[00:29:04] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Requests_for_undeletion [00:31:53] i have another question that might be easier to answer than my other one... how can i enable a gadget? i can't find it in my preferences [01:58:07] [1/2] I was editing a page and it started loading infinitely when I tried to save it [01:58:07] [2/2] I thought it was just my internet dying lok [01:58:07] I just noticed too [01:58:09] What is up [01:58:15] Xdd x2 [01:58:25] Oh mine is back [01:58:26] actually, I can load Meta [01:58:29] hmm [01:58:37] Works for me? [01:58:40] seems we went down entirely but now we’re back up [01:58:45] ah [01:58:46] Its already back [01:58:47] Nice [01:59:01] oh yeah looks like it came back [01:59:07] not sure what happened [01:59:56] hmm it seems PowerDNS blinked [02:01:36] Or maybe that was a symptom not the cause [02:01:53] It seems to have started there in alerts but from what I see it wasn't. [02:02:02] Maybe a network outage at the DC [02:06:09] Could be [02:06:18] because even Phorge and Matomo went down [02:07:12] what happened now [02:07:53] Yep so did all IRC bots except the relay which it may just not have been down long enough for the relay to go down. [02:08:08] saw [02:08:38] Yeah the relay only went down because I restarted the bots server rather then each service individually lol [02:09:36] hmm we aren't fully up [02:09:41] according to icinga [02:09:56] Or maybe just mwtask181 is down... [02:09:59] @agentisai [02:10:01] whats up [02:10:10] oh [02:10:12] or more accurately whats down [02:10:15] mwtask is down? [02:10:24] oh [02:10:31] Yeah I rebooted it lets see what happens [02:10:32] cpu load is off the charts [02:10:45] uh oh [02:10:56] can we see what [02:11:29] I wonder if the load on mwtask caused cloud to spike? I don't really know what happened, that one of my weaker theories though. More likely a connection bleep at DC I think. [02:11:42] oh qm reboot timed out [02:12:09] Thats how you know something is definitely wrong... [02:12:37] qm? [02:12:49] qemu manager [02:13:02] thats somehow less clear [02:13:29] Its how I reboot VMs from the cloud server without logging into proxmox web interface when I can't SSH into the VM because its down. [02:36:26] oh my omg mathjax 😳 [02:36:52] well ill see when i get to add 30 more functions but having it use mj instead of mm helps a lot [03:26:25] quick quesiton, whats better practice: trivia comes first, and gallery comes second, or the other way around? [03:36:44] for me it’s trivia then gallery [03:36:54] gallery is usually at the very bottom [03:42:15] yea ive been noticing thats the case in a lot of wikis ive checked [03:42:20] thanks [04:10:31] [1/4] Heey sorry if this isn't exactly the scope of this server I can go try to bug my friend when they're awake instead if I need to but I wondered if anyone here could answer this question: [04:10:31] [2/4] Trying to set up a custom domain for my wiki - I already have a domain but it was with google domains which recently got migrated to squarespace... unfortunately I understood google's setup, but not Squarespaces [04:10:31] [3/4] In any case, I guess I just need someone to check my logic before I request SSL so that I don't waste anyone's time [04:10:32] [4/4] My domain is zodiacs.pl, I want the wiki's url to be info.zodiacs.pl, so I added a DNS record with info as the host, CNAME as the type, and cf-lb.miraheze.org as the data, is that correct? [04:15:32] That's a great question for our @Infrastructure Specialists , however you have hit the hour most of them are offline. [04:15:45] LOL That's okay, I'll chill until tomorrow then, thanks anyway B) [04:16:26] If you haven't already done so, a [[Phorge]] ticket might be your best path to both get eyes on it and get it implemented at the same time [04:16:26] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [04:16:26] [04:17:57] OH thank you I'll mess with this in a second [04:40:22] that's how I do it too [04:45:10] after galleries I would put references and at the very bottom "see also" if needed [04:45:35] I put references as the final section [04:45:42] and see also before it [04:50:51] <.ultraraptor> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294160264052215908/Screenshot_20241010-2241462.png?ex=670a002b&is=6708aeab&hm=efe042486f3299f04909d7815bc37176e41a5fa7a7f524b992735d7284205dd1& [05:26:12] Hi quick question, so me and my friend went on my wiki and clicked on preferences [05:26:14] This appeared [05:26:15] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/751533977424101466/1293948423850033193/image.png?ex=6709e3a0&is=67089220&hm=b6825a6dcd09024420ea0c81a0fd0ba3c640edfb2119998a19544c1f718a2449& [05:26:25] What's this about [05:27:03] etherealtraveller: what wiki? [05:27:25] https://rebalancetf.miraheze.org/wiki/Main_Page [05:27:34] Game based [05:28:02] What's strange is that even I got that error and I own the wiki [05:28:58] same bug as https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12516 [05:35:24] [1/3] what even are other options in dropdown? unable to see lol [05:35:25] [2/3] also what exactly this flag option means, the making it domain/Main Page or it would remain w/ /wiki/ if unchecked? [05:35:25] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294171476274188459/IMG_20241011_083321.jpg?ex=670a0a9c&is=6708b91c&hm=1645042d1cf8f8e21e06fab73b56c5d0075c35e47099932a4fe43b0194a373df& [05:36:19] The other option is don't use /wiki/ [05:36:53] options are /wiki/$1 and /$1 [05:37:00] devtools my beloved [05:37:06] Yep lol [05:37:09] I'm on phone [05:37:36] I can use devtools from my phone lol. I do everything from mobile though. Takes a ton of patience. [05:37:41] and debugging production vue code my behated: https://files.catbox.moe/4m4lg5.png [05:37:55] wait you got devtools running entirely on your phone? [05:38:06] yep [05:38:10] in raw in highlighted HTML? man [05:38:10] huh neat [05:38:28] my first train of thought would be to use termux and get x11 (or wayland?) and firefox [05:38:33] anyway, what about checkbox again? [05:38:33] but i wonder how you'd approach it [05:38:46] I have termux for git mostly lol [05:38:48] accessing /wiki/ or (/) would lead you to the main page if checked [05:38:54] if disabled, it redirects you to the main page [05:39:07] And use Termius for SSH [05:39:20] Kiwi browser for browser extensions + dev tools. [05:39:26] i don't think i understand [05:40:15] It means the main page would be on example.miraheze.org rather than example.miraheze.org/wiki/Page or example.miraheze.org/Page [05:40:17] if I ask only "remove /wiki/ from articles" how main page URL will look like? [05:40:25] ah [05:40:29] neat [05:40:47] huh, neat, a browser with dev tools built-in [05:41:03] example.miraheze.org would be what would be directly no actual page displayed [05:41:19] which browser? actually wouldn't mind to have that on tablet [05:41:26] Kiwi [05:41:28] neat, thank you [05:41:41] do you also know by a chance [05:42:08] how changing all that will affect indexing and search console? [05:42:43] It should auto redirect between the versions when changed [05:43:01] But it can also be unreliable and a bit experimental with our messy redirect logic. [05:43:17] I should say my messy redirect logic [05:43:24] Can't blame it on others lol [05:43:30] so console eventually will unindex indexed /wiki/ URLs as redirects [05:43:57] Potentially but can't guarantee depends on the mood of search engines [05:44:09] google fucked Pizza Tower Wiki big time after we got custom domain, and we don't know what to do [05:44:27] we wanted to ditch /wiki/ as well but unsure now [05:45:25] we did 301 and site move in console, but it's really got bad [05:46:12] If you don't absolutely need for a logical reason I wouldn't necessarily recommend it. It can definitely have some unintended side effects on SEO and performance as well as potential for some main page action bugs sometimes (IE in the past ?action=edit didn't work but I think we fixed it) [05:47:29] If you were a new wiki that already existing SEO didn't happen I might recommend it but also if the domain doesn't have `wiki` in it removing /wiki/ can also hinder SEO because people will search for "wiki" but due to path change Google may not know that term sometimes. [05:48:41] it's pizzatower.wiki, but it was indexed (pretty well, mind you) as pizzatower.miraheze.org for a bit less than a year [05:49:22] since its .wiki it might not have a negitive effect to remove /wiki/ but then again Google is inconsistent sometimes so it also could. [05:49:34] it's a bit frustrating that custom domain don't get trough as good as w/ miraheze.org, although it's understandable why [05:49:55] I am kinda surprised about that tbh [05:50:09] my wiki w/ custom domain since day one is still non existent for google [05:50:11] Though over this year miraheze.org SEO has improved 10fold [05:50:18] *barely [05:51:04] funny enough, our wiki is available on ddg under the miraheze subdomain lol [05:51:22] https://files.catbox.moe/d2f2bk.png [05:51:25] It makes some work for custom domains SEO sometimes. Using extensions like WikiSEO can help that also. [05:51:43] *takes [05:52:36] I mean, everyone use WikiSEO, I just don't know what else to do outside of what's in ManageWiki, w/ textextract etc [05:53:21] I can try and take a look at some of your SEO settings tomorrow and see if I have any suggestions if you want? [05:53:29] I initially was against textextract+pageimages and would add syntax manually to each page [05:54:12] on pizza tower we utilise WikiSEO image function in infobox templates, because PageImages ignores portable infobox [05:54:36] Hmm I thought I fixed PageImages in PI, did I not? [05:54:57] I didn't know it's supposed to be fixed, I will check later [05:55:29] Could be the score treats it lower also [05:55:42] PageImages is weird [05:55:47] yeah [05:56:32] I have to go for now but can discuss more later [05:56:47] hopefully sleeping? [05:56:57] byee [05:58:09] Yeah lol. Trying to get a better sleep habbit then staying up till 4-5AM [07:54:20] [1/3] how do i make my infobox header look like this [07:54:20] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294206438209622106/image0.jpg?ex=670a2b2c&is=6708d9ac&hm=4c3e88d825347682783a6b1770dd5297ee07fd4f7bd86c0fea68da1e908bf163& [07:54:21] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294206438536904715/image1.jpg?ex=670a2b2c&is=6708d9ac&hm=d04ca8f6b54302b0f6a403474c88ab021f7e425a5748634be89600ee962d39d1& [07:56:35] [1/5] try [07:56:35] [2/5] `pi-title { [07:56:35] [3/5] text-align: center [07:56:36] [4/5] background-image: url("`static file link`"); [07:56:36] [5/5] }` [07:57:49] can i make it so that it appears for only one infobox template [08:00:29] theme should do that, or you can use TemplateStyles [08:01:01] I don't remember how theme is done but it shouldn't be hard if you follow guide [08:02:16] personally prefer TemplateStyles, it's basically moving the vode from big Common.css so it will load only for corresponding template, and only when it's used [10:14:47] @chiogaming2007 Cek komen gw di laman user lo [10:18:21] rhinosf1 hi do you wanna use your incredible wikimedia powers aka the trusted contribs group on phab to move a task to a different cloumn becuse it ticks me off [10:18:38] PixDeVl: sure [10:19:14] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T376597#10220889 [10:21:55] PixDeVl: done but I also granted you powers [10:22:08] yay, thank you [10:42:12] [1/3] how do you increase the padding [10:42:12] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294248682157506602/image0.jpg?ex=670a5283&is=67090103&hm=1725887be5dec8022f7cde67aba028732744e76e94ff13eb869d63a35db1295b& [10:42:12] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294248682383867954/image1.jpg?ex=670a5283&is=67090103&hm=8bad9b490f2013ddaf9d833f747370286936f0fa6ac3c7cfb5095f27ea9c4d56& [10:44:02] the class pi-item something [11:01:17] how do I force a page title to appear all lowercase both on the page and in the url? [11:34:22] Special:Analytics is confusing me... does it not show logged in users or something? im the only editer for the wiki, and my data does not show up, but a bunch of others are [11:51:28] `text-transform: lowercase;` [11:52:44] matomo analytics is pretty bare tbh, and I suspect it's slow [11:53:34] my data should be there tho if its from the past 30 days. but oh well xd [12:07:56] where do I put this? [12:11:31] [1/2] Hi, i want to request if some tech volunteer could delete a template on my wiki. It has too many revisions. [12:11:32] [2/2] Is it enough to ask for it here or do I have to open a ticket? [12:14:02] [1/2] you need to find classes/id's of title elements, and give then this rule in skin specific CSS pages [12:14:02] [2/2] depending on skin these elements might differ [12:18:41] this will do it for one specific page? [12:21:20] ah no, I thought you wanted for the entire wiki [12:22:36] [1/2] try `{{DISPLAYTITLE|...}}` then [12:22:36] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template:DISPLAYTITLE [12:22:36] [2/2] but make sure to check wiki's settings, check "Allow DISPLAYTITLE" and uncheck "Restrict DISPLAYTITLE" [12:35:54] doesn't seem like I have the DISPLAYTITLE template [12:36:32] I remember I have imported stuff from wikipedia before but I forgot how to [12:52:41] it's not template, it's a magic word that's already part of MediaWiki [12:53:25] some magic words just use double figure brackets too + parsers functions [12:53:36] [1/2] when I tried adding it, my page just looks like this [12:53:36] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294281752226828352/image.png?ex=670a7150&is=67091fd0&hm=451972ff18bb10f187f67726adfc6924fc2e20fe6714f0ab0602b9c6e77aba59& [12:54:09] I made sure to check the checkboxes [12:55:05] my bad, it should `:` instead of `|` [12:55:45] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294282291224379452/IMG_20241011_155536.jpg?ex=670a71d0&is=67092050&hm=8ffce51fa18f0487f50ddc1645bb418e4e47b1ad0c5cc84fe0428f6a2e8228fd& [12:57:46] another minor thing, in wikipedia the search in the upper right corner is case-insensitive while in my wiki it appears to be case-sensitive, how do I change that? [13:04:00] @MediaWiki Specialists [13:13:09] [1/2] At the moment we only have CirrusSearch working as you needed, but it's quite resources-intensive, enabled only on request, under certain requirements [13:13:09] [2/2] TitleKey extension is also here, but not working [13:23:45] I don’t know if anyone else is having this issue but I’m unable to upload anything to my wiki today. I get an internal error and it says fatal exception of ParseError? [13:24:03] What’s the error code [13:24:05] Paste plz [13:24:17] I think that’s stewards [13:24:45] Stewards, good. You know someone with that role? [13:25:24] requirements are tired, only wikis w/ way too big amount of pages should be careful [13:25:25] I’d hope so [13:26:15] I don’t think we still have the requirements [13:26:20] It’s restricted still [13:26:28] But no numerical minimum [13:27:30] Somehow uploading is working again, I don’t know what happened but it seems the problem’s gone? [13:27:31] oh right, then @vy_canis_majoris, if you still need wikimedia's search, go request it at [[SR/R]] [13:27:31] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/SR/R [13:27:32] [13:29:18] mediawiki is a bitch sometimes to be honest ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [13:29:29] Good to hear it works [13:31:03] [1/2] Still the best though [13:31:03] [2/2] Thanks! [14:06:24] [1/2] just a quickie, is it possible to move the "contents" box from the left to the top of the article or something? but not for the whole wiki, just certion pages? [14:06:24] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294300071571226654/image.png?ex=670a825f&is=670930df&hm=966857321995a3f4d4d6c18e088f7ba8ef6b61c4512257a07c2368b1b62eb320& [14:07:06] I assume w/ some CSS poking [14:07:29] [[mw:Extension:CSS]] can be applied to a single page [14:07:29] https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:CSS [14:07:30] [14:07:33] or actually [14:08:56] [1/2] I've made "custom tables of contents" for some same-type pages on my wiki, w/ `NOTOC` magic word to get rid of normal ToC [14:08:56] [2/2] but if that page of yours gonna be updated often/have more sections then yeah, I guess CSS is the way [14:10:14] Okay thanks 😄 might need to wait a bit for it then [14:13:28] might just make it stand out, so it actually can be seen [14:21:58] [[Stewards]] [14:21:58] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Stewards [14:21:59] [14:23:30] Do you know if that list of stewards is updated? [14:28:42] How can we know if the graphic on "timeline of past and current stewards" is current? [14:45:56] It is [14:46:18] We update it after every RfS. Not hard since we barely get any [14:46:54] If you want the technical list of people with the rights, [[Special:GlobalGroupMembership/steward]] [14:46:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:GlobalGroupMembership/steward [14:46:54] [14:47:08] Wait nope [14:47:10] Wrong page [14:47:28] I mean they’re all on discord anyways [14:54:20] Thanks [16:18:13] [1/2] hello, how do I change the font for mirahaze? I tried following [this exact guide](https://dev.miraheze.org/wiki/Fonts#:~:text=Google%20Fonts%20is%20a%20free,and%20styling%3E%26display%3Dswap')%3B) and the fonts haven't changed yet even after refreshing, or is there something wrong with my `@import` ? [16:18:14] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294333246880092250/image.png?ex=670aa145&is=67094fc5&hm=5afc673f4d243d70544ebaf4fae61442706a5c6659fb046f923a94d01542d88d& [16:24:20] did you set font-family and applied the font to an element (or the entire site via `body`)? [16:25:37] the guide only tells you how add a font, I guess it needs to be enchanced [16:28:30] [1/3] here's an example [16:28:30] [2/3] [16:28:30] [3/3] [16:32:53] ohhh thank you! [16:36:28] actuall the first part isn't needed, it;s for uploaded fonts lol [16:38:39] oh so I can just out the actual font-family itself without needing the import? [16:41:00] man, I think I need a break lol [16:41:47] I think so? you'll need a second opinion, probably [16:46:12] yes `@import` the google fonts url, and then you need to use it as a font-family somewhere, and then it can take a while bc cache and google font taking a while to load [18:35:40] does anyone know if its possible if i can align [Template:Notice]() to the center? [19:18:01] Can probably just slap a `
``/center` around the whole thing after importing it, would probably be the fastest way (the closing tag should be right before the noinclude tag) [19:33:35] [1/2] Hello, dragging this back up if that's alright + I have a new more basic question Lol [19:33:35] [2/2] If I want to format a bulleted list to have multiple columns, how would I acheive that? I haven't had luck with tables but I also haven't been confident enough to open CSS yet. Is that the next step there? [19:35:32] [1/4] simple CSS aka inline styling, for example [19:35:32] [2/4] `
[19:35:32] [3/4] * ... [19:35:32] [4/4] /div` [19:36:14] div is a block element, like table, except it doesn't have cells and stuff [19:36:24] I see, thank you. B) [19:55:20] What's the best way to implement disambiguation pages? [20:17:05] personally, I make a new namespace for them, so they won't mix up w/ article counter, and turn articles w/ "normal" titles into redirects to disambiguations [20:17:28] if there's only 2 pages w/ the same name I don't make disambig [20:17:33] only if 3 or more [20:17:53] use "this page is about X, for Y see ..." instead [20:22:55] Thank you! [20:23:16] One more question, is there a way to make the Category namespace appear in search results? [20:25:26] I mean pages within the name space, that is [20:34:37] I believe so, check in Category namespace settings? [20:45:21] [1/2] Is there a problem with this extension? I have been trying to add it for a few days but it keeps failing and only gives me this message [20:45:21] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294400472106664008/Manage_this_wikis_extensions_-_2b2tpe_wiki_-_Google_Chrome_10_11_2024_3_41_35_p._m..png?ex=670adfe1&is=67098e61&hm=9366d647b0dfdf6e25f080cad05004ebdaaad4dbd793a8ce22940445b496425f& [20:45:50] Huh [20:45:58] Well that ain’t swell [20:46:08] @reception123? [20:46:45] Hmm, strange that there's a raw br tag there [20:47:01] Maybe I forgot to follow some steps? I don't know, it's the only one I've had problems with adding [20:47:06] this isn't the first message w/ raw
I'm seeing [20:47:20] I'd recommend opening a task on Phorge as I'm mobile only now [20:47:52] [1/2] [[phorge]] [20:47:52] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge [20:47:53] [2/2] report bug button, and you should click login w/ mediawiki first [20:47:53] [20:48:39] I didn’t even know ManageWiki have notices like that [20:49:34] Hmm, at least that part of the issue should be easily fixable [20:50:53] I think we’re focusing on the wrong part of the issue here [20:51:10] "If this keep occurring, please" [20:51:32] xD [20:52:09] Exactly [20:52:29] Might make a joke out of this on my mastodon [21:05:03] [1/5] hate css so this will be stupid... does: [21:05:04] [2/5] ` #toc { [21:05:04] [3/5] background-color: #0000FF [21:05:04] [4/5] }` [21:05:04] [5/5] not work in common:css? do i need to go into the skin directly? [21:07:55] or im i just making up some code? xd [21:20:45] what exactly do you want to change the color of? [21:21:38] [1/2] contents box on the left, the background color of it to make it easier to find [21:21:39] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294409604851171440/image.png?ex=670ae862&is=670996e2&hm=31b9678c5f4b76425c619784b29939f03bc0276a0a7ef207a79c3b4f15edf13f& [21:23:36] Do you have a link of your wiki [21:51:37] Very informative error thanks managewiki [22:17:28] I'm assuming, just based on what I know about copyright law, if I were to create a PDF of a web page, that I wouldn't be able to store it. [22:17:53] it's mainly a sourcing thing. [22:33:14] @riller5282 external links are blocked if you don’t #verify [22:33:24] What do you mean by fake loading screen [22:34:46] well like something that cover a screen for a few seconds then fade away [22:35:19] https://www.reddit.com/r/MirahezeWikis/comments/1g1lu31/ok_hear_me_out_a_fake_loading_screen_is_it_even/ [22:36:43] you are welcome? i guess [22:36:46] xd [22:41:04] Why would you need that on a wiki [22:43:19] imo it would be a neat gadget idea [22:43:34] if that could be done even [22:46:36] on a technical level I guess it could probably be done, I just don't understand the purpose. [22:53:58] just to make it look cool [22:54:00] thats all [22:54:06] extra flair [23:05:16] Personally speaking, I'm not sure how covering your articles would be beneficial to the quality of the wiki. They are usually done in protest of new information laws. [23:06:11] You can add style and flair to your pages by how you present them, with coming up with your own colour schemes or templates to help format the information in a unique way. [23:08:12] Agreed [23:09:20] https://phighting.wiki https://pizzatower.wiki and https://urbansoft.org are all good examples, if very advanced [23:22:44] [1/3] how would i manage to get the "All in brainmold cafe" right under the image? ive tried things but i have absolutely no idea [23:22:44] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294440075328753704/PZ4zBLS.png?ex=670b04c3&is=6709b343&hm=f594f88df49794d240c5c6d861f00f7795b4820f2980155b0cb7d2a96edc1a6e& [23:22:44] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1294440075836522568/7n0ySKg.png?ex=670b04c3&is=6709b343&hm=959c5b3225ffc2cbfe5c55a56e8152104341bda096a5263cda500cc04d045159& [23:29:17] yo guys [23:29:25] specifically mods on phorge and whatnot [23:29:39] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T12710 could someone please get to this? ive been waiting for a while [23:49:05] 6 days isn't a particularly long time for a phorge task [23:49:14] someone will get to it when they can ^^