[00:07:30] Quassel [00:14:04] I do like that [00:18:46] why does mediawiki have both the action api and rest api? [00:20:04] because some people swear by action and others find it revolting [00:22:24] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/W344; babe, new phorge spam method dropped [00:23:10] What is the W monigram again. [00:23:15] panel [00:23:28] ya it makes sense, just like Z for conpherence [00:23:33] seriously? [00:23:48] i mean, you gotta pick a letter somehow [00:24:02] what the kentury fried FUCK is conpherence [00:24:09] phorge's own chat system [00:24:12] no, i'm not joking [00:24:16] https://we.phorge.it/Z1 [00:24:28] UUUUUUUUUGGGGHH [00:24:36] this shit is overkill [00:24:49] We didn’t disable it? [00:24:53] nah we did [00:26:01] good was gonna say [00:26:39] we literally haveba whole file of shitty puns disabling each app via psychic damage [00:26:50] yeah ikr lmfao [00:26:53] i saw it [00:27:08] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/master/modules/phorge/data/config.yaml [00:28:44] painful [00:29:06] anyways [00:29:21] Is the spam users MW account spam only [00:29:42] one of them had a pun about Southparkfan in it [00:29:51] no edits on wiki [00:29:58] there's also more panels, too lazy to look [00:30:07] I remember it explicitly because I changed it to reference UO when we forked [00:30:52] does phorge really not let me hide diffusion commits from the feed? [00:31:02] Lmao [00:31:10] Idk [00:31:14] i tried looking [00:31:21] i have a custom panel [00:31:31] i havent tried to see if i can remove [00:31:51] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/commit/bf9d5240be87460a07c0c3d4e83c958e178da962 [00:31:54] Do you have the new pun? [00:31:59] ah [00:32:05] also can you smite the spammwe [00:32:17] ill lock when i get home if its spam only [00:32:25] laame [00:32:28] @cosmicalpha you could've changed the mention to yourself and use the pretext that we were reconciling the puppet repos [00:33:15] https://github.com/wikiforge/puppet/blob/master/modules/phorge/data/config.yaml#L128 [00:33:19] This isn’t a VC but if it was I would play that one among us start game sound effect on soundboard [00:33:25] lol [00:34:32] stylus my beloved [00:35:06] ? [00:35:50] https://files.catbox.moe/xrm0n0.png [00:38:32] https://files.catbox.moe/2o3x68.png; this is lovely code already [00:40:32] what is that [00:41:05] https://github.com/kuenzign/WikiMarkdown/blob/main/includes/MarkdownContent.php [00:46:35] the code is concerningly out of date [00:46:56] Even better, once you install the core on a always online box, you get the bouncer experience except it's monolithic [00:52:54] How outdated we talking [00:53:07] pixldev: uses classes that don't exist anymore [00:53:08] on a scale of meh to ACCP [00:53:19] function signatures are majorly different [00:53:30] Formatting standards? [00:53:32] registers resource loader modules in php [00:53:53] SocialProfile is that u [00:53:53] the indentation is a bit whack, but that's probably because they accidentally mixed tabs and spaces [00:53:59] bleh [00:54:29] crazy [00:54:34] that is going to horribly break probably if not already when Parsoid comes [00:54:44] https://github.com/kuenzign/WikiMarkdown/blob/642e7076b72c27745134f50fa21bad4536379997/includes/WikiMarkdown.php#L302-L305; what does this if case serve lol [00:55:51] wdym [00:55:56] it adds markdown to code editor if not already [00:56:02] I have a suspicion that this has the potential to implode a mediawiki instance in the wrong hands [00:56:09] > uses codeeditor hook [00:56:16] > checks if codeeditor is installed within the hook [00:56:30] oh yeah lol I didn't notice that [00:56:31] what'd call the hook if codeeditor is not installed? [00:56:34] always better to be safe than sorry! [00:56:53] _checks if 2+2 still = 4 on calculator_ [01:17:04] oh nvm, it registering resourceloader modules at runtime only happens when visualeditor is loaded [01:18:22] in mw 1.42 you probably should've put the module info into extension.json and call addModules(...) at runtime when necessary, but i'm guess that that wasn't a thing yet [01:35:55] Sometimes its better to avoid addModule if its a relatively heavy script [01:36:14] That way you can load it before its needed and the browser can have time to cache it [01:36:22] Versus grabbing it just before use [01:36:33] Ig it only makes a difference on the first load but yeah [01:37:21] Idk if that applies to that particular example but heh [01:39:18] Or you could be like Fandom [01:39:34] If you look at their extension.json for their extensions they don't register any resource modules [01:39:53] They just register them globally all of the time which is such a weird thing to do idk why they do that [01:44:53] [01:45:10] tman1319: hm? [01:45:26] oh it actually summoned you [01:45:35] yeah i got a notification :p [01:46:03] mb [01:53:04] hi are there any board people round these parts [01:53:23] wanna confirm https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12593#253145 is alright to do to fix the issue [01:54:41] CA is online [01:55:11] You can do that. [01:55:55] Its not like anything irreversible vandalism could be done in a few minutes since we have history and rollback. [01:56:31] In fact we should just create a director protection level rather than AF [01:56:33] you can also only allow certain users :p [01:57:18] BlankEclair i should be able to edit i think [01:57:19] Just set the filter to ignore meta sysops [01:57:29] i think it looks for edit protected [01:57:43] Fun fact, I created a Director role that adds editprotected and editsemiprotected very recently. [01:57:51] Role-based permissions also seem like a valid alternative [01:58:19] After all, we can trust meta sysops to not do anything destructive, right? [01:58:41] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:AbuseFilter/34 [01:59:18] actually [02:00:18] cosmicalpha: is this filter even needed? directors now have a group that grants them editprotected [02:00:36] Probably not. [02:00:58] We should protect all pages under it under editprotected though. [02:01:37] ill do that prob [02:02:17] how do i tell a page from the ID [02:02:32] PixDeVl: api? [02:02:56] oh yea [02:03:03] ill look for the endpoint in a sec [02:03:09] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ApiSandbox?useskin=vector#action=parse&format=json&pageid=31233&formatversion=2 [02:03:12] im checking if JWB can protected pages [02:03:17] could be more elegant of course, but it works [02:03:20] or is subpage protection a thing [02:05:27] JWB has protection [02:05:29] :fire: [02:13:37] The benefit with abusefilter is avoiding granular protection of each subpage, but we've also seen the drawbacks with automated cleanup... [02:17:42] [1/2] sorry but: [02:17:43] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Steward_requests/Miscellaneous#Changing_scope_of_my_wiki [02:19:56] Please don't bump on SR requests that don't involve immediate 'house is burning down'-type issues, e.g. mass vandalism would be appropriate, scope change is not so much. [02:20:04] I will review open requests in a bit. [02:21:05] ok [02:21:20] And approved, enjoy [02:21:45] For subdomain changes, just a heads up that it requires a phorge ticket, stewards aren't involved in that [02:23:44] hey NA [02:25:22] Hello [02:26:34] Oh, I owe you a review on something, but I 100% don't remember what it is. [02:26:47] Do ping me if you remember what it is, I'm absolutely drawing a blank. [02:26:58] ngl [02:27:03] i also have no idea [02:27:10] 🤷 [02:27:15] i was going to ask you about smt else [02:27:29] I owe raidarr two reviews, gonna get to those in a bit [02:27:34] cause i cant pop on discord rn' [02:28:07] Trust me, IRC is greener pastures [02:28:13] It's me, the IRC exister [02:28:26] cool ill just msg [02:29:07] I now have a Quassel core that runs 24/7, now I have to just give it functionality to send notifications to my phone [02:31:59] the only thing that is currently keeping me from completely going IRC for Miraheze is notifications. And yes, discord notifs don't work half the time anyway. The stars have to align for the message to get sent, android not having killed discord from running in the background, it going in the android notification queue, garmin connect intercepting it, not being out of sync, sending it to my garmin watch and it deciding it is important enough to show it. [02:34:27] I should be able to do IRC > Quassel > Sentry > Sentry android app > GC > It getting seen [02:49:33] cosmicalpha: 83 protections later: [02:49:52] the 3 specific pages still need to be protected i think [02:49:58] i have to study ack [02:50:00] may do later [02:50:06] someone else is welcome to [02:55:22] Talking about that: Is OK if I take Urban Dictionary's color scheme for that wiki? [02:56:24] scratch that i have no discpline done [02:56:45] emicraftnoob: yea go ahead we dont care policy wise [02:58:59] @pixldev ok, just going to UD if is ok in case [03:02:03] tho really I don't think UD can put copyright to their color scheme [03:03:17] this may be trademark not copyright idfk [03:03:20] google [03:03:26] im not a lawyer [03:13:54] If you just CTRL+C CTRL+V the stylesheet, then you might have a problem, otherwise if you just use some hex values, you should be fine. [03:14:34] My site's CSS is heavily inspired by the shodan.io stylesheets [03:35:41] [1/2] pixi, what do u think? [03:35:41] [2/2] https://chilangodictionary.miraheze.org/wiki/Portada [03:36:02] i think i need to go to sleep [03:36:32] ill check tmr [03:36:33] gn [03:37:29] ok [04:07:21] [1/2] Hello. I'm the bureaucrat of 100acg wiki(100acg.wiki). I registered an OAuth consumer(d29fd7ca269e9a0c1d5627e115211c16) a year ago and wrote some scripts to help me manage member groups and it had ran well. Recently when I run my script the api responds with a 403 code and tells me ''. Does anyone know what's happening and how to fix it? [04:09:31] Miraheze uses cloudflare now, very likely you are tripping some rules and getting 403 because of that, eitehr add some rate limiting, poke around as a logged in user from the same IP a bit and then run it, failing that, SRE can probably give you more guidance. [04:16:02] Thank you Felenov 😄 [04:19:36] Did it work? [04:24:00] I take that as a yes. [04:42:41] can one tell me how much time do I need to get my wikia accepted/rejected etc [04:44:07] It depends. Usually takes 24 hours but may vary depending on the request and wiki creator availability. Just make sure you check on it as the wiki creator could request more information [04:45:36] where can I check if there's more information needed because I'm a little lost sorry x [04:46:11] What is your username on-wiki? I can check your request status. [04:47:12] Apostolis [04:47:51] Found your request: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/49474 [04:52:20] at the time of writing your request is 19 in queue, so when a wiki creator goes online they will process it [06:03:40] We can exempt your bot from some of the checks if you've got a persistent user agent or ip [13:18:24] getting some weird bugs on mobile (android w/ chrome) [13:18:37] the mobile version of some pages are outdated by a few days [13:18:53] switching to the desktop version of the page in the browser brings up the correct version [13:19:11] departmentoftwintails: known bug [13:19:12] but then swapping back to the mobile version of the page is broken [13:19:48] like, it's the desktop version of the page rendering in a weird way rather than the actual mobile version [13:20:11] the desktop is rendering weirdly? [13:20:55] mobile cache is behind desktop version, that's a known bug, as Eclair said [13:21:12] swapping back from desktop version to mobile version renders the desktop version in a weird mobile version instead of going back to the mobile version [13:21:12] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12315, hmm marked as assumed to be resolved [13:21:17] got a screenshot? [13:21:41] are we talking about mobile mode switch or browser's switch? [13:22:12] browser switch [13:22:38] gimme a sec to get screenshots [13:22:52] weird bug O_o [13:22:54] can reproduce though [13:23:59] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287766413947306034/Screenshot_20240923_092132_Chrome.jpg?ex=66f2bd6e&is=66f16bee&hm=7d72726e6952ab157e3a39e8bea923fa29e2cc72cc1ae02e0e76227a7bd98781& [13:23:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287766414224134246/Screenshot_20240923_092228_Chrome.jpg?ex=66f2bd6e&is=66f16bee&hm=39709448fc1b9be806d5383299b0c80ecb296e0c8f86dc401384571d443c997e& [13:24:48] enabling, then disabling the desktop site checkbox did this [13:37:36] departmentoftwintails: okay, here's my theory: [13:37:43] when you enable desktop mode, you get the desktop html [13:37:51] when you disable it, you still get the desktop html thanks to cache [13:38:21] when your browser had desktop mode enabled, it treated font sizes small-y, but when you have desktop mode disabled, it treated them big [13:38:38] you can replicate the same look if you go to a url with ?useformat=desktop with desktop mode disabled i think [13:41:44] if it's a cache updating issue, do you think it's related to the outdated mobile cache bug? [13:41:56] not related [13:42:28] cache is invalidated in the transition from mobile -> desktop, but not invalidated from desktop -> mobile oddly enough [13:46:48] bug filed: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12633 [14:27:22] [1/4] hi sorry if this isnt the right place to ask but im not sure where else to ask it. on MediaWiki when i try to view some info about some skins the infobox on the right blocks half the table. i can scroll horizontally with my mouse but its really annoying and i dont think i had to do that before so im not sure what happened. i do usually fiddle with browser settings for eye comfort bu [14:27:22] [2/4] t i returned the font size to the default 16 and made sure zoom was 100% so idk how to fix this? [14:27:22] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287782366281994300/image.png?ex=66f2cc49&is=66f17ac9&hm=3c86887027f4330a07526035ad8a861c3573633da23fec93dddc40547fba8304& [14:27:23] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287782366529454165/image.png?ex=66f2cc4a&is=66f17aca&hm=ed69c727a75e88925fb1c78a84828376cef6ec071bb79a5819f16b2c2956ed06& [14:31:01] interestingly, the table is pushed all the way down by the infobox on my end [14:48:40] [1/3] im trying to work on some SEO stuff, and apparently the description that would show up on google is just a dot.... [14:48:40] [2/3] i thought the seo extension made the description itself? but how would i change that? [14:48:41] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287787728402124822/image.png?ex=66f2d148&is=66f17fc8&hm=ae0510cbae98342d499baafd7c61abc2682125a271411fdd8c84bf1d7c51a297& [15:08:29] [1/2] you need to poke around extensions and settings, for WikiSEO to generate descriptions it needs textextracts, for image preview - PageImages [15:08:29] [2/2] or make them manually on each page w/ WikiSEO syntax [15:15:00] hmm okay, what would the easiest way to check what the current description is be? other then having to wait for google to update, and then to google them [15:15:56] view source [15:19:53] [1/2] on toolbar there must be Page information link [15:19:53] [2/2] scroll down to see SEOdata table [15:23:10] thanks a lot! just gotta wait for it now i guess 😄 [17:12:40] is it possible to change the url of the wiki? i accidentally forgot a letter.... [17:14:42] Yup [17:14:50] [[Phorge]] is the place to request [17:14:50] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [17:14:51] [18:15:39] good afternoon, guys. [18:15:43] Do you know by the way how to get a font from a css code? [18:23:43] johnmcgurkus: you will need to get the stylesheets, usually the fonts are linekd in one of them. [18:29:16] [1/2] I have this right now, but no idea if will be useful... [18:29:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287843241479110678/image.png?ex=66f304fb&is=66f1b37b&hm=aeaeab3ff6c499b87bc8f017f36e0e7197b2b6b7eb81053e92eb19c8c2441035& [18:31:49] See the lines you highlighted? The line above has the font name (google it) failing that put the URL into a browser and download it [18:45:42] With the "Balsamiqsans", I was able to get it, but with the other named 'Udertt', I found nothing. [18:47:09] [1/2] also, pretty surprised that the font's URL doesn't start with the "https://" or something, look incomplete, for some reason... [18:47:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287847745432064080/image.png?ex=66f3092d&is=66f1b7ad&hm=a3b25ab2a3b6865d30f290fe3b0a3c847565800fcad5b57c366bd0b6a3e77a5b& [19:02:15] Here is the website, btw. It is located at the bottom. [19:02:16] https://web.archive.org/web/20240916001104cs_/https://www.asterixvidivici.com/css/jeu-asterix-et-obelix-hootside.css [19:41:35] If it starts with / and not https then its a local font [19:41:54] Add that bit after the TLD of the domain you're viewing that page on [20:12:00] What's a local font? [20:20:29] Do I add the "https://" in the beginning of the url? [20:23:59] Yes [20:30:44] [1/2] Is it okay like this, or should I remove the third slash between them? [20:30:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287873808308637706/image.png?ex=66f32173&is=66f1cff3&hm=383d162111ed2d512b57fdf03832570373242511f4b0a6512ebfdac1072ca7f3& [20:31:07] No [20:31:14] You need the domain also? [20:36:43] That's a relative url [20:36:53] So it was a file on that website [20:37:45] I'm not sure, but I'm going to get in. [20:38:46] [1/2] Damn 😢 [20:38:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287875832185880616/image.png?ex=66f32355&is=66f1d1d5&hm=e6e9a9b72b081b9849bb894102001f0d9586576b29495acdb905ade1f29f0102& [20:39:35] Yes [20:39:39] That's expected [20:41:16] [:c· [21:38:54] web is not a website [21:39:05] if you're trying to check archive.org (which I assume you are), it's web.archive.org [21:43:57] this mistake reminds me of http://ai and http://pn [22:00:04] Hey guys [22:00:29] Hello [22:00:32] I am super frustrated and confused with trying to import a template. [22:00:39] Did you import from Wikipedia [22:03:43] No [22:04:17] Can you provide a link to the template? [22:04:21] I just need a lot of help importing a template info box. [22:04:48] Then you may want to consider using something like PortableInfobox [22:04:50] https://pdsh.fandom.com/wiki/Template:Character_Template [22:05:03] Here is the temp [22:05:49] It looks like PortableInfobox is a requirement in this case [22:06:12] Yes, but the thing is I don’t know what to do. [22:06:30] Also I am confused what I am supposed to be downloading. [22:06:46] Go to Special:ManageWiki/extensions on your wiki, find the box that says "PortableInfobox", and make sure it's ticked [22:07:45] Yep it’s on. [22:08:20] Now what do I do next? [22:09:24] Copy the template to your wiki; you may either copypaste with attribution or use Special:Export on the source wiki [22:26:35] How do I do copy that template? [22:29:26] Special:Export or Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C, and Ctrl+V [22:30:02] Ok so where should I paste it to? [22:30:39] To your wiki [22:31:17] Now where do I copy and paste it to on my wiki? [22:32:27] Template:CharacterInfobox or any similar name that clearly distinguishes it as an infobox for characters [22:34:08] [1/2] Ok I did this but? [22:34:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287904865032474797/IMG_7237.png?ex=66f33e5f&is=66f1ecdf&hm=65d027e38e2d8bbe3c7417710fba22aa9cc14a07419a2d5149fbfdcced473cc6& [22:34:51] Make sure that you're not calling the character template on the character template page itself or that'll happen [22:37:05] Ok what shall I name it [22:38:38] Um I renamed the template and it’s still giving me loops [22:39:21] The issue is not the name - Template:Character Template should contain the actual source code of the infobox from Fandom, and then you may transclude it on any page that is not the page that houses the template code itself [22:41:19] Wait [22:41:33] You mean the source code from the top? [22:41:35] https://pdsh.fandom.com/wiki/Template:Character_Template [22:42:25] Yes [22:44:41] [1/3] Ok now what? [22:44:41] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287907520043548743/IMG_7240.png?ex=66f340d8&is=66f1ef58&hm=fde97061d994bc72416a5a107460118d5e66e4ee723f10ceb4987a8341c2b409& [22:44:42] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287907520504926289/IMG_7242.png?ex=66f340d9&is=66f1ef59&hm=ad5add720e3d503f86174902237bbb4e9ac5dd8923aef3fbc960f9bf0d6d3249& [22:48:13] Copy the source code of the Fandom template into Template:Character Template, and you're done, no extra templates required [22:48:35] You mean the same one as the one I put? [22:50:00] Yes, the source code of the template on Fandom [22:50:29] Ok I did that but it is still giving a loop🫤 [22:51:01] https://publicdomainverse.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox [22:51:18] Here it is if you can help me. [22:52:45] Template:Character Template does not exist locally, which is a separate issue; though since you've already committed to using Template:Infobox instead, I'd just copy the source code there and not have to worry about two templates [22:53:15] The infobox source code references the Character Template page on Fandom, which is the actual use of portable infobox [22:54:06] But it still redirects for some reason. [22:54:13] [1/18] ``` [22:54:13] [2/18] [22:54:14] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [3/18] <image source="image.jpg"> [22:54:14] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [4/18] <caption source="caption-image.jpg"/> [22:54:14] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [5/18] /image [22:54:15] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [6/18] <data source="real_name"> [22:54:15] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [7/18] <label>Real Name/label [22:54:15] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [8/18] /data [22:54:15] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [9/18] <data source="first_appearance"> [22:54:16] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [10/18] <label>First Appearance/label [22:54:16] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [11/18] /data [22:54:17] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [12/18] <data source="original_publisher"> [22:54:17] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [13/18] <label>Original Publisher/label [22:54:18] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [14/18] /data [22:54:18] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [15/18] <data source="created_by"> [22:54:19] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [16/18] <label>Created by/label [22:54:19] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [17/18] /data [22:54:20] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [18/18] /infobox``` [22:54:30] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> Is this the code you actually pasted onto your Template:Character Template page? [22:54:44] <Felenov> the spam... [22:55:06] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> Guessing you probably grabbed the documentation page's code rather than the actual code behind it. [22:56:03] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28, replying to notaracham> Yes [22:56:54] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28, replying to notaracham> Yeah I need help doing that [22:57:40] <tali64> notaracham: gilimaster actually did correctly copypaste the actual PortableInfobox into the Character Template template in one revision, but they deleted it because I guess they thought that they were doing it wrong [22:58:00] <tali64> gilimaster28: To clarify, everything between and including the opening/closing <infobox> tags in https://pdsh.fandom.com/wiki/Template:Character_Template?action=edit should be copypasted into the template of your choice, which NotAracham has helpfully provided [22:58:26] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> You then call it on a page like you've currently got on the Template:Infobox template [22:59:28] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28, replying to tali64> Which one? [23:00:38] <tali64> The markup NotAracham provided a few messages ago [23:01:31] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [1/19] This code goes on whatever page you want to use as your default template, Could be Template:Character Template or whatever: [23:01:32] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [2/19] ```<infobox> [23:01:32] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [3/19] <title source="title1"/> [23:01:32] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [4/19] <image source="image.jpg"> [23:01:33] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [5/19] <caption source="caption-image.jpg"/> [23:01:33] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [6/19] /image [23:01:33] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [7/19] <data source="real_name"> [23:01:33] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [8/19] <label>Real Name/label [23:01:34] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [9/19] /data [23:01:34] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [10/19] <data source="first_appearance"> [23:01:34] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [11/19] <label>First Appearance/label [23:01:35] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [12/19] /data [23:01:35] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [13/19] <data source="original_publisher"> [23:01:36] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [14/19] <label>Original Publisher/label [23:01:36] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [15/19] /data [23:01:37] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [16/19] <data source="created_by"> [23:01:37] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [17/19] <label>Created by/label [23:01:38] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [18/19] /data [23:01:39] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [19/19] /infobox``` [23:01:47] <tali64> ^ this [23:01:48] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> you then call that template on a page using what you've currently got on Template:Infobox [23:02:17] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [1/10] ```{{Character Template [23:02:17] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [2/10] | title1=Example [23:02:18] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [3/10] | image.jpg=Example [23:02:18] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [4/10] | caption-image.jpg=Example [23:02:18] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [5/10] | real_name=Example [23:02:19] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [6/10] | first_appearance=Example [23:02:19] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [7/10] | original_publisher=Example [23:02:19] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [8/10] | created_by=Example [23:02:19] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [9/10] }} [23:02:20] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [10/10] ``` Is how you generate a portable infobox from that template [23:03:12] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28, replying to notaracham> Ok I copied and pasted that into character info oc [23:04:08] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> [1/2] Wait where did it go? [23:04:09] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1287912417736785970/IMG_7246.png?ex=66f34568&is=66f1f3e8&hm=21911e3e62c25ca0e19a8ddbf7d81b2d83b34618ee17492778fa8ad534326fa4& [23:04:34] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> It's probably still there, it just doesn't render as anything because it's code [23:04:42] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> Click edit source to confirm [23:04:44] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> Wait [23:04:46] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> https://publicdomainverse.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox [23:04:51] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> Is this it? [23:05:06] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> No, hold on. [23:05:20] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> That's a badly formed template that shouldn't be used [23:06:15] <tali64> gilimaster28: that's normal - however, it does appear that the template is still not working as intended; you need to add parameters to the transclusion of the base template (i.e. {{{1|}}}), so that the transclusion of the transclusion will function properly [23:06:15] <wm-bot> https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:%7b1 [23:06:25] <tali64> Thanks wm-bot, very helpful [23:06:25] <wm-bot> Hey tali64, you are welcome! [23:07:04] <tali64> ... Wiki-Bot's never responded to that joke, which wm-bot just did [23:07:18] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [1/2] @gilimaster28 , your character template works, see my sandbox page for an example of how to use it now: [23:07:18] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> [2/2] https://publicdomainverse.miraheze.org/wiki/User:NotAracham/sandbox [23:08:06] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> No need to futz with Template:Infobox, in its current form it will always produce example text. [23:08:12] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28, replying to notaracham> Now can you fix pages with multiple images on the info box? [23:08:31] <tali64> notaracham: I can't wait for the Bread the Bread Wizard comic books [23:09:26] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> That was a courtesy demonstration, I unfortunately have my own projects to tend to. I recommend checking out the documentation of PortableInfobox for next steps. [23:09:27] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407537962553966603/1048292890050318427 [23:10:42] <tali64> gilimaster28: the infobox only has one image parameter; if you want the ability to add multiple images, copy and paste the <image> + <caption> tags and make sure to modify the sources - e.g. "image.jpg" -> "image2.jpg" [23:11:09] <MirahezeRelay> <theoneandonlylegroom> there's gallery tag ... [23:11:10] <MirahezeRelay> <notaracham> ^This is advice for the Template:Character Template page [23:11:13] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> I need an example [23:12:11] <tali64> gilimaster28: <image source="image2.jpg"> [23:12:12] <tali64>   <caption source="caption-image2.jpg"/> [23:12:12] <tali64> </image> [23:12:22] <tali64> Make sure not to replace the currently existing image tag [23:19:26] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> So I don’t need to make a new template for that? [23:21:55] <tali64> No [23:28:04] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> Good [23:43:48] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28, replying to tali64> Can you show an example using this? On my wiki? [23:45:07] <tali64> gilimaster28: https://publicdomainverse.miraheze.org/wiki/User:NotAracham/sandbox [23:46:43] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> That’s great [23:46:48] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> Now can I do image3 [23:47:02] <MirahezeRelay> <gilimaster28> Or make it like a slide