[00:00:16] Yeah like I think one wiki had a bot that imported every article from Spanish Wikipedia [00:02:44] oh god no [00:02:52] please do not fork a wikipedia [00:03:34] I’ve seen this before and I’m wondering if it’s much of an actual problem. Because I don’t get why people would do it. [00:03:53] violation of content policy [00:03:56] :nomChocoStrawberry: [00:04:17] Yeah you were the one that showed it to me I’m pretty sure [00:04:27] Librepedia I think was the name [00:04:39] huh [00:05:00] No it was @agentisai [00:05:03] [[mh:librepedia:]]? [00:05:04] [00:06:14] It was created 30 July 2021 [00:06:31] Predates Doug I think [00:06:44] What’s Doug? [00:06:48] A user [00:06:51] 🙂 [00:38:23] doug was steward for sure by that time [00:41:25] whats the estimation of time [00:41:26] december 2020 was the appointment date [00:41:32] it takes a wiki to be accepted [00:41:49] since theres a 2 page whole of wiki requests [00:42:03] a couple days if not auto created and if there is no turnaround would be a good guess but it might be half a week if it's backlogged and the ai is down [00:42:04] total poop [00:42:10] ic [00:42:15] the Ai [00:42:17] AI [00:42:20] is probably down [00:42:27] good luck with it [00:42:35] it be like that unfortunately [00:42:53] 'twas introduced because we got to over a week regular before first address [00:43:08] ic [00:43:36] not so good when requests need to have a bit of back and forth to settle some details questions and such which depends entirely on what WCs are available and willing to slog through queue [00:43:51] sure [00:45:30] nice [00:45:32] im verified [00:46:13] excellent [04:21:43] [1/8] not so much a Miraheze question but more so a MediaWiki question [04:21:43] [2/8] Is there a way to specify colspan or rowspan when using this table format?: [04:21:44] [3/8] ``` [04:21:44] [4/8] {| [04:21:44] [5/8] | A || B || C [04:21:44] [6/8] |- [04:21:45] [7/8] | D || E || F [04:21:45] [8/8] |}``` [05:03:48] voidinstructions: https://publictestwiki.com/wiki/User:BlankEclair/Sandbox/Tables [05:03:51] hopefully that can try to clear things up [05:30:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1349253103131820052/sample_6d1b40daf50924bcf84919651b5dea2a.png?ex=67d26d5f&is=67d11bdf&hm=5c09330723c333eefa48dbf23b2848d9da796731d0670dc7c7aae040101fcdda& [05:32:45] @Discord Moderators [05:33:12] @Discord Administrators [05:33:43] how the hell is no one fucking online [05:36:57] Hello, addressing [05:37:00] ty ^_^ [05:38:00] They have been shown the door [05:38:06] thank you again ^^; [05:38:20] one message and joined like one or two years ago, right? ^^; [05:39:08] if they really were dormant for a year, then props for dedication? [06:42:53] hacked accounts? always happens to lurkers [07:47:22] yea but how do i add it [07:47:33] its not a common font [07:49:43] [1/3] no, it's a type of fonts [07:49:43] [2/3] not exact font name [07:49:43] [3/3] you can look up actual fonts on that link [07:50:27] Google's free fonts can be applied via @import in MediaWiki:Common.css page [07:52:09] [1/2] like this [07:52:10] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1349288845815971841/IMG_20250312_105154.jpg?ex=67d28ea9&is=67d13d29&hm=e05d365e08c13aea836a189e6c1f4b4056b743db4e85d6e1315997b3a94728fa& [10:04:14] FYI, admins have the mod role [10:22:06] in which claire just noticed it [10:48:22] Fair [10:48:48] admins are just mods who’ve been out in the artificial sun more and have like [10:48:52] 4 more buttons [13:30:55] ye [13:31:13] I was definitely snoozing when that happened [13:34:23] [1/2] what is this [13:34:23] [2/2] https://meta.miraheze.org/wiki/Special:CentralAuth/Vibe2oolz [14:53:38] [1/2] Is there are other icons like that? [14:53:38] [2/2] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407537962553966603/1349394914139705405/Screenshot_20250312-165309.jpg?ex=67d2f172&is=67d19ff2&hm=75f8d745f52da69eb1a56f542d476c5d8fcdae8ebe31ff0121b2521c64666c26&