[08:55:49] * arturo online [09:10:49] morning! [09:11:50] o/ [09:13:22] welcome back :) [09:24:58] thanks! [09:28:35] hmm... a curl to tools.wmflabs.org takes ~8s from my machine, but 0.05 from itself, something in between is slowing it down [09:37:58] hmm, same from within cloudvps (tools-proxy-8), so it's not my network [09:38:22] the VM or the redirect setup is somehow overloaded [09:38:40] the vm seems idle [09:38:44] (idleish) [09:39:11] oh, ok [09:39:37] <20%cpu, <500M ram (out of 4G) [09:57:34] what's the path for the traffic between two vms? (tools-proxy-8 -> tools-legacy-redirector-2) [09:58:30] I don't think tools-proxy-8 is in the path for tools.wmflabs.org but I could be wrong [09:59:03] I mean because I did a curl from there [09:59:12] and it was still slow [09:59:40] (from tools-proxy-8 to tools-legacy-redirector-2) [10:00:15] tools.wmflabs.org goes to which is a floating IP attached to tools-legacy-redirector-2 [10:00:32] wait, it's ssl [10:00:46] from localhost, trying to do https is as slow [10:01:01] hmm, is entropy still a thing? [10:01:59] one potential improvement would be to get rid of the HTTP->HTTPS upgrade, and resolve to toolforge.org directly, thus removing one hit in the box [10:02:04] so, from [10:02:40] current http://tools.wmflabs.org/sometool -> https://tools.wmflabs.org/sometool -> https://sometool.toolforge.org [10:02:59] to http://tools.wmflabs.org/sometool -> https://sometool.toolforge.org [10:03:20] that should help some I guess, not sure the % of traffic that comes from http [10:03:45] last time I checked, it was significant http traffic [10:04:45] it's actually most of it yep [10:05:23] that means each hit is actually 2 hits in the box [10:16:44] I think not all get redirected though [11:52:21] * dcaro lunch [16:24:06] andrewbogott: there was a legit alert about this today https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Portal:Cloud_VPS/Admin/Users_not_in_bastion_project the fix was well documented, and the root cause too (my human mistake) so we are all good [16:45:04] * arturo offline [16:45:28] might be something to automate (iirc there's a cookbook to add a user to a project already) [16:46:26] yeah, but I did it manually, which is known to be a cause of failure :-( [20:44:18] It ought to happen automatically, keystone should prevent there from ever being a non-bastion user in another project. So there's probably something in the keystone logs.