[00:00:40] Ideally want to avoid JS so there isnt like a brief moment where no change, then boom, change [00:01:09] ("flashing", if you will) [00:04:50] Hi, is there any update on the Summitpedia situation? [01:06:32] [1/2] Hey guys do you know why my thumbnail image is moved off to the side and slightly shrunk in the pink box? I'm trying to make it centered with only 10px of space from the borders, but it keeps doing this. It never happens with the full image or with text. [01:06:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337227969516535889/Screenshot_2025-02-06_at_7.01.35_PM.png?ex=67a6ae18&is=67a55c98&hm=cc5376c017751e36286c4896d84ee92e2de215c2d67f543101293f6ba158250a& [01:07:16] [1/13] This is the code for the pink box and the image: [01:07:17] [2/13] ``` [01:07:17] [3/13]
[01:07:20] [13/13]
[[File:Militarybase.png|thumb]]/div/div``` [01:08:23] <.florigon> Did analytics get removed from Special:SpecialPages? [01:09:58] .florigon: Still there for me [01:10:18] <.florigon> Whats the link called for you? [01:10:40] Wiki analytics [01:10:55] in Other special pages on the very bottom [01:13:19] <.florigon> https://comprehensibleinputwiki.org/wiki/Special:SpecialPages [01:13:43] <.florigon> Its not there and it says i dont have permission if i go to Special:Analytics [01:13:50] <.florigon> Im logged in as admin [01:18:14] add permission to yourself in ManageWiki/permissions [01:18:33] *Special:ManageWiki/permissions [01:18:54] That's viewanalytics permission [01:22:39] <.florigon> @Frisk that did it thanks! And looks like a much cooler interface than last time i checked [01:23:20] Happy to help :) [03:27:14] elo, came here to ask a few things, i got some curiosity about this host related to how open it is to the user for what they can do with their own wiki, as ik some free hosts kinda limit the uses u can give to the domain [03:27:38] not sure if im in the right channel but hope so xd [03:30:20] MH is basically as free as it can get, short of going fully self-hosted, the few restrictions, are all for good technical or security reasons [03:31:05] yuh ive seen that tbh [03:31:36] Gonna boost this again. Do you think the issue will take a few days to sort out? [03:31:50] And should you decide you don't want to be here anymore, after having a wiki, they will not only be more than fine, with deleting the wiki, giving everything you need, for helping the transition to a new host as well [03:31:51] ik for sure tho the program they use is one of the best anyway so im safe with that point [03:32:07] huh nice to know [03:32:16] Yeah MediaWiki is the software, which is what like 99% of wiki's running on [03:32:21] havent found a better free host tho xd [03:32:32] If you want to self-host, you can do that [03:32:35] yuh ik that from experience [03:32:39] Provided you have the skills [03:33:09] not sure how good is to have a database stored and constantly working on ur own pc tho [03:33:23] for big proyects i mean [03:33:52] Yeah self-hosting is not cheap in msot cases, as you are gonna need to either operate a server yourself, or pay for some datacenter or similar to host the actual wiki files on [03:34:14] i still dont know much about data bases but in a few months i have a class related to that topic anyway so all good xd [03:34:21] i'm kinda a noob when it comes to that, so thank you for the info [03:34:38] ive found free hosts to train everything related to my career includng this one besides MARC21 [03:35:44] (if anyone knows a free MARC21 database tho i would be glad to know btw xd) [03:36:21] You don't really need to know anything about databases, to have a MH wiki though. Ofc if you do, you might be able to help out as a volunteer, on the tech side for MH as a whole ofc, if you want [03:40:33] oh ye ik i dont have to [03:40:50] but it still would help me to train my profesional knowledge [03:41:03] so i would be glad to do when the time comes ngl [03:41:24] I don't really know, all I was told from our Miraheze Volunteer Legroom was, "the tech folks were working on it" and was wondering if asking that could get an update or so. [03:43:21] oh also one last question related to this in specific, if by any chance i want to have 2 wiki pages, for whatever reason, is that posible or i would need to have 2 accounts to host each [03:43:37] i mean like 2 pages to my name [03:44:10] Accounts are global, so same account can be used on any number of MH wiki's [03:44:40] no ye i get that [03:44:43] but i mean like [03:44:45] hopefully the summitpedia stuff gets solved quickly, shit's volunteer-run so i don't mind waiting but i'm really hoping it goes back up soon so i can start sharing the summitpedia server ive been working on making [03:44:50] owning the site [03:48:11] [1/2] Well, that is the thing though, there is no "owning" a wiki per say, the person requesting a wiki, just get Bureaucrat, and Administrator role on a wiki automatically, which is the 2 highest roles, but you can give those roles to other people, and if you do, they "own" it as much as you do. [03:48:12] [2/2] But yes you can request multiple wiki's if needed. Though doing too many in a short time period, specially if the former you requested are still in an early state, might give a higher scrutiny of the request, before it gets approved, doesn't mean it wont be, and it is more so if you start requesting like 4-5 wiki's in quick successing it really might be problematic. [03:57:36] As I understand tech just has to run a script to fix [03:58:07] agent was out of the house before [03:58:25] central auth ptsd [03:58:34] [[WP:OWN]] [03:58:35] [03:58:44] we should make our own essay on this [03:58:51] May i will [04:03:52] !remindme Draft You don’t own a wiki essay on MHM after i stop procrastinating on everything more important i need to do [04:04:02] yes of course [04:04:12] !remindme 12h Draft You don’t own a wiki essay on MHM after i stop procrastinating on everything more important i need to do [04:04:18] ye i get that thx u [04:04:30] didnt really word it well but u got the point xd [04:04:39] Permissions and user groups are wiki specific [04:05:18] if you pretend i wasnt a global admin and throw all that to the wind, my powers as a meta admin give me no direct technical power over any other wiki [04:05:22] no ye ik that [04:05:35] i worded my question wrogn [04:05:42] disnt mean u literally own the place [04:05:50] i meant it like its ur own wiki [04:06:04] ik the host would own the domain anyway [04:06:18] fair [04:06:27] what exactly are you asking then, but confused [04:07:02] oh the other guy already gave an answer that works but was like if u could have more than 1 requested [04:07:45] since i just had the random idea to get one private to myself too just to play around and train [04:09:03] yeah [04:09:13] use https://publictestwiki.com [04:09:23] oh forgot that exists [04:09:26] (A Miraheze project so same account) [04:09:40] yeah thats something i was wondering rn [04:09:50] MediaWiki accounts r global [04:09:55] Yup [04:10:08] but not sure if i can use mine from the warframe wiki here [04:10:12] Only limitations is managewiki is restricted to consul [04:10:19] as its also hosted by MediaWiki [04:10:24] if its not a Miraheze project no [04:10:47] na its from a private host owned by the own game company and a third party user [04:10:48] its basically like trying to use a Wikipedia account on Meta Wiki [04:10:58] Same software, different servers hosting it [04:10:59] ye i get that dw [04:11:11] Interesting to see [04:11:22] that was what got me wondering about a global account [04:11:49] We do use Wikimedia’s global account system though [04:11:51] It sucks [04:12:01] (no offense WMF) [04:12:10] (okay maybe just a very little bit) [04:12:50] the original wiki was hosted in fandom and 100% managed only by the community, not long ago the own company desided to get in touch and got a person to move the database to an add free host that they own and manage it by themselves but still letting us edit there [04:13:08] fandom is the black sheep when it comes to MediaWiki hosts ngl xd [04:13:31] you have no idea [04:13:32] xd [04:13:41] I mean it’s mainly for wikis who left it [04:13:50] But even wikis on fandom arent fans [04:13:57] a lot just cant afford to leave [04:13:59] which sucks [04:14:04] yeah [04:14:16] they dont even support migrations [04:14:17] Even Minecraft Wiki, which is promoted by Mojang still struggles [04:14:29] They support them [04:14:32] they don’t recognize them [04:14:37] they recognize it as a fork [04:14:40] also terraria and now warframe [04:14:51] yeah bad worded again xd [04:15:04] Yeah Fandom, is basically google of the wiki world, the big giant, you really can't avoid 100%, but not good quality [04:15:06] i meant it mainly becauae they dont even help to remove the wiki or anything [04:15:49] like rn we r having issues with people finding the new host as fandom still shows up on top and hides the new results [04:16:19] to think google began so nice tho [04:16:19] So will it be done sometime soon then? [04:18:07] wait how does this test wiki work, as it seems to be an open place for everyone, each account has like its own private site or what [04:23:17] Thank you. Sorry for bugging ya [04:23:52] nah just anarchy but cool™️ [04:23:58] huh [04:24:03] you can request admin rights [04:24:11] yeah i was reading that xd [04:24:19] got me intrested [04:24:26] might make an acc some say [04:24:49] https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/TestWiki:Testing_policy [04:25:00] oh ye also read that dw xd [04:25:06] Is it back now [04:28:19] nope [04:29:05] hm [04:29:17] think mac is working on it as we speak [04:29:21] #tech-ops [04:30:13] Wonder why a simple change from antonball.miraheze to summitpedia.miraheze would break a wiki (I'm not a computer guy, so I have no clue) [04:31:34] alright its back up [04:31:46] thanks for the help [04:35:49] DPL [04:36:10] Seems one of its core additional DB views didn’t get moved too? [04:36:16] Cos? [04:37:25] Actually it's wasn't DPLs fault exactly...it was a change in the MediaWiki database user awhile back that caused MediaWiki to not have permission to rename the view so it failed to rename which caused an exception with the script. That gives some technical details you may or may not have wanted lol. [04:37:58] Therefore it landed in a 'half-renamed' state [04:38:16] any way for a template to acquist the template data from another template? i wanna make something that displays the same info as what i put in my infobox [04:39:44] Oh, gotcha [04:40:42] Feel free to blame DPL if you want though lol. I spent almost all of today getting it compatible with 1.43 (and it FINALLY is lol) [04:41:04] It was completely broken on most wikis anyway [04:41:24] or not updating anyway [04:42:04] Heck yeah it's fixed. [04:42:08] Thank you all very much. [04:42:16] Ditto [04:43:01] It's not letting me log in however? [04:43:26] [1/2] I've been looking for a solution for displaying webm files frame by frame such that a user can easily advance to the next or previous frame of the file in question. Does anyone know of something that would work for that? The main concern is that it would be terribly inefficient to post all 80 frames of an image and show them as separate assets with a slideshow, and it would be much l [04:43:27] [2/2] ess work for a single webm file instead [04:43:29] [1/2] I'm getting this error. [04:43:29] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337282564192469052/image.png?ex=67a6e0f0&is=67a58f70&hm=6ba232a3c1b5e25599e9746ff48af287b4bf67b2d3666aa56ec1c0d28360821f& [04:43:37] You may need to clear your cookies or try in incognito [04:44:07] Sorry but how do I clear cookies? [04:45:33] You can search for how to clear cookies and you'll find decent guides. I'm mobile right now so can't look to guide exactly. [04:45:53] [1/2] And sorry to pile on questions, but when Googling the Wiki it still shows the old link which leads to the Wiki Not Found page. [04:45:54] [2/2] How long should it take for it to update? [04:46:21] Depends on Google, we could redirect the old to the new for a few months though. [04:46:48] That'd be appreciated. [04:46:56] MacFan4000: ^ [04:47:05] 🙏 [04:47:42] How complicated is that to do? If it can be done in the script I’d propose making it part of the form [04:48:02] It just needs manually added to YAML [04:48:18] thats the only thing it needs [04:49:58] I'm gonna go for now but ping if needed. [04:53:01] In that case I’d say add it(I can’t WP:BB here sadly) [04:54:34] Reset my browser and cleared everything and still can't seem to log in. [04:54:40] You can PR it and I'll merge im just tired of GH on mobile today or I'd do it myself right now. If no one gets to it I will tomorrow though. [04:55:05] hmmm. does it work in another browser or incognito? [04:55:28] Nope. [04:55:33] ugh [04:55:39] I hate when we have login issues [04:55:47] Maybe I'll just need to wait a bit. [04:55:52] Since the Wiki Just got back and all. [04:56:10] No on Phorhe [04:56:17] i dont have phorge admin [04:56:28] redirect added, give it ~30 mins to deploy [04:56:37] oh nice thanks MacFan [04:56:42] oh lol [04:56:44] [1/3] Breath, [04:56:44] [2/3] Keep calm, [04:56:44] [3/3] And blame Wikimedia [04:56:59] I would wait for a little. So sorry for all the inconvenience you had with this rename... [04:57:38] @notaracham you supported the change of In progress -> Pending right? [04:57:43] Don't sweat it, I'm just happy the wiki is back and fine. [04:58:44] @randy what is your wiki username? [04:59:00] I can run a script that may fix you login issue [04:59:40] TheScrungo. [04:59:43] Really I can wait. [04:59:50] MacFan4000: thanks for dealing with this all I'm gonna head off but ping me here or on Mattermost if you need me later. [05:00:24] Mac how are you so awesome legitimately [05:04:38] @randy try now [05:05:24] @randy. [05:05:59] [1/2] Nope. [05:05:59] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337288226179911682/image.png?ex=67a6e636&is=67a594b6&hm=4a2475a56d1082a34389e78ac04a6c7613541785c3281eb5309444d61dc15a6f& [05:19:10] [1/2] why is my code editor transparent [05:19:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337291543433969717/image.png?ex=67a6e94d&is=67a597cd&hm=cd22626ccdb38680ec882d37560f7815adeb33997aebaa8dadec61006f290282& [05:19:14] this really sucks 😭 [05:21:14] @rodejong @brandon.wm @.imamy. you guys like TEMPLATES right?? Well here https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Template_talk:Essay#c-PixDeVl-20250207052000-New_template_parameter [05:21:19] im going to sleep now [05:35:33] morning [05:35:56] summitpedia will need 301 redirect as well [05:37:32] need a phorge task for it? [05:37:56] MacFan4000, if you are here ^ [05:38:01] I think macfan already added it [05:38:08] ah okay [05:38:09] It just might not take effect yet. [05:38:10] thanks [05:38:14] But maybe it has [05:38:17] idk for sure. [05:46:20] I can't login too, clearing cookies didn't help [05:46:26] can login on other wikis [05:52:36] i found that login into miraheze in general then going to the site got me on the site logged in [05:55:46] [1/2] every time you visit a wiki you haven't visited before the login system kicks you out of all wikis [05:55:47] [2/2] but w/ summitpedia it looks like fallout of rename bug, I still can't login despite getting back on my other wikis [05:59:13] I logged out of Summitpedia, then I logged back in and I didn't encounter any issue logging in [05:59:59] wait [06:00:22] im not signed in to the Pizza Tower Wiki, and its not autofilling my username [06:00:34] let me try a few things [06:01:06] now I got signed out of Summitpedia. [06:01:14] Must've been a boot you guys did [06:02:17] Yeah everything is fine [06:02:35] Ignore the comments I deleted, that was me on private windows and I didnt notice [06:04:21] Yeah I signed out, signed in through the pizza tower wiki, then refreshed Summitpedia and everything was fine [06:04:27] Hope this helps with troubleshooting [06:07:33] Indifferent. Big shuffling deckchairs vibe on my assessment, my concern is just making sure we unbreak downstream hardcoded dependencies on 'in progress' as an evaluation text if it changes. [06:12:27] okay, manual sign out helped, thanks [06:17:47] Oh yay. [06:17:55] Thank you also. [08:51:49] where do i put this line into infobox code? i use portable infobox but not the visual editor [09:05:47] in infobox code there's already `` tag, you just replace it w/ ` I'll start on that now [09:43:02] <.lucrecio> Hi! Quick little question, I'm using a skin on my wiki and every page uses it but the main page, is there a special option to turn that on? Thank you :) [09:44:18] have you done a quick lil purge to the main page [09:44:33] <.lucrecio> I just did and it worked a:sweat: thank you all [10:13:32] [1/2] im so beating people up with this one [10:13:33] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337365627496562729/image.png?ex=67a72e4c&is=67a5dccc&hm=e544ab620b6aaae48945a09f10ef226cad941f47131e0f4581376d0718efcb5c& [10:18:37] template styles? [10:18:42] yea [10:18:50] enabled templatestylesextender already? [10:19:15] no i didnt know that exists [12:01:27] [1/5] Hi, I'd like to ask some help regarding Common Css. [12:01:27] [2/5] How can I make it so that entire page has the color instead of just showing in the bottom like the first img? [12:01:27] [3/5] The second is the one I used in Common Css (I am still new to css as a whole) [12:01:28] [4/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337392781488029767/IMG_20250207_182641.jpg?ex=67a74796&is=67a5f616&hm=26de8b3894520185f7bc46e51fe726b1ed07397a17e065bd94f9439fb1ad535a& [12:01:28] [5/5] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337392781794082856/IMG_20250207_182821.jpg?ex=67a74796&is=67a5f616&hm=2a038d165deeeac0ddb4d8c5e8a052d56dc9ab78505aa2a8d55e2bec36d196a6& [12:15:44] any way to hide a specific section from TOC? [12:23:17] don't use headings (`=` or ``) [12:24:07] damnit [12:24:28] now i feel stupid asking lol [12:24:55] [1/2] each skin has different layouts, so same rules may not apply across all skins [12:24:55] [2/2] in this case you need more than `body` to get colored background, there are more elements inside that take all the space [12:25:16] I assume you made Minerva as default/desktop skin? [12:28:11] Yes. [12:34:06] this skin was created for mobile mode, it hides a lot of buttons and stuff and will make your admin experience harder [12:34:23] as well as editors' [12:36:13] <_______________________________d> is miraheze slow today for anyone else? [12:38:35] [1/2] Ah, alright. Thank for the clarification. [12:38:36] [2/2] My last question, if you don't mind, is it easier to config in cosmo skin? Would editing the ```Cosmos Content Background Color``` do the same job? [12:38:49] also, for skin modification it's better to use skin pages - `MediaWiki:`Skin name`.css` [12:39:13] Cosmos skin is indeed easier to modify because it has settings in Styling tab, you won't have to poke CSS much [12:39:44] just insert color codes in corresponding fields [12:40:20] <_______________________________d> isn't 2001 or legacy (i dont remember the name) the best skin if you want complete control over css? [12:41:19] Thank for the answers, brother. Honestly, it has been a headache and a week doing things without knowing what even I am doing. [12:41:46] np [12:42:27] [1/2] you can CSS mod any skin [12:42:27] [2/2] Cosmos is just the only one which offers settings [12:42:38] newbie friendly [12:42:44] <_______________________________d> ah [12:42:55] Yeah it is really slow [12:43:36] <_______________________________d> [1/2] im sick today and im cleaning up categories and uhh i found these remnants of when i tried to import wikipedia categories back in 2022 [12:43:36] <_______________________________d> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337403390711304192/image.png?ex=67a75178&is=67a5fff8&hm=e08ce59b0741b5ec60778b2ffa71d084d939fbc9b1515f303b4fe3fbfc855444& [12:43:55] <_______________________________d> i genuinely just dont feel like doing anything, why did 2022 me do that [12:47:11] <_______________________________d> seems the slowdown is over? [12:50:42] Not sure [12:57:06] <_______________________________d> [1/2] [[mh:backrooms:user:Sheep42/not orphan]] [12:57:06] <_______________________________d> [2/2] recently made this to keep unused categories and files off of the page that lists them, good idea? [12:57:06] [13:19:19] Where can I request for my wiki to be deleted? [13:19:45] If possible, that's. [13:20:02] [[SN]] [13:20:03] [13:44:27] Video format then? [13:45:21] Also webm is a video format, not image format. If you mean image format then it's webp [13:46:41] Put images to a video format is the easiest solution if you want people to seek images on the fly [13:47:34] Tho put pictures into webm will always result in quality loss unlike put images in a slideshow (webp format support lossless compression) [15:23:37] AWB not working due to TLS? Employ a low wage chinese worker to do the job for you! Starting from only ¥4 an hour, sign up at Manual Wiki Bot dot com today! [15:23:51] AnyoneM [15:24:17] Dont understand what you mean here [15:25:37] I want an uniform grey color, indtead of having that white background around the text [15:28:29] Sign me up 🤑 [15:30:48] 503... [15:33:46] solved [15:49:41] What do to when I got verified as someone else in #verify ? [16:21:42] Oh dear [16:21:58] I assume the result of the previous verification was cached [16:22:07] @markusrost whats the best way to solve this? [16:26:45] breh [16:31:36] Can you link the page? [16:34:09] [1/2] starting a miraheze wiki was harder then expected [16:34:10] [2/2] i gave them a chance but seems like running with ads with better [16:37:09] That sounds like Miraheze is now caching rest.php and no longer splitting cache on Authorization header. At least the last one is a security issue [16:37:29] @rhinosf1 [16:39:43] rest.php shouldn't be cached [16:39:51] That's a @paladox question [16:39:59] If it is, we'll need a mass token reset [16:40:37] rest.php isn't cached (i had added a rule). [16:40:38] https://github.com/miraheze/puppet/blob/master/modules/varnish/templates/default.vcl#L361 [16:41:02] [1/2] making a good wiki on fandom is no less harder, wikia days was my first experience as an admin, I still had to learn a lot [16:41:03] [2/2] Miraheze offers a lot if freedom amd features, and this requires understanding [16:41:13] I'm unavailable to look into it right now, but Wiki-Bot getting a cached response can only be on rest.php [16:46:03] Unless of course the user verified as the wrong user. Might have been stored from a previous verification or they shared their auth link. [17:05:11] [1/2] FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK MY UNSAVED WORK NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [17:05:12] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1337469222317461665/image.png?ex=67a78ec7&is=67a63d47&hm=8af59dc93fb96fbf0bff06ca9bc8afa6fc1ae55271d6d798a9ba4f4e1f5ce8ac& [17:05:13] WHYYYYYYYYYY [17:09:00] can feel your pain. Usually when working on something bigger I work on it locally in text editor, no matter if it's a wiki or something else, it just feels safer. (also if you had edit recovery feature on I think it could have saved your work) [17:12:58] i only have a 2.72 mb gif but its not playing 😭 [17:13:25] max animated gif area is 1.25e7 [17:13:49] should i change it out of scientific notation [17:18:22] the area is counted by amount of pixels in gif times amount of frames gif has, if it will not be animated you'll see a bold text telling you that it's too big [17:18:52] so if your git is 600x600 and it has 40 frames its size is 14400000 [17:18:58] *gif [17:19:45] message says "Note: Due to technical limitations, thumbnails of high resolution GIF images such as this one will not be animated." if git is over that limit [17:20:02] man, I really like git if I continue writing gif as git [17:21:44] i see [17:22:24] anyways, your 2.72MB gif likely goes over that limit, considering my 1.95MB gif goes over almost twice the default MediaWiki limit for thumbnailed gifs, what matters is widthxheightxamountofframes really [17:22:32] How long does it usually take for a phorge task to get done/replied to? [17:22:37] ooo [17:23:07] can i increase this limit in settings? (already kinda did but would it work) [17:23:20] it would work [17:23:44] Its a private wiki [17:24:17] however FYI the thumbnails for sizes you have already generated gif for will not regenerate just like that [17:24:42] idk what's the best way to regenerate them without uploading new file or changing the size tbh [17:24:53] ugh [17:25:10] well i only have like 2 gifs i want autoplaying [17:25:18] oh, then idk since I don't really know what that is [17:25:29] change the requested size on a page by one pixel then lol [17:25:52] i hate that but it does work [17:39:45] does anyone know how do i add borders onto an infobox [17:53:22] [1/9]
[17:53:22] [2/9] Browse Articles/b
[17:53:22] [3/9] • [[:Category:Factions|Factions]]
[17:53:23] [4/9] • [[:Category:Regions|Regions]]
[17:53:23] [5/9] • [[:Category:Settlements|Settlements]]
[17:53:23] [6/9] • [[:Category:Climates|Climates]]
[17:53:23] [7/9] • [[:Category:Conflicts|Conflicts]]
[17:53:24] [8/9] {{NUMBEROFARTICLES}} articles in the Wiki/b [17:53:24] [9/9] /div [17:57:17] Remove the spaces from the start of the bullet list, that causes mediawiki to put them into a
 (the white box)
[18:02:12] 	  Thanks :DoneMH:
[18:02:17] 	  fixed!
[18:04:15] 	  np