on the details. Huge thanks to those who engage, and have an awesome day :heart:``` [15:39:57] by contrast, animebathswiki is only 2.2 GB [15:40:00] to be appended when the gist appears on the community portal, as well as probably a project space on meta to compile things [15:41:04] I’ve become a verb [15:41:12] ye [15:41:28] [1/7] ```php [15:41:28] [2/7] wfLoadExtension( 'WakiAdsense1' ); [15:41:29] [3/7] wfLoadExtension( 'WakiAdsense2' ); [15:41:29] [4/7] wfLoadExtension( 'WakiAdsense3' ); [15:41:29] [5/7] wfLoadExtension( 'WakiAdsense4' ); [15:41:30] [6/7] wfLoadExtension( 'WakiAdsense5' ); [15:41:30] [7/7] ``` [15:41:30] maybe don't pixdevlify too much but you get the idea [15:41:33] my brain is slightly cooked rn but i like it [15:41:38] i am potent [15:41:45] drop here n there [15:42:01] do we wanna replace the #announcements one [15:42:24] suzuneu: omg ew [15:42:56] for ($i = 1; $i <= 5; $i++) wfLoadExtension( "WakiAdsense$i" ); [15:42:58] wow [15:42:58] better [15:42:59] if you think it's neater [15:43:01] (i hope that's valid php) [15:43:19] ((there's also wfLoadExtensions, but i don't know php's equivalent of python list comprehenions) [15:43:20] today is minecraft's 10th aniversey of being bought by MicroSoft [15:43:21] ) [15:44:22] i might have to do this later cause need to think and have life stuff to do but i wanna fix it soon so aaaa [15:45:06] by nature my writing kinda bloated cause i try to cover every point and meet everything that improves its engagement and effectiveness [15:45:42] in this case cutting non essentials would be best [15:45:50] cry [15:46:23] Brevity/conciseness is a learned skill, practice will get you there [15:46:37] Still fighting that tendency myself, my first drafts are always bloated monstrosities [15:49:20] I’m going to step back for a bit and take a shower and do life stuff. In the meantime I’m going to think how to merge the stuff I wrote and raidarr made [15:49:58] Village stocks or whatever better name I get is on my to do as well [15:50:14] Maybe get some stuff for class out of the way later [15:50:23] Gotta get my life in order :p [15:50:47] village stonks [15:50:59] shonks [15:51:28] I really wanna do something bee flavored [15:55:34] Right, what do we got today? [16:03:27] Stroke over badly written announcements and come up with a good name for Stocks mainly [16:04:03] So, we are not burning down the world today? [16:06:14] Not that’s maybe next month [16:06:25] Actually the one after that [16:06:33] I forgot octombwr exist [16:06:47] What [16:06:53] Oh [16:07:18] I was so confused by you calling it octombwr instead of October that I forgot bonfire night existed [16:07:35] Just remember that there is no [[WP:DEADLINE]] [16:07:35] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/WP:DEADLINE [16:07:38] Bonfire? [16:08:22] You have bonfires at the start of November [16:08:29] What else are you burning [16:09:10] Politicians [16:09:29] huh? [16:09:42] no someone tried to blow them up [16:09:44] And failed [16:09:59] Confused [16:10:00] So we celebrate with fireworks and bonfires [16:10:19] @pixldev what is https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1284908143456817266 talking about [16:10:58] . [16:11:33] Also you wouldn’t happen to have a funny alternative name for the village stocks that’s bee themed would you [16:11:56] I do want to avoid a village stocks in the wikipedia sense [16:12:09] Hm? [16:12:17] Yes but what do you mean by Octombwr and the one after that? What are you burning then and why? [16:12:22] ie the silly 'x user did y thing' [16:12:35] What sense do you want it in [16:12:45] Since that’s what the stocks is [16:13:01] I like that idea but it can get too out of hand when we get into the worse stockworthy stuff of users making big bad calls that still have emotional charge to this day [16:13:48] the resignations, the straight up platform quits with say john, the apex-doug matter, these are things which I don't feel would go well in a stocks despite certainly being intuitive to consider [16:13:49] I don’t think enwiki stocks Has much of that does it? [16:14:00] I agree that should not be considered [16:14:23] I think the odds of people a bit tone inconsiderate adding stuff like that and it becoming a problem would create a recurring issue, and making a rule excluding events like that would already dampen the tone of the page [16:14:23] None of them should be in there [16:14:24] The reaction reading it should be one of ‘lmao’, not ‘well shot’ [16:14:38] Stocks is supposed to be funny and harmless [16:15:13] it could be, but I see a large field where people who want or even accidentally get a dig in could and then it would create issues we don't need in an era of trying to get on our feet as a platform [16:15:31] That's a point to consider [16:15:36] Maybe restricted editing? [16:16:14] restrict it that much and you have a corporate sanitized stocks page where either the suggestions area is vulnerable to that issue, or it just lapses because we're too worried about drama and that creates its own issue [16:16:38] Well shit [16:16:47] its best when its open and inherently lighthearted, and I think that's what we'd get for a time - but too likely it would be for that to go bellyup [16:17:05] This should be probably be a meta community discussion [16:17:06] we really don't handle that sort of issue well I'm afraid, and it sucks because at its best I like the idea [16:17:22] if it is under serious consideration I'd put it on the meta community portal [16:17:30] then consider very carefully [16:17:51] The community doesn't do carefully considered [16:18:36] That's why I want to reform RfCs with some sort of advisory team to help generate better RfCs and actual analysis people can consider [16:18:49] Less of I like this v I hate the sound of this [16:19:26] Oh yeah [16:19:30] I remember that discussion [16:21:15] a group to seriously assess rfcs is as valid as any with the volunteer group idea [16:50:04] What is the IRC equivalent? [16:50:12] @serverlessharej oi for https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Requests_for_Comment/Conduct_policy_reform can we amend "Enforcement is managed by Stewards throughout all of Miraheze, as well as wiki admins on individual wikis." to include local scape admins if MSCoC is being merged in [16:50:15] uuuh [16:50:15] there [16:50:19] is none [16:50:28] sure [16:50:30] 👉 👈 [16:51:05] also dont GA have some authority in enforcing clear CoC violations? [16:51:14] i'm increasingly warming to the idea of RfF being required before people create an entire RfC page. An RfC where you didn't talk to anyone first isn't likely to go anywhere [16:51:17] So what do you want me to relay? Lol Or do you want me to create an IRC channel first? [16:51:42] I'm on Wikipedia's village stocks twice [16:52:01] that would be ideal yeah, #miraheze-volunteering or smt. I have no idea how registrating works [16:52:08] whats the second [16:52:14] i know of that one time you autoblocked [16:52:16] what was it [16:52:18] all of wikimania [16:52:30] That's good. I kinda want to see some structure to it too. [16:52:51] [1/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Village_stocks#Gmaxwell_for_the_Conference_Called_award [16:52:51] [2/2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Village_stocks#Harej_for_the_Bad_Cut-and-Paste_award [16:53:03] It's Gmaxwell's entry but I was the one who blocked the conference [16:53:07] The vandal came... from INSIDE THE VENUE! [16:53:17] lmao [16:53:22] yeah i remember that [16:53:28] dun dun dun! [16:53:30] any idea who [16:53:39] Yeah it was Gmaxwell [16:54:35] messedrocker? [16:55:21] what [16:55:38] I am Messedrocker [16:56:05] i remerember hearing you had a username before harej [16:56:16] It was when i was talking with Pharos in New York I think [16:56:20] didnt remember the details [16:56:29] i remember it being a ammusing conversation [16:58:04] dun dun dun [17:14:36] Alternative name suggestion for a village stocks: Quarantines [17:16:23] Hmm! [17:17:31] Hm [17:19:45] ah, Waki jokes [17:19:50] never gets old [17:22:54] anyways [17:22:58] Another: Laundry basket [17:23:23] Pft [17:23:46] The bee jar [17:26:49] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284928422564597880/image.png?ex=66e86a58&is=66e718d8&hm=d3c5612efb29534a1aa1bdabafd05063c058b97aff19d53939c9ed2f4e2deb4c& [17:26:56] what's this explain note [17:28:22] The abbr ray [17:28:32] https://developer.mozilla.org/pt-BR/docs/Web/HTML/Element/abbr [17:28:34] Tag* [17:28:48] does anyone know how to add a title in search engines via WebSite metadata [17:29:04] WikiSEO I think [17:29:39] https://developers.google.com/search/docs/appearance/site-names [17:29:53] I assume so as well but I can’t find the exact setting [17:47:21] [1/2] whatever en wikipedia has for like, community boards - it doesn't translate/goes well for non-en speakers [17:47:21] [2/2] it was suggested at some point by silicona I think, it wasn't good [17:50:34] Gn? [17:51:30] "village pump" etc [17:51:40] At [18:04:22] Where can I edit where the icon on the top left corner of the wiki redirects [18:04:25] I can't seem to find it [18:06:20] Thanks, I just replied to it [18:25:09] Hi ! [18:28:07] MediaWiki:Mainpage [18:36:15] Hello there friend? [18:36:29] Welcome to Miraheze! [18:36:42] Hello ! Thanks for managing the place, it's such a great project [18:37:56] Aww, thank you so much for saying that ^^ it means a lot to hear for us [18:38:17] It's my pleasure ! [18:38:44] I got really curious when I heard of it as the best alternative to fandom wikia [18:38:47] Also, W artist, Bring me the Horizon rocks [18:38:57] EEEHHHHHH YESSS [18:39:31] I don’t listen to them much [18:39:34] It's my little edgy cringy playlist, there's a lot of good stuff in it [18:39:35] But in the dark is fire [18:39:41] It is [18:39:55] I just have my liked songs, bangers, and some other mixes [18:40:06] That's fair enough too [18:40:35] welcome [18:40:36] Oh just so I know, are you the creator or an administrator? It's more out of curiosity than anything [18:40:40] Thanks ! [18:40:47] Very glad to be here [18:41:59] Yes! This is definitely the best free alternative to fandom wikia. The volunteers of Miraheze have achieved a lot. [18:42:33] Me? [18:43:10] I am a Discord Moderator (the blue role and scale), [[Global Administrator]], and [[Wiki Creator]] [18:43:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Global_Administrator https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Wiki_Creator [18:43:12] [1/2] [18:43:12] [2/2] [18:43:26] Oh wow [18:43:27] I also contribute to tech stuff sometimes but I’m not a member of the tech team [18:43:33] I’m just one of the volunteers here [18:43:57] You can see them on the side, plus the pages for each role have lists [18:44:06] Actually also technically meta admin [18:44:10] I forgot lmao [18:44:37] (That’s admittedly a new hat, I just wanted to help clean stuff up without worrying about jurisdiction) [18:45:26] anyways glad to hear the grapevine is doing its work haha [18:45:49] It does, it does ! [18:46:03] I'll definitely talk about it too [18:48:18] If you want me to fill in any deals you’re wondering about please feel free to ask [18:51:16] /auth [18:51:20] speaking of, if I may ask, what is your wiki about! :> [18:51:35] We removed the /auth bot btw :) [18:51:40] try #verify [18:51:41] Ah thanks [18:51:53] For some reason Discord hid that channel by default [18:51:54] Fun! [18:51:55] My pleasure, and welcome ^^ [18:52:01] discord moment [18:52:26] There’s also info in #info in discord hide that too [18:52:37] I saw that one [18:52:41] plus announcment pings [18:52:48] cool it behaves sometimes [18:52:53] Thanks tho [18:53:43] It is not validated yet but it will be a wiki about an ARG I'm creating right now ! It's in the Slenderman universe (funnily enough, I've heard about miraheze on the Marble Hornets creator's discord) ! [18:54:02] Sorry if I'm a bit slow, I'm on phone for now [18:56:08] Sounds pretty neat, how much of the ARG have you made? [18:57:15] I just started it, I'm still in the building community phase [18:57:23] Ah [18:57:25] Well gl [18:57:32] Thanks a lot ! [18:57:37] Np [18:58:44] It's gonna go on a year and ten months if everything goes well so I wanted to create the wiki to add things little by little as it happens [18:59:33] Damm [18:59:35] Slowburn [18:59:50] Any particular reason why that length of time exactly? [19:01:16] same 🤝 [19:01:38] Always the hardest part, best of luck! [19:02:14] Aye thanks ! [19:02:25] Scripted ! [19:03:19] Events are scripted in advance so I can guarantee a at least not too badly thoroughly thought out scenario [19:04:04] Smart [19:08:33] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284954026798223471/image.png?ex=66e88231&is=66e730b1&hm=a2f9581fbcf1b2d75ec6bc3af956546eb9335b91ad40be384d49989625b8ba51& [19:08:37] hmm [19:08:44] not expecting this [19:09:04] <.spacedancer.> I was asked to add more details to my submission so I did but I don’t see it in the queue [19:09:58] Very stupid question: Is there a way to get back to the wiki requests queue without going to the URL? [19:11:02] If you search for all requests made under your Miraheze username in Special:RequestWikiQueue, you may find a list of all requests that you have made [19:11:34] I figured that out but I meant to get to Special:RequestWikiQueue itself [19:11:54] Wait I found the button I'm blind [19:12:20] <.spacedancer., replying to .spacedancer.> Is this normal? [19:13:25] I see it [19:18:36] <_arawynn, replying to .spacedancer.> what filter is on the queue? I think the default is the ones waiting to be looked at and if you're asked to add more details, it's not in that list [19:21:35] <.spacedancer., replying to ruckerenum> Space Dancer Stuff? [19:21:57] <.spacedancer., replying to _arawynn> Didn’t know there are filters [19:26:17] Yeah [19:26:28] <.spacedancer., replying to ruckerenum> Oh ok [19:37:55] Ok another question: Is there anything I should be doing to prepare for after wiki approval? I already have my domain ready to use and the first couple of pages outlined, but this is my first time actually setting up a wiki from scratch (I usually just write articles). [19:38:43] Good question, I'm interested in the answer [19:38:52] Getting accustomed to the administrator toolkit and [[ManageWiki]] will help you greatly [19:38:52] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/ManageWiki [19:38:53] [19:39:01] We should do the automating custom domains soon [19:39:41] Is ManageWiki the main thing used for administration? [19:40:29] <.spacedancer.> Is making a miraheze wiki hard? [19:40:42] ManageWiki lets you change config settings without modifying LocalSettings.php; it is a minor part of the toolkit, but a useful one to know for changing your wiki's logo and the like [19:40:58] There’s challenges and efforts in any wiki [19:41:16] the miraheze creation parts specifically are fine [19:41:17] <.spacedancer., replying to pixldev> Good to know, thanks [19:41:54] <.spacedancer.> Oh do I get a role on the discord if I make a wiki? [19:42:09] Alright thanks. Is there a page with the rest of the stuff or do you just kind of find out by trial and error? [19:43:04] https://mediawiki.org is useful for learning about config settings; although it is mainly geared towards self-hosted wikis, it can be applied to ManageWiki as well [19:43:38] Ok thanks! [19:44:44] <.spacedancer.> /auth [19:44:50] <.spacedancer.> Did that work [19:44:51] I'm not in a rush, just curiosity speaking but how much time does it usually take for a wiki to be validated ? [19:45:02] #auth [19:45:06] <.spacedancer.> Oh [19:45:06] There is a channel [19:45:16] <.spacedancer.> I don’t have it [19:45:16] That got me as well :P [19:45:33] #verify [19:45:34] [1/2] Click Browse Channels [19:45:35] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1284963342078709800/image.png?ex=66e88ade&is=66e7395e&hm=d45a94ad5463df3c7a13d27ceb0ceed4679a6db31ff2a36c8a3a6ed1d713b798& [19:45:35] Here [19:45:41] Oh wait it's verify [19:45:47] Mb [19:45:55] DW ! [19:46:00] checking FAQ or guides on Meta Wiki might help [19:46:19] Do you have the thing to get roles [19:46:29] I'm still searching for announcements ping role [19:46:37] #info [19:47:10] Okay it was not where I was Searching it 😂 [19:48:00] <.spacedancer., replying to ruckerenum> Oh ok [19:48:08] I submitted mine yesterday if that helps with timeframes [19:48:18] <.spacedancer.> I’m in [19:48:24] Like ~5 PM EST ish? [19:48:47] <_arawynn> I think mine took like 4 days to get approved? [19:49:02] Yeah that seems reasonable [19:50:07] Oh very fast [19:50:15] Thanks for the answers ! [19:51:12] Not approved yet just to clarify [19:51:26] no [19:51:59] @fantoria a rough estimate [19:52:06] oof [19:52:11] 92 requests?! [19:52:12] Courtesy of @suzuneu [19:52:27] that’s actually lower then i thought [19:52:33] we’re popular [19:52:44] we need to plan for 50k requests [19:53:06] That doesn't sound fun and I thank you for your service o7 [19:53:21] Thanks a Lot ! [19:53:32] @serverlessharej what are the chances we can use some of our cash to do a t shirt giveaway for 50k requests >:) [19:53:37] Or hoodie [19:53:45] Plus some for volunteers [19:53:50] miraheze branding [19:54:01] Find someone who makes em cheap enough [19:54:31] How cheap [19:54:34] ill look [19:54:47] Need to be decent quality though [19:55:25] Cheap enough a tight grumpy Yorkshire man will buy them for volunteers [19:56:37] Can we volunteer for this kind of thing ? Not as a merch producer but as like, a merch team [19:57:04] We do not have a merch team [19:57:05] Managing merch is a whole thing in itself [19:57:15] But if someone wants to find us some [19:57:21] We'd probably support it [19:57:30] I'm yet to see a sustainable proposal [19:57:31] If you guys plan on having merch, create a team [19:57:41] It's useful I think [19:57:51] So far, the cost of producing, shipping and the admin just isn't worth it [19:58:09] We really need a good enough proposal first [19:58:20] so am I the grumpy Yorkshireman or is Labster? 😄 [19:58:29] Cause at the prices I was getting, I don't think people would buy the merch [19:58:41] Me, I've bought stuff for volunteers before [19:58:48] I'd volunteer to work on it but I already volunteered for translation [19:58:53] Yubikeys & Raspberry Pi Zero's [19:59:01] But I can try doing both [19:59:05] I still have some Pi Zero's in stock [19:59:49] Can we talk in DMs ? Is there a place to discuss such topics ? [19:59:52] Unlikely I can ship any before the 21st of the month though [20:00:07] Probably #volunteering [20:00:14] Alright [20:00:17] @serverlessharej did yubikeys come up at the board meeting [20:00:24] I asked cosmic about applying for more of them [20:00:27] What next, Miraheze print on demand. 🙂 [20:02:55] they didn't; if @cosmicalpha can't get them donated to us we can look into purchasing them [20:04:16] I am happy to request some for us. Cosmic wanted to discuss with board more to see if I can use the foundation's name [20:04:18] I’d love this at some point, but first we need to figure details [20:04:28] if we wanna have merch, like rhinos said we need a vendor [20:04:29] There's an online form @serverlessharej [20:04:38] #volunteering [20:04:39] I think I know of one I have to look into [20:04:49] also need designs [20:06:23] <.spacedancer.> [1/4] Yo [20:06:24] <.spacedancer.> [2/4] My name is Joe [20:06:24] <.spacedancer.> [3/4] I shoot a bow [20:06:24] <.spacedancer.> [4/4] I juggle tho [20:06:59] Nice poem but #offtopic [20:07:23] <.spacedancer., replying to rhinosf1> Whoops sorry [20:21:25] Heya! Quick question; I was reviewing the content policy n whatnot and didn't see anything against it but I just wanna verify here- are OC-related wikis fine to be hosted on Miraheze? A friend group of mine has been hosting on Fandom for a long while now, but I've been wanting to explore alternatives lol [20:23:33] [1/2] yeah, they are acceptable, there are lots of them on Miraheze (usually called worldbuilding wikis) [20:23:33] [2/2] just need to articulate that properly and that's you are migrating [20:23:58] [1/2] alright, perfect [20:23:58] [2/2] thanks lol 👍 [20:24:13] *in wiki request [20:25:35] figured [20:37:32] Is there any estimation for when a normal priority tech tasks gets completed [20:37:45] Just wanting to keep my members updated [20:42:45] <.spacedancer.> Is there a page that helps me with making wiki pages? [20:43:42] Which one [20:47:16] [[mw:Help:Editing]] [20:47:16] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Editing [20:47:17] [20:47:26] <.spacedancer., replying to frozenplum.> Thanks! [20:47:42] Yw [20:59:28] How hard is it to just modify colors on a skin? [20:59:55] Like taking the pre-existing default skin and just swapping the colorscheme around to fit a different one [21:00:52] CSS [21:01:03] Oh sweet [21:01:07] Well that makes life easier [21:01:15] the only skins that lets change colors easily is Cosmos, via admin settings [21:02:02] Ah [21:07:30] It used to be that if I was logged into my wiki, I was also logged into all others... that's not happening now. [21:08:44] If I use my credentials to try to log into another's wiki, it won't accept them. [21:08:46] Sometimes it goes weird [21:08:51] Oh [21:08:55] That's unusual [21:09:01] It should allow you to login [21:09:07] @frozenplum. What exact error do you get [21:09:12] I could log into some yesterday, but it also did it yesterday. [21:09:13] And what's your username [21:09:29] I'll find an english wiki to give you the proper message, as right now I'm on a translated site. [21:09:49] What about username [21:09:53] Yeah, it has logged me out of meta again too. [21:09:54] But ye that would be good [21:10:47] Just looking for any English one that gives me the error (some don't). [21:11:06] What's your username [21:11:09] In the meantime [21:11:11] so far I'm 0 for 2 lol [21:11:24] FrozenPlum, same as my discord one. [21:11:39] [[Special:CentralAuth/FrozenPlum]] [21:11:39] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/FrozenPlum [21:11:39] [21:12:12] Dang, worked in the first english wiki, lol. [21:12:24] Once you've got the example, open a #support thread [21:12:30] We'll have to check graylog [21:21:06] hiiii @frozenplum. [21:22:11] Hmm, only seems to be happening on non-English wikis. And, it's a FireFox issue. [21:22:24] Hiya Legroom! [21:22:49] You sound like someone who's used to troubleshootings [21:23:10] Lil bit, yeah, lol. 😆 [21:23:43] That's nice ! [21:24:56] Ah, found a Bugzilla report of this with and a MH one. Related to a new FF cookie setting I think. [21:25:18] Gotta try disabling Total Cookie Protection [21:32:04] Yep, that's it. Same as the old bug report (now closed). [21:35:23] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12570 [21:44:50] @rhinosf1 , if I've found an old, closed task for this, should I report it there for re-opening? It's relevant because it has a bugzilla report and other info attached. [21:45:01] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T9403 [21:46:06] I never know what the phorge/phab protocols are 😆 [21:49:41] "No active login attempt is in progress for your session" - and same temporary resolution works, add an exception for MH for ETP - Standard. [21:52:10] I posted on that thread for now. [21:57:18] looked at settings [21:57:42] WikiSEO doesn’t seem to have a setting for it (or it does but it’s not listed in ManageWiki) [22:15:37] [1/2] I can see on the WikiSeo extension page examples of how to do this. At first glance, it doesn't seem to be a site-wide setting, needs to be done on the page level maybe. [22:15:38] [2/2] [[mw:Extension:WikiSEO]] [22:15:38] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:WikiSEO [22:15:38] [22:16:27] Looks like there's ways to template it tho, with dynamic values [22:16:32] oh awesome [22:16:37] all right I’ll set that up [22:17:13] If you can't find it in MH, always google the mediawiki extension page and you can often find all the info needed. [22:17:36] I just use "mediawiki extension x" [22:29:45] ah, got it [22:29:46] thanks [23:54:40] Is anyone available to review my wiki request: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/48947; it has been sitting in queue for 4 days since I added context to it