[08:56:30] morning [09:14:30] my laptop crashed :/, back on, but I think the hardware is starting to act out [09:14:59] (getting lots of `BUG: soft lockup - CPU#7 stuck for 112s!`) [11:28:47] * dcaro lunch [13:06:43] topranks: do you have any topics for our network sync today? We have a bunch of conflicting meetings; if you don't have any agenda items I'll kick it to next week as Arturo is out today anyway. [13:07:54] andrewbogott: not particularly, myself and Arzhel were discussing some of the stuff from the ceph doc but a little time might help us too, so postponing is ok I think [13:08:17] are you available same day/time next week? [13:08:39] good for me! [13:09:47] thx, I moved the calendar entry [13:32:15] Raymond_Ndibe: are you around? we can do a meet to get your patches reviewed+tested a bit quicker [19:28:06] hey chuckonwu~ [19:28:08] ! [19:28:35] All the europeans have gone to dinner so this chat is pretty quiet now but this is where our team talks the most. [19:28:52] Our users generally show up in #wikimedia-cloud [19:29:22] Hi andrewbogott [19:31:33] welcome to our IRC home chuckonwu :) [19:33:51] Hi bd808, this is my first time using IRC so I'm learning the ropes as quickly as I can [19:34:20] So far so good! [19:34:34] IRC is how I keep the 1990's alive :) [19:36:13] chuckonwu: if you close your browser window your name on the right will change from black to gray, when you come back irccloud will dump whatever discussion you missed back into your browser and beep at you if anyone mentioned you while you were away. [19:36:32] (that's why you have an irccloud account, it maintains the virtual presence when your browser isn't connected) [19:37:38] If you look at the top of the window there's a topic line that includes a link to an etherpad -- that's where we keep the running agenda for our weekly meeting, which will happen tomorrow. [19:37:50] Do you have a calendar invite for that meeting? [19:39:29] I don't have the invite myself but I can see it on Arturo's calendar which I've synced with my calendar. I will need an invite [19:40:29] welcome! [19:40:30] andrewbogott: you should be able to add chuckonwu to the gcal meeting invite I think [19:43:33] chuckonwu: I think I added you to the weekly calendar and also to our 3-times-a-week checkin. I'm pretty sure that neither of those meetings will mess with your sleep schedule but please don't show up to a meeting in the middle of your night just because someone accidentally invited you to a meeting [19:45:59] Thanks andrewbogott, I have the meetings now [19:46:15] Cool. I'm going to disappear for another half hour (more of the phone call I was on before) but when I'm back I'm going to ask you if there's anything else I can help with before my day ends for real :) [20:24:04] ok I'm back! chuckonwu are you still happily moving through your onboarding checklist are there things I can help with? [20:25:18] No issues, still going down the checklist andrewbogott [20:25:42] great! Then I will see you at the meeting tomorrow. [20:25:54] welcome, again!