[01:09:46] quick question, is it posible to have certain pages with a more restricted access while others have a general public [01:12:01] nvm found a mediawiki article explaining how to do it [01:12:04] so its posible xd [01:31:49] just looked at the utg miraheze wiki and holy hell [01:31:56] it looks amazing but at the same [01:32:03] a bit too much css imo [01:49:33] <34.29cm, replying to pixldev> [1/2] ...So is it showing in that menu for other people, or accessible from a different place? [01:49:33] <34.29cm, replying to pixldev> [2/2] Weirdly, Special:Preferences opens in inverted mode while other pages are fully white for me 🤔 [01:49:39] Wikipedia has a good explanation: [[Wikipedia:Disambiguation]] [01:49:40] [02:49:52] @snowstacked has problems [02:50:13] not sure, sadly don’t have the resources or time to investigate [02:52:57] 😓 [02:53:10] what should i reduce on [04:11:05] [1/2] Hey y'all, PortableInfobox question. The data labels are getting clipped, and I do not know what setting (if there is one) changes the layout [04:11:05] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1342347842039054408/clipped_infobox_label.PNG?ex=67b94e59&is=67b7fcd9&hm=3e013da68612750cacb7377e0a0627ba9c463450b53b6dc65d1f7a8a47c2af94& [04:11:41] I would like the split between the label and value to be more centred [04:11:52] Looks like it may be a CSS thing not setting [04:12:00] That's what I mean [04:12:08] IDK what CSS value to adjust [04:12:11] But it’s too late to brain on styling for me :( [04:12:20] 11pm is not a good css time [04:12:32] [1/2] would anyone might know why it is always dark mode in preferences? it's light mode when I go to any other page and there's no way to change between dark and light mode [04:12:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1342348205781684224/image.png?ex=67b94eaf&is=67b7fd2f&hm=ce143e62519a2f7e5f83afd3ea136e8922e5d166a2ac882830d2e342da867bc8& [04:20:04] Also, how do I add an Interwiki prefix? The meta article says you ask a local beaurocrat (which I think is me, the wiki owner, right?) but I don't see any option to edit the table [04:23:17] How old is your wiki [04:23:28] (Also wiki don’t really have owners) [04:23:32] 8 months [04:23:38] Hmmmm [04:24:15] Go to Special:ManageWiki/permissions, bureaucrat, check interwiki [04:26:37] hm... changing the width of the infobox might help, but i forgot how i fixed this myself [04:27:08] i JUST got off my pc so i wouldn't be able to say [04:27:10] Right now, the width is 23em. What should I change it to? [04:27:32] id say make it bigger, maybe 25 or 27 [04:27:48] And should it be em or rem? [04:28:29] i suggest rem since em depends on the current font size of the element that it's inside of, whereas rem always pulls from body's default font size [04:28:55] thats how i would go about it, anyway [04:36:10] iirc "standard" infobox width is 270px [04:49:04] hi. i was about to connect my site to awb but it said could not create a SSL/TLS secure channel. what does it mean? [04:50:16] are you using windows 10? [04:50:27] yes [04:52:05] Miraheze recently removed support for TLS 1.2 but that accidentally broke AWB since its framework is hella old, working on fixing it with the maintainers [04:52:42] if you wanna leave the wikis url here one of our folks can enabled TLS 1.2 on your wikk [04:52:56] or if you dont want to share PM it to PixDeVl there on IRC [04:54:09] ive sent my wiki here so no problem: https://chidurianwiki.miraheze.org/ [04:57:14] btw how can i get notified when its done? [04:57:37] @rhinosf1 could you turn back TLS 1.2 on https://chidurianwiki.miraheze.org/ please [04:58:06] if you don’t have a bouncer we can send you an email via your wiki account [04:58:55] thanks. do you need me to leave my miraheze account here or no? [04:59:35] sure, i can also get it from the list on your wiki but here’s easier [04:59:45] Rhinos can also send im heading to sleep [05:01:30] its Qchinh06. thank you [05:02:33] Sure thing [05:10:38] You could use a {{nowrap|Disestablished}} [05:10:54] Use [[Template:Nowrap]] [05:10:55] [06:31:42] [1/2] hi, is there any guide on how do you group users? [06:31:42] [2/2] I'm aware of how to create and how to edit user groups. But I'm not so sure on how I can group them for each roles. [06:41:56] for example maybe for designers or how to prevent vandalism [06:42:52] you usually go to user pages and there will be manage permissions or something in toolbar [06:43:21] that will open a special page and iirc you should be able to call other users from it [06:43:53] bear in mind, if you want to assign a certain user they should visit the wiki to get attached by account system [09:25:17] Is there merit to reporting spam accounts caught and stopped by global AFs or AF hits are checked by CVT team/no action is needed if spam has been blocked? [10:06:56] hi. I am the guy who wished to create a wiki as virtual work space on the Inverse Flynn Effect [10:07:22] I am waiting since 3 days now... [10:08:02] Dudes, if that's not ok for youfor whatever reason you tell and I go on lookup a solution! don't make me linger like that! [10:08:38] ref: https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/55315 [10:09:21] I am looking for something serious to do serious public interest work, do you understand? [10:09:31] before we got process automated, reviews eta would take up to 5 days [10:10:03] now if ai isn't sure it will forward to humans for review [10:11:21] this was in a good period [10:11:27] the waits now are nothing [10:12:06] Frisk: not really, if they can't payload then there's nothing to gain by the whack a mole is what the attitude on this has been [10:12:31] makes sense, thanks [10:12:59] if a wiki is getting splashed with accounts that's something worth looking into as usually there can be an ip deterrent of some sort [10:14:26] mine still does 🥲 [10:14:56] might be worth a backlog report on SR [10:15:22] the usual about response time would apply but it should get eyes over it eventually [10:22:49] NA said in #cvt is at the mercy of copying WP's block lists [10:28:40] guess that's it then [10:28:56] sometimes they can boil down to one or a few ranges for short termbut they will always come back [10:30:12] Did I answer all your concerns about the creation of this wiki ? [10:31:37] or could you indicate me where I could try and get a chance? so that I can go on with this project? [10:32:51] I mean it's a very serious public health issues. I wish to get started as soon as possible so that others might step in [10:33:45] I am pretty sure there's doctors who will be very happy: no one has thought collecting all those information in one place to get the big picture about this topic. [10:37:59] wow that's a request record [10:38:43] so that one was taken on directly by a steward, it will take a bit of time for the request to complete as the steward group can be very busy; I ask patience, I believe there is enough there for an answer though [10:48:28] is there an exact way to do like, disable the fake button applied on the footer icons? [10:49:51] you mean like new white bg for them? [10:50:19] idk why by they sometimes they appear w/o bg on my wikis, sometimes w/ it [10:50:26] Frisk: not usually but if you have one now please do send, as I'm curious how it got through since most don't these days [10:51:09] I found out those alternatives. thanks https://alternativeto.net/software/miraheze/ [10:52:07] [1/2] yea, `cdx-button--fake-button--enabled` tells me that there could be a config used to disable them [10:52:08] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1342448765327380480/y.png?ex=67b9ac57&is=67b85ad7&hm=8fbdf90d93c791bc0b74616837ef1d10129f8c9290ab874570077138c1172dd0& [10:52:40] slv: shall I mark the request as cancelled then [10:53:17] oh, it was already approved [10:53:18] I think there's some confusion here as I see the request was approved minutes ago [10:53:27] yeah that's a bit awkward [10:53:33] dunno if he's still on irc [10:53:44] they seem to be [10:54:22] Hello guys, how can I change the main page title, "{{DISPLAYTITLE:title}}" doesn't work? [10:54:24] well, if it is still not wanted it can be pulled, just would take a bit longer [10:57:50] reception123: Well, it was successfully stopped by global AF so I guess it didn't go through other than with account creation, but if you still want to check it's https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth?target=KristieBoase6 (linking it because I'm 100% sure it's a spam bot considering AF log details) [10:59:19] Thanks, I'm just curious because we block all VPNs/proxies so it's relatively rare for accounts to be created from other IPs [10:59:36] Ah, I see [11:00:49] Just had my Wiki creation request approved. thank you all. now let's do some work ! 🙂🇺🇳🇺🇳 [11:02:43] Global "Anti-spam 3.0" AF seems pretty solid [11:03:53] This is now Done :mh [11:06:42] That said, it looks like a really recent filter [11:08:09] there was a question about DISPLAYTITLE, was it deleted? [11:33:33] Yes, I solved it already [11:33:41] Tried out some settings and somehow it worked [11:34:37] yeah, the settings are a bit weird [11:35:14] Yep [12:16:39] miraheze slow rn [12:31:28] Yup [12:31:36] Very sloooooooooowwww [12:45:47] yeah [12:45:51] its painful [12:46:04] uploading files is becoming a pain [12:46:16] this one page has been loading for like 3 minutes [13:04:11] typical 12 UTC lunch break for the servers [13:59:17] Upgrades + new servers slated for tomorrow folks. 😄 [14:01:41] Sorry to hear that's still happening, Reception did sync up our block lists, and there's really no clear IP range to whack. 😦 [14:02:28] oh right ... I'm going to witness servers shit tomorrow at work too ... bleh [14:15:18] @pixldev can u update the discord event [14:15:56] ok nvm, seems like my shit is postponed too lol [14:36:04] guys another quick question, a friend of mine wanted to upload a custom skin to our wiki but cant access the settings of it even tho i gave them the exact same perms as i got, not sure if we r doing something wrong either or i just forgot to add something maybe (gonna check for that last thing later anyway btw) [14:37:52] wdym by custom skin [14:40:02] like yk these different options u have to change the look of the page itself [14:40:37] you mean changing the skin ? [14:40:47] you can't "upload" a "custom" skin [14:41:00] welp [14:42:37] gonna have to play around the the background colours then [14:51:24] Done [14:51:41] thank you! [14:53:36] [1/6] in extensions admin link there's a tab w/ skins [14:53:37] [2/6] skin can change layout, have different elements placement, it's quite radical [14:53:37] [3/6] but usually it's enough to modify existing skin [14:53:37] [4/6] wiki.gg offers only legacy Vector for example, all they do is heavy CSS/JS modifications [14:53:38] [5/6] we have more variety [14:53:38] [6/6] but if you really want to have a skin that is currently not offered, then you'll have to request it to be reviewed and installed on Miraheze [14:54:25] oh so its posible ight [14:54:47] gonna keep that in mind then thx uu [14:55:00] i already knew about the setting btw xd [14:56:07] if you need an example of heavy mods check pizzatower.wiki, it uses Timeless [14:56:47] softcell.miraheze.org for less modified Timeless [15:44:07] Wait, holy cow, that's timeless? [15:44:15] Dang, great work [15:44:58] yeah skl does advanced css witchery lol [15:45:10] question, do I have to request import images one time or is it for every image [15:45:53] you put all images into an archive/cloud folder and ask then to be imported once via [[phorge]] [15:45:54] [15:51:43] [1/2] somehow still shows the world icon even though theres a link set for wgIcon wgLogo and everything else 😓 [15:51:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1342524162979135489/image0.jpg?ex=67b9f28f&is=67b8a10f&hm=c80c01a3667ab0f70841796b663d9605895e63d34487eb4e4135f7a12347089f& [16:40:50] The one that controls the image in a tab is Favicon ($wgFavicon) [16:41:16] It also has some limits on how big the icon can be and properly render [16:43:03] now we all r actve af [16:43:19] everyone ping lmao [16:43:40] :ThinkingHardMH: [16:44:34] https://tenor.com/view/god-bless-miraheze-god-bless-miraheze-fandom-wiki-gif-14903733252958843574 [16:44:58] delicious honeycombs [16:45:02] I STAND for this flag :miraheze: [16:45:43] [1/2] might want to update this [16:45:44] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1342537753908215860/image.png?ex=67b9ff37&is=67b8adb7&hm=dcb5994f9ca03c370544064577cd7010b9bf2e02bb105659293a8a6f0219d5a9& [16:46:21] What’s that about? [16:46:31] whats what about [16:46:40] The image [16:46:56] well [16:46:58] it does say [16:46:59] in the image [16:47:08] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/407504500136607745/1339000582911823894 [16:47:23] Oh alr ty [16:47:30] Noted, thanks @dgox2 [16:52:02] [1/3] guys which is better [16:52:02] [2/3] Inline {{_|_=_}}: react :NeutralMH: [16:52:03] [3/3] Block {{_↵| _ = _↵}}: react :Orain: [17:07:32] [1/2] Got a "This Day in History" tab working on the main page!!! It even automatically updates! [17:07:32] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1342543242394079414/image.png?ex=67ba0454&is=67b8b2d4&hm=51e8eb9a63f84f810923c83a81b289d90e1fd1c38668a3a5bd96592e0c2dfd4c& [18:11:47] can any of yall give this a go? https://issue-tracker.miraheze.org/T13243 - not to rush but a lot of people have started messaging us about the glitched comment sections [18:31:47] Timeless? [18:33:54] In timeless you only put the name.ext in the settings. Not the url [18:55:36] so true [20:25:19] I found the solution to this. It’s the flex-basis variable in .pi-data-label [20:26:36] I made the width of the info box 18rem, and set flex-basis 9rem and it looks great [21:09:30] They already got it sorted, it's actually the Favicon setting they needed to change. I just checked the wiki, the correct icon is now displayed [23:34:43] but it's completely wrong, of course [23:54:14] is there any way to verify/connect my custom domain to my discord account while having it linked to a miraheze wiki? [23:58:29] Yeh,’you can verify it with dns records