[00:12:20] hiii is this a good place to ask questions or should i check the discord [00:13:23] Harrystein: this is bridged to discord so both works [00:14:38] fancy [00:15:04] soo i'm pretty out of my depth here, i'm not a programmer/webdev but i know how to google and copy-paste someone else's code [00:17:35] so this is a question about the MinervaNeue skin for mobile. is it possible to customize the left-hand sidebar the way that you can easily customize on desktop/Vector using MediaWiki:Sidebar? [00:18:22] all i could dig up was a few threads on phabricator.wikimedia.org which all pointed to each other, but only this solution seems to have been accepted: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T354002#9491198 [00:18:27] i tried it myself and it doesn't seem to work. [00:18:51] that's kinda hacky, but unfortunately not too expected [00:19:49] doesn't work for me either... that's fun [00:21:11] maybe it works for Minerva but not MinervaNeue? idk [00:21:44] frankly, i don't know what the difference between minerva and minervaneue :p [00:21:46] > Note that it doesn't support MobileFrontend with the Minerva skin for logged-out users. [00:21:48] oh god [00:25:27] Harrystein: looks like this is it: mw.util.addPortletLink("p-navigation", "https://minkos.lol/ip", "Get your IP", "t-get-ip"); [00:26:11] what is this link [00:26:37] funny site [00:26:43] i see [00:26:46] (just an example link i have) [00:26:53] but yeah, change the text to whatever you need [00:26:55] i figured that [00:28:03] what is the last part? t-get-ip [00:28:14] a unique id for the item [00:28:17] ok figured [00:28:27] i think the convention is "t-" [00:28:27] just making sure i understood lol [00:28:37] yeah it looks like that from the example at least [00:28:44] let's see... [00:29:10] BRUH [00:29:11] thanks so much [00:29:14] you are magic [00:29:15] you're welcome [00:29:21] i get that a lot ^^; [00:29:24] thanks though [00:29:37] good to meet you, we just joined, migrated from another site [00:29:46] neat ^_^ [00:30:04] (one of our wiki editors often refers to me as a mage, and ngl it's fun seeing how many different ways she can call me) [00:30:50] do you have a wiki or are you just here to do sorcery [00:31:14] both [00:31:28] (rainverse.wiki) [00:33:30] fancy domain name, i was wondering about whether i should consider setting something up like that [00:33:59] i did read the page about it several times, that mentions freeDNS or whatever it's called. i've never run a website before so i don't know how it works really [00:34:23] yo is dat my fella eclair [00:34:30] ya [00:34:40] wsp eclair shmeclair [00:34:48] freedns is free, but you're basically relegated to subdomains [00:35:01] always cool to see webcomics run for a decade or more [00:35:30] yeah ikr? i read rain after it basically finished, but we always have my impossible soulmate next xD [00:36:03] re your custom domain question: to get a fancy domain/link like rainverse.wiki or pandorastale.wiki, you need to buy a domain [00:36:20] (it's called buying, but you pay like monthly or annually for it, so it's more like renting :p) [00:36:23] oh btw eclair whenever ur available i got a question [00:36:30] that makes sense. i guess we could talk to our users abt pitching in [00:36:43] armoleb: anyway, i'm currently debugging why misskey docs are so slow [00:36:44] tysm for your help!! [00:36:48] you're welcome ^_^ [00:36:54] ah ok [00:36:56] armoleb: you can shoot me your question btw [00:37:02] fire shmire [00:37:04] okay so [00:37:13] i was importing stuff from wiki and dev right [00:37:16] until i thought [00:37:18] "hey" [00:37:46] "what if i look for a wiki page that has exactly what i need and then copy all the templates i need for mine" [00:38:07] so i started snoopy snoopin thru the message history of this server and found one [00:38:11] exactly what i wanted [00:38:19] a nation infobox and everythin [00:38:25] oh neat [00:38:29] do you think it's a good game plan or nah [00:38:36] sure why not [00:38:42] fire [00:38:48] follow up question [00:39:06] by any chance do you have the ability to reset and rename wikis [00:39:10] nah [00:39:19] that requires server access, and i don't have that :( [00:39:30] that would be a [[phorge]] matter [00:39:30] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge [00:39:31] [00:39:46] i once again must await on phorge... [00:39:50] alas [00:39:57] or i can just do it the hard way [00:40:06] tech is a smidge bottlenecked wherever it slices [00:40:08] and go to my import logs to delete everything [00:40:24] it would be kinda funny and sad if it were faster to rerequest the wiki and import that way than to do a wiki rename ^^; [00:40:26] good use of the nuke extension might do it, not sure what would be best though [00:40:33] nuke extension? [00:40:35] wazzat [00:40:41] extension for bulk-deleting pages [00:40:42] a neat tool to blow away pages en masse [00:41:00] justified eradication method, love it [00:41:03] honestly, for most of miraheze history it really would be faster to rerequest and import [00:41:09] these days not so much [00:41:16] it's in the extension page i assume? [00:41:20] indeed [00:41:31] I think there's nuke and nukedpl, either should do it for this [00:41:46] worst case scenario you can make a script to do so :p [00:42:43] push comes to shove yeah [00:43:05] i'd rather pull [00:43:20] https://tenor.com/view/tomas-holland-epic-win-gif-25077551 [00:43:25] fair [00:44:57] waiting for someone to finally install https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12654 and https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12175 [01:02:28] no idea how to [01:02:33] it just won't clone [01:05:42] any errors? [01:06:53] @agentisai [01:08:30] Puppet won't even acknowledge the extensions [01:08:40] it does no effort to clone them [01:09:39] oh okay [01:17:47] logs? [01:17:55] Do they use the right branch? [01:18:03] in mediawiki-repos [01:18:08] both are main, i checked [01:20:13] if it didn't then Puppet would complain [01:21:01] I found out when Reception did a wrong branch if it fails to clone it is silent after that puppet wasn't complaining but a non existing branch was used so it was silently not installing. [01:21:08] I don't know why though [02:09:37] [1/3] Would anyone happen to know what precisely controls which pages are permitted to appear in a wiki's search results? My wiki currently has an issue with disambiguation pages and other pages which contain information about the wiki itself displaying in the search results. [02:09:37] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291582972591341609/image.png?ex=67009fe1&is=66ff4e61&hm=43be49763083103493499ce5e358f74555e24849e24117a311855bddeb18174e& [02:09:38] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291582972818096209/image.png?ex=67009fe1&is=66ff4e61&hm=e197c5d9d157ad5d108a5371e7515e272e64edeb9be55288a96f7e37f4b0bf60& [02:10:47] $wgNamespaceRobotPolicies [02:10:58] wait no, that's seo [02:11:04] $wgNamespacesToBeSearchedDefault [02:11:16] configurable in Special:ManageWiki/namespaces [02:32:15] Hi, I have a question, I made a template, I placed the parameters but when I insert it and activate some parameter it does not appear on the page, does anyone know what I missed? [02:49:17] hi, i have an issue with the new wiki i made and the custom css for it [02:49:34] when im logged in and i edit the css it looks fine [02:49:52] but when i log out it looks nothing like what i made [02:50:24] this is what i made with my css [02:50:26] https://imgur.com/U7gjvj2 [02:50:45] and i want my site to look like that to any user that visits it [02:50:58] https://i.imgur.com/QPIPGW3.png [02:51:06] this is what it looks like when im logged out [02:51:21] im not sure why the site is doing this [02:58:54] NewDawnOfficial: it's caching [02:59:15] (i'm busy doing a code review right now btw) [02:59:36] i did log out and delete all my cookies in the second one [02:59:57] https://newdawnmodwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Test [03:01:06] [1/3] hello!! [03:01:07] [2/3] is it possible to have little tabs on the top of an infobox with portable infobox or any other extension? [03:01:07] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291595930411466782/image.png?ex=6700abf2&is=66ff5a72&hm=979f2ba1d377069cb6a5469941b77f3bf798b06ea68fc0608b009a9bede618b2& [03:01:45] i've tried looking and it seems like the panel tag in fandom's version does not function (i could be wrong) [03:03:25] nevermind i litearlly. figured it out [03:46:19] [1/2] Would it be possible to add a button like this to the middle of an article? It's on the sidebar for pages with collapsible items [03:46:19] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291607308211851305/image.png?ex=6700b68b&is=66ff650b&hm=cd7aef2fb97df6ebf63a3df3e568b8922126fe5e1ec882c8dcbf440a50ac27e2& [05:10:09] [[mw:Help: Collapsible elements]] [05:10:09] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:_Collapsible_elements [05:10:09] [05:10:17] uh [05:10:32] remove the first _ in URL [05:10:51] you don't need to btw [05:11:14] and that's not a page btw [05:12:31] [1/6] in portable infobox use gallery syntax [05:12:31] [2/6] `|image = [05:12:31] [3/6] 1.png|First [05:12:32] [4/6] 2.png|Second [05:12:32] [5/6] ... [05:12:32] [6/6] /gallery` [05:12:51] yeah, better post the correct one then [05:13:02] [1/2] ! figured it out already [05:13:02] [2/2] i did not want to only 'gallerize' images, but the entire thing [05:13:09] i'm busy doing code review :p [05:13:58] [1/2] my bad, but I can't figure out rn [05:13:58] [2/2] I know tabs are possible in PI, better check Fandom's code guide [05:14:13] [1/2] i already figured it out šŸ˜¢ [05:14:13] [2/2] i just used tabberneau [05:14:16] i think the fandom infobox has thoses, they can text images and pretty much any intobox stuffs [05:14:23] Im exploding you all [05:14:33] :firNou: [05:14:55] šŸ’„ [05:15:26] NewDawnOfficial - where did you set up Timeless skin? you should have done that in "Manage this wiki's additional settings", Styling tab, the first setting is default skin [05:16:12] please link the page [05:16:20] hard to tell just like that [05:19:00] #problem with template [06:07:59] [1/3] How do i just space out text [06:07:59] [2/3] Like this? [06:07:59] [3/3] Mihareze just blends it all when i run the code [07:09:46]
[07:10:55] [1/5] So like [07:10:55] [2/5] ```omg text
damn``` [07:10:55] [3/5] Or [07:10:56] [4/5] ```text
[07:10:56] [5/5] Text``` [07:11:29] It's not a Miraheze thing, it's a mediawiki thing [07:19:04] Tysmmmm [08:39:22] [1/3] the much nicer way to do this is just to do this [08:39:23] [2/3] ```text [08:39:23] [3/3] text``` [08:39:28] well that didn't work [08:39:46] there as edited [08:39:59] much cleaner in most circumstances than glued in brs [11:03:56] [1/4] Hi, how can i search for files with an specific filetype? [11:03:57] [2/4] For example, I am in Miraheze commons or any other wiki and i want to find files that have ` .gif` in their name. [11:03:57] [3/4] How can i search for files with this type? [11:03:57] [4/4] [11:06:51] I don't know if this is the most efficient way, but you can just search ".gif" in the searchbar, or in the list of files, and see what comes up [11:07:29] Ok. I will try [11:07:51] Good luck [11:09:21] Special:MIMESearch, image/gif [11:09:24] I ran a poll and the community voted for pages abotu character's relationships to be "Character A/Character B (Relationship)". Is there a way to make such a page without it being considered a subpage by the wiki, or should I just try and convince people to go with literally any other page title format? [11:09:39] please use literally any other title format [11:09:49] Okay, yeah, fair - I will try and convince people then [11:10:32] You can turn off subpages [11:10:38] I think [11:10:48] It's probably in Special:ManageWiki/namespaces [11:10:51] But why [11:10:57] Just ye don't do it [11:11:09] does it prevent subpage detection or does it prevent creation of subpages [11:11:12] That doesn't even look good [11:11:22] BlankEclair: makes them treated as normal pages [11:11:24] Thanks Claire for the adviceon `Special:MIMESearch, image/gif` but on intercriaturas is not working for me. Because i made an issue-tracker ticket maybe is better to add this issue too to the same ticket [11:11:25] It was never my vote - I still can't believe that won. Maybe I can redo the poll without those options [11:11:29] So detection [11:12:01] fun fact: our wiki has lots of links like "Gavin/Maria", but the pages were never created [11:12:03] I sometimes question what goes on in some people's heads @mk.lilasekhmet [11:12:16] Ah - that wouldn't work for my purposes as I do also have actual subpages on my wiki (for list of character appearances) [11:12:40] Ye you can't turn off individual subpages [11:12:45] That would be weird [11:12:52] ikr? Like, I did explain on the poll that an option with a slash would treat pages as subpages, which if we aren't careful, could have very, uhh, nsfw implications [11:12:56] and people still voted for it. [11:13:07] gotcha [11:13:22] I honestly think it just looks crap too [11:13:24] ngl I'm kind of glad there isn't a way because I never wanted to use that format to begin with rip [11:13:28] try using a different character than /. For example = , - , _ or similar. Or search unicode for other symbols [11:14:15] that's fair - I mean, my wiki is literally about a fanfic, so I can see an argument for slashes being fitting (as that's how relationships are denoted in fandoms), but like. no. not on the wiki please and thank you [11:14:20] Ooh, good idea, thanks! [11:14:42] Anyone else run wikis with relationship pages? I'd like to see what other wikis do [11:14:42] Do another name and then Display the stylized title with https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Display_Title [11:14:55] ooh, thanks! That could work! [11:15:38] I don't run relationship pages. I run a bestiary with mythology and worldbuilding pages [11:20:43] [1/2] I hate this fandom somtimes fr [11:20:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291721659950301305/image.png?ex=6701210a&is=66ffcf8a&hm=535af7ea7914d7704bb127e55e1b5b627803836d4758c0797a488d80f8d8807e& [11:22:27] make everyone unhappy by doing "character a slash character b" šŸ‘ [11:23:23] Why was it an option in the first place? [11:23:41] I didn't think to add that (thankfully) - I'm still a bit surprised that in this very shipbrained fandom, the option of just having the relationship page title be "shipname" got 0 votes [11:23:49] because I'm a complete and utter fool, that's why [11:23:54] WHAT [11:24:06] I FEEL THAT THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN THE TOP CHOICE IF THERES POPULAR ESTABLISHED SHIPNAMES [11:24:17] LITERALLY [11:24:35] Most of the relationships have established shipnames - only the really really rarepair ones don't [11:24:54] Huh? [11:25:12] Like, some ships are so rare that there isn't even a widely accepted ship name for them in the fandom [11:25:25] Hmh. Not my kinda thing [11:26:03] That's fair, but my wiki is about a fanfic and it's wider fandom, so there's kind of no avoiding shipping round those parts [11:27:10] all aboard the S.S. Gavastacia [11:29:18] ? [11:29:28] a ship :p [11:29:33] (in the rainverse, but it's still a ship) [11:56:27] @pixldev any news? [12:01:17] I actually donā€™t think meta admins can approve these, MacFan4000 if youā€™re on do you know what right allows approving OAuth consumers? [12:22:10] How did you style those popups? [12:24:24] pixldev: I think it could be SRE so CA would probably be the person for that. [12:25:57] It would be in the tech team global group [12:26:02] Mac is in it [12:26:08] He approved mine a while back I think [12:29:26] Approved [12:29:41] The specific user right is ā€œmwoauthmanageconsumerā€ [12:44:07] Where is that again? Just tech? [12:55:18] Yeah, tech team [13:17:13] suffering poking w/ element inspector except I also had to pause the page w/ debugger [13:18:03] So it really is just like that... [Joybutsad](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/817890690863333426.webp?size=48&quality=lossless&name=Joybutsad) [13:19:34] [1/2] here's what I've got [13:19:34] [2/2] [13:22:28] Yo, thanks man. [13:32:56] Ehm, What Da Hell? [13:33:19] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291755032403771402/image.png?ex=6701401f&is=66ffee9f&hm=1d16abdcdeb21e2b7ced7eef2092aa1b861143111a0895e442dcd779e30abebc& [13:33:30] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291755078985978000/image.png?ex=6701402a&is=66ffeeaa&hm=a9aa530a7275cac4ef74f6fd68418af9a56a80c3e1b4b819c7b4445be67c4ddb& [13:35:21] It seems that 500 errors have been confirmed on my wiki as well [13:38:27] Huh [13:38:47] Claire and MacFan4000: servers on fire again [13:39:07] Oh [13:39:09] So [13:39:22] [1/2] @Infrastructure Specialists fun storyā€¦ [13:39:23] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291756554760093807/image0.jpg?ex=6701418a&is=66fff00a&hm=907e93b2f58b279114f810cfd43ea9363ae6a324d6298d05818005b678b7d417& [13:39:43] NGINX must be down or in shambles [13:40:10] works for me. Try reloading [13:40:10] are wikis still down? [13:40:22] Works for me as well [13:40:28] Wait huh [13:40:31] Not cor me [13:40:53] Just refreshed [13:41:54] Yea still [13:42:19] works for me [13:42:20] Itā€™s not my browser since WMF Grafana loads [13:42:23] Weird [13:42:25] it's you [13:42:32] clear your cookies or something [13:42:46] I donā€™t even remember how on mobile ngl [13:44:54] Still happening? [13:47:45] yes. It seems that the user of my Wiki, not me, will receive 500 error for a specific page [13:47:55] Huh [13:48:14] Is it a location based issue maybe? [13:49:31] I don't know if it's related, but he uses IPV6. [13:49:47] Iā€™m on phone so I think I do to [13:49:48] Link? [13:50:06] https://minecraftjapan.miraheze.org/wiki/MOD%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%A7 [13:50:17] Huh [13:50:18] Fine for me [14:01:13] He says it's fine but use different browser [14:01:41] thank you! [14:03:09] does anybody happen to know if theres a warning template that i can insert into my wiki from mediawiki? [14:03:22] like one of the article notices thingies whatever you wanna call em [14:03:43] theres a few that i want to make for separate purposes but i have no idea how to code one haha [14:20:02] how do i check my wiki's list of bureaucrats? [14:21:55] Special:ListUsers, choose bureau group [14:22:57] [1/2] some if such templates can be found and imported from [[dev]] wiki [14:22:57] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev [14:22:58] [2/2] I personally utilise very simple coded ones [14:22:58] [14:23:03] oop [14:23:11] [[dev:]] [14:23:11] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/dev: [14:23:12] [14:23:54] ok yeah thats perfect! tysm! [14:25:49] hi there [14:25:56] i need help with my wiki's site css [14:26:15] [1/2] its supposed to look like this [14:26:16] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291768354230763603/image.png?ex=67014c87&is=66fffb07&hm=b7657413241a322d5fd5b7ec249a5b59ed34207c2bcf3eb2d44a3d5283d91808& [14:26:27] but when i clear cookies it looks like this instead [14:26:49] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291768495012446270/image.png?ex=67014ca9&is=66fffb29&hm=725615091b7877da94f4ecd382ca86143595a9d7718d1b04ac346e0a1305e323& [14:27:15] i dont know why this is hapening [14:36:32] [1/2] it's a well known problem, w/ cache [14:36:32] [2/2] the solution is just wait [14:37:08] The mbox? [14:37:12] also, asking you again - where did you set up Timeless skin? did you put it in your personal settings or wiki settings? [14:37:35] maybe you made a mistake [14:37:51] i set in the Special:ManageWiki page under styling [14:37:57] okay [14:38:06] can you link the wiki? [14:38:09] sufe [14:38:18] https://newdawnmodwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [14:38:20] https://newdawnmodwiki.miraheze.org/wiki/Test [14:38:24] and heres the test page [14:38:34] was referring to Template:Notice in developer wiki haha, just forgot whatever it was called [14:38:44] dont worry, link achieved :yourdidit: [14:38:49] do you also my common.css file? [14:39:45] [1/3] no [14:39:45] [2/3] I get Timeless tho, and I'm logged out [14:39:45] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291771749222060152/IMG_20241004_173920.jpg?ex=67014fb0&is=66fffe30&hm=7ce39a395b85a983e939c067cfb0c74faa4130a85020b084491f1d27d5314614& [14:39:52] huh [14:39:55] so assume this will fix itself on your end eventually [14:39:56] that is strange [14:40:14] i did wait an entire day on my end [14:40:37] I'm not the right person to talk about cache shenanigans [14:40:53] I'm getting annoyed by them too lol [14:41:53] does it take more than one day for it to change? im still new to this process [15:33:52] I'd like to know so my wiki is like wiki.examples.com and the current content is stored to this domain name, but if later I get a domain name like wiki.example.com instead can I still merge all the previous data in the new one? So porting it [15:42:47] yes the domain will just be changed. [16:52:15] [1/3] I dont know why but Icon doesnt appear despite doing everything as the tutorials sayed [16:52:15] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291805095079575657/Screenshot_20241004-184027_Chrome.jpg?ex=67016ebf&is=67001d3f&hm=874a1c314990c4ef32f83f85e132cc333d46cd59d9155c5b70e3197f3c7b5ac6& [16:52:16] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291805095373181050/Screenshot_20241004-184441_Chrome.jpg?ex=67016ebf&is=67001d3f&hm=3919003c42020a0a0d59486cf5ddee6ba282097caab908df5412ed673db23e8f& [17:00:22] Has it been a long time since it appeared? When I did it, it took a while but it appeared, or could it be that the image is not in the right size [17:00:26] (I think) [17:00:28] vector 2022 is stupid, it prefers wordmark [17:02:31] Yes and its on right size [17:03:36] how long do emails sent to steards to unlock their acocunt after requesting it take? [17:03:36] @truckki Watch your language. [17:03:44] huh? [17:03:58] It's the misspelling of account that triggered it [17:04:15] Not a very australia-friendly language detection. šŸ˜„ [17:04:25] it's been 2 days no response [17:05:42] Volunteer org + limited time during workweek. I'll ping tech now to get someone to confirm email attached to account so we can proceed [17:08:49] I feel we could probably make a tool to let stewards do that themselves [17:09:18] Might be an interesting mini project hm [17:10:03] Or something on wiki [17:12:57] Yeah, we're already under NDA and trained on PII, it's an add'l risk but would be a logical access extension of our duties. [17:13:24] I mean it would be trivial [17:13:41] Either as an external tool with database access or a special page [17:13:51] Enter name, get the email [17:14:00] Would need to be done in a way that would prevent undue access or mass-scraping, probably a special page makes most sense. [17:14:18] If you wanna polish it add an email field and a fun green box saying good to go [17:14:31] Maybe even an unlock button or CA link [17:14:33] Bonus points if it logs who pulled an address when [17:15:11] Eh that would need to have database changes [17:15:20] Yeah, figured that part would be less-trivial [17:15:33] Because now you're talking about net-new data stored [17:16:06] I have multiple ā€˜miniā€™ project ideas so I need to try and figure out what I want to partition time to [17:16:29] Then I also have shows to watch webcomics to read sources to look for aaaaa [17:16:35] is there a dev or admin in the server atm? [17:16:39] Hi [17:16:41] i need help with my site css [17:16:57] [1/2] its showing as this [17:16:58] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291811312023638188/image.png?ex=67017489&is=67002309&hm=190ca6a182e3e06cf8e2da65527028f764ce67ee4d97467d071f745772729579& [17:16:58] Ah, thought you meant discord staff [17:17:12] [1/2] when i want it to look like this [17:17:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291811371394142259/Screenshot_2024-10-03_at_22-48-18_Test_-_New_Dawn_Mod_Wiki.png?ex=67017497&is=67002317&hm=38a41a81a30662cf88b70391cc2a99c8c5028434a481bb0c3984ec756648c7f7& [17:17:19] I canā€™t do css to save my life :p probably want to post a link though [17:17:20] i did edit the common css and gave it time to refresh [17:17:26] sure gimme a few [17:17:36] when i log in it looks fine [17:17:48] but to new users who are visiting i dont have that [17:18:07] Cache can last a month (30 days). If if a cache thing is better to purge the cache. [17:18:14] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291811635316391946/Common.css?ex=670174d6&is=67002356&hm=9cfdaa7a9712ee29778cbdf2e6ad330750ca4b49583161d586a44c5fb509071f& [17:18:23] how do i purge the cache? [17:18:50] i did delete all my history and cookies on my end [17:19:39] [1/2] This is only for the local computer: https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Your-Browser%27s-Cache [17:19:39] [2/2] But sometimes is the computer hosting the files or the configuration the one that needs a fresh copy [17:19:43] oh [17:19:52] ok i see i have to purge the online page's cache [17:19:57] i understand now [17:21:03] Got a question on images, in the source code on my wiki we have {{Rare}} and {{Exclusive}}, they look like they are pointing to rare.png and exclusive.png respectively. Is there a place you can change that? Like if I wanted it to point to rare.jpg in stead? Not sure where the logic that {{}} mean .png is stored [17:21:03] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:Rare [17:21:04] [1/2] [17:21:05] [2/2] [17:21:35] it seems to be a cache issue, I can see Timeless theme fine [17:21:41] yeah [17:21:42] not CSS issue [17:21:44] i just purged it [17:21:52] it's working fine now [17:22:06] {{}} is a template [17:22:06] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template: [17:22:14] [1/3] There is a wiki extension that adds a button to purge the page, but usually it only requires something like [17:22:14] [2/3] .miraheze.org/wiki/Paganame?action=purge [17:22:15] [3/3] So only need to append ?action=purge to the name and load that [17:22:37] [1/2] doube figure brackets are templates [17:22:38] [2/2] so you need to check `Template:Rare` page [17:22:40] So thatā€™s Template:Rare and Template:Exclusive [17:22:43] On your wiki [17:22:48] Oh interesting, we must have had those set up on the old one then, I'll research how to make those [17:22:50] Thank you! [17:23:00] [[mw:Help:Templates]] [17:23:00] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Help:Templates [17:23:01] [17:23:02] just did that [17:23:07] thanks for the help [17:23:10] it's enabled by default for every wiki now, but sometimes it doesn't work, so you'll have to manually do in URL [17:23:24] By default? Nice! [17:24:03] I have a question. There is a notification in my echo wiki notifications tray and even though I mark it as read, the notification does not go away because it is from a private wiki that I cannot read. Does any volunteer with backend access know how to reset it? Or to mark it as read and remove it from my tray. [17:25:09] I think I recall hearing bout that [17:25:42] [1/2] Maybe is related with me having the "global notifications" on. I don't know is because of that [17:25:42] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291813511055282249/image.png?ex=67017695&is=67002515&hm=00427b430f6d60ccd3e88f8188058b50fe1fb002940272c9cbd4ef3e4a9b5a4f& [17:26:09] How long has it been like that [17:26:20] For months [17:27:43] Maybe i can go to Special:Preferences and put an exception. Or something. I'm going to try [17:28:14] Maybe try special:notifications [17:30:38] [1/2] I don't have access on that wiki. I don't know why someone mentioned me in speleo. Is private and people in * group can't view their preferences or notifications. [17:30:39] [2/2] My User was created automatically [17:32:08] Canā€™t mark as read on another wiki? [17:32:33] I can mark it but marked as read it remains as a greyed number [17:33:03] and the other notifications i had before and after that go away and the number decrease [17:37:05] If it's something that needs to be reviewed, I can open a ticket, but if it's something simple, it's not necessary. [17:43:39] Just replied, the account in question doesn't appear to be locked... [17:51:57] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291820117860159578/S6B0Ixv.png?ex=67017cbc&is=67002b3c&hm=8341945dd5aa9c35f6380691fbac51330ea32e5fa706e8efb3441d1bfefdd71e& [17:52:13] same thing on 2 browsers [17:52:26] yet I logged into the main miraheze page thing [17:54:26] No locked just being funky [17:54:32] Try purging cache and cookies [17:57:50] oh thx [18:21:16] Yeah, worst case as mentioned before is that tech may need to take some manual steps on backend [18:21:54] Please also remember to reply-all, as I'm not able to help on this flavor of issue. šŸ™‚ [20:19:33] is it possivle to hide redirects in Special:AllPages? [20:27:19] [1/2] Does anyone know why the protection icons extensions puts two locks on pages [20:27:20] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291859218692964362/image.png?ex=6701a127&is=67004fa7&hm=84c6765ee66d86f224793cc33a0eb2d67f6233ab51868a68ddba1043538fef7f& [20:27:28] From the HTML I can see one represents edit protection and one move protection but like wut [20:29:32] Edit and move protected are technically different yea itā€™s dump [20:29:36] I see [20:29:43] What I wanna know is why theyre both one pixel difference in size šŸ˜­ [20:29:50] Wa [20:29:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291859863382790234/image.png?ex=6701a1c1&is=67005041&hm=5e3a14c3538c064ad538886995c0f24ce98b56f425c9c117a60172886d21012e& [20:29:55] ??? [20:30:01] Thank you I want to die now [20:30:10] I might just disable this extension because what on earth [20:30:28] Or use css to hide one of then [20:30:36] Ughhh I suppose [20:31:21] Okay I did that [20:37:48] AFAIK no unfortunately, these pages exist as canonical articles to MW [20:38:31] [1/2] that sucks :( [20:38:31] [2/2] on fandom theres an extansion that can hide them [20:38:48] You could probable make a gadget [20:39:08] But it may hurt the servers depending on how and if you cache [21:13:42] Is there any way I can get some support to clean up a huge mess a banned user left behind? Its not like, vandalism, but they somehow managed to move their user page and sandbox pages multiple times and created a slew of redirects in the process and I cant figure out what Im looking at [21:13:50] They somehow moved their user pages to like, keysmashes..? [21:14:31] They did get banned for vandalism and deliberately obfuscating edits from wiki staff but idk if thats relevant [21:18:47] I think I may have a mass deletion tool somewhere in my cabinet [21:19:02] You may also be able to use AWB [21:19:04] Its more that I cant figure out what on earth happened in the first place [21:19:10] And I dont want to accidentally delete a page that needs to exist [21:19:23] They somehow hid Phighting Babies on one of the pages and I just lost my shit opening it [21:19:48] Uh oh, someone posses off the wiki warden.. [21:20:13] More like jumpscared me [21:20:20] Can you see special pages Pixl [21:20:39] I should, Iā€™m not on wiki rn I need to get up from the couch to my desktop [21:20:48] And hope it doesnā€™t explode [21:20:56] I did it [21:21:00] Okay can i DM [21:21:01] I walked 30 feet [21:21:04] Yea [21:21:13] Ty ty [21:24:59] just changed skin to Monaco and MediaWiki decides to blow up [21:25:03] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1291873744997978132/Captura_de_Pantalla_2024-10-04_a_las_3.23.57_p.m..png?ex=6701aeae&is=67005d2e&hm=f9ee274ca4a3e02504223c1745c01ef6a26b613c76d7aa3053e7d3817a3b6a62& [21:36:07] @MediaWiki Specialists ^ [22:04:24] anyone know how I can document parameters for templates? [22:35:42] I have a similar issue when changing my wiki's skin to cosmos [23:35:49] if someone can post the exception id that would be grand [23:57:14] hi sorry if i sound like a dumb person but how do i enable CirrusSearch extension in my wiki, i joined miraheze recently so i have very limited knowledge about it