[00:02:36] Hi, I've just implemented the [Efn template](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Efn) into my Wiki. However, the notes show up as [lower-alpha 1] instead of [a]. What did I do wrong? Here's my code: https://wiki.vvvf.systems/wiki/Template:Efn (1 : 1 copy of the code on Wikipedia) [00:17:32] is CirrusSearch still planned on being unrestricted? [00:20:27] Yes [00:20:34] but you can request it at any time [00:20:38] Think the PR is open rn [00:29:27] We just need to add another os* server first [00:31:24] :Sippy: oh boy [00:42:07] The efn template pulls from [[w:MediaWiki:Cite_link_label_group-lower-alpha]], so you will want to also import/copy+paste that into that MediaWiki: page on your wiki [00:42:07] [00:44:41] hah, the way discord does emoji's create some funny results sometimes for sure [00:46:13] [1/2] Thx for your answer. Do you mean like this? [00:46:14] [2/2] https://wiki.vvvf.systems/wiki/MediaWiki:Cite_link_label_group-lower-alpha [00:46:31] Yup! [00:47:13] [1/2] Still shows up as [lower-alpha 1], though🤔 [00:47:13] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347369966608973955/image.png?ex=67cb9390&is=67ca4210&hm=76aeac7c6e8b6107c8ccb1534734ce2ddf5692b2e90c344c2c6854a20eaaa92f& [00:47:18] (Test page: https://wiki.vvvf.systems/wiki/Holec_Ridderkerk) [00:47:26] maybe purge the page? [00:48:05] yeah just purge it and it should be good 👍 [00:48:19] Yes, that fixed it. Thx a lot! :D [00:49:07] [[:mediawiki:1.43]] [00:49:08] [00:49:15] uh [01:02:08] What's the difference between a w\:MediaWiki:example page and a MediaWiki:example page? [01:50:38] [1/3] I recently requested google drive to be added to the CSP so I could embed videos from there with js [01:50:38] [2/3] it works fine aside from this error I get whenever I click on the fullscreen button in the video player [01:50:38] [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347385925574852723/ouE1wOe.png?ex=67cba26d&is=67ca50ed&hm=b2562d26557e2d9243efd4f7d6da1abf1dcd3e24aa2c44524ff11e5e993ed98c& [01:50:46] would this be a phorge task or? [01:53:59] Huh [02:35:44] Hmmm [02:39:06] Yes, Phoebe [02:41:54] 👍 [03:38:18] how can i get access to my wiki's Special:ManageWiki/settings page? I made it but I have no access. I run the rokenbok wiki from the rokenbok account [03:48:40] [1/2] You seem to be in the wrong group. [03:48:40] [2/2] https://rokenbok.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:UserRights/Rokenbok [03:49:54] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:RequestWikiQueue/51371 [03:50:07] This is indeed weird [03:50:32] @Stewards [03:50:38] my account got made at a weird time and had some issues with it [03:50:57] like what [03:51:31] i can not send a link to the message it got blocked lol [03:51:54] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347416445973434458/image.png?ex=67cbbeda&is=67ca6d5a&hm=652406029775c9f55c90d1deec98d80e1990740400c287a0d4361819b4779039& [03:52:18] it is in the thread "locked out of account" in the support form [03:52:29] on 11/15/24 [03:53:16] 21:23, 15 November 2024 User account Rokenbok talk contribs was created automatically [03:54:08] 13:24, 15 November 2024 MediaWiki default talk contribs 2,461 bytes +2,461 Welcome to Miraheze! [03:54:29] Seems the User was made before the wiki was created [03:54:43] https://discord.com/channels/407504499280707585/1306119543017701417/1307031418857066516 thanks automod [04:11:12] quick question, can https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/CheckUser be awarded to anybody? [04:13:09] nope [04:13:14] On a local wiki? [04:13:21] technically yes [04:13:51] ? why technically [04:14:13] But you need to pass a steward level election, sign an NDA with the Foundation, have at least two check users, wire me 500k BRL, hope NA has mercy on you [04:15:28] Why doth thy ask [04:16:01] https://tenor.com/view/jimmy-butler-guy-looking-at-paper-edit-confused-disturbing-gif-6359318748669667132 [04:18:15] I don’t believe there’s a single local checkuser on the site [04:19:39] There has never been any CheckUser successfully appointed [04:19:51] why is Special:Investigate [04:19:52] kinda cool [04:20:02] and it also requires that Stewards see a need for the permission to even be granted or else they can decline as overseers [04:20:54] Lets see if fisch is the first /hj [04:21:08] they are gonna be the first for [04:21:10] so many things [04:21:17] I mean [04:21:24] first to get kicked out 😭 [04:21:32] they share a cache proxy server with literally [04:21:35] 2 other things [04:22:01] iirc [04:23:44] It’s more so because they get attacked so often [04:23:55] so maybe first to get kicked out, yes [04:26:23] hopefully not! [04:26:55] We could always ask builderman for some change to build a seperate wiki farm for them [04:28:25] builderman’s pockets aren’t deep enough [04:28:32] that is, his profit is never enough [04:28:40] poor builderman [04:29:12] living in a cardboard roblox jailbreak toy figurine box [04:31:27] What about mr Roblox CEO [06:10:17] Hello, regarding this maintenance, is everything done as expected? because I still faced couple of times downtime on my wiki yesterday [10:59:04] by today I think we're good [13:43:02] 😢 [14:58:18] hey!! i sent a private email to stewards@miraheze.org a month ago, is there an ETA on a response? [15:09:51] update: harassment from the old bureaucrat of the PT wiki and summitpedia is mainly why i emailed [15:10:01] guy is harassing me cause i blocked him and told him why privately [15:17:01] can you resend your email? [15:23:40] Oh, I thought the main thrust was removal of crat/admin rights, which has been done. [15:35:37] yeah can do [15:38:17] should be resent with new info [16:04:40] anyone knows where i change the Meta description settings? i made it automatically set a desc for me before, but now a seo test website says its empty :/ [16:06:42] [1/2] anyone know why this wont work? i got both plugins enabled [16:06:43] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347601365110882357/image.png?ex=67cc6b12&is=67cb1992&hm=a4818763e299986b3d554cd5f0a1d279fcd953293dc355cd16952c107bdb1ba0& [16:08:02] Not work how [16:08:11] Shows a `.`? [16:08:29] [1/2] yeah [16:08:30] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347601813490106409/image.png?ex=67cc6b7d&is=67cb19fd&hm=20821f816970a734b19a49de441256da9d8af0e1cf35839af1939084c38a0bbb& [16:08:45] the "untangling" option might be faulty from my experience [16:08:55] using portable infobox? [16:08:57] I spend a lot of time looking into that issue [16:09:05] But never could figure out a definitive fix [16:09:08] I think I got close [16:11:19] nope [16:15:59] looks like its only the main page, so not too bad todo it manually [16:16:55] nvm.. atleast its the most important one [16:22:37] Hmmm, not seeing it in the inbox, did you send to stewards@miraheze.org? [17:02:49] yup [17:02:54] Spam filter maybe? [17:03:06] yeah i did send it through a personal email [18:06:37] If I need to apply CSS to a single page, how would I do that? (For example, for one of the templates I want to change the color of links since the Blue link color kinda disappears into the black background of the template) [18:07:49] [[:mw:Extension:TemplateStyles]] maybe [18:07:50] [18:08:02] Or [[mw:Extension:CSS]] [18:08:03] [18:08:06] Forgot which [18:09:54] does the css extension have the issues templatestyles has [18:10:09] where you can't use :has and stuff like tgat [18:10:34] is it a good alternative [18:19:11] enabling TemplateStylesExtender extension alongside might help [18:19:48] but at the basis yes, both TS and CSS extensions are in "sanitized CSS" model [18:42:41] How to access Special:Analytics now? I'm a bureaucrat but it says I don't have the rights to access it [18:45:16] apply to bureau (or user or everyone, if you want them to be public) analytics permission [19:07:04] [1/2] uhhhh [19:07:04] [2/2] is anyone else not able to login at the moment? [19:07:14] What error [19:09:46] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347647434565746800/image.png?ex=67cc95fa&is=67cb447a&hm=39b6a371d9bf5ab692fac90020c55023da1a52cf6eb8405710c21d6423cab244& [19:09:59] Clear your cache and cookies [19:10:00] [1/2] then this [19:10:00] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347647491730051173/image.png?ex=67cc9608&is=67cb4488&hm=9782ba34822bd0984f00fdee57a1343a94fd3b50b51daa5f4b93b4e257bdd08d& [19:11:38] clearing cookies fixed it [19:11:41] thanks !!! [19:12:55] @reception123 what do you think about globally editing this message to say “If this persists, please try clearing your cache and cookies” [19:14:17] sure, let's do it [19:14:40] Miraheze Magic? [19:15:05] yeah, you need to add it to the overrides i18n but also here https://github.com/miraheze/MirahezeMagic/blob/master/includes/HookHandlers/Main.php#L468 [19:15:45] How many wikibucks will you give me if I do this on my phone [19:16:19] oh absolutely [19:16:28] I'd be impressed as I hate phone GitHub but I'm afraid @cosmicalpha already won that prize a long time ago [19:16:59] Trying to compete with UO on mobile editing is like trying to compete with Oppenheimer on designing a nuke [19:17:12] Actually [19:17:23] that reminds me that we actually have fun phorge badges [19:17:24] Would this not be better upstream [19:17:26] that we don't use enough [19:17:33] We need to use them more [19:17:37] if you want it to be changed by 2045 sure [19:17:40] WIKIMEDIA uses them more then us [19:17:48] paladox was +2 [19:18:12] yeah though I don't think he'd be able to +2 a change like that without someone approving [19:18:25] I feel the auth team would probably have an opinion [19:18:29] Would probably make a discussion task but yeah [19:18:35] the WMF wouldn't be happy having people change their i18n messages like that just because we feel like it [19:18:35] Its better done as a MH hack rather then upstream [19:18:42] What Auth team [19:19:03] Tgr's area that are doing SUL3 [19:19:13] Oh [19:19:30] Is SUL3 a revamped CA or a new extension [19:19:36] The way I see it is volunteers that have +2 like Paladox should mostly use it for fixing bugs and things like that but shouldn't really go into other areas [19:19:49] Yeah [19:19:59] It's the platform team now [19:20:22] That's had a lot of names [19:20:35] But yeah while for bug fixes we hate having to do MH hacks for i18n messages we usually just go for it as those don't change anyway [19:20:36] > The MediaWiki Platform Team is the current iteration of what was previously known as MediaWiki Core [citation needed], Wikimedia Services, Core Platform Team [citation needed] or Platform Engineering Team. It was created in July 2023 as part of a Wikimedia Technology reorg. [19:21:19] that's a lot of names [19:21:34] does the WMF actually have a chart somewhere with all the teams? [19:21:46] They have a bingo ball [19:22:24] Good question [19:22:31] I suppose https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Product [19:22:35] someone should make one for us too [19:23:30] We have a structure [19:23:41] Ain't it just Tech / Board / T&S [19:24:01] I don't think there's really any design to ours [19:24:08] All of tech report to CA [19:24:28] There's no real formal Infra & Mediawiki team, it's just a job title [20:22:44] I’m getting a bad gateway error [20:22:48] Is it just me? [20:23:01] I'm getting it too [20:23:02] [1/2] No, it's also me [20:23:02] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347665870083850300/5E66170D-C12F-4486-948F-E1204ED79630.png?ex=67cca725&is=67cb55a5&hm=053641cd1899182218bf99605fe737d99a971a6e21a491b0e2004138400516ca& [20:23:11] <__lone_wolf__> no just also came to say i get this [20:23:22] mine too [20:23:25] I was confused why editing was so slow [20:23:31] It's not only you, there seems to be an issue. [20:23:35] @paladox around? [20:23:44] It waited way more then usual to preview [20:24:38] It works now? [20:24:45] <__lone_wolf__> let us know also give something went wrong if it keeps happening let us know 🤣 its a loop to report it [20:25:08] [1/2] New error [20:25:09] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347666400684150865/IMG_6313.jpg?ex=67cca7a4&is=67cb5624&hm=bac27e325c2fc6c9782a5f9350df7b8026d6c247932c4acc723ef8848756a994& [20:25:16] “Connection refused” [20:25:24] <__lone_wolf__> dbconnection error now [20:25:35] Now to works again? What’s happening [20:26:05] Seems to be fixed [20:26:54] <__lone_wolf__> lets hope, got alot planned for to do 😰 [20:33:40] Sorry folks [20:33:57] Servers went out for a lunch break unapproved by corporate [20:34:20] <__lone_wolf__> [1/2] any tricks to make css changes faster visible? [20:34:21] <__lone_wolf__> [2/2] ctrl-shift-r, purge, dont see to work really, its just doing at some point..... [20:34:49] there aren’t really any I don’t think [20:35:08] it takes a while for changes to occur [20:35:23] <__lone_wolf__> sigh, it makes css work tedious 😢 [20:35:26] For rapid fire development, I like to do edits on a CSS file on my computer and have a really simple web server running to serve example.css on localhost:1234/example.css [20:35:34] And add that to your file [20:36:13] <__lone_wolf__> hmm, will try that, tnx [20:36:22] Example https://stoneworksmc.fandom.com/wiki/User:PiDeVl/common.js?so=search&useskin=fandomdesktop#L-22 [20:36:37] Mediawiki.org has a list of web servers to use [20:36:44] do you have python on your computer? [20:36:50] <__lone_wolf__> yes [20:37:00] okay ez [20:38:09] You can literally go to a folder and execute `python3 -m http.server` [20:49:20] We apologize for that momentary loss in service. We identified a cause (and disabled it) of something that was causing service degradation every once in a while. [20:58:34] [1/2] is it possible to allow anons to view all files, or certain ones in a private wiki, without the read permission ? [20:58:35] [2/2] i wanna have some whitelisted pages on my wiki but the images aren't visible if im logged out [21:01:01] Upload them to Miraheze commons if licensing allows [21:16:31] [1/3] For those with interest in AI generated content, and strong opinions and ideas.... [21:16:31] [2/3] Help me out please! [21:16:32] [3/3] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Community_portal#%F0%9F%93%9D_Request_for_Feedback_%E2%94%80_AI-generated_content [21:17:08] Easily a big no-no [21:19:00] [1/2] We decline any AI generated content, as JustLeafy has said a Big no-no 😂 [21:19:00] [2/2] /jk [21:19:26] I fully agree with you by the way [21:19:30] Also, Weird Gloop and wiki.gg both have policies forbidding AI-generated content [21:19:37] sadly things are not nearly so easy [21:19:37] (With some nuances of course) [21:19:40] Oh really? [21:19:43] Yeah [21:19:45] Links to them? [21:19:53] One sec [21:20:07] there are valid use cases for using AI to supplement editing and help wiuth tasks that may be outside of ones abilities [21:20:17] but that has to be done correctly [21:20:26] https://support.wiki.gg/wiki/AI_policy [21:20:30] No, I am only talking about content [21:20:57] of course preventing people from GPT overdosing on bs mediawiki info isnt our problem [21:21:45] [1/2] why does NoTitle don't work? [21:21:45] [2/2] https://pseudopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Pseudopedia:Portada [21:22:53] [1/2] @rodejong well, at least minecraft.wiki bans gen-AI [21:22:53] [2/2] https://minecraft.wiki/w/Minecraft_Wiki:Generative_AI_policy [21:23:13] I thought I'd find a similar policy in meta Weird Gloop [21:28:12] https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Project:Council/AI_policy [21:28:20] Found another good one [21:29:05] Well hey [21:29:11] If you think about it [21:29:51] Wikis can be the last bastion on the internet containing human-written works [21:30:08] Wikipedia is already infested [21:30:45] We're getting Wiki requests now from people who only want to copy paste material from an AI [21:31:14] That's what prompting me to create this RfF [21:31:23] I see [21:31:23] man [21:31:29] Wel, lemme rephrase that [21:31:34] proper wikis [21:31:43] I'm less bothered if it's a container than if it's lathered into a, as the term just popped up, proper wiki [21:32:14] Where do you draw that line? [21:32:33] How much is allowed, or in what context? [21:33:02] If you allow it, we need to set boundaries, but users will always push that limit [21:33:26] I have the weird and perhaps naive position that I would let it be figured per community and respond if/when response is necessary as a platform [21:33:32] rather than make that decision blanket on behalf [21:33:39] Yeah [21:34:21] I think it's more our place to decide what to approve in regards to AI then how otherwise valid wikis use it [21:34:51] even in regards to ai I would think that's a risk assumed by the local communities and less our problem until the point we need to knock on their door [21:35:08] I am of the opinion that it's better to prevent, then to cure things [21:35:41] it may be an overextension of depending and building around section 230 but again: rather people decide for themselves and pre empt as the need is clear, rather than draw a line we do not need to [21:36:37] There are some use cases where AI can help, such as helping me find a word during a "writer's block", or some formatting, like converting a table into wikitext (which requires double checking) [21:36:51] The problem is then that it becomes a judgement based on the mood of that reviewer/admin/steward on that day [21:36:53] I'd never let it interfere with the content though [21:37:14] Coding is not proper content. [21:37:29] I see that come back with the other platforms as well [21:37:39] css for example, or Lua [21:37:55] Disagree [21:38:07] But AI in dev is not something I'm planning on arguing [21:38:08] But storytelling is proper content [21:38:37] Not all wikis tell a story [21:38:49] Most are encylopedias [21:38:51] A user who wants a wiki for AI generated stories, is in my opinion a no go. [21:38:58] They exist to document and impart information [21:39:10] If AI can help in that goal, we shouldn [21:39:12] True [21:39:16] <__lone_wolf__, replying to pixldev> [1/2] yep that broke my wiki and all other mirahze wikis, got an error that its forbidden to load from local host and now no images are loading anymore on any miraheze wiki even after removing all custom css 😢 [21:39:16] <__lone_wolf__, replying to pixldev> [2/2] hope it restores fast [21:39:30] wha [21:39:35] how in tarnation [21:40:12] [1/2] Agreed [21:40:12] [2/2] However, AI can help with generating ideas for the story, but as long as the writer pretty much uses AI for brainstorming and then basically writes the whole story themselves, then it's no biggie [21:40:19] But!! It is important to make a distinction between making a clarification, or let it invent a story, or fake profile, etc [21:41:19] True, But you normally let it make a bulleted list with ideas you can draw from. You need to make ideas on that, and write it yourself [21:41:25] <__lone_wolf__, replying to pixldev> Refused to load the stylesheet 'http://localhost:5500/common.css' because it violates the following Content Security Policy directive: bla bla bla.... [21:41:43] Exactly [21:41:45] localhost not being in CSP is funny as hell [21:42:59] oh this doesnt affect coding? [21:43:12] db171 is the only one fighting for their rights [21:43:42] dont worry [21:43:58] managment has found the issue and crushed this resemblance of a union [21:44:23] anyways clairey [21:44:31] <__lone_wolf__, replying to pixldev> [1/2] just hopes it restores fast, all i got is text now and alot of broken stuff 😢 [21:44:32] <__lone_wolf__, replying to pixldev> [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347686378191978607/image.png?ex=67ccba3f&is=67cb68bf&hm=37f12af7a8aa7502f7f2fa307781a8c752aa3a92b0c3008dc0e6d9f9ef61fa28& [21:44:42] yes? [21:45:10] do you think adding localhost to CSP needs CA approval [21:45:35] I have no idea how failing to load from localhost can cause this [21:45:46] are you sure its not caused by smt else? [21:45:48] localhost loading is so cursed [21:45:55] y [21:46:12] localhost on wiki 😩 [21:46:26] i'd approve myself but go through CA just in case :p [21:46:41] its so useful for rapid fire [21:46:45] <__lone_wolf__, replying to blankeclair> wanted to speed up css loading 😢 its so tedious waiting for it top update [21:46:45] cc @cosmicalpha [21:46:48] also [21:47:02] google is complaining about our CSP can you believe these guys /lh [21:47:17] i... guess? [21:47:31] it feels kind of an overkill tool when stuff like stylus exists [21:47:35] its really good for javascript when the preview feature dont work [21:47:57] since you save the work to a file and just reload :P [21:48:08] fair :p [21:49:47] I have no issues loading [[mh:dev:]] for example [21:49:48] [21:50:03] <__lone_wolf__> tried differnt browsers, maybe i'm on some kind of timeout becausde i tried that? [21:50:23] *.miraheze.org is allowed :p [22:06:19] <__lone_wolf__> [1/5] ok i might maybe be not related to the localhost loading 🤣 [22:06:19] <__lone_wolf__> [2/5] dev tools reveald this on all images from wikitide [22:06:20] <__lone_wolf__> [3/5] net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_RESPONSE.NotSameOrigin 429 (Too Many Requests) [22:06:20] <__lone_wolf__> [4/5] i probably spammed to much ctrl-shift-r before to try to get the css to update..... [22:06:20] <__lone_wolf__> [5/5] guess its a waiting game now.... hope its not to long 😰 [22:08:20] @__lone_wolf__ 429 should clear in a few seconds unless you're really insane [22:09:47] [1/2] is there a way to embed an external image inside a gallery [22:09:48] [2/2] the linked image does show properly when its outside one [22:09:51] The varnish and first cf limits will clear in a few minutes at most [22:10:20] If it's been longer than 5 minutes, you're probably stuck with a captcha on every request for like a day [22:10:31] I don't know how to reset the cf counter [22:10:54] <__lone_wolf__> [1/3] i dont know, even https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Miraheze_Meta gives these errors [22:10:54] <__lone_wolf__> [2/3] even there loads a script that violates 🤣 [22:10:55] <__lone_wolf__> [3/3] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1347693017179357216/image.png?ex=67ccc06e&is=67cb6eee&hm=1bb0c74f9922ee51e3d4177744686886337a00fe6ad6062cd56b34a8a190297d& [22:11:49] @__lone_wolf__ how long has it been? [22:12:23] <__lone_wolf__> bout 30min [22:13:34] @__lone_wolf__ you're buggered for the next day [22:13:53] <__lone_wolf__> 😱 [22:13:55] Try resetting your cookies + cache and rebooting your router [22:14:10] That should get you a new ip + clear any sticky cookie [22:14:27] I don't think we have a reset function [22:14:39] <__lone_wolf__> tried everything but the router, i'll give it a shot [22:14:43] The big rate limit is extremely high though [22:14:54] You'll need to do all 3 [22:15:34] I'm genuinely impressed as the rate limit for the big block is quite high [22:17:32] <__lone_wolf__> define high? i think i reloaded by hand maybe at a rate of 1 per sec pressing ctrl-shift-r for 30 seconds out of frustration to see the updats from the css 😁 [22:18:23] <__lone_wolf__> then tried the idea of the local host and that was it, no more images [22:22:24] yeah that wouuuuld do it [22:23:55] <__lone_wolf__, replying to pixldev> Router reset worked 🥳 [22:42:39] Really wouldn't [22:43:27] Please don't do that but that still shouldn't have done it unless the page had a lot of images or something [22:44:02] If you know what wiki it was on and approx times, I can check the logs if you can dm me [22:44:12] Otherwise I'll forget by the morning [22:44:38] The full block is designed to be impossible to reach by a human so you probably deserve a medal [22:44:49] <__lone_wolf__> i know but its frustrating changing some thing in the css and wait like a min before it actualy happens, really breaks the workflow [22:45:16] You will need to wait up to 5 minutes [22:45:31] Refreshing multiple times in 30s isn't going to make it come faster [22:45:56] <__lone_wolf__> 😅 [22:46:01] If Ctrl + F5 doesn't work then try again in a minute [22:46:15] And just keep doing that [22:46:27] Cause you're only going to break your keyboard spamming it [22:46:49] If you DM me the wiki and your ISP and the approx times, I'm happy to actually look at the logs [22:46:56] Mainly out of interest [22:47:12] Might be able to see if there's something faulty on your wiki we can improve [22:47:33] <__lone_wolf__> i might have it set to a hotkey for easy refreshing with 1 key 🤣 😅 [22:49:41] <__lone_wolf__> but ok' ill bite through the wait times change something, watch 5 min of a movie and repeat, it will be like commercials on tv they also dont allow more then 5min of movie anymore 🤣 [23:34:16] [1/2] About AI Generative content: [23:34:17] [2/2] `pinterest is now using your data to train generative stuff, be sure to turn it off in the settings > privacy menu` [23:40:35] ? [23:40:37] corporates really love AI nowadays huh [23:40:48] oh pinterest [23:41:10] isnt pinterest already 90% ai slop [23:41:24] Not sure. Never use it [23:41:45] some i do understand (like how miraheze uses AI for wiki requests) [23:47:03] It is indeed useful. [23:47:11] Bit still makes mistakes [23:48:50] yup [23:50:16] The AI isn't used though for anything else than learning to "read" description, and subdomain, sitename, NSFW, living people settings and how many requests the requestor has made.