[18:34:13] tools-static.wmflabs.org is 504ing [18:40:35] andrewbogott: ^ I think something may be hammering tools NFS [18:41:50] hmmm.. load on tools-nfs-2.tools.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud is nominal [18:45:42] iotop shows intermittent spikes although not more than it should be able to handle... [18:50:46] I thought I had an "ah ha!" with the gob of "(101: Network is unreachable)" errors in the nginx log on tools-static-15, but then I remembered that is the Nginx IPv6 address resolution bug (the host is IPv4 only, but nginx still does an AAAA lookup for the upstream proxy) [18:52:52] Looks like tools-static-15 can see NFS just fine... [18:52:56] so is it just that the service died? [18:53:13] * andrewbogott tempted to reboot [18:53:44] load is only 2... maybe jsut restart nginx? [18:54:20] done [18:54:46] access.log looks busy and happy [18:55:19] error.log is full of complaints about not reaching proxy-03.project-proxy.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud [18:55:55] "[2607:f8b0:4004:c09::5f]:443" is the unreachable thing in those log lines [18:56:09] Oh right, that was the red herring you mentioned [18:56:10] let me find the phab task (its upstream mess) [18:56:18] OK, so... is the service actually back? [18:56:23] and I'm chasing shadows? [18:56:56] yeah, I think it is working as expected now. https://tools-static.wmflabs.org/jenkins-build-stats/2025/01/2025-01-29/30-day/ [18:57:10] cool [18:57:51] T212871 is the IPv6 bug [18:57:52] T212871: tools-static tries to use ipv6 when proxying to downstream hosts - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T212871 [19:18:03] Can confirm [19:18:09] It's working now [20:55:36] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.wd-image-positions deployed 223cf553fb (l10n updates: ar) [20:55:38] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.wd-image-positions/SAL [20:55:55] o_O first time I see “completed” as a pod status in kubectl get pods [20:56:46] hm, in the describe output it says State: Terminated and below that (indented) Reason: Completed [20:56:53] did we do a k8s upgrade recently 🤔 [23:51:47] lucaswerkmeister: not that recently, we're due for another upgrade