[08:00:19] Cteam: welcome to today 🦄! Don’t forget to post your update in thread. [08:00:19] Feel free to include: [08:00:19] 1. 🕫 Anything you'd like to share about your work [08:00:19] 2. ☏ Anything you'd like to get help with [08:00:19] 3. ⚠ Anything you're currently blocked on [08:00:19] (this message is from a toolforge job under the admin project) [10:19:28] Done: [10:19:28] * [ceph] checked that the replacement drives in cloudcephosd1021/22/23 are working as expected [10:19:28] * [tiger] added some extra budget guesses to the A and C scenarios https://docs.google.com/document/d/1baCTctgzfmPnY9YCG2tUIMJnC2HAtUnqqCKNorzxutE/edit?tab=t.0 [10:19:28] * [toolforge] merged a bunch of the first-of-the-month dep update MRs [10:19:28] Doing: [10:19:29] * [toolforge] continue with the first-of-the-month dep update MRs [10:19:29] * [components-api] working on getting the status of the deployment persisted [10:19:29] * [ceph] do some numbers for DELL's proposal of replacing the servers with 3 big ones [10:19:30] * [volume-admission] deploy the hostPath restriction changes [10:19:30] * [maintain-harbor] Have to do another round of tests/reviews for open MRs [10:19:31] Blockers: [10:19:31] * [coobkooks, toolforge.comoponent.deploy] sent a patch to fail the cookbook run if the tests fail: https://gerrit.wikimedia.org/r/c/cloud/wmcs-cookbooks/+/1124377 [10:55:13] Done: [10:55:13] * Tuned up wmcs-create-image, got it working smoothly and built new bullseye and bookworm base images [10:55:13] Doing: [10:55:13] * Out sick :( [12:30:17] Done: [12:30:19] * T383723 clouddumps1001, rechecked the temperature graphs after the server move [12:30:21] Working on: [12:30:23] * T362868 [toolforge] upgrade k8s to 1.29 [12:30:25] ** testing this MR in lima-kilo https://gitlab.wikimedia.org/repos/cloud/toolforge/toolforge-deploy/-/merge_requests/681 [12:30:27] Help appreciated: [12:30:29] * comments/feedback on https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Sh-VC5lAL0FZvvP7eGs6UGjLk-yMZ3oiTDd9nv8J7PE/edit?tab=t.0