[00:20:30] Thanks, bd808, I had also found download.kiwix.org with the exact same files and problem... so I was wondering who is/was in charge of this, if it can be handled in a Phabricator task, if there are known causes for the stop... [00:21:34] (Anyway, it's not a sudden curiosity of mine, but a question that someone made at #wikipedia-es) [00:24:17] And... I see andrewbogott and others as members of mwoffliner, but I don't know if he has or they have more information... [01:30:00] jem: a.ndrewbogott is only in that project as a side effect of our old project creation processes. The folks doing the work there are kiwix staff (or volunteers?) [01:31:36] I don't know how to poke Kiwix other than the things on https://kiwix.org/en/how-to-report-a-bug/ [01:34:12] jem: https://github.com/openzim/zim-requests/issues/1122#issuecomment-2611894502 may be relevant [09:18:31] Thanks, bd808, so it seems a known situation which could end in a few months... I'm informing the person who asked at #wikipedia-es [10:39:51] !log lucaswerkmeister-wmde@tools-bastion-13 tools.phpunit-results-cache deployed bdd02773ce (add health check) [10:39:54] Logged the message at https://wikitech.wikimedia.org/wiki/Nova_Resource:Tools.phpunit-results-cache/SAL [13:05:06] * andrewbogott removes his ancient membership from many many projects [13:05:16] thx bd808 [15:41:25] https://outreachdashboard.wmflabs.org is frequently unavailable since this morning... problems with [15:41:25] proxy-03.project-proxy.eqiad1.wikimedia.cloud [15:41:27] This is very annoying for participants of edit-a-thons, and their facilitators. [16:17:53] Gerrtivp, can you tell me more about why you think it's the proxy and not the back-end host? [16:18:50] *Geertivp [16:26:37] musikanimal, are you involved with 'globaleducation'? That's the source of the issue ^^ [16:29:12] Geertivp, I suggest opening a phabricator ticket and tagging the globaleducation project. Let me know if you need assistance with that. [16:38:42] andrewbogott, @Geertivp: Sage Ross is the tech lead on that project. https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Programs_%26_Events_Dashboard https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/project/board/1052/ [16:39:02] T385477 was recent flapping. [16:39:03] T385477: outreachdashboard is down 2025-02-03 - https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T385477 [16:39:13] https://toolsadmin.wikimedia.org [16:39:13] Get a response: [16:39:15] `A server error occurred. Please contact the administrator.` [16:39:55] works for me @GergesShamon. Do you have request id that I can lookup in logging? [16:41:49] The problem did not appear again, I think it was a temporary problem. (re @wmtelegram_bot: works for me @GergesShamon. Do you have request id that I can lookup in logging?)