[01:27:22] hey bd808, I'm experiencing hanging jobs in toolforge again. This time I am able to prove it's not my tool's fault! I created a job `job-test` (tool `chie-bot`) with the following config: image: bookworm, command: ./job-test, that is scheduled every 5 minutes. `/job-test` consists of a single line: `date`, i.e. just outputs the current date and [01:27:23] terminates. it's been working fine but finally hanged now have been running for 1d7h51m. please investigate? [01:32:14] Leloiandudu: file a bug please. I’m off doing non-work things for my evening. Ideally someone who is still on the WMCS team can look into it during their work day tomorrow. [01:32:33] oh sorry, forgot about time zones. thanks a lot! [01:42:45] done, thanks: T379132 [01:42:45] T379132: Jobs hang on toolforge - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T379132 [15:01:46] one of my cron jobs usually get stuch at some point and does nothing for hours and hours. Is there any way to enforece a maximum runtime for it to stop after this threshold value (say 2 hours)? [15:59:07] @Yetkin: T377782 is a task asking for a timeout feature on jobs. Today the workaround we can recommend is using the unix `timeout` command to wrap your job process with something like `--command 'timeout 2h entry=point-to-your-job-here'`. [15:59:08] T377782: Add --timeout to toolforge jobs - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T377782 [16:00:14] That "entry=point-to-your-job-here" bit is just keyboard mashing for whatever your job's entry point was before adding `timeout` as the launcher for it. [16:03:30] note that if the issue is NFS related, it might not be able to notice though :/, real fix is on the works [16:04:03] (the `timeout` wrapper command might not be able to notice/kill the wrapped process I mean) [16:09:44] Hello, the Wikimedia REST API seems to not be working on the ptwikiversity (e.g. "https://pt.wikiversity.org/api/rest_v1/page/pdf/Wikidata_IOLab" is returning error 500), is something down? [16:16:52] ederporto: the api itself seems to be working, but that URL is failing [16:19:34] the cause is probably T376438 [16:19:35] T376438: Download to PDF: HTTP 500 error on some wikis for some users - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T376438 [16:29:34] Thank you for sharing that, I'll keep an eye for it. Is not just me, I received the complaint and was not able to download the pdf either, for any page in Wikiversity [16:44:34] Hey! We have a user in our office hours who is asking if they can get metrics on the usage of their tools on toolforge. Do we have something in place? [16:45:06] https://toolviews.toolforge.org/ [16:45:15] it's not pretty, but the data is there [16:45:46] thanks! [18:59:56] It gives the error [18:59:57] timeout: failed to run command ‘entry=php ybot/arsiv.php’: No such file or directory (re @wmtelegram_bot: That "entry=point-to-your-job-here" bit is just keyboard mashing for whatever your job's entry point was before adding `...) [21:17:25] @Yetkin: Try removing "entry=" from the command you are using. That was part of me just making a placeholder value, but confusingly my fingers added a "=" instead of a "-". [22:20:16] !issync [22:20:16] Syncing #wikimedia-cloud (requested by bd808) [22:20:18] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud Majavah -AFRVefiorstv [22:20:21] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud balloons -ARefiorstv [22:20:22] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud wmopbot -Ae [22:20:24] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud quiddity -efrs [22:20:26] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud dcaro +FR [22:20:28] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud ircservserv-wm +V [22:20:30] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud Raymond_Ndibe -es [22:20:32] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud dhinus -es [22:20:34] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud arturo -es [22:20:36] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud Az1568 -Afiortv [22:20:38] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud bstorm -Aeiorstv [22:20:40] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud rook -es+f [22:20:42] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud komla +Afiortv [22:20:44] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud JJMC89 +Aiotv [22:20:46] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud TheresNoTime -es [22:20:48] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud taavi +Afiortv [22:20:50] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud *!*@libera/staff/* -Aeirstv [22:20:52] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud blancadesal -es [22:20:54] Set /cs flags #wikimedia-cloud legoktm -ers [22:20:56] Set /mode #wikimedia-cloud +b $j:#wikimedia-bans [22:57:44] !issync [22:57:45] Syncing #wikimedia-cloud (requested by bd808) [22:57:47] Set /mode #wikimedia-cloud +b $j:#wikimedia-bans