[09:14:12] !log tools migrating pipelineruns stored versions to v1 (T376710) [09:14:17] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools/SAL [09:14:17] T376710: [builds-builder,builds-api] After the upgrade build actions take >10s - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T376710 [11:58:00] 👋 heya, puppet has been failing for roughly a month on one of our cloud vps hosts: k3s.catalyst.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud [11:58:06] ERR: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Request to [...] failed after 0.012 seconds: SSL_read: sslv3 alert certificate unknown [11:58:06] Wrapped exception: [11:58:06] SSL_read: sslv3 alert certificate unknown [11:58:06] WARNING: Not using cache on failed catalog [11:58:07] ERR: Could not retrieve catalog; skipping run [11:58:26] it reproduces when running the agent manually on the machine. Seems something happened to the agent certificate? [11:58:55] wondering if a kind soul here could help with this [12:23:59] jnuche: let me try refreshing the cert [12:44:36] dcaro: any luck? [12:45:34] not really, it still fails, looking [12:45:48] not sure where it's getting the certificate it uses :/ [12:46:13] does it have any special ssl config of any kind? [12:47:32] none that I know of [12:47:35] it should be all defaults [12:48:22] I did notice the failures started after we did some maintenance on the instance back in Sept [12:48:33] the machine was put in rescue mode for a bit [13:05:10] jnuche: done [13:05:25] jnuche: I manually deleted the old certs and just ran puppet and it was able to refresh correctl [13:05:28] *correctly [13:06:34] dcaro: awesome, thanks so much! [13:06:51] sounds like you did all of that on the instance itself? no need to touch the puppet master? [13:34:09] yep correct :) [13:47:21] thx again! [14:11:31] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.sal webservice restart # responded with 404 Not Found from fourohfour tool o_O [14:11:33] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.sal/SAL