[00:03:47] google also prioritizes $wgAppleTouchIcon a bit more [00:03:51] so maybe set that as well [00:04:13] Didn't know that [00:04:15] Thank you [00:05:10] np! [00:05:11] :) [00:24:34] Helllo how can I add a logo that is shown in Main Pag of my wiki? [00:29:34] do you want to add a logo to the page content itself [00:29:45] or do you want to add a wiki logo [00:36:17] wiki logo [00:36:49] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/ManageWiki [00:37:00] Scroll down to "How do I change my logo/favicon?" [00:46:03] Is there a way to make CodeMirror be enabled by default for users on my wiki? I can't find a setting to do it on ManageWiki. [00:49:57] https://cricketnepal.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [00:50:05] Not working [01:00:37] how to fix "undocumented paramater" [01:00:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1290840885592064041/image.png?ex=66fdecc1&is=66fc9b41&hm=865f8d9de0bb9e18cc64cf32b0c04c3ceda23ee8ae2311d1b43634a9508fab65& [03:13:45] [1/2] I guess I been living under a rock for the past few months [03:13:46] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1290874339125628999/91357058035bb378.png?ex=66fe0be9&is=66fcba69&hm=97e989fa95ae308239af9da9e19c253056098e1a672b9ee941c0396ce3e221e6& [03:15:55] Meta translation: spend all the time on a policy page only for it to go out of date in a month [03:24:34] it's enabled by default for everyone, it just requires a click on marker in editor once [03:25:27] I mean, how do I make it so editors don't have to click on that marker? [03:25:49] [1/2] TemplateData extension, then, well, document them [03:25:50] [2/2] the point is to make template VisualEditor friendly [03:26:08] nvm I found out [03:26:12] like lomg ago [03:26:44] could update then to not make anyone to answee [03:29:03] [1/2] well, that's something I haven't seen addressed before [03:29:03] [2/2] idk if it's possible, I assume if tech member could help [03:33:06] The extension's page says I can add `$wgDefaultUserOptions['usecodemirror'] = true;` to LocalSettings.php, but on Miraheze I guess I'd have to use LocalWiki.php? Last time I went there though, the config turned out to be in ManageWiki so I just want to make sure I didn't miss anything. [03:42:54] not all settings are available in ManageWiki so everything else in php has to be addressed via [[Phorge]] [03:42:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [03:42:55] [03:43:09] but like [03:43:27] you can check the file by yourself first [03:43:31] i've seen default user options set in LocalSettings.php actually [03:43:36] weird, i know [03:43:54] so it's always manual turn on in editor? [03:44:17] do you mean automatically turned on? [03:44:43] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/a2a2be3d66d5265d866ea49e2913dcc6ff610d2e/LocalSettings.php#L4683 [03:45:00] the extension itself is always enabled, but it requires icon click in source editor to start working [03:47:37] if you ever think you're useless, think about the post_vars column in this commit: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/plugins/gitiles/mediawiki/extensions/ExternalData/+/a3c26b8603fa7c15e33716d4faa4574647162996%5E%21/ [03:49:34] [1/2] >line 4660 [03:49:34] [2/2] Kinda no wonder I never realized it was there... [Hehehe](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1265978176333680701.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=Hehehe) [03:49:42] ctrl+f? [03:50:11] I never thought about that too. [03:50:39] who merged this commit... [03:51:10] there's an undocumented url replacement, commented out debug prints, inconsistent spacing, and forgetting to use post_vars [04:07:19] so it can be requested? [04:08:06] uh, what are we talking about again? [04:08:24] i'm trying to wrap my head around mediawiki database schema changes, but i think i get it now [04:17:02] what do you think the default should be set for post_vars? [04:17:30] it's not even used [04:17:34] so why not drop the column [04:19:51] CodeMirror [04:19:56] yes but as a quick fix [04:20:10] drop the table, the code checks if it exists [04:20:17] if not, it doesn't use it [04:20:22] oh nice [04:20:27] do you want me to do that them [04:20:31] you could also drop the column, or set the default to anything [04:20:38] `DROP DATABASE mhglobal;`? [04:20:40] or even remove the NOT NULL requirement [04:20:43] I think that'll work [04:20:49] DROP TABLE rainversewiki.ed_url_cache; [04:48:37] yeah that would work'); DROP TABLE Messages [04:49:15] https://xkcd.com/327/ [08:39:35] hello as a person who has never used miraheze before can the layout of a wiki be changed to one similar to fandom's [08:40:49] The Cosmo skin is most similar to Fandom's current design and can be found in your wiki's skin settings [08:42:43] is there also like a theme designer.. ? [08:43:35] There was supposed to be an theme designer, but it doesn't work here as it conflict with ManageWiki [08:43:56] so how would i change the colors [08:45:27] Cosmos skins imitates old Wikia look and offers color and layout settings, admin has to access them via "Manage this wiki's additional settings" link in admin sidebar, "Styling" tab [08:48:27] [1/2] but first you need to enabled the skin (Manage this wiki's extensions > Skins) and set it as default (first setting in same Styling tab) [08:48:27] [2/2] I also would suggest to disable MobileFrontend extension, since Cosmos is mobile adaptive [10:10:39] [1/3] Hi, How can I managewiki so that when clicking on the main wiki logo, `$wgLogo` this logo takes you to different pages depending on which namespace the current page is in? [10:10:40] [2/3] I have different images for a logo depending on the namespace, but when clicking the logo, it returns to Main_page. [10:10:40] [3/3] Can i change the page that links with the logo if i use a different image on every namespace? [10:11:59] avengium: that's an interesting idea actually, would probably need a hook on your wiki though [10:13:11] Hi, the search bar on my wiki automatically forwards you to MainPage regardless of the page you are searching. Is this a common bug? [10:13:31] moing: no, can you give your wiki? [10:13:43] sure, it is asoiaf.miraheze.org [10:14:17] hmm skin bug i'm going to assume [10:14:55] (thinking out loud) when searching on the default skin, it goes to "https://asoiaf.miraheze.org/w/index.php?search=sleep&go=Git" interestingly [10:15:01] The original wiki that I am translating from uses the same skin but their search bar works, is there anything to solve this you think? [10:16:24] oh it seems like the search is broken on all languages :p [10:16:31] [1/2] logo is like always tied to whatever is set as MainPage [10:16:31] [2/2] I assume the solution will involve JS [10:17:28] my wiki is on english and search appears to be broken too, was the issue at least acknowledged? [10:17:36] i'm just looking into it [10:17:48] so this is a common bug on Tweeki currently? [10:17:50] looks like the destination url goes to the main page and not Special:Search [10:17:52] yes [10:18:23] It took me all day yesterday trying to figure out the problem [10:19:44] [1/2] Can i put links in Mediawiki:Common.js to try to do that? [10:19:44] [2/2] what do i have to write? [10:20:04] yeah you can [10:20:17] I don't know man, ain't JS savvy, but all JS has to be done on Common.js yeah [10:20:19] i personally would prefer the hook method, but if you want you could also do it via js [10:20:30] (should i add asterisks to your above statement?) [10:20:38] hook like? [10:20:43] mediawiki hooks? [10:20:57] https://mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Hooks [10:21:21] Ok. I am going to read Manual:Hooks [10:21:38] is there a place to fix this? [10:22:01] so that it would go to Special:Search instead of main page [10:22:06] moing: the bug fix should be in the skin itself [10:22:09] i'm working on it actually [10:22:22] oh, okay [10:22:56] thank you, looking forward to your fix :pupCoffeeMH: [10:23:28] hmm... i think it may potentially be a bug with miraheze's setup? [10:24:03] like in ManageWiki? [10:24:13] close, but no [10:24:27] in https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config [10:24:53] interestingly, /w/index.php?search on my test mediawiki install does the search, but on miraheze it doesn't [10:25:04] guessing hyperactive seo optimisation [10:25:57] not an expert on any of these, sorry [10:26:03] it looks like a foreign language to me [10:26:14] oh okay [10:26:34] i believe the proper fix would be in miraheze-specific code instead of tweeki's [10:26:45] you think SEO causes this? [10:27:02] an seo optimisation, not seo itself [10:27:19] basically, /w/index.php?title=... would redirect you to /wiki/... [10:27:25] but it's being maladaptive here [10:28:32] where would that miraheze-specific code would be? [10:28:53] have you omitted `/wiki/` in URL by a chance? [10:29:20] in any of ManageWiki pages? not to my knowledge, no [10:29:30] theoneandonlylegroom: the url causing the redirect is created by tweeki [10:29:39] it's a restricted setting [10:30:01] I just created the wiki like two days ago [10:30:08] how skin can affect basic functionality ... [10:30:26] search bar points to /w/index.php?title=searchquery&go=Go [10:30:41] oops, i mean /w/index.php?search=searchquery&go=Go [10:30:52] miraheze adds a redirect to /wiki?search=searchquery&go=Go [10:31:03] which causes another redirect to /wiki/ [10:31:53] I don't want to interrupt the topic of fixing the skin to go to Special:Search instead of Special:MainPage but I would like to follow up on the hooks. How long do you think it will take to investigate the tweeki skin? [10:32:12] i have time blindness :p [10:32:30] ideally /w/index.php -> /wiki should never happen, but the last time i tried to tackle the auto-redirect (https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12214) it didn't work [10:32:38] so perhaps the /wiki -> /wiki/ redirect should keep the query parameters [10:32:58] how will I create a redirect for that? could you help me [10:33:13] requires code modification to miraheze-specific stuff ^^; [10:34:52] Is all in the backend. I think tech persons have to fix that, not local admins [10:35:00] yeah backend [10:35:08] i'm already eye-ing at the code [10:35:24] I think so too, one last question then. How can I contact the tech team [10:35:56] generally, to file issues, you'd go on phorge (see https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge) [10:36:04] i actually just filed a task for this (https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12682) [10:36:38] oh thank you so much [10:36:52] sorry for taking up all your time [10:37:13] it's okay ^_^ [10:53:32] pull request (a request to change code) has been made, when that's merged (accepted), the redirect should no longer happen [10:54:15] though you might need to clear cache to make searching terms that you already searched working again because they were 301 redirects [10:54:47] avengium: investigation done (turns out it's not tweeki after all); do you want me to look into hooks? [10:58:14] Yes. I want to look into hooks, if you have free time [11:01:52] @blankEclair mention, Where should I write my hooks to work based on the namespace? [11:02:00] LocalWiki.php [11:02:25] I think as a local admin, i don't have access to php [11:02:52] you can make phorge tasks and/or pull requests to add it in [11:03:08] for example, our wiki has a hook to add witty quotes at the bottom [11:03:20] https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Special:RecentChanges (all the way at the bottom) [11:03:31] That's a good idea. I will do a phorge task [11:03:46] https://github.com/miraheze/mw-config/blob/a2a2be3d66d5265d866ea49e2913dcc6ff610d2e/LocalWiki.php#L605-L611 [11:03:54] alright, i might add the code in [11:14:24] [1/3] I made this phorge task, [11:14:24] [2/3] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12683 [11:14:24] [3/3] If you need me to explain the content better, let me know. [11:45:52] avengium: just fyi, i replied to the task [11:46:17] Thanks 😊 [12:31:07] @kiiyoko hi I saw your blocked message [12:31:23] Yes there is a way, you can request it on [[SR/RC]] [12:31:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR/RC [12:31:24] [12:39:41] hi, I'm trying edit the css so a different background appears in light mode vs dark mode [12:40:13] https://ufo50.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css [12:41:11] not sure what's wrong [12:58:09] solace9436: what is setting the classes? [12:58:21] oh citizen [12:59:09] @kiiyoko also #verify to post links lol [12:59:20] got it đŸ«Ą [13:02:18] [1/2] I don't know what I'm doing with CSS [13:02:18] [2/2] if you could point me to where I could copy and paste code I think that would be the easiest way [13:02:27] oki [13:03:52] I would recommend gathering a basic understanding of it as copy and paste has a remarkable way of making things unmaintainable if you don't have the bare principles down [13:04:09] things change between versions, quick fixes could be applied but only if those principles are understood, and so forth [13:04:37] this is... becoming a more complicated problem than expected [13:04:45] oh wait i forgot that the images are dead [13:07:33] solace9436: what skins do you want it to be for? [13:10:11] citizen skin [13:11:02] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/P523 [13:11:09] probably should put it in MediaWiki:Citizen.css though [13:13:36] thanks, it works! [13:14:40] you're welcome ^_^ [13:16:16] I should move it to Citizen.css so if I use a different skin, I could make changes for each skin? [13:16:45] yeah [13:16:49] each skin has its own CSS page yes [13:17:23] Common.css is a general, main CSS page which affects the wiki no matter which skin is used [13:18:08] [1/2] it's better to keep things like fonts or template styling in it [13:18:09] [2/2] skin related CSS better to keep in corresponding skin pahe [13:18:30] gotcha [13:52:23] Following up on this, created this oauth proposal https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:OAuthListConsumers/view/5b1ff1b1f5d6ea4fbf764452cdf4ff1e . @pixldev let me know if I need to fix anything on it [13:53:05] Did you make it as an owner only app [15:07:38] it worked! thank you so much [15:07:45] you're welcome ^_^ [15:10:07] Images I upload do not appear on the page for quite some time, do you think this is a cache problem or Miraheze? [15:10:54] example? [15:12:48] https://asoiaf.miraheze.org/wiki/Daemon_Targaryen this page again, I uploaded the infobox image and it doesnt show up [15:13:18] https://asoiaf.miraheze.org/wiki/Cerissa_Brax Also this one, I uploaded the coat-of-arms images but they don't show up either [15:13:25] and it has been nearly 2-3 hours [15:14:46] moing: seems like you have to manually purge the cache [15:15:26] could you direct me in that direction? [15:15:36] add ?action=purge to the end of the url [15:15:49] this might be a bug in PortableInfobox tbh [15:16:44] hmm nope [15:16:51] purge didn't work [15:16:54] oh? [15:17:13] nevermind im dumb [15:17:26] I typed ?purge=1 instead [15:17:32] the images showed up [15:17:38] oh lol :p [15:17:47] yep it all works [15:17:57] thank you so much again [15:18:03] loving Miraheze already [15:18:11] I'm glad I moved the wiki [15:18:51] you're welcome ^_^ [15:22:57] That one shouldn’t be owner only (the one under approval) [16:04:36] I'm loving Miraheze too. The volunteers and the community is awesome. People are so helpful [16:06:56] Glad to hear it ;) [16:09:34] Dyno stroked [16:09:39] If your message was just blocked [16:16:23] Say, I don't have any access to the delete function on my wiki anymore. [16:18:01] Link? [16:18:02] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291071708903505970/image.png?ex=66fec3ba&is=66fd723a&hm=f7286c31267942a700dfb970550a8f89e5e249125a0a072b025d1a7b066e35a3& [16:18:09] https://en.omniversalis.org/wiki/File:Flag_of_Illumaeus_(JPG).jpg [16:18:17] Does ?action=delete work( [16:18:33] [1/2] Nope. [16:18:34] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291071839082254489/image.png?ex=66fec3d9&is=66fd7259&hm=d2e63af9a49bb4e06a8328d4353ce36203e28106752ec44438df719085219d45& [16:19:33] [1/2] Hm. [16:19:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291072088832081920/image0.jpg?ex=66fec414&is=66fd7294&hm=1b21e10913942c49577b0f1207d94d5c6d70589df62626262f1c7a11e49ba985& [16:19:34] I think this is that one issue being cached [16:19:48] @reception123 can you MW cache nuke [16:37:57] If I've requested a Global Block abt a week ago, is there any way to undo that? [16:42:13] Depends on the flavor. If you simply requested your account to be locked or reversibly vanished and had an email attached, you can email stewards@miraheze.org from the same email address attached to your account to reverse it. [16:42:28] If you requested a GDPR vanish from trust and safety, then no dice, you'll need to make a new account. [16:48:28] thx [17:57:17] [1/3] yay [17:57:17] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291096683152801792/2024-10-02_20_57_02.png?ex=66fedafc&is=66fd897c&hm=b394381c35ae8cf4afcd2089a5e016ec3588a77485877ac54e9e2dad6d5a9c3a& [17:57:17] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291096683572367380/2024-10-02_20_55_18.png?ex=66fedafc&is=66fd897c&hm=89e5842a527e13e8e31c760ea8c029faec541098661adbe50a301928974d5d86& [17:59:52] [1/8] ``` [17:59:52] [2/8] // Get URL and redir JS-capable browsers to main domain if on subdomain [17:59:52] [3/8] // Licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0 / Programmed by GroupNebula563 [17:59:53] [4/8] var basePath = window.location.split(/)[1]; [17:59:53] [5/8] if (window.location.href.indexOf("https://chinafake.miraheze.org/") > -1) { [17:59:53] [6/8] window.location.replace("https://chinafake.wiki/" + basePath); [17:59:53] [7/8] } [17:59:54] [8/8] ``` [18:00:01] am I doing something horribly wrong here [18:00:10] now, why there's a ToC in text extract ... [18:02:51] text extract is a mysterious beast........ [18:03:04] i fought it for like 4 days straight and i lost and gave up [18:03:22] Did it immediately start working after that [18:03:27] also fucking unbeliveble that the icons had just color values, I DIDN'T HAVE TO USE INVERT [18:03:41] Praise be the css gods [18:04:05] oh it worked to begin with i just wanted to bend it to my will (have some text thats not visible to humans but is in the popup) [18:04:07] well, I kinda wait for a day, both pageimages and textextraxted worked prior that for SEO needs [18:04:52] Does anyone have a tutorial or could help me figure out how to style an infobox? Or template [18:05:06] It's my first time using miraheze [18:05:10] [[Infoboxes]]? [18:05:10] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Infoboxes [18:05:10] [18:05:26] if you never admined a wiki, you better start w/ basics [18:05:41] Good idea, humans suck, in fact, let’s hide the whole wiki from them? [18:05:46] [1/2] formatting, what are templates and how they work [18:05:46] [2/2] styling is kinda secondary thing [18:05:49] I made it with a YouTube tutorial but it doesn't say how to give it designs, on other wikis they look more professional so to speak [18:06:03] that said, I suggest to use portable infobox [18:06:19] Only give them to AIs. Specifically the ones that are the least useful to humans, cause screw them! [18:06:24] define professional [18:07:04] I suggest folks to not try to imitate Wikipedia, both like in effort and overal identity of the wiki [18:07:20] you don't have to be like Wikipedia [18:07:37] like a carbon copy [18:07:40] [[Wikipedia]] [18:07:40] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Wikipedia [18:07:42] [18:07:50] let me show you an example [18:07:53] [1/3] step 1: look at this enough to think that u know whats going on [18:07:53] [2/3] https://www.w3schools.com/css/default.asp [18:07:53] [3/3] step 2: get comfortable with inspect element and inspect some wikis with designs u like [18:08:09] really wish WikiBot would follow redirects in the URLs it sends [18:08:22] [1/3] I don't want to copy the design, just know how to give it my own [18:08:22] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291099474818502676/Screenshot_20241002_130744_Chrome.jpg?ex=66fedd96&is=66fd8c16&hm=753c135a9ef2d1a99cdacad747ad98f3a7e01840fe7dd4a8deee2a566cfded44& [18:08:23] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291099475137400993/Screenshot_20241002_130734_Chrome.jpg?ex=66fedd96&is=66fd8c16&hm=6ec334885a24d0878e5f643d22d2070c1b3ac5550ef5d41796d5a620eb5ab66c& [18:08:44] CSS [18:08:49] lots and lots of CSS [18:08:56] and portable infoboxes [18:09:07] I was reading a little about that but I honestly didn't understand [18:09:38] bruh it inserts ToC in page previews too, and I think I know why - it's because I requested to enable div in localsettings [18:09:39] first things first [18:09:52] well hold on what’s your wiki URL [18:10:17] Can i send it here? [18:10:32] yeah, but you might need to #verify [18:10:53] Ok I'll [18:11:27] https://2b2tpe.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [18:11:59] all right one sec [18:12:31] oh hey I’m on here https://2b2tpe.miraheze.org/wiki/Nebula [18:12:42] xd [18:12:45] right your portable infoboxes look good to me [18:13:00] like the configuration [18:13:08] what exactly do you wanna style them like [18:13:39] Maybe some lines separating the data labels and a wider border (not that much) [18:13:57] https://2b2tpe.miraheze.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Common.css?diff=176&oldid=126 this revision looks rather complex [18:14:04] why’d it get blanked? [18:14:05] And a different color for the title [18:14:33] i was testing with an infobox style code but it didn't work [18:14:50] wdym it “didn’t work” [18:14:51] Yep, always recommend testing in personal custom CSS first so you can see impacts faster [18:15:07] Common.css can take several minutes to start showing up. [18:15:42] you can’t go into a mechanic shop, say “my car doesn’t go”, give them no further info, and then expect them to figure it out [18:16:03] I mean the infobox still looks like default [18:16:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Module:Infobox/styles.css [18:16:12] I use it [18:16:26] can I open an old phorge task related to localsetting.php, to request an additional change to it? [18:16:39] w/ the same extension [18:17:09] ok these aren’t the right sort of infobox [18:17:23] That's what i thought [18:17:27] maybe check devwiki, they might have some stuff [18:17:57] Wdym? This #developers-wiki ? [18:18:06] nah [18:18:13] [[mh:dev]] [18:18:13] https://mh.wikipedia.org/wiki/dev [18:18:14] [18:18:19] unsure [18:18:57] what kind of infobox you want? the usual are like character, location, etc [18:19:39] on second thought [18:20:49] I think you mistaken several things [18:20:49] yeah [18:20:49] something like this ye [18:20:49] look [18:20:49] youre probably right xD [18:20:49] your infobox already has styling [18:20:49] it needs to be modified [18:20:50] this is done usually on MediaWiki:Common.css page [18:20:50] if you don't plan to go super fancy [18:22:10] but as NotAcharam said, for testing it's better to use user CSS, to see changes right away, or poke browser's element inspector [18:22:27] yep [18:22:33] now, do you know HTML/CSS? [18:22:37] that’s what I generally do [18:22:39] like, what it does [18:22:52] no [18:22:55] how to change it [18:22:55] i dont [18:23:15] web pages consist of various HTML elements [18:23:29] usually there are lot of blocks, `div` tags [18:23:57] CSS' function is to define look of these elements [18:24:08] usually by classes or id's [18:25:38] [1/2] when on page you see `
` or `
` [18:25:38] [2/2] on CSS page related to them rules would be `.infobox { ... }` or `#infobox { ... }` [18:26:36] we use browser's element inspector tool to poke around page's code, find classes/id's we need to change [18:28:00] [1/2] but since we are talking about PI, there's a list of classes and stuff it uses [18:28:01] [2/2] [18:32:06] [1/3] for example, I want to change this header part [18:32:06] [2/3] right click on it -> inspect element - I get this console thing and it shows me that header in the code [18:32:07] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291105447386026094/2024-10-02_21_30_59.png?ex=66fee326&is=66fd91a6&hm=5f74433a8d29c904ba644782b27d5c0e2698d7a1db1fca6c3f9a2b1a0b92cfea& [18:32:59] the class is `pi-header` [18:33:37] in right part of the console you can play w/ rules, the `border` etc [18:34:45] [1/6] so, I go to CSS page and add this code [18:34:46] [2/6] `.pi-header { [18:34:46] [3/6] background: #1A7D93 !important; [18:34:46] [4/6] text-align: center; }` [18:34:47] [5/6] and I get this [18:34:47] [6/6] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291106115727261789/2024-10-02_21_34_41.png?ex=66fee3c5&is=66fd9245&hm=41db8fdc560cbdd44b7f4012a6640f743b7d2a9f0cd00e5c5869d2bca548ef53& [18:35:56] In my case, I have an empty CSS, can I simply do this procedure and it will work? [18:36:09] by default all CSS pages are empty [18:36:20] those are for custom CSS [18:36:22] i see [18:36:58] [1/3] you add there code to [18:36:58] [2/3] - modify wiki's/skin's own, already existing CSS [18:36:58] [3/3] - add CSS for your own stuff like templates [18:37:27] in case of PortableInfobox it's a modification [18:38:58] I suggest to learn HTML/CSS basics, there's W3C school and plenty of other free tutorials online [18:40:25] i will see some later [18:41:48] thanks for the help and explanation [18:43:56] +1 on W3C School being super helpful as a crash course in basic CSS [18:51:55] w3school is awesome [18:52:06] there's probably market for a miraheze primer to read before sending people there though [18:52:19] things like what to focus on, importance of inspect element, where to put code [18:52:31] The infoboxes essay is a great start, but more to be done [18:52:45] for that subject it is extremely valuable [18:53:11] I feel like maybe infobox guide needs to be dumbed down more lol [18:53:24] Heh, yeah, could use some editing/structuring for clarity [18:53:53] I kind of wrote w/ a willing to learn everything for once user in mind [18:54:00] idk [18:54:39] wouldn't hurt to have on simpler CSS and template guides on Dev [18:55:03] pppery actually proposed to move infoboxes to Dev at some point [18:55:34] dev wiki just wasn't well developed (lol) back then [18:56:22] Looking forward to having even a drop of free time again so i can spend some cycles on that. [18:56:47] Taking exam for second to last class in 1.5 hrs! [18:57:04] good luck!!! [19:06:01] You got this! [21:40:16] Where should I go if I suspect a user in here is hacked? [21:40:48] Discord or on wiki? [21:40:59] In the Discord server [21:41:03] message me [21:41:12] Do that ^ [21:41:28] Message @raidarr (or any mod that's available) [21:41:44] a mod or an admin basically [21:42:22] Blue or red guys [21:43:14] Dark blue like pix not blue like me [21:43:30] Blue like me is for software issues [21:43:43] Or the scale ⚖ [21:44:11] I can't even see my icon cause it don't show in dark mode [21:44:25] I'm really off to sleep now, I've said it 3 times [21:45:42] Thanks for your help. [21:48:17] so i still can't edit my wiki [21:48:20] any ideas? [21:49:05] ...is rhinos already asleep [21:54:54] Is there anyone whos brain I can pick about DEFAULTSORTKEY? [22:12:19] How so? [22:12:35] I’m not particularly familiar with it but I’ve used it [22:14:03] https://phighting.wiki/Category:Patch_Notes How do you suppose I can organize these by year and then month and then date [22:14:14] Im not sure if DEFAULTSORT allows for that but the docs are a bit vague [22:14:32] [1/2] Does this mean I could do like {{DEFAULTSORT:2022, January, 01}} ??? [22:14:32] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/DEFAULTSORT:Template:2022%2c_January%2c_01 [22:14:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291161422671118420/image.png?ex=66ff1747&is=66fdc5c7&hm=d76eeb81bb77f323336d3c2a41e09bc15d2a9eb06b63799e843d9c754af1ee24& [22:26:51] I think doing it 2022-01-01 would be best [22:27:11] Since month names in English aren’t alphabetical [22:27:55] Lol...good catch [22:27:56] Let me try [22:29:02] That seems like itll do it [22:29:25] đŸ”„ [22:32:57] Love an ansi-compliant date format [22:50:35] Anyone know if there’s anything specific about the flooder group that makes it apply to all edits [23:19:34] just bumping this question [23:19:38] never got any responses [23:22:04] yo fellas [23:22:12] [1/2] how would i make a nation infobox with this [23:22:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291178454871703644/image.png?ex=66ff2724&is=66fdd5a4&hm=35feeeb6348e53693258e181b3aee89e248c1d78d10b6aaaa8bd41a26c93cdc4& [23:22:33] go in, add a title, image, couple of custom fields [23:22:43] probably wanna change the data source names to make em clearer [23:23:00] how do you put two images in one element [23:23:43] if you wanna add two images to an infobox’s image field, I believe you should just be able to pass a gallery to it [23:23:59] huh? [23:24:18] like a gallery tag [23:24:58] [1/6] ``` [23:24:59] [2/6] [23:24:59] [3/6] File:Image1|Image1 caption [23:24:59] [4/6] File:Image2 [23:25:00] [5/6] /gallery [23:25:00] [6/6] ``` [23:25:25] would i put that in the source? [23:25:28] where the captions are the labels of the image tabs [23:25:30] of the article [23:25:35] you’d put that in the image argument [23:25:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291179351865299045/image.png?ex=66ff27fa&is=66fdd67a&hm=96be085a93daa51f80ce014abbd56bd300217b69e467ae315ef189019bad3055& [23:26:12] ion see an argument part [23:26:48] [1/9] ``` [23:26:49] [2/9] {{Infobox_whatever [23:26:49] [3/9] |image= [23:26:49] [4/9] [23:26:49] [5/9] File:Image1|Image1 caption [23:26:50] [6/9] File:Image2 [23:26:50] [7/9] /gallery [23:26:50] [8/9] |some_other_argument=randomvalue}} [23:26:51] [9/9] ``` [23:27:23] how would i do {{Infobox_somethingsomething}} if i dont got no templates [23:27:23] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Infobox_somethingsomething [23:27:24] [23:27:31] what. [23:27:52] you make the template first, then you add the gallery as the image argument when you add the template to the page [23:28:07] that bot links to stuff when it detects a wikilink [23:28:24] [[This is not a real page on metawiki (I hope)]] [23:28:24] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/This_is_not_a_real_page_on_metawiki_(I_hope) [23:28:25] [23:28:43] [1/2] i imported [23:28:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291180093221113897/image.png?ex=66ff28ab&is=66fdd72b&hm=cfdbee3c91170a038cf4c3b49dec71891d008d015dd1e8ddd87c1ecae06c26a1& [23:28:45] this is all i got [23:29:17] oh you gotta make a new infobox with the PIBuilder, those aren’t the right kind of infobox (if that makes any sense) [23:29:27] right [23:29:37] ok hold on lemme go cook up in the PIbuilder [23:40:46] Kinda still having the same problem from last week. Every time I create and then edit an article, I have to purge the main page it is on so it will look like it exists. This is the case on multiple devices and multiple Miraheze sites I've edited. Should I reset my account settings or something? [23:58:25] It's not your account, it's our caching set up I believe