[00:59:44] Hello all. Thank you for your service to wm c. I'm new here, but a longtime user of cloud tool petscan. I am here because it has been down. I see other discussion on this issue but having trouble determining what it means for me. [01:00:33] What makes my situation notable is that I am teaching a coding lesson at UC Davis right now, to 100 students, that uses petscan behind the scenes. [01:01:57] I tested the assignment a couple weeks ago but it is suddenly failing for students and I'm not sure what to do.  Can I trouble anyone to recommend an alterantive host for this tool?  Before basing my assignment on [01:01:57] https://petscan.wmflabs.org/ [01:01:58] it was based on [01:01:58] http://tools.wmflabs.org/catscan2/catscan2.php [01:02:01] Thank you for your guidance [01:03:40] Besides the change of backend about 4 years ago, the assignment has worked without a hitch for 6-7 years. Laudable stability; enough to make me take it for granted.  If there is a simple place to go to get caught up on how things got where they are, I'll be happy to go my own legwork.  But guidance about getting my students going before their [01:03:41] deadline in 36 hours would be a tremendous help. [01:49:25] enfascination: I can’t find instructions on how start petscan anywhere. Your best hope may be to get Magnus’ attention somehow. https://wikis.world/@magnusmanske https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Magnus_Manske [03:41:30] https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Petscan#Starting_the_service [03:42:06] because running widely-used services from a screen is the greatest of ideas [08:12:07] Bryan, thank you. I found Magnus's contributions to a recently closed version of this issue to indicate that it seems to be recurring: [08:12:07] https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T384642 [16:38:01] !log tools rebooting tools-db-4 just in case that helps with the recurring DB crashes [16:38:04] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools/SAL