[11:41:05] Hi all! Where can I access data related to Toolforge users? I am specifically looking for user name, the date of the account creation, and connected Wikimedia account. This data is needed to recruit participants for a user research. [11:58:04] KCVelaga_WMF: maybe https://openstack-browser.toolforge.org/project/tools in the Viewers section [11:59:02] the listing doesn't seem to contain start date thoug [12:02:47] arturo thanks for sharing that. That list works. If there is a creation date, then great, but it is optional. [16:20:12] arturo: the data KCVelaga_WMF is looking for is in the LDAP directory. I told them a bit more on slack. [16:34:54] 👍 I knew about LDAP, but I wanted to share a web link. Is the LDAP info exposed somewhere else? [16:36:29] https://ldap.toolforge.org [16:41:02] that's handy! [16:46:26] yeah but that doesn't seem to contain info about tool accounts? [16:51:41] not in the public list, but you can show data for any account if you know the shell username [16:53:48] https://ldap.toolforge.org/user/anticomposite for example [20:30:07] !log lucaswerkmeister@tools-bastion-13 tools.ranker deployed 49f1c8b721 (l10n updaets: qqq) [20:30:09] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.ranker/SAL [20:34:34] updaets [20:37:09] one msut deploy the qqq updaets [20:37:34] I was tempted to just pull the updates without restarting and logging, because it’s only qqq anyway [20:37:37] clearly I should’ve done that ^^