[08:13:44] dhinus: if you're around, could you +1 these quota requests please? https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/2880/ [09:01:35] blancadesal: sorry I was in a meeting [09:01:51] np [09:01:57] looking at it now! [09:03:14] +1d [09:03:33] I wonder if we should track somewhere the quota increases we do for the buster migration [09:03:36] as they can be reverted later [09:04:25] that might be a good idea [12:26:07] Probably we can leave temporary quota request tickets open so they we remember to check in now and then [12:53:22] komla: did you decide to nag for every developer account, not just those with wikitech edits? I'm getting emails for a bunch of service accounts which I doubt have ever touched wikitech [13:03:22] about that, I have a catalyst 'service account' which I'm not clear what to do with. I don't want to connect it to SUL [13:11:04] For the wikitech SUL migration I'm pretty sure only users with edit history need to be migrated... but I might be missing something [13:21:43] I've been getting the migration emails and feeling bad for not doing anything about it xd [14:50:24] Rook: thanks for approving the superset change, are you taking care of the deploy or do you want me to do it? [14:55:18] andrewbogott: No. I pulled only unlinked accounts, which included names like *-dns-manager(with email roots@wmflabs.org) but I've added it to my exception list now. [14:56:58] komla: During the last meeting we were in I thought we decided to only nag unlinked accounts who had edit history -- is there a need to link the others? [15:01:27] * bd808 got about 14 nag emails today :) [15:01:27] andrewbogott: yeah, my understanding was it is subset of the whole list. So the DB query Taavi put together pulled accounts with edits that may or may not have linked their accounts. After some discussions with Bryan, I have since started using ldapsearch which pulls only unlinked accounts. [15:02:00] komla: are you coming to the team meeting? [15:02:03] komla: but that's a much bigger set, right? So we really want the intersection of the two sets? [15:02:07] Also, meeting time :) [15:02:18] joining now... [15:12:41] komla: FWIW, the emails have come through as "Hello ", so it's hard to know what account they're for... [15:14:02] reedy: thanks. I noticed that late. [20:28:21] I feel like I should know this, but my brain is not helping -- Is there a host where I can run Toolforge cookbooks or am I supposed to be setup to do that from my laptop directly? [20:30:16] cloudcumin! that's the place :) [21:02:28] you should be able to do that from your laptop too ;)