[11:52:51] hi, is there some way to find or indicate notable subclasses or instances of something? Like I would like to easily find alphabet (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q9779) from writing system (https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q8192) [12:00:16] notable by which definition? [12:11:41] phschafft: exactly [12:12:23] I mean my question stands, I would get it if there is no way, it's not easy to be objective about it, but alphabet is a notable subclass of writing systems [12:21:01] I always thought the policy is to only include stuff that is 'notable' to begin with ;) [12:21:40] braxas: my point is: if you can *define* what you want to search for you might be able to write a query for it. [20:25:38] braxas: that sounds like a request to add a property to the relation (subclass being the relation in this case -- but could equally be for various other relations, or perhaps even applicable to the properties of items). I don't know of any feature for that, but I don't have a lot of experience with wikidata [20:27:59] the amount of review effort to maintain notability status seems like it could be a scaling concern, also (so it might need, at least initially, to be constrained to a small number of elements, until proven both feasible editorially and also in terms of value produced) [20:30:26] I mean you can add something to the statements. [20:31:52] but I think the main problem is actually defining 'notable'. and explaining why it is different from then general 'notablity' that is required for items to have to begin with. [20:33:57] as wikipedia decides whether an article is worthy of inclusion based on ... , wikidata decides whether a statement or property is worthy of ... based on ... [20:34:53] answers on a Q192425 [20:39:08] so if at all another notibility would be required then it should maybe just a property that holds the value for that additional definition. [20:39:50] (such a definition might be boolean or define different levels after all.) that would also allow for stuff like reference to be placed in the relevant statement.