[23:29:44] <wm-bot>	 Relay was enabled
[23:29:44] <MacFan4000>	 @relay-on
[23:29:53] <wm-bot>	 GitHub was enabled for this channel, use github+ to add some repos
[23:29:53] <MacFan4000>	 @github-on
[23:31:10] <wm-bot>	 Unable to connect to SQL: unknown
[23:31:10] <MacFan4000>	 @github+ test-wiki
[23:31:17] <MacFan4000>	 hmm
[23:38:15] <MacFan4000>	 @github+ test-wiki
[23:38:40] <MacFan4000>	 @github+ test-wiki
[23:42:37] <MacFan4000>	 @github+ test-wiki/mediawiki
[23:52:43] <MacFan4000>	 .gh-hok test-wiki
[23:52:54] <MacFan4000>	 .gh-hook test-wiki
[23:52:54] <MacFanBot>	 Invalid repo formatting, see ".help gh-hook" for an example
[23:53:04] <wm-bot>	 GitHub is already off, nothing done
[23:53:04] <MacFan4000>	 @github-off
[23:53:09] <wm-bot>	 Relay was disabled
[23:53:09] <MacFan4000>	 @relay-off
[23:53:27] <MacFan4000>	 .gh-hook test-wiki/
[23:53:29] <MacFanBot>	 Successfully enabled listening for test-wiki/'s events in #testadminwiki.
[23:53:29] <MacFanBot>	 Great! Please allow me to create my webhook by authorizing via this link:
[23:53:29] <MacFanBot>	 https://github.com/login/oauth/authorize?client_id=None&scope=write%3Arepo_hook&state=test-wiki%2F%3A%23testadminwiki
[23:53:29] <MacFanBot>	 Once that webhook is successfully created, I'll post a message in here. Give me about a minute or so to set it up after you authorize. You can configure the colors that I use to display webhooks with .gh-hook-color