[07:28:23] Does blazegraph support efficient range pagination of results. Like if i want to say return results FILTER (?val > ) and then some limit. It seems like range searches are fast on strings, but they don't seem to be working for me on rdf terms [07:29:51] I guess i can do str(?val) but i kind of assume that won't be efficient [07:34:12] (The real problem i want to solve, is i want to skip all the blank nodes for "some values", and i thought a range query would be more efficient than FILTER (!wikibase:someValue) [08:25:21] Hmm. I kind of solved it because blazegraph seems to put all the blank nodes last if i don't put an ORDER BY. So i counted one that started and just added a LIMIT and put that in a subquery. Very hacky, but it seems to work [20:43:02] Niger