[09:19:03] * dhinus paged HarborComponentDown [09:20:22] I can't look at this as I'm leaving for the airport [09:21:03] cc Raymond_Ndibe if you're online [09:21:37] otherwise it can probably wait until a.ndrew is online later [09:34:14] harbor came back, the alert is no longer firing [19:08:07] dhinus: I saw your mention late. Yes like you said it came back online. [19:08:49] andrewbogott: are you available to assist with some openstack things? [19:09:59] I was tinkering with object storage for harbor and needed to do some things on openstack: [19:14:53] I mostly need help figuring out authentication and doing other things I don't have access to like creating snapshots and creating new instances with that [19:22:22] Raymond_Ndibe: creating VMs from snapshots doesn't work especially well... what is your overall goal? [19:37:29] Let me send the phab task explaining the steps I'm hoping to take: [19:40:06] andrewbogott: the short explanation is that I'm working on a task about storing harbor data in object storage instead of on the filesystem of the harbor installation vm [19:40:31] that seems good! [19:40:58] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T350687#10088905 [19:41:41] I outlined the things I believe I may need to do to achieve that [19:43:18] the part I'm having issues with is the authentication flow [19:44:58] from my understanding this can be done either using swift or s3 api. I don't have the permission to do any of that on horizon [19:48:30] also since you mentioned that snapshots don't work, I'll also need to create a vm with similar configurations as the existing harbor vms. Not sure I have that permission either [19:49:35] andrewbogott: explicitly pinging just incase you'll miss the above messages if I don't ping [19:49:56] You're doing this in the tools project? [19:50:05] No [19:50:05] You surely have 'member' right there, or at least in toolsbeta? [19:50:11] toolsbeta first [19:50:24] do you not see an 'object store' tab in horizon? [19:50:51] I do. I've already created the harborstorage container [19:51:54] but to auth I'll need to setup extra things like maybe a harbor keystone project right? not exactly sure since this will probably be the first time setting up things like this [19:54:48] you're talking about creds for harbor itself to use? That's probably an app credential https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Help:Using_OpenStack_APIs#Application_Credentials [20:00:15] yes. Thanks Andrew!, let me quickly look at the above page. Another worry is that I may not have certain permissions and by the time I find this out your workday may be over. But let me start first. If I can't reach you again then I'll resume next two weeks. [20:04:07] If you can use that tab you should be able to create new VMs and app creds. [20:04:46] I also kind of hope you can stand up a new harbor VM without copying an existing one since it should be puppetized :) Of course it relies on a trove postgres DB, not sure if you'll want to a make a new one of those or not [21:13:35] setting up a new harbor installation should be easy even without using a snapshot. The idea though is not the replace the current vm. I just need harbor running somewhere that is configured to use object storage to store image data and stuff, instead of the filesystem. With that running I can then configure the current harbor vm to replicate it's data on the new harbor installation. When that is done configure the old [21:13:35] harbor to use the new harborstorage object storage (which should now have all the neccessary data as a result of the replication) [21:14:09] also setting up a new installation helps confirm exactly what configuration is needed to get harbor to work with object storage [21:32:44] Raymond_Ndibe: is that harbor alert something you're doing? [21:36:07] * andrewbogott got a page but doesn't see anything on alertmanager