[03:02:29] It also seems like IA, IWA, and CU [03:02:46] +bot got detached from crat and stewards, respectively [03:07:03] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican opened pull request 03#44: Fix user rights - 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/pull/44 [03:09:54] [02mediawiki] 07MacFan4000 closed pull request 03#44: Fix user rights - 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/pull/44 [03:09:56] [02mediawiki] 07MacFan4000 pushed 031 commit to 03REL1_41 [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/10cdaa353d68...ef746a4d497b [03:09:58] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 03ef746a4 - Fix user rights (#44) Fixed user rights that were made ungrantable by non-sysadmins in PR #42 [03:11:58] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican opened pull request 03#45: Missing comma - 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/pull/45 [03:12:36] forgot to add a comma to an array and the result is the whole wiki goes down [03:12:54] PROBLEM - MediaWiki Rendering on server.testwiki.wiki is CRITICAL: HTTP CRITICAL: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error - 411 bytes in 0.007 second response time [12:18:03] [02mediawiki] 07MacFan4000 closed pull request 03#45: Missing comma - 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/pull/45 [12:18:05] [02mediawiki] 07MacFan4000 pushed 031 commit to 03REL1_41 [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/ef746a4d497b...5e8d2b46d985 [12:18:08] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 035e8d2b4 - Missing comma (#45) [12:18:54] RECOVERY - MediaWiki Rendering on server.testwiki.wiki is OK: HTTP OK: HTTP/1.1 200 OK - 27540 bytes in 0.228 second response time [13:12:16] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican opened pull request 03#46: Non-urgent implicit group fixes - 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/pull/46 [13:13:19] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican synchronize pull request 03#46: Non-urgent implicit group fixes - 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/pull/46 [14:56:32] [02mediawiki] 07Justman100 commented on pull request 03#46: Non-urgent implicit group fixes - 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/pull/46#issuecomment-2155014266