[00:09:59] Is you mediawiki language different from english? [00:11:15] Its English [00:52:18] What are the IRC rules [00:53:03] I'm guessing no rickrolling [00:57:01] as in general irc etiquette- and you disconnected [01:16:30] [1/4] @groupnebula563_0765 [01:16:30] [2/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291207217600532522/image.png?ex=66ff41ee&is=66fdf06e&hm=dfab4be19e6ce0b7839b708629ce7c5f4d1379b443e8b56e0609db141b0e06dc& [01:16:31] [3/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291207217894129696/image.png?ex=66ff41ee&is=66fdf06e&hm=7e2f43c97da86fb332e105d5428d0351d74d06bad413ac6cdd520e94ae0d7fb8& [01:16:31] [4/4] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291207218271748149/image.png?ex=66ff41ee&is=66fdf06e&hm=64383270276a57b63dec5b739d09ae06358517235f1af3ae2fdcffe4a9527f03& [01:16:40] i tried my best to "copy" the wikipedia infobox [01:17:23] the eventdate* makes me wanna die [01:18:01] wont disagree with the eclair [01:18:31] suicidal or not, i tried my best [01:18:33] then again, the alternative is using lua [01:18:36] lmao fair enough [01:18:44] i dont know lua coding [01:18:50] so the option is wanting to die [01:18:52] yeah, understandable ^^; [01:18:56] imagine using lua to build portable infoboxes [01:19:00] or being tossed into the eternal abyss of nothing [01:19:13] if i knew lua, i wouldnt be asking these questions and i could import wikipedia stuff and know what to do [01:19:19] but guess what, i dont so [01:19:21] sucks to suck [01:19:27] yeah sorry [01:19:51] how much lua would i need to know [01:19:53] hypothetically [01:20:00] to be able to import from wikipedia [01:20:11] its not how much lua [01:20:12] its [01:20:15] for resolving errors, i guess a snse of being able to read code? [01:20:18] how much do you hate yourself [01:20:25] depends on the day [01:20:38] has the wikipedia essay been linked yet [01:20:40] or is it too late [01:20:45] i can read code fairly well [01:20:50] basically figure out what line is failing, and why [01:20:55] i read it, it's no use [01:21:02] too late then, so be it [01:21:10] i have no idea what the hell to do about it [01:21:15] all i got from it is [01:21:29] "you know lua, cool, do what you gotta do. if not, oopsy daisy you suck" [01:22:12] it's basically problem solving [01:22:32] https://files.catbox.moe/mqe9pc.png [01:22:58] if stuff is already imported it's ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ unless the wiki was otherwise fresh [01:23:17] there's a small handful of people who can wrangle it but the big one I don't think is active anymore [01:23:36] i managed to unwrangle importing wikipedia templates lol [01:23:40] I'm not sure who the best contact would be now for navigating it short of learning the long way [01:23:50] is that so [01:23:51] I guess clair is the new ugo on that [01:24:05] basically stamp through the errors, figure out how to import 200 pages without steward intervention, and swear to yourself as you ask why Template:Uses TemplateStyles has to load external data [01:24:37] great i dont know how to do any of that [01:24:41] ugo was basically the only one I know about who imported wikipedia template stuff on purpose, understood what was going on and was able to improve on that [01:24:51] oh hey, i imported wikipedia on purpose xD [01:24:52] and used that stuff to its full advantage [01:25:07] if you do all that you meet the ugo bar [01:25:29] i only used stuff like the string manipulation functions though [01:25:35] improving upon that? uhh nah [01:25:42] he went a little beyond [01:26:05] ok so like [01:26:10] what do i do about this [01:26:11] I don't know if penarc is particularly good at that stuff but I know he does odd troubleshooting [01:26:22] well I'm trying to think who might be able to work on it directly [01:26:26] you can keep it as is :p [01:26:28] just a tiny nitpick [01:26:44] closest i got to absolute VICTORY was some guy doing an absolute w move and making the infobox work [01:26:45] just [01:26:47] because all I got is back up what you got and reset the thing, or just import as much as you can to plug all the holes and hope it stays working [01:27:02] and get random people who kinda get it to patch other holes like you said [01:27:03] i didnt know how to make it look like wikipedia's [01:27:16] > just import as much as you can to plug all the holes [01:27:18] GOD, all the importing [01:27:35] if scratch isn't an option then dig in is what you've got I guess [01:27:36] i had to write my own mediawiki backup chunker to import pages in 50 page chunks [01:28:05] question [01:28:09] how do i plug said holes [01:28:18] i assume holes being unimported pages [01:28:23] oh [01:28:25] really? [01:28:28] that's it? [01:28:34] and perhaps like two errors? [01:28:40] those errors [01:28:43] how do i fixy fix [01:28:51] because apparently some wikipedia modules have to load external data- i'm still not over that [01:28:51] cuz i dont understand lua [01:29:02] they're basically configuration issues with an extension [01:29:10] right [01:29:12] yknow what [01:29:24] how about this ms eclair shmeclair [01:29:35] new last name dropped [01:29:36] ill import some stuff from wiki on my wiki [01:29:43] 🔥 [01:29:45] anyways [01:29:55] ill import stuff from wikipedia onto my wiki [01:30:06] fix any errors that can be fixed by importing other pages [01:30:12] then if anything remains, ill go to you [01:30:14] kk [01:30:18] awesome [01:30:50] for now im gonna rest bc my brain hurts from looking at the relentless beast that is the mediawiki logo [01:30:52] here's the fix for the error i faced btw: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12116 [01:31:35] tempted to login to kde identity to change my "full name" to Eclair Shmeclair [01:32:15] crazy that a random guy does that [01:32:20] im just a guy [01:53:35] Howdy everyone. Every time I create and then edit an article, I have to purge the main page it is on so it will look like it exists. This is the case on multiple devices and multiple Miraheze sites I've edited. Should I reset my account settings or something? I tried clearing the cache but that hasn't worked/ [01:58:37] oof that's embarrassing 🫠 [01:59:21] two o ya [01:59:26] gameshowfan2001: when checking the pages, were you logged out or in? [01:59:52] Logged in. [02:00:12] that's... weird [02:00:58] i have no clue [02:03:08] I can send a video demonstration of what happens if need be [02:03:16] sure [02:03:20] that'd be very helpful [02:07:29] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291220047234203702/2024-10-02_21-06-03.mkv?ex=66ff4de0&is=66fdfc60&hm=38c02a2afeb2db457158da3cb1aa8156f746094a07511cebdf2b228d0b0d96b0& [02:09:31] ohh that's what you mean [02:09:35] yeah, that's intended, it takes some time [02:10:56] how much time idk, but it's not instant [02:11:11] I see. I’ve only had this happen for about a week now so I’m guessing it’s new? [02:11:14] * (unless if the page containing the old link is not cached) [02:13:38] depends on how fast things are being chewed the job queue i guess? [02:20:13] Does anyone else have issues with mobile view on desktop not being accurate to actual mobile view? I'm trying to edit my mobile view css (MediaWiki:Mobile.css) but stuff just doesn't work on actual mobile devices where it does on mobile view [02:20:38] I'm using monobook for both mobile and desktop skins if that helps [02:20:55] that sounds horrible to debug [02:20:58] wiki? [02:21:19] https://ftlmultiverse.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [02:22:08] Some stuff is still broken on mobile view desktop because I haven't adapted it [02:23:45] not if your CosmicAlpha [02:23:53] which message [02:24:01] > that sounds horrible to debug [02:25:01] https://files.catbox.moe/ei8q0k.png [02:25:08] look at the difference between my laptop and my phone [02:25:29] Yes that's the problem [02:28:19] I can't fix the issues on mobile because the desktop mobile view isn't working the same as actual mobile [02:29:17] alright, found the issue [02:29:28] laptop is loading common.css, actual phone is not loading that [02:29:35] as to why... i dunno [02:30:21] Urg [02:30:55] guess i'll get mobilefrontend running on my test server [02:31:11] iirc my mobile.css is just copy and pasted monobook.css but I can try putting common.css in there too [02:32:03] Is the actual phone not loading stuff on mobile.css because stuff on there just straight up isn't working [02:32:29] oh nope... [02:32:59] wait no, i opened the url on my laptop in the wrong container (librewolf bug??) [02:33:03] Like turning headers white [02:33:18] now in the proper container, it doesn't load common.css too [02:34:10] So is it just loading monobook.css for the mobile view [02:34:25] On an actual phone I mean [02:34:48] yes [02:34:57] and not on my laptop either... [02:35:38] I guess I could try using a mobile skin other than monobook but that's the only one I like lol [02:41:16] oh wait [02:41:22] does mobilefrontend load mobile css through javascript? [02:43:36] hmm... [02:44:10] i guess... not? but it did the last time i tried... [02:44:33] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:MobileFrontend#CSS_styling [02:44:36] does it not exist anymore? [02:45:15] hey, gonna relay something from one of them forum channels [02:45:44] It doesn't use mobile.css anymore in the extension? [02:45:50] [1/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291229698101084160/IMG_5293.png?ex=66ff56dd&is=66fe055d&hm=9a9faff24a6e5b68f06bdcd72f63d627c75780ef72a7c5a42238943f4163ac79& [02:45:50] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291229699065905194/IMG_5294.png?ex=66ff56de&is=66fe055e&hm=02870b69c02b976348509575d2ac816cd91cc3043bb79a8c30687e2693c02f7c& [02:46:51] I don't think that's the issue [02:47:19] probably something unrelated [02:47:25] I'm guessing mobilefrontend doesn't use mobile.css anymore so it's just loading monobook.css [02:47:41] no no this is an entirely different issue [02:47:52] what's weird is that it loads common.css on my laptop?? [02:47:59] just putting it in general for IRC people due to lack of bridging [02:48:07] So the only fix is to use a different mobile skin or copy all of common.css to monobook.css [02:48:14] Oh my bad, sorry [02:48:55] this makes no sense T_T [02:50:01] it's loading common.css on my phone for my test server [02:50:40] Weird [02:52:27] it's now bad on both my laptop and phone [02:55:02] okay, it's now bad on desktop [02:55:08] uh, not?? [02:56:23] okay i'm like very confused right now [02:56:28] should i just drop this issue =w= [02:57:45] I mean I would like to have this resolved but I don't know if this issue is my fault or if something is breaking on mobilefrontend or what [02:58:08] i don't know too T_T [02:58:25] it's now broken on desktop too, even without mf [03:01:32] thebasicperson: alright, so what's the issue? the sidebar background not being white when the screen is small enough? [03:01:42] starting back from the beginning in hopes that it makes things clearer (T_T) [03:02:09] No I just want my mobile.css to actually work on mobile [03:02:15] That's like my main thing [03:03:00] oh [03:04:32] i... have no idea [03:04:44] it's probably easier to make it responsive than to make it mobile-dependent [03:12:09] groupnebula563_0765: server-side issue for styles [03:12:13] [229465f88a1191b70e4a89ba] 2024-10-03 03:11:59: Fatal exception of type "Less_Exception_Compiler" [03:15:00] hopefully they're fine with a trans person triaging this issue :p [03:15:54] task: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12687 [03:21:49] guys, did you click mobile mode switch tho? [03:23:25] which issue? [03:24:17] what you were discussing just now ... [03:25:07] oh, cosmos and hpmawiki? [03:26:49] because Mobile.css works in mobile mode ... [03:27:23] this issue is such a pain T_T [03:27:53] groupnebula563_0765: possibly caused by an invalid $wgCosmosContentBackgroundColor value [03:28:33] but yes, i did use mobile mode [03:28:40] both through clicking the link, and through ?useformat=mobile [05:20:05] BlankEclair - that toc change in phorge should work now? [05:20:17] headertabs? [05:20:35] no, textextract [05:20:44] oh, i think so yeah [05:20:50] I see you claimed the task [05:21:02] thanks [05:21:12] there was an adjacent thing with TOCs in header tabs, so... [05:21:23] got confused, especially when that issue was finally fixed today or yesterday [05:21:33] [1/2] I wonder how I should wait for it working [05:21:33] [2/2] or it's not working ... [05:21:41] 30-60 minutes after the commit [05:21:44] so it's probably not working [05:21:53] (since you're asking) [05:24:01] cus, I purged example page, WikiSEO on page info shows ok description, but testing link here it still drags ToC [05:24:17] I wasn't smart enough to check page info yesterday [05:24:21] link? [05:24:32] https://softcell.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Bedsit_Tapes [05:25:08] description seems fine? [05:25:46] on page info - yes [05:25:51] in html too [05:25:55] [1/2] here [05:25:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291269986974830674/IMG_20241003_082527.jpg?ex=66ff7c63&is=66fe2ae3&hm=4036e1530c84a20fdcbb86010cf1c876d36635bbf715142591e27868ad49fdf4& [05:26:18] what about https://softcell.miraheze.org/wiki/The_Bedsit_Tapes?awawa [05:26:28] yeah same shit [05:26:33] oh, odd [05:26:48] lemme check caches then [05:27:07] my first assumption is always cache now lol [05:29:01] checked all the mw* servers, same normal descrption ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [05:29:18] :ThinkingHardMH: [05:33:35] https://files.catbox.moe/j1guda.png; discord, i want docs, not porn [05:37:46] no idea then [07:01:18] hmm [07:01:24] put it in quotes maybe [07:20:04] How do I give text a color AND a color shadow? [07:35:44] CSS [07:36:00] No like for just a paragraph [07:37:05] same thing, but as inline styling [07:38:03] `
Text here./div` [12:00:01] Hi, I was going to donate to Miraheze as a thank you for all the help you guys have been. If I'm just making a one time donation is it better to use the GitHub sponsorship or the Kofi? [12:01:12] github has the least fees for us i believe [12:01:25] iirc github was said to be better [12:01:57] isn't ko-fi tied to paypal? [12:02:06] Alr I'll go the github [12:02:09] Thank you! [12:02:31] no, thank you [12:03:50] [1/2] it's been hours and it still drags ToC 🫠 [12:03:50] [2/2] although, maybe it's only discord? idk where else to test embed [12:08:34] technically you could use facebook :p [12:08:46] > [03/10/2024 22:01] isn't ko-fi tied to paypal? [12:08:55] last time i donated to someone (not miraheze) via ko-fi, it basically used paypal [12:09:25] paypal is getting more and more shady, there's some new type of data harvesting [12:09:59] huge thank you for donating to us, we appreciate every penny [12:10:29] paypal credit's direct debits don't update properly too [12:17:52] yes, I avoid paypal as hard as I can [12:18:05] been meaning to shut off an account there I haven't used in literal years [12:31:13] If you want, feel free to ask us if you want the Donator role. :) [12:31:14] they added inactivity fees for russians, who knows when they'll add for the rest lol [12:31:22] Why’s that [12:31:49] I constantly see warning posts on tumblr over some changes in policies and shit [12:32:36] paypal plays censor is the big one, but otherwise I see them as a big bully atop other weird stuff they like to do which I would have to look up again to get into [12:32:53] it has no advantage to me really over say, a privacy.com card [12:33:10] Haven’t heard of that [12:33:30] it is a wonderful tool to avoid exposing your real account information to random and potentially scummy services [12:33:43] if you are properly supported, not all institutions do [12:33:52] when I worked for WhoSampled, they made me register on Wise, which I never heard of before [12:34:18] not just receiving but also if say, the given credit union (you are using a credit union aren't you) is supported with the privacy site [12:34:45] if you're not in the US, partially ignore me since I dunno how all that works internationally [12:35:14] I’m in high school you think I know what a credit union is [12:37:00] high school or something idk i don't do drugs [12:37:02] * BlankEclair runs [12:37:17] 💯 [12:37:23] Seriously Claire? [12:37:29] yes :) [12:37:29] You think I have the money to buy drugs [12:37:34] lmfao- [12:38:16] btw, i stole a security review from labster because i was bored =w= [12:38:25] I’m still waiting on my first paycheck [12:38:31] Because HR is being HR [12:38:45] i see HR and my brain instinctively fills in T wtf [12:39:01] In Portuguese it’s RH [12:49:47] Will do [12:51:32] Bet, just have your discord or on wiki username on your GitHub profile somewhere and sent me the link to verify [12:54:21] Alright. I'll send the donation soon, currently caught up in something (ironically wiki related) [12:57:33] Wiki work is never done [12:59:23] i'm in this image and i'm offended [13:00:20] What [13:00:33] https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Category:Maintenance [13:01:19] Sigh [13:01:34] what? [13:02:30] Anyways [13:02:45] I should try and add the cites I found yesterday for enwiki article [13:09:28] Pixldev: HR universally suck [13:10:01] No rest for the wicked [13:12:53] cosmicalpha once accidentally pulled an all-nighter for miraheze [13:15:37] I heard [13:15:58] https://tenor.com/view/good-morning-gif-811157193184046762 [13:16:04] once? [13:16:18] as far as i know [13:16:30] This man doesn’t sleep [13:16:33] feel free to update me with more [13:16:35] oh lmao [13:17:02] @cosmicalpha how many all nighters have you pulled working on MH [13:17:15] [1/2] Hi, when I use the search engine on intercriaturaswiki, because it is a wiki for hosting files, most of the time it doesn't give a preview of the title of any search, and I have to click and go to special:Search to see if I have something that starts with that text. Could we add the pages in the "File:" namespace to the suggestions for pages with titles? Currently they don't appear [13:17:16] [2/2] in the results before going to Special:Search. [13:17:59] i'm skipping lunch to make up more time for miraheze [13:18:14] why care about your corporal body when you can spend your life volunteering for an abstract project :thumbsup: [13:18:21] (gonna ignore what implications that has) [13:18:31] Good idea [13:18:38] money don't grow on trees [13:19:27] yeah [13:19:38] when two monies love each other very much... [13:19:54] you broke the chain lol [13:20:07] eh? [13:22:08] What chain [13:22:43] The government takes them and clones and mass produces them inflating the world economy and ruining the lives of millions [13:23:24] first, they strip money of their reproductive rights [13:23:32] second, they're stripping humans of them [13:24:03] i still want my £200 [13:24:06] Go america /sar [13:24:43] [1/3] Cage the Elephant - Ain't No Rest for the Wicked [13:24:44] [2/3] but particularly this for me [13:24:44] [3/3] https://youtube.com/watch?v=rZKESnSABHg [13:30:36] the more we shitpost the more i lose the motivation to finish my sec review lol [13:31:39] i think i might be too far gone, oops [14:27:51] 82 wikis away from 50k! [14:34:57] :OO [14:45:15] good morning [14:45:22] it's about time i work on my wiki [14:47:16] good luck on that [14:47:20] thanks [15:10:47] ms eclair shmeclair [15:10:50] question [15:10:57] oh? [15:11:10] before i start importing and then fixing [15:11:24] should i import ALL from wikipedia or whatever i can from dev and then wikipedia? [15:11:33] i'd do dev first, then wp [15:11:55] sounds good, danke schön [15:12:26] now i know how to spell the phrase i heard from a bird like two years ago [15:13:03] 🔥 [15:13:31] it's takanashi kiara, so the fact that you used fire is even funnier [15:13:56] Arson [15:14:10] i like arson [15:27:41] yo eclair [15:27:51] should i share you my wiki so you can see my imports? [15:35:44] i wasn't pinged so i didn't see :p [15:35:46] and i'm planning to eep [15:35:55] oh [15:36:13] Aussie [15:36:35] then i'll wake up on 6:45, and go back to bed at approximately 7 [15:37:17] so ill assume 9 then? [15:37:32] wdym by nine [15:37:35] like [15:37:36] as in when i wake up again? [15:37:40] prolly, yea [15:37:47] oh, you sweet summer child [15:37:54] i'll wake up at like 12 pm [15:38:08] ...shoot. [15:38:17] eh, you can put it on my talk page ig [15:38:23] or matrix... or email... or irc memoserv [15:38:36] where is ur talkpage [15:38:41] We here at miraheze don’t love normal sleep schedules [15:38:49] [[User talk:BlankEclair]] [15:38:49] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:BlankEclair [15:38:49] [15:38:50] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_talk:BlankEclair [15:38:54] danke danke [15:39:24] we all have absolutely poor self-care for various reasons! (i think?) [15:39:46] how do you chat in it [15:39:58] oh, it's more like a wiki page than anything [15:40:33] ...email it is then [15:40:40] ight then [15:41:04] ngl, the most unconventional way would be to file a phorge ticket, since i patrol phorge [15:41:09] anyway, time to actually epp [15:41:10] eep* [15:41:13] nini <3 [15:41:21] gn [15:43:31] adding to talk pages on Meta is like comments threads, which are converted into wiki text, there's a +/add topic button [15:44:58] and there are reply buttons, so like you won't have to deal w/ source [15:47:40] oh rlly? [15:53:07] sick [15:53:11] thanks bro [16:00:04] but as a wiki admin, you gotta learn wiki text [16:00:09] it's a must [17:57:12] It's a struggle, but a must indeed... [17:58:06] the struggle is when you have to utilize many parser function lol [17:58:36] otherwise wiki text isn't harder than markdown (which discord uses) [17:58:41] Speaking of struggles, is there a sandbox for testing templates? More specifically if you're wanting to test multiple pages that need to work together but you don't want to leave a mess in the histories by doing it directly on the pages [17:59:17] Yeah but it's markdown with a million options and extensions which makes it complex when you want everything to work together :LUL: [18:00:00] I recall there was something for template testing, but haven't tried that [18:00:37] I usually make "test" templates which I delete afterwards [18:00:57] but before template making I'm like [18:01:45] trying to build it like a page content w/o parameters, in sandbox, to make it look lright first [18:03:32] [1/2] I have yet to even make a normal page because I've been setting up the legal stuff like licenses for images, basic about page, templates, templates and more templates... [18:03:33] [2/2] But maybe I'll just have some test pages that I just delete then [18:17:36] i was the opposite [18:18:23] for a long time the Usagi Shima Wiki had no templates [18:58:45] A lot lol [19:00:39] sigh [19:03:04] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291475628641484810/image.png?ex=67003be8&is=66feea68&hm=b57ceab228cd6ccf25707a4ef01891fe41105ffa3998de1de2e9eebfedeece74& [19:03:11] funny [19:03:36] tho using no does can show the content [21:33:53] hi @geno_lurker [21:34:10] you're message was blocked by Automod because of it's URL, sorry about that [21:35:15] You can #verify to get it to go away in the future [21:53:14] Gotcha, let's try this again: Hi, I;m new to Miraheze and I'm moving my old Wikia stuff. I was wondering how do you change the background on the site? This is my old wiki: https://crossover-history.fandom.com/wiki/Newgrounds_Rumble and this is the image I want to use as the background that I uploaded to my Miraheze: https://crossoverhistory.miraheze.org/wiki/File:Background.jpg [21:54:20] depends on skin [21:55:11] in case of Vector 2022 - you'll have to CSS your way [21:55:54] there's a skin called Cosmos which imitates old Wikia skin (called Oasis), it lets you to change colors and put bg image just in settings [21:56:01] for example [21:56:22] Timeless technically has bg setting too but it might require CSS tweaks still [21:57:00] Oh, okay. So, how do I access Cosmos? [21:57:17] [1/2] on vector it would be very quick to do this [21:57:17] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291519471915106438/image.png?ex=670064bd&is=66ff133d&hm=494012191645185df8959d0fc96b994bb027dec8423655fc6a37891846314a36& [21:57:29] to have it more than that would require a bit more work [21:58:25] [1/2] enable it in extensions (see admin sidebar), skins tab [21:58:25] [2/2] then go to wiki's additional settings, styling tab - the first thing in it is default skin, you should pick Cosmos in there [21:59:04] [1/2] Any progress for SMW? Do I need to do something on the wiki level? It's still failing for me [21:59:04] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291519919464255580/image.png?ex=67006528&is=66ff13a8&hm=df8c875d6d7de78916ed23f1cfdca3d7ea50b8f652327039ab23e5146d835f0d& [22:01:28] So I just download this?: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Skin:Cosmos I don't mean to sound stupid. but it says to put it in a skins/ folder, but I don't have one [22:01:45] no downloading [22:01:56] anything that mentions files or LocalSettings.php is handled through managewiki [22:02:06] for extension installation this is Special:ManageWiki/extensions [22:02:18] for configuration settings there is Special:ManageWiki/settings [22:05:20] Hmm. Raidarr, when you said "on vector it would be very quick to do this": how do I go to vector? I'm on this page right now: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Skins [22:05:38] I am not a techy guy so I do apologize for being annoying [22:09:10] on Miraheze extensions are already installed, admin just have to enable or disable what they want in that ManageWiki interface + there are other things and settings, all accessed from Administration sidebar ("Manage this wiki's ..." links) [22:10:48] changes are either made in Special:ManageWiki/settings if the skin has support for it, or in the skin's CSS file if it does not. Infinitely more is always possible with CSS than depending on ManageWiki settings if they exist at all, but naturally, you must learn the principles of CSS to make use of it. Each skin will have its own file. [22:11:29] Oh so right here then?: https://crossoverhistory.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:ManageWiki/extensions#mw-section-skins I clicked Cosmos and then I saved it [22:11:55] correct, now you should set it as default, as I mentioned previously [22:12:15] to set it as default you will need to visit Special:ManageWiki/settings and enter the styling tab [22:14:20] [1/2] Okay I checked it. This one right? [22:14:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291523762868719738/Screenshot_2024-10-03_151333.png?ex=670068bc&is=66ff173c&hm=164d9c3c1d7f4de699af6347ef03b563e8571febc08d72d5b6c5bd6bb9d0aa87& [22:15:10] yup [22:15:58] [1/2] after saving you might have wait a bit for it to start working [22:15:59] [2/2] if you'll scroll down this same page you'll see other settings [22:17:03] [1/2] And then I put the background I want here? The "background.jpg" with all the retro nes characters I mean [22:17:03] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291524446057795594/Screenshot_2024-10-03_151624.png?ex=6700695f&is=66ff17df&hm=3527be7605ef5d807529b4f0d9cab97db12bd0afe6c7e5f52fd82d2d0f44eec8& [22:18:19] you the "raw file link" of that image, on file page under image there should be something like "Open in original size" [22:19:41] This one?: https://static.miraheze.org/crossoverhistorywiki/1/1f/Background.jpg [22:20:03] yup [22:22:14] Okay I think that's it!: https://crossoverhistory.miraheze.org/wiki/Newgrounds_Rumble Does it look like yours originally or is it big and blurry? [22:22:36] I turned off my laptop lol [22:22:40] oop [22:23:06] ye, time to eep, someone else can help you further [22:23:06] it's very pixelated [22:23:15] a tiny image is being stretched across a very large canvas [22:23:50] it will need to repeat as does on fandom or a higher resolution image should be used [22:24:12] the setting under bg image [22:24:24] cover by default, can't remember what else it offers [22:24:45] auto, contain [22:24:57] odd words, I'm pretty sure auto is the repeat setting [22:25:05] I think so [22:25:30] [1/2] This one? Also sorry for keeping you up Legroom I appreciate both you guys' help [22:25:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291526571701833748/image.png?ex=67006b5a&is=66ff19da&hm=620d38fcd147fda047d7da0c95fd983edc72b3bc609ce44c39943831b3f72101& [22:26:09] [1/2] this one [22:26:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291526735191474298/image.png?ex=67006b81&is=66ff1a01&hm=f3f2ed18ffb0041ece3abf2993a0068b9ba3d560a2e381ff0be7022bffc3e523& [22:26:16] oh these too might help, but I was talking about the size thingy ^ [22:26:21] dont worry no one here actually sleeps [22:26:35] everyone who wants to sleep will ensure discord can't bug them [22:26:41] tis my secret [22:26:46] tru lol [22:27:07] aight [22:30:10] Ok, I switched the Cosmos Background Image Size to Auto, how's it look now?: https://crossoverhistory.miraheze.org/wiki/Newgrounds_Rumble [22:32:43] Ah, it works! there we go! Thank you Legroom and Raidarr! [22:33:15] excellent [22:39:51] [1/3] i have module:arguments imported [22:39:51] [2/3] then again, some parts were imported from wikipedia, which i am awaiting further help on how to solve them with eclair, but im still asking [22:39:52] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291530184104607875/image.png?ex=67006eb7&is=66ff1d37&hm=8d944a4fac39d22ac96bbcff38b5888979ab253fe9e096e8dcb9d713eaa94dc9& [22:59:32] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291535137288224909/IMG_5023.png?ex=67007354&is=66ff21d4&hm=50d335b17cbef355589456ace04703f0d35116e4e5d2f055b579f973f983b378& [22:59:46] Don’t know why it’s showing up like that [23:05:09] Is better not to import directly from Wikipedia because Wikipedia has many dependencies [23:05:54] far too late for that unfortunately [23:05:59] it was one of the first areas I raised yesterday [23:06:09] once you're in the only option is to dig in or reset completely [23:06:23] there's no nifty 'unimport' option