[09:46:15] lucaswerkmeister: Thanks. I've tried to use sparql to get the path, but the best I can seem to do is get the unordered categories with their depths. [09:56:51] a930913: ymmv, but I had some good results with https://spinach.genie.stanford.edu/ to craft SPARQL queries [11:26:08] dhinus: Thanks. Pretty cool, but it can't handle the recursive nature of the query; instead it tries to unroll it itself, only going down one layer. [11:28:51] heh, was worth a try :/ [12:37:35] Woo, I got a hybrid python batching SQL script approach working - running really quickly. In just over a second it can path from Containers to Shipping: [12:37:39] Shipping >contains> Maritime_transport >contains> Maritime_culture >contains> Culture_of_Oceania >contains> Languages_of_Oceania >contains> Languages_of_Australia >contains> English_language >contains> English-language_culture >contains> English-language_literature >contains> Victorian_literature >contains> Victorian_writers >contains> Karl_Marx >contains> Marxism >contains> Marxian_economics [12:37:45] >contains> Imperialism_studies >contains> Economic_globalization >contains> Economic_liberalism >contains> Capitalism >contains> Capital_(economics) >contains> Capital_management >contains> Working_capital_management >contains> Supply_chain_management >contains> Freight_transport >contains> Packaging >contains> Containers [12:38:45] A prize for whoever thought that path would contain Karl Marx! [14:25:20] Woo, the tool works! Please test it for fun and lmk what I need to fix. https://categorypath.toolforge.org/ [18:58:22] If I update the hiera config on Horizon, is the correct way to apply it immediately `sudo puppet apply`? [18:58:34] (on the instance) [18:59:14] kindrobot: sudo puppet agent -tv [18:59:30] apply would be to apply a local .pp file or so [18:59:48] since you have a client/server setup, you just want to run "agent" which will talk to the master [19:00:12] and yea, that should then change what the Hiera change affected [20:55:57] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.quickcategories deployed 7dc5c6777e (add database index) [20:55:59] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.quickcategories/SAL