[00:07:55] PROBLEM - procs on server.testwiki.wiki is CRITICAL: PROCS CRITICAL: 427 processes [00:10:55] PROBLEM - procs on server.testwiki.wiki is WARNING: PROCS WARNING: 266 processes [00:11:55] RECOVERY - procs on server.testwiki.wiki is OK: PROCS OK: 178 processes [10:28:53] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 031 commit to 03REL1_42 [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/b7a8ad41082e...84de3b8d8fbf [10:28:56] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 0384de3b8 - Update LocalSettings.php [10:31:26] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 031 commit to 03REL1_42 [+0/-0/±2] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/84de3b8d8fbf...7fb2de73e1b4 [10:31:28] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 037fb2de7 - Update submodules [11:12:14] [discord] It's not too difficult, and I'm able to write the code for this task. The challenge is that I don't currently have cloud hosting to set up a daily cron job. I can run it from my local machine, but that would mean I’d have to be online every day to run the script manually. [11:13:57] [discord] Gotcha. We wouldn’t want you to have to do that. And at that point it might just be easier to delete manually. Thanks anywasy though! [11:21:29] [discord] I've created some maintenance scripts for this test wiki, such as archiving discussions and removing permissions from inactive users. The issue, however, is that I don't have cloud hosting to run the bot. [11:26:20] [discord] IONOS has rather cheap VPSes https://www.ionos.com/servers/vps#packages [11:29:17] [discord] IONOS has rather cheap VPSs https://www.ionos.com/servers/vps#packages [11:29:19] [discord] IONOS has rather cheap VPSs https://www.ionos.com/servers/vps#packages [11:37:01] [discord] And if you need cloud.. they've got cloud as well [11:52:01] [discord] If they're not available in India, I suppose there are other hosting companies [17:11:08] [discord] Seems like hCaptcha actually stopped this spambot because the page was never created [17:11:09] [discord] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1120379200893890762/1268617012394070046/Screenshot_20240801-111021.png?ex=66ad1329&is=66abc1a9&hm=5967f7609ba21359fb03f4925572a2f2aec0475395d1ac2fdc6fd1051b177619& [17:54:37] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican pushed 031 commit to 03REL1_42 [+0/-0/±1] 13https://github.com/Test-Wiki/mediawiki/compare/7fb2de73e1b4...b534f3b9747a [17:54:38] [02mediawiki] 07Justarandomamerican 03b534f3b - Update LocalSettings.php [23:05:33] [discord] IONOS has rather cheap VPSs https://www.ionos.com/servers/vps#packages [23:05:44] [discord] IONOS has rather cheap VPSs https://www.ionos.com/servers/vps#packages