[08:29:37] dcaro: fyi I have deployed ingress-nginx to tools [08:29:51] (morning!) [08:31:18] \o/ [08:31:19] morning [08:52:50] ci for gitlab seems a bit slow this morning [13:09:37] slyngs: thank you for the email w/oidc instructions. Is there a different file in hiera for cloudtestidm or is that configured a different way? (I'm assuming that cloudtestidm.wikimedia.org is the service that's backed by the codfw1dev ldap) [13:15:59] The IDM isn't what does OIDC, that's IDP (confusing I know) [13:16:58] I don't think we have a cloud IDP, but I'll check [13:17:13] thx [13:18:40] There is something called cloudinfra-idp-1 [13:19:08] The context is... our test/dev horizon (and in theory striker) consume a different ldap db: ldap://cloudservices2004-dev.private.codfw.wikimedia.cloud,ldap://cloudservices2005-dev.private.codfw.wikimedia.cloud [13:19:39] I think we talked about you building a test sso for that but maybe that got lost in the shuffle. [13:20:10] The idp.wmcloud.org is just a "proxy" for idp.wikimedia.org, there's some trust between those two [13:20:38] ah, ok, so that won't help in this case [13:21:20] Yeah, I have a task for doing the idm for cloud dev ldap, but I haven't seen one for idp, I'll just go hunt in Phabricator [13:21:21] what is cloudtestidm.wikimedia.org? [13:22:01] That is half done idm/bitu installation, so that's just managing editing LDAP properties, like the ldapwiki offers [13:22:24] But I need to move that because it's installed in a network that can't reach the dev ldap [13:22:30] I think I must not understand the difference between idp and idm. I thought that idm was the UI (e.g. for account creation) and that idp was the thing you actually log in with. Is that right? [13:22:38] Yes [13:23:08] I guess I can imagine how it's possible to have an idm without an idp :) [13:23:24] The other way around works to [13:24:26] We have had IDP for a long time. It just authenticate users via LDAP and provides applications with a OIDC/OAuth2/CAS/REST endpoint, so that users can do single sign on [13:24:37] yep, makes sense [13:25:14] How big of a project is it to build a new idp with a different ldap backend? If you put it on cloudweb2002 it should be able to access what it needs to access. [13:25:16] * andrewbogott double checks that [13:26:24] It is technically just a .deb package, but there is quite a bit of configuration and secrets to change [13:29:23] * andrewbogott trying to figure out where/how to access that ldap server [13:29:56] Oh, yeah, we need to be able to reach the LDAP server [13:34:59] topranks: how hard is it to allow ldap traffic between cloudweb2002-dev.wikimedia.org and the private codfw1dev network? (e.g. cloudservices2004-dev.private.codfw.wikimedia.cloud) In addition to needing it for idp testing, I also just now found a different UI that broke when we made that private network :) [13:35:32] slyngs: is the idp stuff rolled up into a puppet profile so that it can be added to an existing server with other services? Or does it really need its own host? [13:35:59] I think the short answer is that it's simply not possible [13:36:19] it would mean the "private" / isolated network was not, in fact, private or isolated, and just another part of our network [13:36:27] which would beg the question why have it at all? [13:36:35] fair :) [13:36:48] The profile can just be added to another host, we've just never ran it an "shared" host [13:36:55] on a [13:37:18] the bigger question would then be why the connectivity between them needs to be to the private IP / cloudservices2004-dev.private.codfw.wikimedia.cloud [13:37:41] rather than to / cloudservices2004-dev.codfw.wmnet [13:37:48] oh, good point [13:37:59] the answer to that is: because I'm copy/pasting without thinking [13:38:16] ok yeah, now I know there may be complications there [13:38:26] but I think that's probably the thing we should explore [13:38:39] actually, that seems to route already. So I will see about fixing my config :) [13:39:00] what is the connection? outbound from cloudservices2004-dev to cloudweb2002-dev? or the other way around? [13:39:29] yes routing should be ok. there are access-lists on the core routers between them filtering ports so we may need to adjust something there [13:40:14] outbound from cloudweb2002-dev [13:40:59] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/WVuNOATb/ [13:41:06] seems promising [13:41:22] yep that's working [13:42:07] followup question: how hard is it to make a ganeti server that can do that? [13:42:54] The networks for VMs are the same as those for physical hosts, so shouldn't really be any different... [13:42:58] ok, great. [13:43:20] but I'm not sure I understand the question fully, you mean a new VM? or you're thinking of a new Ganeti/hypervisor cluster somewhere? [13:43:31] Just a new VM. [13:44:25] slyngs: so the first thing to try is getting a new idp running on cloudweb2002-dev and consuming ldaps://cloudservices2004-dev.codfw.wmnet [13:44:27] so yeah a VM can be on the public or private networks in production, and if rules are needed they are needed [13:44:42] If that turns out to be a disaster for some reason then we can see about making a fresh VM to host the service. Sound OK? [13:45:01] if it doesn't need internet access then we should avoid the public vlans [13:45:32] andrewbogott: yeah in principal that sounds ok, let me know how you get on [13:45:41] great, thank you! [13:47:44] slyngs: you should also tell me if at any point I am not making sense! [13:48:31] No no I think you make sense, I'm trying to plan out the hosts names and "stuff" [13:50:45] andrewbogott: Just so that we're in agreement, it's the server with this role: role(wmcs::openstack::codfw1dev::cloudweb) [13:51:37] yep, that's the one! [13:52:56] Nothing in codfw1dev is perfectly designed/isolated because we're trying to cram things together on fewer servers. Should be fine to add another thing there as long as there aren't a ton of puppet resource conflicts. [13:53:06] And if you need to break that server in the process that is also fine [13:53:27] Cool, there's some minor stuff with the SSL termination, but there has to be a way to make it Apache terminated rather than Envoy [13:55:05] I think https://labtesthorizon.wikimedia.org/ on that host is already behind envoy... isn't it? [13:55:09] Oh, nevermind that server already uses envoy [13:55:15] Yes, exactly [13:55:17] yep! [13:55:25] * andrewbogott trying to figure out if the apache there is actually serving anything [13:55:38] The labtechwiki? [13:55:41] oh right, labtestwikitech :( [13:55:51] which, killing that off is one of the prizes at the end of this race [13:57:33] Hmm,... Why didn't I just attempt to install the IDM on the same host.... ANYWAY job for another day [13:58:20] yeah, I guess at this point the idm is lower priority (although we will need a way to create accounts at some point!) [15:57:44] this was unexpected xd [15:57:49] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/cCQXOj45/image.png [15:58:14] you're a micro-celebrity now [16:00:14] but I was looking for answers and help [16:00:57] now I have to ask myself... [16:07:14] blubber is failing to build [16:07:16] for me [16:07:35] I think because python now does not allow by default installyng with pip system-wide, looking [16:08:56] hmm... it seems to be blubber-generated pip install command [16:09:22] ` => ERROR [local-python 3/11] RUN python3 "-m" "pip" "install" "-U" "setuptools!=60.9.0" && python3 "-m" "pip" "install" "-U" "wheel" "tox" "pip"` [16:12:54] let me try with the latest blubber/buildkit [16:13:41] hmm... same thing [16:33:13] aaahhh, the latest is v1.0.1, not v0.17.0 [16:33:55] this https://docker-registry.wikimedia.org/repos/releng/blubber/buildkit/tags/, not https://docker-registry.wikimedia.org/repos/releng/blubber/tags/ [16:34:49] different error now xd [17:21:39] I think I'm going to call it a day, cya! [20:38:15] there were some network issuses that seemed to affect ceph [20:39:03] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/bv68iAMP/image.png [20:40:16] https://usercontent.irccloud-cdn.com/file/CaOlwPHu/image.png [20:40:27] oh, maybe a new node was added and that saturated the switch? [20:40:50] yep !log andrew@cloudcumin1001 admin START - Cookbook wmcs.ceph.osd.bootstrap_and_add :), np, /me back to sleep [21:40:10] sorry d.caro -- I changed the cookbook to only do two nodes at once and it still got very busy