[08:25:21] hey folks, today is my last work day before a long PTO. If there is anything you want from me before september, today is the day! [08:31:58] dcaro: if you have a moment, could you please any relevant ceph/switches/network updates to this doc? https://docs.google.com/document/d/1bcx59yXSxBojmYk0c7hhNCBA3cpj_UYPanMMXjznAHc/edit thanks! [08:43:48] ' [08:46:26] sorry, fat finger :) [09:00:43] done [09:09:59] thanks [09:41:28] blancadesal: I'm trying to find if there's a mediawiki vue/css library to use for the sample app [09:41:49] I remember seeing some kind of page with a list of components/resources on it, but I'm not finding it [09:41:55] do you remember anything like that? [09:43:07] dcaro: do you mean https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Codex ? [09:44:18] yes! though not sure how to use that by itself out of mediawiki [09:45:19] I don't know either! we used vuetify/material design for toolhub [09:45:35] I might want to use that too then [09:45:57] as of right now, I just want a reasonable table css xd [09:46:20] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/R5oWqJD5/image.png [09:48:42] dcaro: I've found tailwind css to be quite nice for small side projects https://tailwindcss.com/, probably easier than vuetify [09:50:02] 👀 [09:51:57] that one is not really a set of css styles no? it's more of like a 'shortcut' to writing css? [09:52:48] you are right, this is the components library https://tailwindui.com/ [09:54:28] neat [10:01:45] hmm, is that open? when I click on 'get code' for an example component it sends me to the pricing page :/ [10:02:38] I think that the components might not be open-source [10:02:49] https://tailwindui.com/license [10:04:15] argh, I think there was a free version before [10:04:24] maybe this could be an option? https://www.hyperui.dev/ [10:06:17] nice, those are actually snippets to copy-paste [10:06:21] thanks! [10:06:23] * dcaro lunch [10:06:26] will check it out later [10:32:05] dhinus: https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/cloud-vps/tofu-infra/-/merge_requests/26#note_97801 [10:33:20] arturo: looking [10:33:57] looks good [10:34:40] what credentials does it use to post to gitlab? [10:35:05] an access token [10:35:16] see https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/cloud-vps/tofu-infra/-/settings/access_tokens [10:35:44] I plan to deploy it via puppet to the cloudcumin servers [10:35:50] to a file [10:38:17] sounds good [10:39:44] this is the cookbook change: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/cloud/wmcs-cookbooks/+/1058573 [10:59:57] dhinus: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/operations/puppet/+/1058581 [12:24:36] heads-up: I'm about to deploy the calico upgrade in toolsbeta [12:27:23] 👍 [12:43:30] arturo: not looking good, when running the functional tests some fail similarly to when I was testing in lima-kilo [12:43:41] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/9yptWeB2/ [12:44:30] do you want to take a look at it, or should I revert? [12:46:14] I would like to take a look [12:46:32] 👍 [12:46:34] but also, I'm about to go lunch, then I have meetings, then I'm out for vacations [12:46:43] so maybe it is better to revert for now [12:46:58] 🙃 [12:47:18] ok, i'll poke it a little, then revert [13:02:51] reverted [13:59:50] dhinus: would you like to +1 this one? https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/cloud/wmcs-cookbooks/+/1058573 [14:00:56] arturo: I'll look at it after the meeting [14:01:02] ok