[11:46:41] !log jeanfred@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.heritage Deploy 4ed5e87, 59fbee8, 2a905c0, 6e0373f, 73f7fa6, 172df40, 4fd2acc, de95fcc, 6559353, b7c6cff, 9f15d20, 72f96a8, b126e2b, 7171470, a944bf6, 70bce45, 41c79d7 [11:46:44] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.heritage/SAL [13:10:27] !log jeanfred@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.heritage Delete all venvs (including backups) [13:10:30] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.heritage/SAL [13:11:10] !log jeanfred@tools-sgebastion-10 tools.heritage Recreate Python virtual environment with toolforge jobs run bootstrap-venv --command "cd $PWD && ./bin/build-python.sh" --image python3.7 --wait [13:11:12] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.heritage/SAL [14:58:56] @lucaswerkmeister: Thanks for helping with that yifeibot restart. We seem to be in a lull of active commons tool maintainers which is unfortunate. [15:00:19] :/ [15:08:49] !log wikilabels deleting project in response to a direct email from Tobias. papertrail on https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T367562 [15:08:53] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Wikilabels/SAL [16:29:55] Hi guys, I had a wikimedia developper account but I cant underestand whatshappend with it, maybe because my username change? I'm Wilfredor but I was "The Photographer" [16:39:24] Hi. Are tool logs from a webservice public to see? I'm particularly looking for https://toolsadmin.wikimedia.org/tools/id/flickr2commons [16:40:35] @Wilfredo Rafael: Developer accounts are separate from SUL accounts and also seldom renamed. https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:The_Photographer is your Wikitech account that is backed by your Developer account. If you put "The Photographer" into https://contact.toolforge.org/ it will remind you of other accounts and memberships related to your account. [16:45:16] DaxServer: The source for that app is at https://bitbucket.org/magnusmanske/flickr2commons/src/master/. I believe it has been largely replaced by https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Flickypedia [16:45:50] DaxServer: oh, you are looking for error logs? Those should not be available to anyone other than the tool's maintainers. [16:47:57] Yes, the error logs. The tool has been down for a week or so and I put up a mirror at https://flickr2commons-ng.toolforge.org/ for the time being as the tool is being used by the community. I wanted to see if something went wrong in the original tool. [16:51:48] DaxServer: error logs can contain secrets so they are not shared publicly. My broad understanding is that https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons:Flickypedia should be replacing the older tool that Magnus wrote in part because Magnus is no longer actively maintaining flickr2commons. [16:55:16] I think Flickypedia is a very good successor. I'm thinking of forking it and replacing the F2C-ng with the fork, so that some community wishes could be achieved, in case Flickr doesn't want to accommodate these requests. https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Commons_talk:Flickr2Commons#Tool_down,_use_this_copy [16:56:42] bd808 defo agree that Magnus' took has reached the EOL. I think redirecting efforts into Flickypedia would be a good approach forward so as to not waste precious time into developing something from scratch [16:57:29] It would be nice if Magnus shut down hiw abandoned tools instead of letting them slowly rot forever. [16:57:42] bd808 As such, do you know if toolforge offers a "beta" hosting of a webservice? I was not able to find anything on Wikitech or `toolforge webservices` cmd help [16:58:42] DaxServer: what are you hoping for in a "beta" hosting? One common pattern is to have 2 tools named things like "foo" and "foo-dev" or "foo-test". [16:59:39] There is no formal infrastructure for a test/beta/staging deployment. That is in your hands a tool maintainer [17:00:52] I just wanted to host the Flickypedia fork / other tools' dev versions before making them "prod". I thought of the foo-dev or test but wondered if there's already a staging env. Thanks anyway! [17:56:32] If you work on the next generation of flickr2commons you might be interested in the ongoing work about perceptual hashes. The huge amount of duplicate uploads is an important problem of flickr2commons. See https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T362352 [18:49:20] Maybe replace it with link to k8s-status like https://k8s-status.toolforge.org/namespaces/tool-yifeibot/ ? (re @lucaswerkmeister: /me tried to remove the “grid jobs” bit from the toolforge bot template shown on the bot’s user page but now needs a translation...) [18:50:32] I could swear that was already in there [18:50:37] and I can still see it in the template source [18:50:44] but it doesn’t show up on https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:YiFeiBot anymore for some reason o_O [18:51:07] wait, nevermind. wrong bot [18:51:12] it does show up on https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:FlickreviewR_2 [18:51:29] (“kubernetes status”) [18:57:11] Right, missed that with all the translate junk. Isn't the warning "Administrators: If this bot needs to be blocked due to a malfunction, please remember to disable autoblocks so that other Toolforge bots are not affected." not needed anymore? Pretty sure Toolforge range is on some sort of whitelist to prevent autoblocks? (re @lucaswerkmeister: (“kubernetes [18:57:11] status”)) [18:58:51] no idea, and I can’t find such a setting on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Autoblock [18:58:59] https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/MediaWiki:Block-autoblock-exemptionlist (re @lucaswerkmeister: no idea, and I can’t find such a setting on https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Autoblock) [18:59:14] Found it, it got renamed in the whole white/blacklist renaming thing [19:27:39] @MaartenDammers: You probably aren't responsible for fixing that page, but FYI that for Toolforge isn't how the wikis would actually see bot activity. The wikis would see the 172.16.x.x address of the Kubernetes worker node. I just verified that by looking at the CU data for https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/User:ScheduleDeploymentBot. [19:30:42] It varied over time so we have both the public and private blocks in there including (re @wmtelegram_bot: @MaartenDammers: You probably aren't responsible for fixing that page, but FYI that for Toolforge isn't ...) [19:30:55] If we ever manage to get ipv6 up and running, we need to update it