[00:14:06] Huh [00:57:57] What [01:49:19] is anyone else having problems with DPL3? any new pages i've made since november aren't being listed. [this page](https://animationdatabase.miraheze.org/wiki/Osinka) should be listing 1 page, but it's just got nothing, even though the right page is listed in WhatLinksHere. [02:16:42] if i wanted to create a spoiler banner template how would i go about that [02:25:03] hi - does anyone know why certain wiki files arent loading on the mobile frontend? specifically font files, and a background image. they are passed as static links, but other static links i have set up work just fine? theres nothing in console, i am very confused [02:26:28] [1/2] for ref [02:26:28] [2/2] background image appears at full res but not at <450px (average mobile width), and our font file (gotham) just doesnt load either way. i can reproduce this on both macos desktop chrome and android chrome [02:27:19] I think I may have seen others talk about this but I haven’t been paying enough attention today to say [02:27:35] this has been a problem for some time and im trying to fix it, i thought i had done the styling wrong but turns out mobile frontend just isnt working right? LOL [02:27:37] In my second plane of the days [02:27:47] [1/2] this image loads fine though and its a static url so i dont..understand [02:27:48] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319129023225532537/image.png?ex=6764d623&is=676384a3&hm=c13c4ef6dfc0850d6fd573dad6f28d1bb9b9c2ef0673e7225cddeaee9ad84724& [02:27:48] Sounds like mediawiki [02:28:05] auauaugh [02:28:37] hope ur plane is going ok also [02:29:16] if i disable mobile frontend and just use media queries to style the default skin on mobile, will that have any implications? [02:32:40] Ty [02:33:12] Passing through Texas and not getting Brisket feels like it should be illegal [02:35:24] i read brisket and thought of bridget [02:39:21] Which bridge [02:39:26] T [02:39:43] Anyways [02:42:21] pixldev: guilty gear [02:42:37] What [02:43:05] pixldev: uhh [02:43:08] the trans yoyo girl [02:43:18] Link/image? [02:43:43] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bridget_(Guilty_Gear) [02:49:39] [1/2] i might have found the font problem [02:49:39] [2/2] > To apply CSS to your mobile theme, edit MediaWiki:Mobile.css, the counterpart of MediaWiki:Common.css. In order for the stylesheet to function you may have to add mw.loader.using('mobile.site.styles') to your MediaWiki:Mobile.js. [02:49:49] the font is loaded in through common.css, so let me copy it to mobile.css and see if that fixes that [02:52:50] Hey hey, could it be possible for you to remove ief.wiki domain from the https://impact.miraheze.org wiki? [02:53:16] gregtrifan: mhm, please file a request on phorge [02:56:00] Phorge? What’s that? πŸ˜… [02:56:29] basically a ticket tracker [02:56:34] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge [03:08:23] update yep this fixed the font [03:30:25] [1/7] how do I change the alignment of text within an HTML element [03:30:25] [2/7] ``` [03:30:26] [3/7]
[03:30:26] [4/7] This page contains spoilers [03:30:27] [5/7] /div [03:30:27] [6/7] ``` [03:30:27] [7/7] This is what I've got right now but align apparently isn't an attribute i can call here [03:32:38] fromthebunkers: text-align [03:32:58] thank you [03:34:49] Hey, total newb question but how do I delete my wiki? I accidentally submitted a request for one with the wrong url and while I tried to rescind it, it ended up approved anyway. Since I'm assuming changing the url is out of the question, I'd like to delete it and submit a request for another one if that's alright [03:35:13] shotwells: it's actually possible to change it [03:35:22] you can file a request on phorge (https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Phorge) [03:35:36] Oh terrific! Thank you very much. [03:35:47] though it may take january 2025 because of the holidays [03:36:31] As long as it gets changed eventually, it's fine. I assume I can still add content to the wiki until then. [03:36:46] sure ^_^ [03:37:56] [1/2] would I submit my request for a url change under "Request Custom Domain"? [03:37:56] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319146673645162619/image.png?ex=6764e693&is=67639513&hm=9b565714b5171f60e08b0cbca297fa0836f767b59b9b9033daa2cae617451b7b& [03:38:33] hmm no [03:38:45] i just realised that there's not really a pre-filled form for it [03:39:01] you can use the generic form: https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/maniphest/task/edit/form/1/ [03:39:17] basically say that you want to change the url because of a typo, and provide the old and new ones [03:39:35] Still a Phorge ticket, but a generic task is fine if you just want a different Miraheze subdomain [03:39:51] Ah, BE beat me to it [03:48:45] Submitted. Thanks! [05:32:50] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319175590737219675/image0.jpg?ex=67650181&is=6763b001&hm=9edfdf8afd3d6a858144b820e5c231e11718d97af0ee48c285879b2374c879df& [05:45:40] Right as I was editing template documentation... for some ungodly reason [05:49:55] sobbers [05:57:41] Wiki down [05:58:01] 😍 [05:58:22] <_arcaniskupo> I decide all day long to not work on my wiki, go "finally time to do so" and I am denied :CatCry: [05:58:30] Yea [05:58:36] Staff what's going on [05:59:09] [are we?](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1130681405442117693.png?size=160&name=are+we%3F) [05:59:30] Yea [05:59:34] Miraheze maintenance [06:00:35] Noooooo [06:00:46] [placeholder nun](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1041849849022271518.png?size=160&name=placeholder+nun) [06:01:01] i'm the opposite where i have been doing edits for 6 hour, and it went down [06:01:05] well its an unscheduled maintenance anyway [06:01:09] yea [06:01:12] it's less maintenance and more the databases decide to crap the bed [06:01:19] 😭 [06:01:46] Yea [06:05:05] Note to all: please be aware of any unusual activity, in DMs or in server. Please immediately notify a moderator if you receive questionable messages. [06:05:53] [1/2] uh okay [06:05:53] [2/2] dunno why that was the first thing i saw when i joined [06:06:18] How long does maintenance usually take? [06:06:47] this isn't maintenance, it's more of an unforeseen technical issue [06:06:59] we'll be back hopefully in ~10 minutes? [06:07:11] it’s like 1am where i live 😭 [06:07:12] did we finally run out of space [06:07:21] why am i still awake [06:07:38] <_vrm_> luckily i have a chronic saving addiction [06:07:42] The wiki calls :squint: [06:07:47] > [19/12/2024 17:07] did we finally run out of space [06:07:53] not on the databases no, they have plenty of space [06:07:57] > [19/12/2024 17:07] why am i still awake [06:08:00] it do be like that ^^; [06:08:04] maintenance... sigh [06:08:16] i'm periodically checking on a payment that would take three days to complete [06:08:20] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319184523941904404/IMG_7708.png?ex=676509d3&is=6763b853&hm=d7db196bf010789bd134710bb3fb59431eafe2617f86e9fcc0d96c3dba1593e5& [06:08:42] Its fine πŸ™ [06:08:50] > joins #miraheze [06:08:53] > laments maintenance [06:08:55] > refuses to elaborate [06:08:57] > disconnects [06:09:00] IT KEEPS RECONNECTING M E [06:09:02] <_vrm_> wonder what the net write rate to the miraheze servers is [06:09:03] oh [06:09:10] I MEANT DISCONNECT [06:09:14] the duct tape is peeling [06:09:20] technically, you are reconnecting [06:09:26] chat came alive from nowhere [06:09:34] <_arcaniskupo, replying to prabhasxd> due to tech issues [06:09:39] usually happens when the wikis go down [06:09:42] well damn [06:09:44] Lol [06:09:48] hope server comes back up πŸ™πŸ™ [06:09:49] lmao [06:09:51] !! [06:09:51] oh lmao, grafana just gave up on trying to graph data for db161 [06:10:04] english pls..... [06:10:06] please work again I need to check wether flash beacons make squiddles angry at the normal hour of 1:00am i beg [06:10:23] πŸͺ… [06:10:36] water sugar [06:10:39] [hey apple](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1148992883895046206.png?size=160&name=hey+apple) [06:11:02] apologies, we are trying as much as we can to restore access to wikis for browsing at totally normal times [06:11:13] or at least, the ones with server access are, i'm just chilling because there's nothing i can do [06:11:13] carrot sauce [06:11:16] normal... [06:11:22] [skunked](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1215318818533019648.webp?size=48&name=skunked) [06:11:41] life is amazing [06:11:52] life is `roblox` [06:11:59] true [06:11:59] [Staff Cat](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1253034706992238705.png?size=160&name=Staff+Cat) [06:12:04] KITTIE [06:12:12] [shrugwar](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1312457340968243232.png?size=160&name=shrugwar) [06:12:13] life is like roblox [06:12:24] > [19/12/2024 17:10] english pls..... [06:12:25] it’s p2w [06:12:26] it IS `roblox` [06:12:27] HALLO I JUST JOINED LOL [06:12:27] charts are having fun: https://files.catbox.moe/lv1ejp.png [06:12:33] oh hey coraline [06:12:46] im too stupid even understand what this means [06:12:46] welcome to two (now one i think) databases crapping the bed [06:12:49] love the cpu jump [06:12:50] looks good to me [06:12:55] i can only assume that its `bad....` [06:12:59] prabhasxd: the graphs should not be stopping [06:13:02] i pray for the local trout population [06:13:08] didnt even know that you could get to 600% [06:13:13] im sad [06:13:17] i’m too walnut brained to understand this [06:13:36] maybe this is santa's way of wishing us a merry christmas [06:13:43] by crashing the servers with his sleigh [06:13:44] i cant play prosekai on my phone so i play on my moms and she wont let me play 😦 [06:13:45] early christmas gift [06:13:49] <_arcaniskupo, replying to rylthefloof> looks like a server overload of some sorts [06:13:58] christmas [06:14:00] wonder why it would be at 1am [06:14:01] just a week away [06:14:05] at least in my timezone [06:14:08] can you believe it [06:14:15] https://tenor.com/bNIhD.gif [06:14:15] is it weird that i can hear the rythmic notes or pjsk in my ears at all times [06:14:18] just a week away [06:14:31] https://tenor.com/view/sbox-sboxgame-sandbox-facepunch-discord-gif-6942030277704634136 [06:15:05] rip icespice's client [06:15:16] NOOOO NOT ICE SPICE [06:15:20] can you guys see my chats or am i just dumb [06:15:22] I LOOK AWAY FROM THIS TAB FOR TEN SECONDS [06:15:26] i see ur chat coraline [06:15:29] ezra_pjsk.coraline: i see yea [06:15:34] ok thanks [06:15:45] she was a baddie she got what she want but she didn’t want that [06:15:53] exactly [06:16:08] lmao [06:16:21] Update? [06:16:27] oh my gos [06:16:42] oh my grapheneos [06:16:45] my little pookie Cousins bday is friday πŸ™‚ [06:16:48] Welcome to the main IRC channel of Miraheze, a free non-profit wiki farm | Status: Up [06:16:56] alr i need to sleep [06:17:01] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1203565687784734723/1303005297211740200/attachment-12.gif [06:17:03] it’s quarter after 1 [06:17:05] i don't even know what the status thing is for [06:17:06] NOIGHT NOIGHT [06:17:12] nini floof [06:17:14] so.... [06:17:17] bored..... [06:17:21] yeah [06:17:21] ME TO. [06:17:25] good bye floof,,, [06:17:28] miraheze is down im losing my mind πŸ’” ...... [06:17:30] the adhd is being a pita too [06:17:36] im breaking my monitor I `swear....` [06:18:06] me: https://files.catbox.moe/y1z6p1.jpg [06:18:17] mirahease [06:18:19] except in my case, it's a domain name after one day [06:18:32] i want to hear more rythmic notes from pjsk 😦 [06:18:37] 😦 [06:18:43] grah [06:18:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1275133725260386437/1296950093500383303/attachment.gif [06:19:37] https://tenor.com/view/curse-of-ra-curse-of-ra-gif-10622361558915339590 [06:19:45] curse of `RA` [06:20:10] [1/2] Ra cursed Miraheze servers. [06:20:10] [2/2] How tragic. [06:20:17] i havent even tried this but i believe they do [06:20:37] iirc [06:20:42] this is probably my 6th reconnect [06:20:42] the fuck is going on here [06:20:55] a mess [06:21:04] databases down [06:21:19] db161 is shitting the bed, db151 shat the bed but it's now clean, icespice has reconnected for around the 6th time today [06:21:29] yeah that i see i mean goddamn channel [06:21:40] we're chatting i guess [06:21:41] πŸ₯² [06:21:51] did u lace db161's meal with laxatives [06:22:01] i hope nobody did [06:22:07] but i don't feed db161 so i can't tell [06:22:13] i just wanna se the event times on sekaipedia [06:22:17] heyall, should we enable the proxy option on our domain? or should it be kept off? [06:22:17] miraheze is dead [06:22:34] for cloudflare. [06:22:47] isnt fisch wiki down 😭 [06:22:52] i have no idea i just joined [06:22:56] i was about to look at the documentation, but i just realised that the documentation is down... [06:22:59] using cloudflare for domain? [06:23:03] Mhm [06:23:12] cname pointed to Miraheze's [06:23:17] absolute cinema [06:23:18] oh well, what Eclair said [06:23:26] LMAO [06:23:32] > CloudFlare users must turn off CloudFlare's DDoS/Origin IP protection system/workers. [06:23:34] [welcome new member](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1299750426685734993.png?size=160&name=welcome+new+member) [06:23:39] ight cool, yeah disable proxying [06:23:43] uh hi [06:23:49] that scares me [06:23:53] didn't you guys wanted to copy docs to static site? [06:23:56] db161 please come back [06:24:00] what am i seeing im too to understand this................................................... [06:24:10] yeah we did, but i'm like 90% sure that was only for the tech namespace [06:24:23] make those words make sence please [06:24:24] and why is everyone talking about db161 what did bro do!!!! [06:24:31] "No route to host (db161)" [06:24:32] dude stop [06:24:43] k i got in are we good [06:24:43] https://github.com/miraheze/static-help/blob/master/content/errors/500.md; O_o what is this repo [06:24:53] GRAAHHH MIRAHEZE IS DOWN [06:24:59] we cant turn ddos off though, its always enabled [06:25:01] my keyboard has been acting up (my hands are too big for this small keyboard) [06:25:09] oh fr tho [06:25:20] unless proxy is the ddos protection [06:25:24] wow its a slungus [06:25:25] yeah, miraheze had to go w/ cf because of ddos [06:25:34] splungus [06:25:39] 7th reconnection... 😭 [06:25:42] please stop spamming [06:25:43] i presume by turning ddos off, they meant disable cf's ddos protection? [06:25:43] <_vrm_> working for me now [06:25:44] so did miraheze suffer like a ddos attack [06:25:53] doesn't seem like it [06:25:57] i have a wiggle e tooth [06:25:59] most wikis should start coming back [06:26:01] several attacks through years [06:26:05] IT WORKS YEEEAAHAHFHGHGHGH [06:26:07] mine is back up [06:26:10] <_vrm_> thanks agent [06:26:17] > [19/12/2024 16:55] capacity issues [06:26:19] > [19/12/2024 16:56] wdym capacity issues [06:26:20] > [19/12/2024 16:56] too much wikis [06:26:22] > [19/12/2024 16:56] not enough servers [06:26:43] people hate good wiki hosting πŸ’” ......................................... [06:26:45] MINE IS UP YIPPIE [06:26:50] yippee [06:26:51] should i kept the proxy option off on cloudflare? [06:27:00] yes [06:27:04] unyippee, meta is down [06:27:04] mine isnt, ill just wait [06:27:08] nvm we were not back [06:27:09] IMA C MY WAY OUT NOW BUH BYEEE [06:27:10] mine is back down as well [06:27:11] <_vrm_, replying to prabhasxd> there is a financial incentive to cut competition [06:27:14] oh [06:27:15] "Error 503 Backend fetch failed via cp37 at Thu, 19 Dec 2024 06:26:44 GMT" for hellmet.miraheze.org [06:27:16] 503s [06:27:17] Understood [06:27:17] Error 503 Backend fetch failed via cp37 at Thu, 19 Dec 2024 06:26:55 GMT; Varnish XID 517111819, serving, (your IP!) [06:27:26] I like Miraheze better than FANDOM [06:27:30] agent, did you do this?~ [06:27:52] [YOU](https://media.discordapp.net/stickers/1312283256426598532.png?size=160&name=YOU) [06:27:54] ooh gateway timeout for utg.miraheze.org [06:28:04] now its BAD gateway [06:28:10] is it possible to check my wiki [06:28:13] https://jbcstudios.miraheze.org/ [06:28:36] yours is up [06:28:38] should be back [06:28:48] My Wiki is back [06:29:02] πŸŽ‰ [06:29:05] cool!! [06:29:09] > [19/12/2024 17:26] people hate good wiki hosting πŸ’” ......................................... [06:29:12] i'd like to quote a funny [06:29:12] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319189777504931850/IMG_7709.png?ex=67650eb8&is=6763bd38&hm=8909e40db6cbfa3b47ce776a2a1689e8e8d182804a046b48f975735307e64f09& [06:29:16] who is so deranged to DDOS a wiki farm, does Putin think you guys run Ukraine or something??? [06:29:26] does every roblox wiki use citizen [06:29:28] [wires~1](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/1212836210909905006.webp?size=48&name=wires%7E1) [06:29:45] mine used to use vector [06:29:55] im using vector rn [06:29:57] (legacy) [06:30:11] was it good or bad iyo [06:30:11] 8th reconnecntion [06:30:12] citizen is good... [06:30:16] and how was the switch [06:31:10] wiki.gg has only legacy vector, it's just means that they need lots of custom css and js to make it more modern [06:31:49] it's a good skin for desktop, hands down, but pain when considering mobile [06:32:08] very good [06:32:21] reason why we switched to citizen [06:32:35] (mirage is fucking shit) [06:32:44] wb vector 2022 [06:32:49] for moblie [06:32:56] (moblie is my current pain point imo) [06:33:09] Timeless w/ some css snippets can be turned into vector layout, while keeping mobile adaptivity, and that's what I'm using [06:33:29] mirage is not working as intended [06:33:42] although it's closer to Vector 2022 than legacy [06:33:59] vector 2022 was a pain for me [06:34:02] <_vrm_> whats wrong with minerva? [06:34:16] and ofc there's mobile frontend, but good luck copying stuff over and over [06:34:48] minerva is ass because it hides a lot of things you would expect normally on other skins [06:35:29] and mobile frontend forces you to work w/ mobile.css/mobile.js [06:35:30] bad gateway again it seems [06:35:34] its down again 😑 [06:35:44] no need to repeat [06:35:49] is there a way to mirror common css to moblie css [06:35:51] πŸ’” [06:36:01] copy paste baby [06:36:10] i hoped that wasnt the answer [06:36:19] you can abuse gadgets :3 [06:36:31] mayhaps [06:36:32] we tried on pizza tower wiki initially, w/ legacy vector on desktop, but there was noticeable flash [06:36:33] or @import? idk [06:36:34] ^^^^^ [06:36:46] import is flashing [06:36:47] https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/MediaWiki:Gadget-TrulyCommon.css [06:36:52] oh [06:36:54] https://rainverse.wiki/wiki/Special:Gadgets -> "TrulyCommonCss" [06:37:07] truly common [06:37:13] i'm amazing at naming, i know [06:37:40] peak [06:37:55] :ThinkerMH: [06:39:21] i personally hate mirage [06:39:31] its literally just fandom [06:39:36] <_vrm_> which of the default mobile skins (cosmos, timeless, cologneblue, minerva, modern, monobook, vector, vector-2022) is best? [06:39:37] altought oasis is literally fandom [06:39:38] [lol](https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/560568992692043786.webp?size=48&name=lol) [06:39:54] hmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................................................. [06:40:02] has anyone tried 2 different skins for mobile and pc [06:40:03] vector or citizen [06:40:08] yeah [06:40:13] i mean [06:40:16] i have tried refreshed for mobile [06:40:24] minvera is a separate skin for mobile [06:40:25] that's like the point of mfe [06:40:27] so technically??? [06:41:56] [1/3] timeless, vector 2022, and I think monobook? [06:41:56] [2/3] cosmos isn't default but it is mobile adaptive, although I add some snippets to make it more compact on mobile [06:41:56] [3/3] the rest are strictly desktop [06:42:34] but for your original question, for me Timeless is the best one [06:44:58] <_vrm_> thanks for the reply [06:45:19] <_vrm_> timeless seems to provide the best aesthetic, formatting, and keeps functionality [07:30:21] bad gateway [07:30:51] Seems like cloudflare is offline? [07:31:19] My wiki is back up. [07:32:29] Mine's back up. Could just be a blip. Try refreshing. [07:32:38] refreshed [07:32:42] its all good now [07:32:44] πŸ‘ [07:34:29] what does interface group do [07:36:05] natodomeri: mainly lets you edit *.css and *.js pages in the mediawiki namespace [07:36:53] aah alr, ty [07:37:23] is there a page with a sorted group functions / hierarchy list? [07:37:32] in the perms page it looks kind of random [07:40:25] there is... but it's on meta.miraheze.org [07:42:35] appears the server went down [07:43:11] web server DOWN πŸ’š [07:43:55] web server UP πŸ’š [07:44:30] yippee !!!! [07:44:36] natodomeri: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/User_groups [07:45:08] perms page i suspect that it's sorting by the internal name [07:45:19] (administrators are "sysop" internally) [07:46:41] ooh tysm [07:46:49] was hunting for it lol [07:46:57] that'll work πŸ™ πŸ™ [07:50:20] yw [08:06:54] [1/2] how does one do smth like uhm... ugm.. like this (ignore gallery images) [08:06:54] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319214364154138706/image.png?ex=6765259e&is=6763d41e&hm=82d0422ee9e537f70616cae46a7381473814a07fc9807890409881b807e4ab1a& [08:07:05] footer merged to the article itself [08:11:43] is "edit your own json / javascript" perm for user group risky in any way? [08:12:12] no, it's normal even on fandom [08:14:06] πŸ‘Œ [08:23:07] how do i make it so that if image parameter isnt a gallery, it does {{#seo:|image={{{image}}}}} [08:23:07] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/%23seo:Template: [09:10:44] is anyone else having problems with DPL3? any new pages i've made since november aren't being listed. [this page](https://animationdatabase.miraheze.org/wiki/Osinka) should be listing 1 page, but it's just got nothing, even though the right page is listed in WhatLinksHere. [12:43:42] how do i change the text color? [12:43:48] default text color [12:44:45] mediawiki:common.css [12:45:00] what code do i put in? [12:45:04] the doesnt wrok [12:45:50] u forgot a ; [12:45:52] semicolon [12:46:12] at the start? [12:46:34] That's HTML, common.css is for CSS code [12:46:46] not required for a singular inline style [12:46:48] no after the hex [12:47:23] ok true it should work [12:48:34] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319285248852492298/image.png?ex=676567a2&is=67641622&hm=cd06a409d85c0c36a2e7c94e8bd4e0e1cd61d8c3f48414feaebf028ca58b6b0b& [12:48:40] oh thats css code [12:49:18] [1/6] if u want the whole wiki to have that text just write [12:49:18] [2/6] ```css [12:49:18] [3/6] body { [12:49:19] [4/6] color: #009999; [12:49:19] [5/6] } [12:49:19] [6/6] ``` [12:50:05] [1/6] or try overwriting the variable, iirc it's color-base [12:50:05] [2/6] ```css [12:50:06] [3/6] :root { [12:50:06] [4/6] --color-base: white; [12:50:06] [5/6] } [12:50:07] [6/6] ``` [12:50:57] actually that may depend on what skin you're using [12:51:12] im using minerva [12:51:28] oh [12:51:29] vector 2022 [12:51:30] sorry [12:54:52] the titles didnt change [12:56:26] didnt work [12:59:42] takes a while for css to change [12:59:50] have u previewed it [13:01:42] i mean it didnt change for 5 minutes [13:15:25] mw-page-title-main didnt change color [13:15:48] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319292101636395102/image.png?ex=67656e04&is=67641c84&hm=85220a834769ef6fffd2252a33c8a61edacfa2b8b8d27368926da8bcad12da24& [13:33:22] it's not effective to test out changes in the mediawiki space [13:33:32] always try and test in user css space which will give instant results [13:37:46] [1/4] mw-body and mw-page-title-main are classes, so they need a period at the start (`.mw-body`) [13:37:46] [2/4] if u inspect element, u can see that body looks like this -> `` [13:37:46] [3/4] only things like that (the element name) have no prefix symbol (like `
` `

` `

`) [13:37:47] [4/4] u can tell if something is a class if its like this -> `
` [14:31:26] how can i see preview of mw-body [14:33:13] just inspect [14:33:40] https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/1312421184096305223/1312681174585311252/image.png?ex=67651c1c&is=6763ca9c&hm=9c4a2efdb077f8f9b8c769e1c12879738be3ac6dda7d43e735a7115d1be8afff& [14:36:59] thanks [15:09:38] I'd pin that [15:10:16] is pin [15:26:21] [1/3] is gadgets broken or? [15:26:21] [2/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319324953627328623/image.png?ex=67658c9c&is=67643b1c&hm=41a14bf8ca97e3b42474301302a572ac2e8ac0269eabdfa10656e770f3506cfa& [15:26:21] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319324953933385760/image.png?ex=67658c9c&is=67643b1c&hm=b75523007929543e4da531167fd32425bdcbcbf8e3d82c81880d49f275b21642& [15:31:56] [1/2] shows up for me [15:31:57] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319326359683727430/Screenshot_20241219_163135_Firefox.jpg?ex=67658dec&is=67643c6c&hm=ff001f3fd0ac2a1e56424f7d7daeb29c88e978f5aa9d4fb353725e4ead1e13ae& [15:32:26] i think i may have tripped up something for it to not appear [15:48:12] What's that thing you put in the url bar to cancel all the code you've placed? [15:57:54] [1/2] well apparently its not loading the gadgets? [15:57:55] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1319332896036622436/image.png?ex=67659402&is=67644282&hm=70f2bf2c18d851a0609eba1ed202a42f3e2c1f2f724a3ed1922f6d82737b454e& [15:58:22] [1/5] even though i set it up correctly? [15:58:22] [2/5] ``` [15:58:22] [3/5] * switcher [ResourceLoader|default]|Gadget-switcher.js [15:58:23] [4/5] * infoboxgallery [ResourceLoader|default]|InfoboxGallery.js [15:58:23] [5/5] ``` [16:51:16] How long until the "what links here" link shows created links? [16:55:53] NOT a tech savvy person, but if I recall correctly, it's something that refreshes only occasionally, so it will take a while [16:57:03] Someone did make a task that it was taking a good while [16:57:07] It may be a bit busted [16:57:13] Correct subway [16:57:15] like hours-days, not "forever," but [16:57:37] https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13014 [16:57:54] I wanted to use "most wanted pages" as a to do list on my wiki and I think some angel offered to refresh it manually for me [16:57:58] If you’d like to keep an eye and get emails log into phorge w/ your mediawiki account and subscribe [16:58:02] That's broken broken then [16:58:15] oh, ew [16:58:25] That's a job I think [16:58:42] So not instant but shouldn't be more than hours [16:58:51] Oops [16:58:57] I leave it open so we don't forget [17:35:41] <.guardianx., replying to pixldev> LoL I did that, saw discussion on the VisualData topic and through it was Christmas Day >< [17:36:26] <.guardianx.> Still wondering if that's gunna be a restricted extension or not. [17:36:55] which one? (On IRC and cant see what your reply to only who lol) [17:37:46] <.guardianx.> Oh the Visual Data one, lets see [[phorge:T12306]] [17:37:46] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/phorge:T12306 [17:37:46] [17:38:10] ah [17:38:17] is it still in security review [17:38:38] <.guardianx.> ya, I know, just mainly wondering it my own mind on the restricted part [17:39:25] <.guardianx.> I don't know what typically puts an extension into a restricted section. I know SMW is there and a couple other power data tools [17:43:03] .guardianx.: This security review has been going on longer then I've held the Global Admin hat. Either you accidently put the link for MediaWiki core, or I think you can jab Redmin [17:43:27] Cargo is restricted because left unchecked it can be a real strain on resources [17:44:06] Semantic MediaWiki is the pandora's box of bricking wiki and needs coordination between Stewards and Tech just to enable it. [17:45:34] and so? [17:45:36] <.guardianx.> LOL I'd rather be patient than annoying and since he responded to the topic and it's like a week before christmas and the new year I don't mind waiting til after [17:46:04] <.guardianx.> plus I have a psudeo phobia with reaching out to people [17:46:28] Do you mean `&safemode=1`? This disables all custom stylesheet and scripts [17:47:09] That's it, thank you. That's all I wanted. I couldn't remember. Thanks for your reply. [17:47:14] okay thats fair about the holiday [17:47:20] no problem [17:47:23] also relatable [17:47:35] <.guardianx.> haha the holiday is really just an excuse [17:47:57] <.guardianx.> "Oh I can't bother them, it's nearly wednesday!" [17:48:05] <.guardianx.> "It's the weekend!" [17:48:19] <.guardianx.> "March! can't bother peopel in march!" [17:48:33] id just want to confirm that he's still ok with being assigned it/ask how far in it is [17:48:52] im gonna go bother the folks over at Wikimedia gimmi a sec (sorry sammy) [18:01:14] Wait... that is a thing [18:01:57] <_arcaniskupo> [1/2] Hey so I got a question. [18:01:57] <_arcaniskupo> [2/2] I have a really handy html for everything that I need to upload to my wiki. How does one go about doing that? [18:02:50] Wdym HTMl [18:02:57] like a landing page? [18:03:35] <_arcaniskupo> [1/3] I'm making a wiki for a slay the spire mod. [18:03:35] <_arcaniskupo> [2/3] Slay the spire has a mod that exports all the internal card images / yadda yadda to an html file. [18:03:35] <_arcaniskupo> [3/3] I would like to, somehow, put that file onto the wiki., [18:03:53] <_arcaniskupo> I don't really know how to describe this, I'm not very wiki-savvy [18:04:28] yep, there are a few more https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Parameters_to_index.php#User_preference_overriding [18:05:06] Hm, I'd say your best bet is get them as an image [18:05:22] you could upload an HTML(maybe?) but it wouldn't really render [18:05:40] <_arcaniskupo> Darn. [18:05:52] <_arcaniskupo> I was hoping I could plop this in and be done with it hahaha [18:05:57] <_arcaniskupo> Manual mode it is [18:07:43] <.guardianx.> Wait so whats the HTML? I assume it's like formatting for each card? [18:08:00] <_arcaniskupo> Yeah it has a really crispy way of showing the cards (with hover-overs) [18:08:07] <_arcaniskupo> Is... is this something I should just show? [18:08:11] <_arcaniskupo> I think it might be easier [18:08:24] <.guardianx.> It may be LoL [18:08:51] <.guardianx.> I mean I thought Wiki rendered HTML so I assume you could just put the HTML from wiothin the file onto a page [18:09:17] No, thats what we in the biz call a massive security risk [18:09:27] HTML can include