[15:11:40] andrewbogott: is the disk space alert on cloudbackup1004 something we should worry about? [15:12:24] there's also a more mysterious alert about "systemd unit rsync_enterprise_htmldumps.service on node clouddumps1001" [15:44:34] the clouddumps1001 service failed with 'file has vanished: "/xmldatadumps/public/other/enterprise_html ...' [15:45:08] I triggered it manually to retry [15:46:16] clouddumps1001 and clouddumps1002 are also due a restart because of T366555 [15:48:32] I know nothing about clouddumps. The cloudbackup issue is resolved with 'sudo backy2 cleanup' <- there's already a daily job to run this but somehow running it by hand is different and I haven't properly investigated [15:48:41] I'll fix the backup server thing [15:48:43] well 'fix' [15:50:09] :) [15:50:30] do you know who knows anything about clouddumps (if anybody)? :P [15:51:46] i happened to see this. try data-platforms-sre on Slack if you're there, and then I can ping xcollazo. i was just about to side channel him to see if he has pointers (i remember some notion of enterprise not needing dumps or something, but not sure), but then see you asked [15:52:11] thanks dr0ptp4kt [15:52:24] dhinus: ^ re: dumps. xcolllazo is kind of the main person most familiar with these systems. b.tullis is on vacation and comes back next week [15:57:15] dr0ptp4kt: I sent a message to data-platforms-sre on Slack [16:24:30] andrewbogott: I will log off shortly but I spotted T371709, not sure if it's up to WMCS or who else [16:24:30] T371709: Account recovery help needed for Developer account tjones - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T371709 [16:25:20] It's not us specifically but it's something I can do. [16:25:34] there's a related thread in Slack (#no-stupid-questions) [16:27:25] yeah, I read it and was waiting for the phab task to appear :) [16:28:02] have a good weekend! [16:31:02] and you!